コード例 #1
ファイル: add_attribute.php プロジェクト: fulldump/8

$entity = $_POST['entity'];
$field = $_POST['attribute'];
$type = $_POST['type'];
Storm::get($entity)->add($field, $type);
コード例 #2
ファイル: create_entity.php プロジェクト: fulldump/8

$name = $_POST['name'];
コード例 #3
ファイル: load_entity.php プロジェクト: fulldump/8

$model = Storm::get($_POST['entity'])->getModel();
$entities = array();
foreach (Storm::all() as $storm) {
    $entities[] = $storm->getName();
echo json_encode(array('model' => $model, 'entities' => $entities));
コード例 #4
ファイル: delete_attribute.php プロジェクト: fulldump/8

$entity = $_POST['entity'];
$field = $_POST['attribute'];
コード例 #5
ファイル: delete_entity.php プロジェクト: fulldump/8

$entity = $_POST['entity'];
$result = Storm::get($entity)->drop();
echo json_encode($result);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Storm.class.php プロジェクト: fulldump/8
    public function regenerate()
        // Native entities can't be regenerated
        if ($this->model['native']) {
            return false;
        $filename_extended = self::$dir_base . $this->name . '/extended.class.php';
        $filename_auto = self::$dir_base . $this->name . '/auto.class.php';
        if (!file_exists($filename_extended)) {
            $code = '<?php

 * Class: ' . $this->name . '
 * Created on: ' . date('r') . '

class ' . $this->name . ' extends ' . $this->name . '_auto {

            file_put_contents($filename_extended, $code);
            chmod($filename_extended, 0777);
        $fields = array();
        foreach ($this->model['fields'] as $name => $type) {
            $fields[$name] = array('type' => $type, 'native' => Storm::get($type)->isNative());
        $code = '<?php

 * # CAUTION #
 * Autogenerated code. Any changes in this file will be lost.
 * To add extra behaviour, please, edit the extended class (extended.class.php)

class ' . $this->name . '_auto {

	public static $fields = ' . var_export($fields, true) . ';

	protected static $data = array();

	protected $id;
	protected $timestamp;
	protected $operation;
	public $row;

	public function __construct(&$row) {
		$this->id = $row[\'id\'];
		$this->timestamp = $row[\'__timestamp__\'];
		$this->operation = $row[\'__operation__\'];
		$this->row = $row;

	public function RAW($field) {
		if (array_key_exists($field, $this->row)) {
			return $this->row[$field];
		return null;

	public static function PREFETCH($field, $collection) {
		$IDs = array();
		foreach ($collection as $item) {
			$IDs[] = $item->RAW($field);
		$IDs = array_unique($IDs);
		if (count($IDs)) {
			$implode = implode(\',\', $IDs);
			return self::SELECT(" Id IN ($implode) ");
		return array();

	public static function SELECT($where=null) {
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM `' . Database::escape($this->name) . '`";
		if ($where !== null)
			$sql .= " WHERE ".$where;

		$select = array();
		$result = Database::sql($sql);
		while ($result && $row=$result->fetch_assoc()) {
			$id = $row[\'id\'];
			if (!array_key_exists($id, self::$data))
				self::$data[$id] = new ' . $this->name . '($row);
			$select[] = &self::$data[$id];
		return $select;

	public static function COUNT($where=null) {
		$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `' . Database::escape($this->name) . '`";
		if ($where !== null)
			$sql .= " WHERE ".$where;

		$result = Database::sql($sql);
		if ($result && $row=$result->fetch_row()) {
			return $row[0];
		return null;

	public static function INSERT() {
		$sql = "INSERT INTO `' . $this->name . '` (`id`, `__timestamp__`, `__operation__`) VALUES (NULL, ".time().", \'INSERT\')";
		$result = Database::sql($sql);
		$id = Database::getInsertId();
		return self::ROW($id);

	public static function ROW($id) {
		$id = intval($id);
		if (array_key_exists($id, self::$data)) {
			return self::$data[$id];
		} else {
			$rows = self::SELECT("id=\'".Database::escape($id)."\'");
			if (count($rows)) {
				return $rows[0];
			} else {
				return null;

	public function DELETE($physical=true) {
		if ($physical) {
			$sql = "DELETE FROM `' . $this->name . '` WHERE id=\'".$this->id."\'";
		} else {
			$sql = "UPDATE `' . $this->name . '` SET `__timestamp__` = ".time().", `__operation__` = \'DELETE\' WHERE `id`=\'".$this->id."\'";

	/* Deprecated */
	public final function getId() {
		return intval($this->id);

	public final function ID() {
		return intval($this->id);

	public final function TIMESTAMP() {
		return intval($this->timestamp);

	public final function OPERATION() {
		return $this->operation;

	public final function getClassName() {
		return \'' . $this->name . '\';

	public function toString() {
		return "' . $this->name . '[{$this->id}]";

	// Setters and Getters
        foreach ($this->model['fields'] as $field_name => $field_type) {
            $type = Storm::get($field_type);
            if ($type->model['native']) {
                $code .= str_replace(array('__table_name__', '__field_name__'), array($this->getName(), $field_name), $type->model['methods']) . "\n\n";
            } else {
                $code .= '
	public function set' . $field_name . '($value) {
		if (is_object($value) && $value->getClassName() == \'' . $field_type . '\') {
			$id = $value->getId();
			$sql = "UPDATE `' . $this->name . '` SET `' . $field_name . '`=\'".$id."\',	`__timestamp__` = ".time()." WHERE `id`=\'".$this->id."\'";
			$this->row[\'' . $field_name . '\'] = $id;
		} else if ($value === null) {
			$sql = "UPDATE `' . $this->name . '` SET `' . $field_name . '`=\'0\', `__timestamp__` = ".time()." WHERE `id`=\'".$this->id."\'";
			$this->row[\'' . $field_name . '\'] = 0;

	public function get' . $field_name . '() {
		if ($this->row[\'' . $field_name . '\'] == 0) {
			return null;
		} else {
			return ' . $field_type . '::ROW($this->row[\'' . $field_name . '\']);
        $code .= '
        file_put_contents($filename_auto, $code);
        chmod($filename_auto, 0777);
        return true;