<?php /** * Plugin Name: Strata Bootstraper * Plugin URI: https://github.com/strata-mvc/strata/ * Description: A bootstraper that hooks Strata into the project. * Version: 1.0.1 * Author: Francois Faubert * Author URI: http://www.strata-framework.com/ * License: Apache 2 License */ if (!is_blog_installed()) { return; } Strata\Strata::app()->run();
<?php /** * Do not edit this file. Edit the config files found in the config/ dir instead. * This file is required in the root directory so WordPress can find it. * WP is hardcoded to look in its own directory or one directory up for wp-config.php. */ require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php'; require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/config/application.php'; $app = Strata\Strata::bootstrap(Strata\Strata::requireVendorAutoload()); $app->registerErrorHandler(); require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php';
<?php /* Plugin Name: Polyglot Plugin URI: http://polyglot.francoisfaubert.com/ Description: Wordpress localization Version: 1.1 Author: Francois Faubert Author URI: http://www.francoisfaubert.com License: GPL3 */ if (!defined('ABSPATH')) { exit; } // Exit if accessed directly if (!class_exists("Strata\\Strata")) { throw new Exception("Polyglot Localization plugin is expected to be ran within a Strata environment."); } if (class_exists("Polyglot\\Plugin\\Adaptor\\PluginAdaptor")) { $plugin = new Polyglot\Plugin\Adaptor\PluginAdaptor(__FILE__); $plugin->addFilters(); } else { Strata\Strata::app()->log("Though Polyglot is enabled, it could not be loaded.", "[Plugins:Polyglot]"); }