コード例 #1
  * @param array $process_data
  * @param $blog_id
  * @param $domain
  * @return bool
 public static function process_checkout_form($process_data = array(), $blog_id, $domain)
     global $psts, $current_user, $current_site;
     $site_name = $current_site->site_name;
     $img_base = $psts->plugin_url . 'images/';
     $session_keys = array('new_blog_details', 'upgraded_blog_details', 'COUPON_CODE', 'activation_key');
     foreach ($session_keys as $key) {
         $process_data[$key] = isset($process_data[$key]) ? $process_data[$key] : ProSites_Helper_Session::session($key);
     if (!empty($domain)) {
         $site_name = !empty($_POST['blogname']) ? $_POST['blogname'] : !empty($_POST['signup_email']) ? $_POST['signup_email'] : '';
     //Process Checkout
     if (isset($_POST['cc_stripe_checkout']) && 1 == (int) $_POST['cc_stripe_checkout']) {
         //check for level, if empty don't go ahead and return
         if (empty($_POST['level']) || empty($_POST['period'])) {
             $psts->errors->add('general', __('Please choose your desired level and payment plan.', 'psts'));
             return false;
         } else {
             if (!isset($_POST['stripeToken']) && empty($_POST['wp_password'])) {
                 $psts->errors->add('general', __('There was an error processing your Credit Card with Stripe. Please try again.', 'psts'));
         // TAX Object
         $tax_object = ProSites_Helper_Session::session('tax_object');
         if (empty($tax_object) || empty($tax_object->evidence)) {
             $tax_object = ProSites_Helper_Tax::get_tax_object();
             ProSites_Helper_Session::session('tax_object', $tax_object);
         $evidence_string = ProSites_Helper_Tax::get_evidence_string($tax_object);
         $error = '';
         $success = '';
         $plan = self::get_plan_id($_POST['level'], $_POST['period']);
         $customer_id = '';
         $current_plan_level = 0;
         $activation_key = isset($_POST['activation']) ? $_POST['activation'] : '';
         $email = !empty($_POST['user_email']) ? $_POST['user_email'] : (!empty($_POST['signup_email']) ? $_POST['signup_email'] : (!empty($_POST['blog_email']) ? $_POST['blog_email'] : ''));
         $blog_id = !empty($blog_id) ? $blog_id : isset($_REQUEST['bid']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['bid'] : 0;
         //If there is a blog id, fetch existing customer details (Upgrade)
         if (!empty($blog_id)) {
             $customer_id = self::get_customer_data($blog_id)->customer_id;
             $email = isset($current_user->user_email) ? $current_user->user_email : get_blog_option($blog_id, 'admin_email');
             //Get current plan for the user
             if ($current_plan = self::get_current_plan($blog_id)) {
                 list($current_plan_level, $current_plan_period) = explode('_', $current_plan);
         } else {
             //New Signup
             if (empty($email) && isset($process_data['new_blog_details']) && isset($process_data['new_blog_details']['user_email'])) {
                 $email = $process_data['new_blog_details']['user_email'];
             $customer_id = self::get_customer_data(false, false, $email)->customer_id;
         if (!self::plan_exists($plan)) {
             $psts->errors->add('general', sprintf(__('Stripe plan %1$s does not exist.', 'psts'), $plan));
         //Create s Stripe profile for the customer with all the available details,
         //If customer already exists, retrieve customer from stripe
         try {
             if (!$customer_id) {
                 try {
                     $customer_args = array('email' => $email, 'description' => sprintf(__('%s user', 'psts'), $site_name), 'card' => $_POST['stripeToken'], 'metadata' => array('domain' => $domain));
                     $user = get_user_by('email', $email);
                     if ($user) {
                         $blog_string = '';
                         $customer_args['metadata']['user'] = $user->user_login;
                         $customer_args['description'] = sprintf(__('%s user - %s ', 'psts'), $site_name, $user->first_name . ' ' . $user->last_name);
                         $user_blogs = get_blogs_of_user($user->ID);
                         foreach ($user_blogs as $user_blog) {
                             $blog_string .= $user_blog->blogname . ', ';
                         $customer_args['metadata']['blogs'] = $blog_string;
                     if (!$domain) {
                     $c = Stripe_Customer::create($customer_args);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     $psts->errors->add('general', __('The Stripe customer could not be created. Please try again.', 'psts'));
                 //Update the stripe customer id, this is temporary, will be overridden by subscription or charge id
                 self::set_customer_data($blog_id, $c->id, 'ak_' . $activation_key);
                 $customer_id = $c->id;
                 $new = true;
             } else {
                 // Get a customer if they exist
                 try {
                     $c = Stripe_Customer::retrieve($customer_id);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     $psts->errors->add('general', __('The Stripe customer could not be retrieved. Please try again.', 'psts'));
                 $c->description = sprintf(__('%s user', 'psts'), $site_name);
                 $c->email = $email;
                 $user = get_user_by('email', $email);
                 if ($user) {
                     $blog_string = '';
                     $c->metadata->user = $user->user_login;
                     $c->description = sprintf(__('%s user - %s ', 'psts'), $site_name, $user->first_name . ' ' . $user->last_name);
                     $user_blogs = get_blogs_of_user($user->ID);
                     foreach ($user_blogs as $user_blog) {
                         $blog_string .= $user_blog->blogname . ', ';
                     $c->metadata->blogs = $blog_string;
                 $new = false;
                 //validate wp password (if applicable)
                 if (!empty($_POST['wp_password']) && !wp_check_password($_POST['wp_password'], $current_user->data->user_pass, $current_user->ID)) {
                     $psts->errors->add('general', __('The password you entered is incorrect.', 'psts'));
             //prepare vars
             $currency = self::currency();
             $amount_off = false;
             $paymentAmount = $initAmount = $psts->get_level_setting($_POST['level'], 'price_' . $_POST['period']);
             $trial_days = $psts->get_setting('trial_days', 0);
             $cp_code = false;
             $setup_fee = (double) $psts->get_setting('setup_fee', 0);
             $has_coupon = isset($process_data['COUPON_CODE']) && ProSites_Helper_Coupons::check_coupon($process_data['COUPON_CODE'], $blog_id, $_POST['level'], $_POST['period'], $domain) ? true : false;
             $has_setup_fee = $psts->has_setup_fee($blog_id, $_POST['level']);
             $recurring = $psts->get_setting('recurring_subscriptions', 1);
             if ($has_setup_fee) {
                 $initAmount = $setup_fee + $paymentAmount;
             if ($has_coupon || $has_setup_fee) {
                 $lifetime = 'once';
                 if ($has_coupon) {
                     //apply coupon
                     $adjusted_values = ProSites_Helper_Coupons::get_adjusted_level_amounts($process_data['COUPON_CODE']);
                     $coupon_obj = ProSites_Helper_Coupons::get_coupon($process_data['COUPON_CODE']);
                     $lifetime = isset($coupon_obj['lifetime']) && 'indefinite' == $coupon_obj['lifetime'] ? 'forever' : 'once';
                     //	$coupon_value = $psts->coupon_value( $process_data['COUPON_CODE'], $paymentAmount );
                     $coupon_value = $adjusted_values[$_POST['level']]['price_' . $_POST['period']];
                     // $amount_off   = $paymentAmount - $coupon_value['new_total'];
                     $amount_off = $paymentAmount - $coupon_value;
                     $initAmount -= $amount_off;
                     $initAmount = 0 > $initAmount ? 0 : $initAmount;
                     // avoid negative
                     $cpn = false;
                     //Create a stripe coupon if it doesn't exists already
                     try {
                         $cpn = Stripe_Coupon::create(array('amount_off' => $amount_off * 100, 'duration' => $lifetime, 'currency' => $currency, 'max_redemptions' => 1));
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
                         $psts->errors->add('general', __('Temporary Stripe coupon could not be generated correctly. Please try again.', 'psts'));
                     $cp_code = $cpn->id;
                 //Check if it's a recurring subscription
                 if ($recurring) {
                     $recurringAmmount = 'forever' == $lifetime && $has_coupon ? $coupon_value : $paymentAmount;
                     if ($_POST['period'] == 1) {
                         $desc = $site_name . ' ' . $psts->get_level_setting($_POST['level'], 'name') . ': ' . sprintf(__('%1$s for the first month, then %2$s each month', 'psts'), $psts->format_currency($currency, $initAmount), $psts->format_currency($currency, $recurringAmmount));
                     } else {
                         $desc = $site_name . ' ' . $psts->get_level_setting($_POST['level'], 'name') . ': ' . sprintf(__('%1$s for the first %2$s month period, then %3$s every %4$s months', 'psts'), $psts->format_currency($currency, $initAmount), $_POST['period'], $psts->format_currency($currency, $recurringAmmount), $_POST['period']);
                 } else {
                     if (!empty($blog_id)) {
                         $initAmount = $psts->calc_upgrade_cost($blog_id, $_POST['level'], $_POST['period'], $initAmount);
                     if ($_POST['period'] == 1) {
                         $desc = $site_name . ' ' . $psts->get_level_setting($_POST['level'], 'name') . ': ' . sprintf(__('%1$s for 1 month', 'psts'), $psts->format_currency($currency, $initAmount));
                     } else {
                         $desc = $site_name . ' ' . $psts->get_level_setting($_POST['level'], 'name') . ': ' . sprintf(__('%1$s for %2$s months', 'psts'), $psts->format_currency($currency, $initAmount), $_POST['period']);
             } elseif ($recurring) {
                 if ($_POST['period'] == 1) {
                     $desc = $site_name . ' ' . $psts->get_level_setting($_POST['level'], 'name') . ': ' . sprintf(__('%1$s %2$s each month', 'psts'), $psts->format_currency($currency, $paymentAmount), $currency);
                 } else {
                     $desc = $site_name . ' ' . $psts->get_level_setting($_POST['level'], 'name') . ': ' . sprintf(__('%1$s %2$s every %3$s months', 'psts'), $psts->format_currency($currency, $paymentAmount), $currency, $_POST['period']);
             } else {
                 //New Signups
                 if (!empty($blog_id)) {
                     $paymentAmount = $psts->calc_upgrade_cost($blog_id, $_POST['level'], $_POST['period'], $paymentAmount);
                 if ($_POST['period'] == 1) {
                     $desc = $site_name . ' ' . $psts->get_level_setting($_POST['level'], 'name') . ': ' . sprintf(__('%1$s for 1 month', 'psts'), $psts->format_currency($currency, $paymentAmount));
                 } else {
                     $desc = $site_name . ' ' . $psts->get_level_setting($_POST['level'], 'name') . ': ' . sprintf(__('%1$s for %2$s months', 'psts'), $psts->format_currency($currency, $paymentAmount), $_POST['period']);
             // Override the Stripe description
             $desc = apply_filters('psts_stripe_checkout_desc', $desc, $_POST['period'], $_POST['level'], $paymentAmount, $initAmount, $blog_id, $domain);
             // Time to process invoices with Stripe
             if ($recurring) {
                 // Recurring subscription
                 // Assign plan to customer
                 $args = array("plan" => $plan, "prorate" => true);
                 // Apply tax?
                 if ($tax_object->apply_tax) {
                     $args['tax_percent'] = $tax_object->tax_rate * 100;
                 // If there is a coupon, add its reference
                 if ($cp_code) {
                     $args["coupon"] = $cp_code;
                 // If this is a trial before the subscription starts
                 if ($psts->is_trial_allowed($blog_id)) {
                     if (isset($process_data['new_blog_details']) || !$psts->is_existing($blog_id)) {
                         //customer is new - add trial days
                         $args['trial_end'] = strtotime('+ ' . $trial_days . ' days');
                     } elseif (is_pro_trial($blog_id) && $psts->get_expire($blog_id) > time()) {
                         //customer's trial is still valid - carry over existing expiration date
                         $args['trial_end'] = $psts->get_expire($blog_id);
                 // Meta data for `pay before blog` creation
                 $args['metadata'] = array('domain' => !empty($domain) ? $domain : '', 'period' => $_POST['period'], 'level' => $_POST['level']);
                 if ($tax_object->apply_tax) {
                     $args['metadata']['tax_evidence'] = $evidence_string;
                 if (!$domain) {
                 // new blog
                 if (isset($_POST['activation'])) {
                     $args['metadata']['activation'] = $_POST['activation'];
                 // Create Stripe Invoice for the setup fee
                 if ($has_setup_fee) {
                     try {
                         $customer_args = array('customer' => $customer_id, 'amount' => $setup_fee * 100, 'currency' => $currency, 'description' => __('One-time setup fee', 'psts'), 'metadata' => array('domain' => !empty($domain) ? $domain : '', 'period' => $_POST['period'], 'level' => $_POST['level'], 'setup_fee' => 'yes'));
                         if ($tax_object->apply_tax) {
                             $customer_args['metadata']['tax_evidence'] = $evidence_string;
                         if (!$domain) {
                         // new blog
                         if (isset($_POST['activation'])) {
                             $customer_args['metadata']['activation'] = $_POST['activation'];
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
                         wp_mail(get_blog_option($blog_id, 'admin_email'), __('Error charging setup fee. Attention required!', 'psts'), sprintf(__('An error occurred while charging a setup fee of %1$s to Stripe customer %2$s. You will need to manually process this amount.', 'psts'), $psts->format_currency($currency, $setup_fee), $customer_id));
                 // Create/update subscription
                 try {
                     $result = false;
                     $sub = false;
                     // Brand new blog...
                     if (empty($blog_id)) {
                         $result = $c->subscriptions->create($args);
                     } else {
                         $customer_data = self::get_customer_data($blog_id);
                         try {
                             $sub = $c->subscriptions->retrieve($customer_data->subscription_id);
                             $sub_id = $sub->id;
                             $prev_plan = $sub->plan->id;
                             $sub->plan = isset($args['plan']) ? $args['plan'] : $sub->plan;
                             $changed_plan = $sub->plan;
                             $sub->prorate = isset($args['prorate']) ? $args['prorate'] : $sub->prorate;
                             if (isset($args['coupon'])) {
                                 $sub->coupon = $args['coupon'];
                             if (isset($args['trial_end'])) {
                                 $sub->trial_end = $args['trial_end'];
                             $sub->metadata->period = $args['metadata']['period'];
                             $sub->metadata->level = $args['metadata']['level'];
                             if (isset($args['metadata']['activation'])) {
                                 $sub->metadata->activation = $args['metadata']['activation'];
                             } else {
                                 $activation_key = ProSites_Helper_ProSite::get_activation_key($blog_id);
                                 if (!empty($activation_key)) {
                                     $sub->metadata->activation = $activation_key;
                             $sub->metadata->blog_id = $blog_id;
                             if (isset($args['metadata']['domain'])) {
                                 $sub->metadata->domain = $args['metadata']['domain'];
                             // Apply tax?
                             if ($tax_object->apply_tax) {
                                 $sub->tax_percent = $tax_object->tax_rate * 100;
                                 $sub->metadata->tax_evidence = $evidence_string;
                             // As per Stripe API, to charge immediately, apply an invoice now
                             if ($prev_plan != $changed_plan) {
                                 $customer_args = array('customer' => $customer_id, 'subscription' => $sub_id, 'metadata' => array('plan_change' => 'yes'));
                                 $invoice = Stripe_Invoice::create($customer_args);
                                 $invoice = $invoice->pay();
                                 $plan_parts = explode('_', $changed_plan);
                                 $new_period = array_pop($plan_parts);
                                 $new_level = array_pop($plan_parts);
                                 $plan_parts = explode('_', $prev_plan);
                                 $prev_period = array_pop($plan_parts);
                                 $prev_level = array_pop($plan_parts);
                                 $updated = array('render' => true, 'blog_id' => $blog_id, 'level' => $new_level, 'period' => $new_period, 'prev_level' => $prev_level, 'prev_period' => $prev_period);
                                 ProSites_Helper_Session::session('plan_updated', $updated);
                         } catch (Exception $e) {
                             // Fall through...
                         // Additional blog
                         if (empty($sub)) {
                             $args['metadata']['blog_id'] = $blog_id;
                             if (!isset($args['metadata']['activation'])) {
                                 $activation_key = ProSites_Helper_ProSite::get_activation_key($blog_id);
                                 if (!empty($activation_key)) {
                                     $args['metadata']['activation'] = $activation_key;
                             $result = $c->subscriptions->create($args);
                         // This one is now deprecated
                         // $result = $c->updateSubscription( $args );
                     // Capture success as soon as we can!
                     if (!empty($result)) {
                         $sub_id = $result->id;
                         $plan = $result->plan;
                         $plan_parts = explode('_', $plan->id);
                         $period = array_pop($plan_parts);
                         $level = array_pop($plan_parts);
                         $trial = isset($plan->status) && 'trialing' == $plan->status ? true : false;
                         $expire = $trial ? $plan->trial_end : $result->current_period_end;
                         $result = ProSites_Helper_Registration::activate_blog($activation_key, $trial, $period, $level, $expire);
                         $blog_id = $result['blog_id'];
                         if (isset($process_data['new_blog_details'])) {
                             ProSites_Helper_Session::session(array('new_blog_details', 'blog_id'), $blog_id);
                             ProSites_Helper_Session::session(array('new_blog_details', 'payment_success'), true);
                         } else {
                             ProSites_Helper_Session::session('upgrade_blog_details', array());
                             ProSites_Helper_Session::session(array('upgrade_blog_details', 'blog_id'), $blog_id);
                             ProSites_Helper_Session::session(array('upgrade_blog_details', 'level'), $level);
                             ProSites_Helper_Session::session(array('upgrade_blog_details', 'period'), $period);
                             ProSites_Helper_Session::session(array('upgrade_blog_details', 'payment_success'), true);
                         self::set_customer_data($blog_id, $customer_id, $sub_id);
                     if ($current_plan = self::get_current_plan($blog_id)) {
                         list($current_plan_level, $current_plan_period) = explode('_', $current_plan);
                     //Extend the Blog Subscription
                     $old_expire = $psts->get_expire($blog_id);
                     $new_expire = $old_expire && $old_expire > time() ? $old_expire : false;
                     $psts->extend($blog_id, $_POST['period'], self::get_slug(), $_POST['level'], $initAmount, $new_expire, false);
                     //$psts->email_notification( $blog_id, 'receipt' );
                     if (isset($current_plan_level)) {
                         if ($current_plan_level > $_POST['level']) {
                             $psts->record_stat($blog_id, 'upgrade');
                         } else {
                             $psts->record_stat($blog_id, 'modify');
                     } else {
                         $psts->record_stat($blog_id, 'signup');
                     // Update the sub with the new blog id (old subscriptions will update later).
                     if (!empty($blog_id)) {
                         $sub = $c->subscriptions->retrieve($sub_id);
                         $sub->metadata->blog_id = $blog_id;
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     $body = $e->getJsonBody();
                     $error = $body['error'];
                     $psts->errors->add('general', $error['message']);
             } else {
                 // Not a subscription, this is a one of payment, charged for 1 term
                 try {
                     if (!empty($blog_id)) {
                         $initAmount = $psts->calc_upgrade_cost($blog_id, $_POST['level'], $_POST['period'], $initAmount);
                         //If activation key is empty
                         $activation_key = !empty($activation_key) ? $activation_key : ProSites_Helper_ProSite::get_activation_key($blog_id);
                     if ($tax_object->apply_tax) {
                         $amount = $initAmount + $initAmount * $tax_object->tax_rate;
                         $desc += sprintf(__('(includes tax of %s%% [%s])', 'psts'), $tax_object->tax_rate * 100, $tax_object->country);
                     } else {
                         $amount = $initAmount;
                     $customer_args = array('customer' => $customer_id, 'amount' => $amount * 100, 'currency' => $currency, 'description' => $desc, 'metadata' => array('domain' => !empty($domain) ? $domain : '', 'period' => $_POST['period'], 'level' => $_POST['level']));
                     if ($tax_object->apply_tax) {
                         $customer_args['metadata']['tax_evidence'] = $evidence_string;
                     if (!$domain) {
                     // new blog
                     if (isset($_POST['activation'])) {
                         $customer_args['metadata']['activation'] = $_POST['activation'];
                      * 1 off charge of not trialing, but if trialing, just send a zero-dollar invoice
                     if (empty($trial_days) || 0 == $customer_args['amount']) {
                         $result = Stripe_Charge::create($customer_args);
                     } else {
                         $result = Stripe_InvoiceItem::create($customer_args);
                     // Capture success as soon as we can!
                     if ($result) {
                         $period = (int) $_POST['period'];
                         $level = (int) $_POST['level'];
                         $signup_details = ProSites_Helper_Registration::activate_blog($activation_key, false, $period, $level);
                         $blog_id = $signup_details['blog_id'];
                         if (isset($process_data['new_blog_details'])) {
                             ProSites_Helper_Session::session(array('new_blog_details', 'blog_id'), $blog_id);
                             ProSites_Helper_Session::session(array('new_blog_details', 'payment_success'), true);
                         self::set_customer_data($blog_id, $customer_id, $result->id);
                     if ($current_plan = self::get_current_plan($blog_id)) {
                         list($current_plan_level, $current_plan_period) = explode('_', $current_plan);
                     $old_expire = $psts->get_expire($blog_id);
                     $new_expire = $old_expire && $old_expire > time() ? $old_expire : false;
                     $psts->extend($blog_id, $_POST['period'], self::get_slug(), $_POST['level'], $initAmount, $new_expire, false);
                     //$psts->email_notification( $blog_id, 'receipt' );
                     if (isset($current_plan_level)) {
                         if ($current_plan_level > $_POST['level']) {
                             $psts->record_stat($blog_id, 'upgrade');
                         } else {
                             $psts->record_stat($blog_id, 'modify');
                     } else {
                         $psts->record_stat($blog_id, 'signup');
                 } catch (Stripe_CardError $e) {
                     $body = $e->getJsonBody();
                     $err = $body['error'];
                     $psts->errors->add('general', $e['message']);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     $psts->errors->add('general', __('An unknown error occurred while processing your payment. Please try again.', 'psts'));
             //delete the temporary coupon code
             if ($cp_code) {
                 try {
                     $cpn = Stripe_Coupon::retrieve($cp_code);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     wp_mail(get_blog_option($blog_id, 'admin_email'), __('Error deleting temporary Stripe coupon code. Attention required!.', 'psts'), sprintf(__('An error occurred when attempting to delete temporary Stripe coupon code %1$s. You will need to manually delete this coupon via your Stripe account.', 'psts'), $cp_code));
                 $psts->use_coupon($process_data['COUPON_CODE'], $blog_id, $domain);
             if ($new || $psts->is_blog_canceled($blog_id)) {
                 // Added for affiliate system link
                 if ($recurring) {
                     $psts->log_action($blog_id, sprintf(__('User creating new subscription via CC: Subscription created (%1$s) - Customer ID: %2$s', 'psts'), $desc, $customer_id), $domain);
                 } else {
                     $psts->log_action($blog_id, sprintf(__('User completed new payment via CC: Site created/extended (%1$s) - Customer ID: %2$s', 'psts'), $desc, $customer_id), $domain);
                 do_action('supporter_payment_processed', $blog_id, $paymentAmount, $_POST['period'], $_POST['level']);
             } else {
                 $psts->log_action($blog_id, sprintf(__('User modifying subscription via CC: Plan changed to (%1$s) - %2$s', 'psts'), $desc, $customer_id), $domain);
             //display GA ecommerce in footer
             $psts->create_ga_ecommerce($blog_id, $_POST['period'], $initAmount, $_POST['level'], $site_name, $domain);
             if (!empty($blog_id)) {
                 update_blog_option($blog_id, 'psts_stripe_canceled', 0);
                 /* 	some times there is a lag receiving webhooks from Stripe. we want to be able to check for that
                 				and display an appropriate message to the customer (e.g. there are changes pending to your account) */
                 update_blog_option($blog_id, 'psts_stripe_waiting', 1);
             } else {
                 if (isset($process_data['activation_key'])) {
                     //Update signup meta
                     $key = $process_data['activation_key'];
                     $signup_meta = '';
                     $signup_meta = $psts->get_signup_meta($key);
                     $signup_meta['psts_stripe_canceled'] = 0;
                     $signup_meta['psts_stripe_waiting'] = 1;
                     $psts->update_signup_meta($signup_meta, $key);
             update_blog_option($blog_id, 'psts_stripe_waiting', 1);
             if (empty(self::$complete_message)) {
                 // Message is redundant now, but still used as a flag.
                 self::$complete_message = __('Your payment was successfully recorded! You should be receiving an email receipt shortly.', 'psts');
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $psts->errors->add('general', $e->getMessage());
コード例 #2
 public function updatePlan(User $user, Plan $plan, $coupon_id = null)
     $customer_id = $user->getProfile() ? $user->getProfile()->getCustomerId() : null;
     $new_plan_id = $plan->getId();
     if ($customer_id) {
         $customer = \Stripe_Customer::retrieve($customer_id);
         if ($coupon_id && $this->getCuponById($coupon_id)) {
             $customer->coupon = $coupon_id;
         if ($new_plan_id !== 1) {
             $currentSubscription = $this->getCurrentSubscription($user, $customer);
             $subscription = $customer->subscriptions->retrieve($currentSubscription['id']);
             $subscription->plan = $new_plan_id;
             $proration_date = new \DateTime();
             $subscription->proration_date = $proration_date->getTimestamp();
             $subscription->tax_percent = 7;
             $current_plan_id = $user->getCurrentPlan()->getPlan()->getId();
             if ($current_plan_id != 1) {
                 $invoice = \Stripe_Invoice::create(array("customer" => $customer_id, "subscription" => $subscription['id']));
                 $result = $invoice->pay();
                 if ($result->paid != true) {
                     $invoice->closed = true;
                     $customer->updateSubscription(array('plan' => $current_plan_id, 'prorate' => false, 'application_fee_percent' => 4, 'tax_percent' => 7));
     } else {
         //Inscribir al Usuario en el Plan Free por primera vez
         $customer = \Stripe_Customer::create(array("plan" => $new_plan_id, "email" => $user->getEmail()));
         $customer_id = $customer->id;
     //Update Current Plan
     if (is_array($customer->subscriptions->data)) {
         foreach ($customer->subscriptions->data as $data) {
             if ($data->status == 'active') {
                 $dateStart = $data->current_period_start;
                 $dateEnd = $data->current_period_end;
     } else {
         $dateStart = $customer->subscriptions->data->current_period_start;
         $dateEnd = $customer->subscriptions->data->current_period_end;
     $dateTimeStart = new \DateTime();
     $dateTimeEnd = new \DateTime();
     $userPlan = new UserPlan($user, $plan);
     return $plan;
コード例 #3
 public function buySubscription($userDetail, $token, $plan, $userEmail)
     try {
         $secret_key = config_item('stripe_secret');
         $description = sprintf("One year subscription fee for %s", $plan);
         $customerOption = array("card" => $token, "email" => $userEmail);
         $customer = Stripe_Customer::create($customerOption);
         //            echo "Customer Information: <br>";
         //            $this->util->echoObject($customer);
         $subscriptionOption = array("plan" => $plan);
         $subscriptionInfo = $customer->subscriptions->create($subscriptionOption);
         //            echo "Customer Information: <br>";
         //            $this->util->echoObject($subscriptionInfo);
         $stripeCustomerID = $customer->id;
         $amount = $subscriptionInfo->plan->amount;
         $currency = $subscriptionInfo->plan->currency;
         $discount = 0;
         $invoice_item = Stripe_InvoiceItem::create(array('customer' => $stripeCustomerID, 'amount' => $amount, 'currency' => $currency, 'description' => $description));
         //            echo "Invoice Item: <br>";
         //            $this->util->echoObject($invoice_item);
         $invoice = Stripe_Invoice::create(array('customer' => $stripeCustomerID));
         //            echo "Invoice: <br>";
         //            $this->util->echoObject($invoice);
         if (!$invoice->paid) {
             return false;
         $this->updateUserProfile($userDetail->ID, $stripeCustomerID, $plan, $subscriptionInfo->current_period_start, $subscriptionInfo->current_period_end, $amount, $currency, $discount, $subscriptionInfo->name, $subscriptionInfo->id);
         $order_no = $invoice->id;
         if ($order_no) {
             $pdf_html = $this->util->makeInvoicePDFContent($userDetail, $subscriptionInfo, $invoice, $order_no, $customer->sources->data[0]->last4, $discount);
             $pdf_content = $this->dompdf_lib->convert_html_to_pdf($pdf_html, $order_no, false);
             $file_name = $this->util->getEncryptedFileName($order_no);
             $this->util->uploadFileToServer($file_name, $pdf_content);
             /* Send invoice in mail */
             $ci = get_instance();
             $ci->email->from(config_item('support_email'), 'Taxideals support service');
             $list = array($userEmail);
             $this->email->reply_to($userEmail, '');
             $ci->email->subject('New invoice email');
             $ci->email->attach($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . 'dev/invoices/' . $file_name . '.pdf');
             $msg = "Dear customer,<br/><br/>";
             $msg = $msg . "We are contacting you in regard to a new invoice that has been created on your account. You may find the invoice attached.<br/>";
             $msg = $msg . "If you have questions, we're happy to help. ";
             $msg = $msg . "Please conntact us via email: <a href=\"mailto:support@taxideals.com.au\">Taxideals Support</a>.<br/>";
             $msg = $msg . "<br/>Regards,<br/>The Taxideals team";
         return $order_no;
     } catch (Stripe_CardError $e) {
         return false;
     } catch (Stripe_InvalidRequestError $e) {
         return false;
     } catch (Stripe_AuthenticationError $e) {
         return false;
     } catch (Stripe_ApiConnectionError $e) {
         return false;
     } catch (Stripe_Error $e) {
         return false;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;
     } catch (ErrorException $e) {
         return false;
コード例 #4
 * Process stripe checkout submission
 * @access      public
 * @since       1.0
 * @return      void
function edds_process_stripe_payment($purchase_data)
    global $edd_options;
    if (!class_exists('Stripe')) {
        require_once EDDS_PLUGIN_DIR . '/Stripe/Stripe.php';
    if (edd_is_test_mode()) {
        $secret_key = trim($edd_options['test_secret_key']);
    } else {
        $secret_key = trim($edd_options['live_secret_key']);
    $purchase_summary = edd_get_purchase_summary($purchase_data, false);
    // make sure we don't have any left over errors present
    if (!isset($_POST['edd_stripe_token'])) {
        // check for fallback mode
        if (isset($edd_options['stripe_js_fallback'])) {
            if (!isset($_POST['card_name']) || strlen(trim($_POST['card_name'])) == 0) {
                edd_set_error('no_card_name', __('Please enter a name for the credit card.', 'edds'));
            if (!isset($_POST['card_number']) || strlen(trim($_POST['card_number'])) == 0) {
                edd_set_error('no_card_number', __('Please enter a credit card number.', 'edds'));
            if (!isset($_POST['card_cvc']) || strlen(trim($_POST['card_cvc'])) == 0) {
                edd_set_error('no_card_cvc', __('Please enter a CVC/CVV for the credit card.', 'edds'));
            if (!isset($_POST['card_exp_month']) || strlen(trim($_POST['card_exp_month'])) == 0) {
                edd_set_error('no_card_exp_month', __('Please enter a expiration month.', 'edds'));
            if (!isset($_POST['card_exp_year']) || strlen(trim($_POST['card_exp_year'])) == 0) {
                edd_set_error('no_card_exp_year', __('Please enter a expiration year.', 'edds'));
            $card_data = array('number' => $purchase_data['card_info']['card_number'], 'name' => $purchase_data['card_info']['card_name'], 'exp_month' => $purchase_data['card_info']['card_exp_month'], 'exp_year' => $purchase_data['card_info']['card_exp_year'], 'cvc' => $purchase_data['card_info']['card_cvc'], 'address_line1' => $purchase_data['card_info']['card_address'], 'address_line2' => $purchase_data['card_info']['card_address_2'], 'address_city' => $purchase_data['card_info']['card_city'], 'address_zip' => $purchase_data['card_info']['card_zip'], 'address_state' => $purchase_data['card_info']['card_state'], 'address_country' => $purchase_data['card_info']['card_country']);
        } else {
            // no Stripe token
            edd_set_error('no_token', __('Missing Stripe token. Please contact support.', 'edds'));
            edd_record_gateway_error(__('Missing Stripe Token', 'edds'), __('A Stripe token failed to be generated. Please check Stripe logs for more information', ' edds'));
    } else {
        $card_data = $_POST['edd_stripe_token'];
    $errors = edd_get_errors();
    if (!$errors) {
        try {
            // setup the payment details
            $payment_data = array('price' => $purchase_data['price'], 'date' => $purchase_data['date'], 'user_email' => $purchase_data['user_email'], 'purchase_key' => $purchase_data['purchase_key'], 'currency' => edd_get_currency(), 'downloads' => $purchase_data['downloads'], 'cart_details' => $purchase_data['cart_details'], 'user_info' => $purchase_data['user_info'], 'status' => 'pending', 'gateway' => 'stripe');
            $customer_exists = false;
            if (is_user_logged_in()) {
                $user = get_user_by('email', $purchase_data['user_email']);
                if ($user) {
                    $customer_id = get_user_meta($user->ID, edd_stripe_get_customer_key(), true);
                    if ($customer_id) {
                        $customer_exists = true;
                        try {
                            // Update the customer to ensure their card data is up to date
                            $cu = Stripe_Customer::retrieve($customer_id);
                            if (isset($cu->deleted) && $cu->deleted) {
                                // This customer was deleted
                                $customer_exists = false;
                            } else {
                                $cu->card = $card_data;
                            // No customer found
                        } catch (Exception $e) {
                            $customer_exists = false;
            if (!$customer_exists) {
                // Create a customer first so we can retrieve them later for future payments
                $customer = Stripe_Customer::create(array('description' => $purchase_data['user_email'], 'email' => $purchase_data['user_email'], 'card' => $card_data));
                $customer_id = is_array($customer) ? $customer['id'] : $customer->id;
                if (is_user_logged_in()) {
                    update_user_meta($user->ID, edd_stripe_get_customer_key(), $customer_id);
            if (edds_is_recurring_purchase($purchase_data) && (!empty($customer) || $customer_exists)) {
                // Process a recurring subscription purchase
                $cu = Stripe_Customer::retrieve($customer_id);
                 * Taxes, fees, and discounts have to be handled differently
                 * with recurring subscriptions, so each is added as an
                 * invoice item and then charged as one time items
                $invoice_items = array();
                $needs_invoiced = false;
                if ($purchase_data['tax'] > 0 && !edd_prices_include_tax()) {
                    if (edds_is_zero_decimal_currency()) {
                        $tax = $purchase_data['tax'];
                    } else {
                        $tax = $purchase_data['tax'] * 100;
                    $invoice = Stripe_InvoiceItem::create(array('customer' => $customer_id, 'amount' => $tax, 'currency' => edd_get_currency(), 'description' => sprintf(__('Sales tax for order %s', 'edds'), $purchase_data['purchase_key'])));
                    if (!empty($invoice->id)) {
                        $invoice_items[] = $invoice->id;
                    $needs_invoiced = true;
                if (!empty($purchase_data['fees'])) {
                    foreach ($purchase_data['fees'] as $fee) {
                        if (edds_is_zero_decimal_currency()) {
                            $fee_amount = $fee['amount'];
                        } else {
                            $fee_amount = $fee['amount'] * 100;
                        $invoice = Stripe_InvoiceItem::create(array('customer' => $customer_id, 'amount' => $fee_amount, 'currency' => edd_get_currency(), 'description' => $fee['label']));
                        if (!empty($invoice->id)) {
                            $invoice_items[] = $invoice->id;
                    $needs_invoiced = true;
                if ($purchase_data['discount'] > 0) {
                    if (edds_is_zero_decimal_currency()) {
                        $discount_amount = $purchase_data['discount'];
                    } else {
                        $discount_amount = $purchase_data['discount'] * 100;
                    $invoice = Stripe_InvoiceItem::create(array('customer' => $customer_id, 'amount' => $discount_amount * -1, 'currency' => edd_get_currency(), 'description' => $purchase_data['user_info']['discount']));
                    if (!empty($invoice->id)) {
                        $invoice_items[] = $invoice->id;
                    $needs_invoiced = true;
                try {
                    $plan_id = edds_get_plan_id($purchase_data);
                    // record the pending payment
                    $payment = edd_insert_payment($payment_data);
                    set_transient('_edd_recurring_payment_' . $payment, '1', DAY_IN_SECONDS);
                    // Store the parent payment ID in the user meta
                    EDD_Recurring_Customer::set_customer_payment_id($user->ID, $payment);
                    // Update the customer's subscription in Stripe
                    $customer_response = $cu->updateSubscription(array('plan' => $plan_id));
                    // Set user as subscriber
                    // store the customer recurring ID
                    EDD_Recurring_Customer::set_customer_id($user->ID, $customer_id);
                    // Set the customer status
                    EDD_Recurring_Customer::set_customer_status($user->ID, 'active');
                    // Calculate the customer's new expiration date
                    $new_expiration = EDD_Recurring_Customer::calc_user_expiration($user->ID, $payment);
                    // Set the customer's new expiration date
                    EDD_Recurring_Customer::set_customer_expiration($user->ID, $new_expiration);
                } catch (Stripe_CardError $e) {
                    $body = $e->getJsonBody();
                    $err = $body['error'];
                    if (isset($err['message'])) {
                        edd_set_error('payment_error', $err['message']);
                    } else {
                        edd_set_error('payment_error', __('There was an error processing your payment, please ensure you have entered your card number correctly.', 'edds'));
                    edd_record_gateway_error(__('Stripe Error', 'edds'), sprintf(__('There was an error while processing a Stripe payment. Payment data: %s', ' edds'), json_encode($err)), 0);
                } catch (Stripe_ApiConnectionError $e) {
                    $body = $e->getJsonBody();
                    $err = $body['error'];
                    edd_set_error('payment_error', __('There was an error processing your payment (Stripe\'s API is down), please try again', 'edds'));
                    edd_record_gateway_error(__('Stripe Error', 'edds'), sprintf(__('There was an error processing your payment (Stripe\'s API was down). Error: %s', 'edds'), json_encode($err['message'])), 0);
                } catch (Stripe_InvalidRequestError $e) {
                    $body = $e->getJsonBody();
                    $err = $body['error'];
                    // Bad Request of some sort. Maybe Christoff was here ;)
                    if (isset($err['message'])) {
                        edd_set_error('request_error', $err['message']);
                    } else {
                        edd_set_error('request_error', sprintf(__('The Stripe API request was invalid, please try again. Error: %s', 'edds'), json_encode($err['message'])));
                } catch (Stripe_ApiError $e) {
                    $body = $e->getJsonBody();
                    $err = $body['error'];
                    if (isset($err['message'])) {
                        edd_set_error('request_error', $err['message']);
                    } else {
                        edd_set_error('request_error', __('The Stripe API request was invalid, please try again', 'edds'));
                    edd_record_gateway_error(__('Stripe Error', 'edds'), sprintf(__('There was an error with Stripe\'s API: ', 'edds'), json_encode($err['message'])), 0);
                } catch (Stripe_AuthenticationError $e) {
                    $body = $e->getJsonBody();
                    $err = $body['error'];
                    // Authentication error. Stripe keys in settings are bad.
                    if (isset($err['message'])) {
                        edd_set_error('request_error', $err['message']);
                    } else {
                        edd_set_error('api_error', __('The API keys entered in settings are incorrect', 'edds'));
                } catch (Stripe_Error $e) {
                    $body = $e->getJsonBody();
                    $err = $body['error'];
                    // generic stripe error
                    if (isset($err['message'])) {
                        edd_set_error('request_error', $err['message']);
                    } else {
                        edd_set_error('api_error', __('Something went wrong.', 'edds'));
                } catch (Exception $e) {
                    // some sort of other error
                    $body = $e->getJsonBody();
                    $err = $body['error'];
                    if (isset($err['message'])) {
                        edd_set_error('request_error', $err['message']);
                    } else {
                        edd_set_error('api_error', __('Something went wrong.', 'edds'));
                if (!empty($err)) {
                    // Delete any invoice items we created for fees, taxes, and other
                    foreach ($invoice_items as $invoice) {
                        $ii = Stripe_InvoiceItem::retrieve($invoice);
            } elseif (!empty($customer) || $customer_exists) {
                // Process a normal one-time charge purchase
                if (!isset($edd_options['stripe_preapprove_only'])) {
                    if (edds_is_zero_decimal_currency()) {
                        $amount = $purchase_data['price'];
                    } else {
                        $amount = $purchase_data['price'] * 100;
                    $charge = Stripe_Charge::create(array("amount" => $amount, "currency" => edd_get_currency(), "customer" => $customer_id, "description" => html_entity_decode($purchase_summary, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), 'statement_description' => substr($purchase_summary, 0, 15), 'metadata' => array('email' => $purchase_data['user_info']['email'])));
                // record the pending payment
                $payment = edd_insert_payment($payment_data);
            } else {
                edd_record_gateway_error(__('Customer Creation Failed', 'edds'), sprintf(__('Customer creation failed while processing a payment. Payment Data: %s', ' edds'), json_encode($payment_data)), $payment);
            if ($payment && (!empty($customer_id) || !empty($charge))) {
                if (!empty($needs_invoiced)) {
                    try {
                        // Create the invoice containing taxes / discounts / fees
                        $invoice = Stripe_Invoice::create(array('customer' => $customer_id));
                        $invoice = $invoice->pay();
                    } catch (Exception $e) {
                        // If there is nothing to pay, it just means the invoice item was taken care of with the subscription payment
                if (isset($edd_options['stripe_preapprove_only'])) {
                    edd_update_payment_status($payment, 'preapproval');
                    add_post_meta($payment, '_edds_stripe_customer_id', $customer_id);
                } else {
                    edd_update_payment_status($payment, 'publish');
                // You should be using Stripe's API here to retrieve the invoice then confirming it's been paid
                if (!empty($charge)) {
                    edd_insert_payment_note($payment, 'Stripe Charge ID: ' . $charge->id);
                    if (function_exists('edd_set_payment_transaction_id')) {
                        edd_set_payment_transaction_id($payment, $charge->id);
                } elseif (!empty($customer_id)) {
                    edd_insert_payment_note($payment, 'Stripe Customer ID: ' . $customer_id);
            } else {
                edd_set_error('payment_not_recorded', __('Your payment could not be recorded, please contact the site administrator.', 'edds'));
                // if errors are present, send the user back to the purchase page so they can be corrected
        } catch (Stripe_CardError $e) {
            $body = $e->getJsonBody();
            $err = $body['error'];
            if (isset($err['message'])) {
                edd_set_error('payment_error', $err['message']);
            } else {
                edd_set_error('payment_error', __('There was an error processing your payment, please ensure you have entered your card number correctly.', 'edds'));
            edd_record_gateway_error(__('Stripe Error', 'edds'), sprintf(__('There was an error while processing a Stripe payment. Payment data: %s', ' edds'), json_encode($err)), 0);
        } catch (Stripe_ApiConnectionError $e) {
            $body = $e->getJsonBody();
            $err = $body['error'];
            edd_set_error('payment_error', __('There was an error processing your payment (Stripe\'s API is down), please try again', 'edds'));
            edd_record_gateway_error(__('Stripe Error', 'edds'), sprintf(__('There was an error processing your payment (Stripe\'s API was down). Error: %s', 'edds'), json_encode($err['message'])), 0);
        } catch (Stripe_InvalidRequestError $e) {
            $body = $e->getJsonBody();
            $err = $body['error'];
            // Bad Request of some sort. Maybe Christoff was here ;)
            if (isset($err['message'])) {
                edd_set_error('request_error', $err['message']);
            } else {
                edd_set_error('request_error', __('The Stripe API request was invalid, please try again', 'edds'));
        } catch (Stripe_ApiError $e) {
            $body = $e->getJsonBody();
            $err = $body['error'];
            if (isset($err['message'])) {
                edd_set_error('request_error', $err['message']);
            } else {
                edd_set_error('request_error', __('The Stripe API request was invalid, please try again', 'edds'));
            edd_set_error('request_error', sprintf(__('The Stripe API request was invalid, please try again. Error: %s', 'edds'), json_encode($err['message'])));
        } catch (Stripe_AuthenticationError $e) {
            $body = $e->getJsonBody();
            $err = $body['error'];
            // Authentication error. Stripe keys in settings are bad.
            if (isset($err['message'])) {
                edd_set_error('request_error', $err['message']);
            } else {
                edd_set_error('api_error', __('The API keys entered in settings are incorrect', 'edds'));
        } catch (Stripe_Error $e) {
            $body = $e->getJsonBody();
            $err = $body['error'];
            // generic stripe error
            if (isset($err['message'])) {
                edd_set_error('request_error', $err['message']);
            } else {
                edd_set_error('api_error', __('Something went wrong.', 'edds'));
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            // some sort of other error
            $body = $e->getJsonBody();
            $err = $body['error'];
            if (isset($err['message'])) {
                edd_set_error('request_error', $err['message']);
            } else {
                edd_set_error('api_error', __('Something went wrong.', 'edds'));
    } else {
コード例 #5
    public function send_gift_manual()
        global $wpdb, $ntm_mail;
        if (isset($_POST['send_gift'])) {
            $option = get_option('giftbit');
            if ($option['amount'] >= $_POST['gift_amount']) {
                $this->fa_lead_options = get_option('fa_lead_settings');
                $customer_id = get_user_meta(get_blog_option(get_current_blog_id(), 'agent_id'), "pmpro_stripe_customerid");
                $amount = $this->fa_lead_options['admin_fee'] * 100;
                $giftAmount = $this->fa_lead_options['init_gift'];
                $invoice_item = Stripe_InvoiceItem::create(array('customer' => $customer_id, 'amount' => $this->fa_lead_options['admin_fee'], 'currency' => 'usd', 'description' => 'One-time setup fee'));
                $invoice = Stripe_Invoice::create(array('customer' => $customer_id));
                $result = $invoice->pay();
                if (isset($result->object) && $result->object == 'invoice') {
                    $data = array('endorser_id' => $_POST['endorser_id'], 'amout' => $_POST['gift_amount'], 'agent_id' => get_current_user_id(), 'created' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
                    $wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . "gift_transaction", $data);
                    $gift_id = $wpdb->insert_id;
                    $ntm_mail->send_gift_mail('get_manualgift_mail', $_POST['endorser_id'], $gift_id);
                    $option['amount'] = $option['amount'] - $_POST['gift_amount'];
                    update_option("giftbit", $option);
                    $message = "Gift send successfully!!";
                } else {
                    $message = "Error when payment";
            } else {
                $message = "Error! Insufficient balance!";
					if(jQuery("#gift_amount").val() <= jQuery("#poststuff").data('amount'))
						alert("Insufficient balance");
		<div data-amount="<?php 
        echo get_option('giftbit')['amount'];
" id="poststuff" class="wrap">
		<h2>Send Gift By Manual</h2>
        if (isset($message)) {
		<div id="message" class="updated"><p><?php 
            echo $message;
			<div class="postbox">
				<div class="inside group">
					<form name="myform" method="post" >
					<table id="country" class="form-table">
							<th scope="row"><label for="blogname">Endorser</label></th>
								<select class="regular-text" name="endorser_id">
									<option value="">Select Endorser</option>
        foreach (get_users(array('role' => 'endorser')) as $res) {
									<option value="<?php 
            _e($res->data->user_login . ' - ' . $res->data->user_email);
							<th scope="row"><label for="blogname">Gift Amount</label></th>
								<select class="regular-text" id="gift_amount" name="gift_amount">
									<option value="5">5$</option>
									<option value="10">10$</option>
									<option value="25">25$</option>
									<option value="50">50$</option>
									<option value="100">100$</option>
									<option value="150">150$</option>
									<option value="200">200$</option>
					<p class="submit">
						<input style="display:none;" id="send_gift" name="send_gift" class="button-primary seeker_btn" value="<?php 
        _e('Save Changes');
" type="submit" />
コード例 #6
ファイル: StripeClient.php プロジェクト: Daltonmedia/stripe
  * Create a new Stripe invoice
  * @param mixed $cus_attr
  * @param array $data
  * @return Stripe_Invoice|false
 public function createInvoice($cus_attr = null, $data = array())
     $fields = array('application_fee', 'description', 'metadata', 'subscription');
     try {
         foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
             if (!in_array($key, $fields)) {
                 $data[$key] = '';
         $data = array_filter($data);
         $customer = new StripeCustomer($cus_attr);
         $data['customer'] = $customer->getCustomerAccount()->id;
         return Stripe_Invoice::create($data, $this->access_token);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         return false;