function tearDown() { foreach (StudipFormat::getStudipMarkups() as $key => $value) { StudipFormat::removeStudipMarkup($key); } foreach ($this->old_rules as $key => $value) { StudipFormat::addStudipMarkup($key, @$value['start'], @$value['end'], @$value['callback']); } }
/** * Extracts urls and their according open graph infos from a given string * * @param String $string Text to extract urls and open graph infos from * @return OpenGraphURLCollection containing the extracted urls */ public static function extract($string) { $collection = new OpenGraphURLCollection(); if (Config::get()->OPENGRAPH_ENABLE) { $regexp = StudipFormat::getStudipMarkups()['links']['start']; $matched = preg_match_all('/' . $regexp . '/ms', $string, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $match) { $url = $match[2]; if (!$url) { continue; } if (!isLinkIntern($url)) { $og_url = OpenGraphURL::fromURL($url); if ($og_url && !$collection->find($og_url->id)) { $og_url->store(); $collection[] = $og_url; } } } } return $collection; }