コード例 #1
ファイル: class.account.php プロジェクト: hungnv0789/vhtm
		*	Strem the product for download as defined by the values in the $_GET['data'] variable.
		*	The variable contains the item id, product id and order id which, if valid, will
		*	be used to find and then stream the file for the product to the customer
		private function DownloadOrderItem()
			if (isset($_GET['data'])) {
				$data = $this->DecryptDownloadKey($_GET['data']);
				$data_vals = explode(",", $data);

				if (count($data_vals) >= 5) {
					$item_id = (int)$data_vals[0];
					$product_id = (int)$data_vals[1];
					$order_id = (int)$data_vals[2];
					$order_token = $data_vals[3];

					// Select the number of downloads for this order item
					$query = sprintf("
						select pd.downloadid, o.ordstatus
						from [|PREFIX|]product_downloads pd
						left join [|PREFIX|]order_products op on pd.productid=op.ordprodid
						inner join [|PREFIX|]orders o on op.orderorderid=o.orderid
						where pd.productid='%d' and o.orderid='%d' and o.deleted = 0 and op.orderprodid='%d'",
						$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($product_id), $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($order_id), $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($item_id)

					$query .= " AND o.ordtoken = '".$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($order_token)."'";
					$query .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->AddLimit(0, 1);
					$result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($query);
					$product_downloads = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($result);

					// We have a valid ordered product with downloads
					if ($product_downloads && OrderIsComplete($product_downloads['ordstatus'])) {
						// Downloading a particular file
						if (count($data_vals) == 6) {
							$download_id = (int)$data_vals[4];
							// Fetch the file we're downloading
							$query = sprintf("
								SELECT orddate, pd.downfile, od.numdownloads, od.downloadexpires, od.maxdownloads, ordstatus, pd.downexpiresafter, pd.downmaxdownloads, od.orddownid
								FROM [|PREFIX|]product_downloads pd
								INNER JOIN [|PREFIX|]products p ON pd.productid=p.productid
								LEFT JOIN [|PREFIX|]order_downloads od ON (od.orderid='%s' AND od.downloadid=pd.downloadid)
								INNER JOIN [|PREFIX|]orders o ON (o.orderid='%d')
								WHERE pd.downloadid='%d' AND p.productid='%d' AND o.deleted = 0",
								$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($order_id), $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($order_id), $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($download_id), $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($product_id)

							$query .= " AND o.ordtoken = '".$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($order_token)."'";

							$result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($query);
							$row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($result);

							if ($row && OrderIsComplete($row['ordstatus'])) {
								// If there is no matching row in the order_downloads table for this download, we need to create it
								if(!$row['orddownid']) {
									// If this download has an expiry date, set it to now + expiry time
									$expiryDate = 0;
									if($row['downexpiresafter'] > 0) {
										$expiryDate = $row['orddate'] + $row['downexpiresafter'];

									$newDownload = array(
										'orderid' => (int)$order_id,
										'downloadid' => (int)$download_id,
										'numdownloads' => 0,
										'downloadexpires' => $expiryDate,
										'maxdownloads' => $row['downmaxdownloads']
									$row['maxdownloads'] = $row['downmaxdownloads'];
									$row['downloadexpires'] = $expiryDate;
									$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->InsertQuery('order_downloads', $newDownload);
								$expired = false;
								// Have we reached the download limit for this item?
								if ($row['maxdownloads'] != 0 && $row['numdownloads'] >= $row['maxdownloads']) {
									$expired = true;
								// Have we reached the expiry limit for this item?
								if ($row['downloadexpires'] > 0 && time() >= $row['downloadexpires']) {
									$expired = true;

								// Download has expired
								if ($expired == true) {
									$GLOBALS['ErrorMessage'] = GetLang('DownloadItemExpired');

								$filename = basename($row['downfile']);
								$filepath = realpath(ISC_BASE_PATH.'/' . GetConfig('DownloadDirectory')) . "/" . $row['downfile'];

								if (file_exists($filepath)) {
									// Strip the underscores and random numbers that are added when a file is uploaded
									$filename = preg_replace("#__[0-9]+#", "", $filename);
									$filesize = (double)sprintf('%u', filesize($filepath));

									while (@ob_end_clean()) {
										// empty loop to clean all output buffers

									// common headers for both full and partial responses
									header("Pragma: public");
									header("Expires: 0");
									header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
									header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
									header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");

									$chunks = $this->getDownloadChunksFromRequestHeader($filesize);
									$boundary = false;

									$countDownload = false;

									// downloads should only be counted if the download includes byte 0
									if ($chunks === false) {
										$countDownload = true;

									} else {
										foreach ($chunks as $chunk) {
											if ($chunk[0] == 0) {
												$countDownload = true;

									if ($countDownload) {
										// increment the download counter by 1
										$query = "UPDATE `[|PREFIX|]order_downloads` SET numdownloads=numdownloads + 1 WHERE orderid='" . (int)$order_id . "' AND downloadid='" . (int)$download_id . "'";

									if ($chunks === false) {
										// send the full response
										header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');

										// browsers need a little extra help from these headesr to always force the "save" dialog
										header("Content-Type: application/force-download");
										header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
										header("Content-Type: application/download");
										header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $filename . "\";");

										header("Content-length: " . $filesize);

										// reconfigure the chunks array to include the full response because we'll use it in the fread loops below
										$chunks = array(
											array(0, $filesize, false)

									} else {
										// send a partial download
										header('HTTP/1.1 206 Partial content');

										// these requests should only ever be sent by download managers or non-interactive saving processes (ie. clicking "resume" in chrome) so a save dialog does not need to show

										if (count($chunks) == 1) {
											// send a single range request as a non-mime response as this is probably more compatible with download managers
											// if this turns out to not be the case, it may be necessary to remove this section and send all partial responses as MIME
											$chunk = $chunks[0];
											$begin = $chunk[0];
											$end = $chunk[1];
											$length = $end - $begin + 1;

											header("Content-type: application/octet-stream"); // @todo does this need to be an accurate content type for partial responses?
											header('Content-range: bytes ' . $begin . '-' . $end . '/' . $filesize);
											header('Content-length: ' . $length);

										} else {
											// multiple download ranges are sent as a multipart MIME response
											// @todo this has not been tested

											$boundary = 'BOUNDARY' . md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
											header('Content-type: multipart/x-byteranges; boundary=' . $boundary);

											$length = 0;

											foreach ($chunks as &$chunk) {
												$begin = $chunk[0];
												$end = $chunk[1];

												// fill in the 3rd element of each chunk with its MIME boundary
												$chunk[3] = "\r\n";
												$chunk[3] .= "--" . $boundary . "\r\n";
												$chunk[3] .= "Content-type: application/octet-stream"; // @todo does this need to be an accurate content type for partial responses?
												$chunk[3] .= "Content-range: bytes " . $begin . "-" . $end . "/" . $filesize . "\r\n";
												$chunk[3] .= "\r\n";

												// add the length of the MIME boundary and the chunk to the total content length
												$length += strlen($chunk[3]) + ($end - $begin + 1);

											header('Content-length: ' . $length);

									// don't abort the script on user disconnect during a stream so we can clean up the file handles properly

									$outputBufferLength = 16384;

									// loop over each requested download chunk and stream it to the browser, adding MIME boundaries if necessary
									foreach ($chunks as $chunk) {
										$begin = $chunk[0];
										$end = $chunk[1];
										$boundary = @$chunk[2];
										$length = $end - $begin + 1;

										// set a new time limit, resetting the timer to 0

										if ($boundary) {
											echo $boundary;

										$fp = fopen($filepath, 'rb');
										fseek($fp, $begin);

										while ($length && !feof($fp)) {
											// at the end of the chunk, the buffer length may be longer than the remaining length, so we only need to read up to the end of the chunk
											$readLength = min($length, $outputBufferLength);

											echo fread($fp, $readLength);
											$length -= $readLength;

											if (connection_aborted()) {

										// @todo if tracking of downloads by bytes is ever done, log it here

								else {
									// File doesn't exist
									$GLOBALS['ErrorMessage'] = GetLang('DownloadItemErrorMessage');
							else {
								// Product doesn't exist or the download doesn't exist.
								$GLOBALS['ErrorMessage'] = GetLang('DownloadItemErrorMessage');
						else {
							$GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']['AccountDownloadItemList'] = '';
							$query = sprintf("select prodname from [|PREFIX|]products where productid='%s'", $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($product_id));
							$result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($query);
							$prodName = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->FetchOne($result);
							$GLOBALS['DownloadTitle'] = sprintf(GetLang('ProductDownloads'), $prodName);
							$GLOBALS['DownloadIntro'] = sprintf(GetLang('ProductDownloadsIntro'), $prodName);

							// Show a listing of the downloadable files within this product
							$query = sprintf("
								select orddate, orderprodid, ordprodid, o.orderid, o.ordtoken, pd.downloadid, pd.downfile, pd.downname, pd.downfilesize, pd.downdescription, pd.downmaxdownloads, pd.downexpiresafter, od.numdownloads, od.maxdownloads, od.downloadexpires, od.orddownid, ordprodqty
								from [|PREFIX|]product_downloads pd
								left join [|PREFIX|]order_products op on pd.productid=op.ordprodid
								inner join [|PREFIX|]orders o on op.orderorderid=o.orderid
								left join [|PREFIX|]order_downloads od on od.downloadid=pd.downloadid and od.orderid=o.orderid
								where pd.productid='%d' and o.orderid='%d' and o.deleted = 0 and op.orderprodid='%d' order by downname",
								$product_id, $order_id, $item_id

							$result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($query);
							while ($row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($result)) {
								$expired = false;
								$Color = '';
								$ExpiresDays = '';
								$ExpiresDownloads = '';
								$GLOBALS['ExpiryInfo'] = '';

								if(!$row['orddownid']) {
									$row['maxdownloads'] = $row['downmaxdownloads'];
									if($row['downexpiresafter'] > 0) {
										$row['downloadexpires'] = $row['downexpiresafter'] + $row['orddate'];

								// Have we reached the expiry limit for this item?
								if ($row['downexpiresafter'] > 0) {
									$diff = $row['downloadexpires'];
									if ($row['downloadexpires'] <= time()) {
										$expired = true;
									else {
										$remaining_days = ceil(($diff-time())/86400);
										if ($remaining_days > 0 && ($remaining_days % 365) == 0) {
											if ($remaining_days/365 > 1) {
												$ExpiresDays = number_format($remaining_days/365)." ".GetLang('YearsLower');
											} else {
												$ExpiresDays = number_format($remaining_days/365)." ".GetLang('YearLower');
										else if ($remaining_days > 0 && ($remaining_days % 30) == 0) {
											if ($remaining_days/30 > 1) {
												$ExpiresDays = number_format($remaining_days/30)." ".GetLang('MonthsLower');
											} else {
												$ExpiresDays = number_format($remaining_days/30)." ".GetLang('MonthLower');
										else if ($remaining_days > 0 && ($remaining_days % 7) == 0) {
											if ($remaining_days/7 > 1) {
												$ExpiresDays = number_format($remaining_days/7)." ".GetLang('WeeksLower');
											} else {
												$ExpiresDays = number_format($remaining_days/7)." ".GetLang('WeekLower');
										else {
											if ($remaining_days > 1) {
												$ExpiresDays = number_format($remaining_days)." ".GetLang('DaysLower');
											} else {
												$ExpiresDays = number_format($remaining_days)." ".GetLang('TodayLower');
												$Color = "DownloadExpiresToday";

								// Have we reached the download limit for this item?
								if ($row['maxdownloads'] > 0) {
									$remaining_downloads = $row['maxdownloads']-$row['numdownloads'];
									if ($remaining_downloads <= 0) {
										$expired = true;
									else {
										$string = 'DownloadExpiresInX';
										if ($ExpiresDays) {
											$string .= 'Download';
										else {
											$string .= 'Time';
										if ($remaining_downloads != 1) {
											$string .= 's';
										else {
											$Color = "DownloadExpiresToday";
										$ExpiresDownloads = sprintf(GetLang($string), $remaining_downloads);

								$GLOBALS['DownloadColor'] = $Color;
								$GLOBALS['DownloadName'] = isc_html_escape($row['downname']);

								if ($expired == true) {
									$GLOBALS['DisplayDownloadExpired'] = '';
									$GLOBALS['DisplayDownloadLink'] = 'none';
								else {
									$GLOBALS['DisplayDownloadExpired'] = 'none';
									$GLOBALS['DisplayDownloadLink'] = '';
									$GLOBALS['DownloadItemEncrypted'] = $this->EncryptDownloadKey($row['orderprodid'], $row['ordprodid'], $row['orderid'], $row['ordtoken'], $row['downloadid']);
									$GLOBALS['DownloadName'] = sprintf("<a href=\"%s/account.php?action=download_item&data=%s\">%s</a>", $GLOBALS['ShopPathSSL'], $GLOBALS['DownloadItemEncrypted'], $GLOBALS['DownloadName']);

									if ($ExpiresDays && $ExpiresDownloads) {
										$GLOBALS['ExpiryInfo'] = sprintf(GetLang('DownloadExpiresBoth'), $ExpiresDays, $ExpiresDownloads);
									else if ($ExpiresDays) {
										$GLOBALS['ExpiryInfo'] = sprintf(GetLang('DownloadExpiresTime'), $ExpiresDays);
										if ($Color == "DownloadExpiresToday") {
											$GLOBALS['ExpiryInfo'] = GetLang('DownloadExpiresTimeToday');
									else if ($ExpiresDownloads) {
										$GLOBALS['ExpiryInfo'] = sprintf(GetLang('DownloadExpires'), $ExpiresDownloads);

								if($row['ordprodqty'] > 1) {
									$GLOBALS['DownloadName'] = $row['ordprodqty']. ' X '.$GLOBALS['DownloadName'];

								$GLOBALS['DownloadSize'] = Store_Number::niceSize($row['downfilesize']);
								$GLOBALS['DownloadDescription'] = isc_html_escape($row['downdescription']);
								$GLOBALS['OrderId'] = $row['orderid'];
								$GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']['AccountDownloadItemList'] .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("AccountDownloadItemList");

							$GLOBALS['ISC_LANG']['OrderId'] = sprintf(GetLang('OrderId'), $order_id);

							$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->SetPageTitle(sprintf("%s - %s", GetConfig('StoreName'), GetLang('DownloadItems')));
					else {
						// This order does not have any downloadable products that exist
						$GLOBALS['ErrorMessage'] = GetLang('DownloadItemErrorMessage');
				else {
					// Bad download details in the URL
					$GLOBALS['ErrorMessage'] = GetLang('DownloadItemErrorMessage');
			else {
コード例 #2
ファイル: class.layout.php プロジェクト: hungnv0789/vhtm
	 * Generate the HTML for the list of templates in a specific directory
	 * for the email template editor.
	 * @param string The relative directory path to fetch the files in (relative to base template directory)
	 * @param string The ID of the parent row for the templates to sit under (nested directories)
	 * @return string The generated HTML.
	public function GetEmailTemplateRows($directory='', $parentRow='')
		$templateDirectories = $this->GetEmailTemplateDirectories();
		$validPath = false;
		foreach($templateDirectories as $fullPath) {
			$root = realpath($fullPath.'/'.$directory);

			//replace back slashes with forward slashes in the paths, so the strpos function would also work in windows server
			$root = str_replace('\\', '/',$root);
			$fullPath  = str_replace('\\', '/',$fullPath);

			if($root && strpos($root, $fullPath) !== false && is_dir($root)) {
				$validPath = true;

		// Path doesn't exist at all!
		if(!$validPath) {
			return '';

		// Fetch all of the files in each directory
		$files = array();
		foreach($templateDirectories as $type => $path) {
			if(!is_dir($path)) {
			$directoryFiles = scandir($path.'/'.$directory);
			$directoryFiles = array_fill_keys($directoryFiles, $type);
			$files = array_merge($files, $directoryFiles);

		if(empty($files)) {
			return '';

		$output = '';
		foreach($files as $file => $type) {
			// Skip hidden and special directories
			if(substr($file, 0, 1) == '.') {
			$filePath = $templateDirectories[$type].'/'.$directory.'/'.$file;
			$GLOBALS['FileName'] = isc_html_escape($file);
			$relativePath = trim($directory.'/'.$file, '/');
			$GLOBALS['RelativePath'] = $relativePath;
			$level = substr_count($relativePath, '/') * 30;
			if($level > 0) {
				$GLOBALS['NestingIndent'] = 'padding-left: '.$level.'px';
			else {
				$GLOBALS['NestingIndent'] = '';
			$GLOBALS['ParentClass'] = '';
			if($parentRow) {
				$GLOBALS['ParentClass'] = 'Child_'.isc_html_escape($parentRow);

			$GLOBALS['RowId'] = md5($relativePath);

			if(is_dir($filePath)) {
				$GLOBALS['FileSize'] = GetLang('NA');
				$GLOBALS['FileDate'] = GetLang('NA');
				$output .= $this->template->render('Snippets/EmailTemplateDirectory.html');
			else {
				$GLOBALS['FileSize'] = Store_Number::niceSize(filesize($filePath));
				$GLOBALS['FileDate'] = isc_date(GetConfig('ExtendedDisplayDateFormat'), filemtime($filePath));
				$output .= $this->template->render('Snippets/EmailTemplate.html');

		return $output;
コード例 #3
ファイル: class.backup.php プロジェクト: hungnv0789/vhtm
	public function ManageBackups($MsgDesc = "", $MsgStatus = "")
		if(isset($_GET['complete'])) {
			$MsgStatus = MSG_SUCCESS;
			if($_GET['complete'] == "remote") {
				$MsgDesc = GetLang('RemoteBackupComplete');
			} else {
				$MsgDesc = sprintf(GetLang('LocalBackupComplete'), $_GET['complete']);
		else if(isset($_GET['failed'])) {
			$MsgStatus = MSG_ERROR;
			if($_GET['failed'] == 'local') {
				$MsgDesc = GetLang('LocalBackupFailed');
			} else {
				$MsgDesc = GetLang('RemoteBackupFailed');

		if($MsgDesc != "") {
			$GLOBALS["Message"] = MessageBox($MsgDesc, $MsgStatus);

		$dir = realpath(ISC_BACKUP_DIRECTORY);
		$dir = isc_substr($dir, isc_strpos($dir, realpath(ISC_BASE_PATH)));

		$backups = $this->_GetBackupList();
		$GLOBALS['BackupGrid'] = '';

		// Loop through all of the existing backups
		foreach($backups as $file => $details) {
			$GLOBALS['FileName'] = isc_html_escape($file);
			$GLOBALS['ModifiedTime'] = Store_DateTime::niceTime($details['mtime']);
			if(isset($details['directory'])) {
				$GLOBALS['FileSize'] = "N/A";
				$GLOBALS['DownloadOpen'] = GetLang('OpenBackup');
				$GLOBALS['BackupImage'] = "backup_folder";
				$GLOBALS['BackupType'] = GetLang('BackupFolder');
				$GLOBALS['ViewLink'] = "backups/" . $GLOBALS['FileName'];
			else {
				$GLOBALS['FileSize'] = Store_Number::niceSize($details['size']);
				$GLOBALS['DownloadOpen'] = GetLang('DownloadBackup');
				$GLOBALS['BackupImage'] = "backup";
				$GLOBALS['BackupType'] = GetLang('BackupFile');
				$GLOBALS['ViewLink'] = "index.php?ToDo=viewBackup&file=" . $GLOBALS['FileName'];

			$GLOBALS["BackupGrid"] .= $this->template->render('backup.manage.row.tpl');

		if($GLOBALS['BackupGrid'] == "") {
			$GLOBALS['DisplayGrid'] = "none";

			$GLOBALS["Message"] = MessageBox(GetLang('NoBackups'), MSG_SUCCESS);
			$GLOBALS["DisableDelete"] = "DISABLED";

    public function display(array $context)
        // line 1
        echo "
        // line 2
        $context['util'] = $this->env->loadTemplate("macros/util.tpl", true);
        echo "<p class=\"intro\">
        // line 4
        echo getLang("GiftCertificatesIntro");
        echo "</p>
<table class=\"GridPanel SortableGrid AutoExpand\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" id=\"GiftCertificates\" style=\"width:100%;\">
        // line 7
        echo "
\t<tr class=\"Heading3\">
\t\t<td>File Size</td>
\t\t<td>Last Updated</td>
        // line 16
        echo "
        // line 17
        $context['_parent'] = (array) $context;
        $context['_seq'] = twig_iterator_to_array((isset($context['GiftCertificateThemes']) ? $context['GiftCertificateThemes'] : null));
        $countable = is_array($context['_seq']) || (is_object($context['_seq']) && $context['_seq'] instanceof Countable);
        $length = $countable ? count($context['_seq']) : null;
        $context['loop'] = array(
          'parent' => $context['_parent'],
          'index0' => 0,
          'index'  => 1,
          'first'  => true,
        if ($countable) {
            $context['loop']['revindex0'] = $length - 1;
            $context['loop']['revindex'] = $length;
            $context['loop']['length'] = $length;
            $context['loop']['last'] = 1 === $length;
        foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context['_key'] => $context['theme']) {
            echo "\t<tr class=\"GridRow GiftCertificate\" giftcertificate:id=\"";
            // line 18
            echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute((isset($context['theme']) ? $context['theme'] : null), "id", array(), "any"), "1");
            echo "\">
\t\t<td width=\"60%\">";
            // line 19
            echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute((isset($context['theme']) ? $context['theme'] : null), "name", array(), "any"), "1");
            echo "</td>
            // line 20
            echo Store_Number::niceSize(twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute((isset($context['theme']) ? $context['theme'] : null), "fileSize", array(), "any"), "1"));
            echo "</td>
            // line 21
            echo $this->getEnvironment()->getExtension('interspire')->dateFormat(twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute((isset($context['theme']) ? $context['theme'] : null), "lastModified", array(), "any"), "1"), "ExtendedDisplayDateFormat");
            echo "</td>
\t\t\t<a class=\"toggleEnabledLink\" href=\"#\">
            // line 24
            echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute((isset($context['util']) ? $context['util'] : null), "enabledSwitch", array($this->getAttribute((isset($context['theme']) ? $context['theme'] : null), "isEnabled", array(), "any"), ), "method"), "1");
            echo "
\t\t<td style='white-space:nowrap;'>
\t\t\t<a class=\"previewLink\" href='#'>Preview</a>
\t\t\t<a class=\"editLink\" href='#'>Edit</a>
\t\t\t<a class=\"restoreLink\" href='#'>Restore</a>
            $context['loop']['first'] = false;
            if ($countable) {
                $context['loop']['last'] = 0 === $context['loop']['revindex0'];
        $_parent = $context['_parent'];
        unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['theme'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
        $context = array_merge($_parent, array_intersect_key($context, $_parent));
        // line 33
        echo "\t
        // line 35
        echo "
\t<tr class=\"giftCertificateEditForm\" style=\"display:none\">
\t\t<td colspan=\"4\">
\t\t\t<div class=\"editBox\" style=\"margin:10px\"></div>
\t\t\t<div style=\"padding-bottom:10px; padding-left: 10px;\">
\t\t\t\t<input class=\"FormButton saveButton\" type=\"button\" value=\"";
        // line 40
        echo getLang("Save");
        echo "\"/>
\t\t\t\t<input class=\"FormButton previewButton\" type=\"button\" value=\"";
        // line 41
        echo getLang("Preview");
        echo "\"/>
\t\t\t\t<a class=\"cancelLink\" href=\"#\">";
        // line 43
        echo getLang("Cancel");
        echo "</a>

        // line 50
        echo "
<div id=\"giftCertificatePreviewModal\" style=\"display: none;\">
\t<div class=\"ModalTitle\">";
        // line 52
        echo getLang("GiftCertificatePreview");
        echo "</div>
\t<div class=\"ModalContent\">
\t\t<table class=\"Panel\" width=\"100%\">
\t\t\t\t<td><span id=\"giftCertificatePreviewFrame\"></span></td>
\t<div class=\"ModalButtonRow\">
\t\t<input type=\"button\" class=\"closeGiftCertificatePreviewButton FormButton\" value=\"";
        // line 61
        echo getLang("Close");
        echo "\"/>

<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"script/layout.giftcertificates.js?";
        // line 65
        echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, (isset($context['JSCacheToken']) ? $context['JSCacheToken'] : null), "1");
        echo "\"></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
\tlang.GiftCertificateRestoreConfirmation = '";
        // line 68
        echo Interspire_Template_Extension::jsFilter(getLang("GiftCertificateRestoreConfirmation"), "'");
        echo "';
\tLayout.GiftCertificates.Urls = {
\t\tedit : 'index.php?ToDo=editGiftCertificateTheme',
\t\tsave : 'index.php?ToDo=saveGiftCertificate',
\t\trestore : 'index.php?ToDo=restoreGiftCertificate',
\t\tpreview : 'index.php?ToDo=exampleGiftCertificate',
\t\ttoggleEnabled : 'index.php?ToDo=toggleGiftCertificateEnabled',
コード例 #5
ファイル: class.engine.php プロジェクト: hungnv0789/vhtm
		* Sets up the template variables used for displaying the control panel footer
		public function setupFooter()
			if(GetConfig('DebugMode') == 1) {
				$end_time = microtime_float();
				$GLOBALS['ScriptTime'] = number_format($end_time - ISC_START_TIME, 4);
				$GLOBALS['QueryCount'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->NumQueries;
				if (function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage')) {
					$GLOBALS['MemoryPeak'] = "Memory usage peaked at ".Store_Number::niceSize(memory_get_peak_usage(true));
				} else {
					$GLOBALS['MemoryPeak'] = '';

				if (isset($_REQUEST['debug'])) {
					echo "<ol class='QueryList' style='font-size: 13px;'>\n";
					foreach ($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->QueryList as $query) {
						echo "<li style='line-height: 1.4; margin-bottom: 4px;'>".isc_html_escape($query['Query'])." &mdash; <em>".number_format($query['ExecutionTime'], 4)."seconds</em></li>\n";
					echo "</ol>";
				$GLOBALS['DebugDetails'] = "<p>Page built in ".$GLOBALS['ScriptTime']."s with ".$GLOBALS['QueryCount']." queries. ".$GLOBALS['MemoryPeak']."</p>";
			else {
				$GLOBALS['DebugDetails'] = '';
			$replacements = array(
				'%%EDITION%%' => $GLOBALS['AppEdition'],
			$GLOBALS['AdminCopyright'] = strtr(getConfig('AdminCopyright'), $replacements);
			$this->template->assign('bodyScripts', $this->bodyScripts);
			$this->template->assign('idletime', ((int) GetConfig('PCILoginIdleTimeMin') * 60 * 1000));
コード例 #6
ファイル: class.picnik.php プロジェクト: hungnv0789/vhtm
	* Given a picnik token and a remote file, downloads and processes the remote image, updating and cleaning up local data as required, and sets up template data for displaying to the browser
	* @param array $token
	* @param string $remoteFile
	* @return bool True on success, false on error - on error, a template variable named 'PicnikError' will be assigned as non-false
	public function receivePicnik($token, $remoteFile)
		$this->template->assign('PicnikError', false);

		$sourceFile = $this->getSourceFileForImage($token['imagetype'], $token['imageid']);
		if (!$sourceFile) {
			$this->template->assign('PicnikError', GetLang('PicnikError_NoSourceFile'));
			return false;

		$errorType = null;

		if (!$this->downloadToFile($remoteFile, $sourceFile, $errorType)) {
			if ($errorType == 1) {
				$this->template->assign('PicnikError', GetLang('PicnikError_NoWrite'));
			} else {
				$this->template->assign('PicnikError', GetLang('PicnikError_NoDownload'));
			return false;

		$imageSize = @getimagesize($sourceFile);
		if (!$imageSize) {
			$this->template->assign('PicnikError', GetLang('PicnikError_Invalid'));
			return false;

		$callbackData = array();

		// the source file has been replaced, now regenerate other files based on it if necessary
		switch ($token['imagetype']) {
				$image = new ISC_PRODUCT_IMAGE((int)$token['imageid']);
				$callbackData['thumbnail'] = $image->getResizedUrl(ISC_PRODUCT_IMAGE_SIZE_THUMBNAIL, true);
				$callbackData['zoom'] = $image->getResizedUrl(ISC_PRODUCT_IMAGE_SIZE_ZOOM, true);

				$callbackData['name'] = basename($sourceFile);
				$callbackData['size'] = Store_Number::niceSize(filesize($sourceFile));
				$callbackData['url'] = GetConfig('ShopPathSSL') . '/' . GetConfig('ImageDirectory') . '/uploaded_images/' . $callbackData['name'];
				$callbackData['dimensions'] = $imageSize[0] . ' x ' . $imageSize[1];
				$callbackData['id'] = md5($callbackData['name']);

				$callbackData['displaywidth'] = $imageSize[0];
				$callbackData['displayheight'] = $imageSize[1];

				if ($callbackData['displaywidth'] > 200) {
					$callbackData['displayheight'] = (200 / $callbackData['displaywidth']) * $callbackData['displayheight'];
					$callbackData['displaywidth']= 200;

				if ($callbackData['displayheight'] > 150) {
					$callbackData['displaywidth'] = (150/$callbackData['displayheight']) * $callbackData['displaywidth'];
					$callbackData['displayheight'] = 150;

		$this->template->assign('PicnikCallbackData', isc_json_encode($callbackData));
		return $callbackData;
コード例 #7
ファイル: class.product.php プロジェクト: hungnv0789/vhtm
		public function GetDownloadsGrid($productId=0, $productHash='')
			if($productId > 0) {
				$where = sprintf("pd.productid='%d'", $productId);
			else {
				$where = sprintf("pd.prodhash='%s'", $productHash);

			$query = sprintf("
				select pd.*, sum(od.numdownloads) as numdownloads
				from [|PREFIX|]product_downloads pd
				left join [|PREFIX|]order_downloads od on (od.downloadid=pd.downloadid)
				where %s
				group by pd.downloadid", $where);
			$grid = '';

			$result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($query);

			while($row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($result)) {
				$GLOBALS['DownloadId'] = $row['downloadid'];
				$GLOBALS['DownloadFile'] = $row['downfile'];
				$GLOBALS['NumDownloads'] = number_format($row['numdownloads']);
				$GLOBALS['DownloadName'] = $row['downname'];
				if($row['downdescription']) {
					$GLOBALS['DownloadName'] = sprintf("<span onmouseover=\"ShowQuickHelp(this, '%s', '%s');\" onmouseout=\"HideQuickHelp(this);\" class=\"HelpText\">%s</span>", $GLOBALS['DownloadName'], str_replace("'", "\\'", $row['downdescription']), $GLOBALS['DownloadName']);
				$GLOBALS['DownloadSize'] = Store_Number::niceSize($row['downfilesize']);
				if($row['downmaxdownloads'] == 0) {
					$GLOBALS['MaxDownloads'] = GetLang('Unlimited');
				else {
					$GLOBALS['MaxDownloads'] = $row['downmaxdownloads'];
				if($row['downexpiresafter']) {
					$days = $row['downexpiresafter']/86400;
					if(($days % 365) == 0) {
						$GLOBALS['ExpiresAfter'] = number_format($days/365)." ".GetLang('YearsLower');
					else if(($days % 30) == 0) {
						$GLOBALS['ExpiresAfter'] = number_format($days/30)." ".GetLang('MonthsLower');
					else if(($days % 7) == 0) {
						$GLOBALS['ExpiresAfter'] = number_format($days/7)." ".GetLang('WeeksLower');
					else {
						$GLOBALS['ExpiresAfter'] = number_format($days)." ".GetLang('DaysLower');
				else {
					$GLOBALS['ExpiresAfter'] = GetLang('Never');

				$grid .= $this->template->render('product.form.downloadrow.tpl');
			return $grid;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Footer.php プロジェクト: hungnv0789/vhtm
		public function SetPanelSettings()
			$GLOBALS['FooterScripts'] = '';

			$GLOBALS['HideLogoutLink'] = 'display: none';
			if(CustomerIsSignedIn()) {
				$GLOBALS['HideLogoutLink'] = '';

				$baseURL = getConfig('ShopPathNormal');
			else {
				$baseURL = getCurrentLocation();

			if(strpos($baseURL, '?') === false) {
				$baseURL .= '?';
			else {
				$baseURL .= '&';

			$fullSiteLink = $baseURL.'fullSite=1';
			$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->assign('FullSiteLink', $fullSiteLink);

			// Show Mobile Site link
			if(canViewMobileSite()) {
				$mobileSiteURL = preg_replace('/(&)?fullSite=\d*/i', '', $baseURL);
				$GLOBALS['MobileSiteURL'] = $mobileSiteURL.'fullSite=0';
				$GLOBALS['MobileSiteLink'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet('MobileSiteLink');

			// Show "All prices are in [currency code]"
			$currency = GetCurrencyById($GLOBALS['CurrentCurrency']);
			if(is_array($currency) && $currency['currencycode']) {
				$GLOBALS['AllPricesAreInCurrency'] = sprintf(GetLang('AllPricesAreInCurrency'), isc_html_escape($currency['currencyname']), isc_html_escape($currency['currencycode']));

			if(GetConfig('DebugMode') == 1) {
				$end_time = microtime_float();
				$GLOBALS['ScriptTime'] = number_format($end_time - ISC_START_TIME, 4);
				$GLOBALS['QueryCount'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->NumQueries;
				if (function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage')) {
					$GLOBALS['MemoryPeak'] = "Memory usage peaked at ".Store_Number::niceSize(memory_get_peak_usage(true));
				} else {
					$GLOBALS['MemoryPeak'] = '';

				if (isset($_REQUEST['debug'])) {
					$GLOBALS['QueryList'] = "<ol class='QueryList' style='font-size: 13px;'>\n";
					foreach($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->QueryList as $query) {
						$GLOBALS['QueryList'] .= "<li style='line-height: 1.4; margin-bottom: 4px;'>".isc_html_escape($query['Query'])." &mdash; <em>".number_format($query['ExecutionTime'], 4)."seconds</em></li>\n";
					$GLOBALS['QueryList'] .= "</ol>";
				$GLOBALS['DebugDetails'] = "<p>Page built in ".$GLOBALS['ScriptTime']."s with ".$GLOBALS['QueryCount']." queries. ".$GLOBALS['MemoryPeak']."</p>";
			else {
				$GLOBALS['DebugDetails'] = '';

			// Do we have any live chat service code to show in the footer
			$modules = GetConfig('LiveChatModules');
			if(!empty($modules)) {
				$liveChatClass = GetClass('ISC_LIVECHAT');
				$GLOBALS['LiveChatFooterCode'] = $liveChatClass->GetPageTrackingCode('footer');

			// Load our whitelabel file for the front end
			require_once ISC_BASE_PATH.'/includes/whitelabel.php';

			// Load the configuration file for this template
			$poweredBy = 0;
			require_once ISC_BASE_PATH.'/templates/'.GetConfig('template').'/config.php';
			if(isset($GLOBALS['TPL_CFG']['PoweredBy'])) {
				if(!isset($GLOBALS['ISC_CFG']['TemplatePoweredByLines'][$GLOBALS['TPL_CFG']['PoweredBy']])) {
					$GLOBALS['TPL_CFG']['PoweredBy'] = 0;
				$poweredBy = $GLOBALS['TPL_CFG']['PoweredBy'];

			// Showing the powered by?
			$GLOBALS['PoweredBy'] = '';
			if($GLOBALS['ISC_CFG']['DisableFrontEndPoweredBy'] == false && isset($GLOBALS['ISC_CFG']['TemplatePoweredByLines'][$poweredBy])) {
				$GLOBALS['PoweredBy'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CFG']['TemplatePoweredByLines'][$poweredBy];

			if(empty($GLOBALS['OptimizerConversionScript']) && empty($GLOBALS['OptimizerTrackingScript']) && empty($GLOBALS['OptimizerControlScript'])) {

			$GLOBALS['SitemapURL_HTML'] = isc_html_escape(SitemapLink());
			$GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']['SitemapLink'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet('SitemapLink');

			if (Interspire_TaskManager::hasTasks()) {
				// hasTasks is only implemented for Internal so this will (should) never run for Resque-based task manager
				$GLOBALS['FooterScripts'] .= Interspire_TaskManager::getTriggerHtml('json');

			if (ISC_CATEGORY::areCategoryFlyoutsEnabled()) {
				// this needs to be output from php into the body since it's based on config vars
				// @todo use the stuff gaston is working on instead

				// bgiframe fixes some IE-related issues with CSS menus (like hovering over SELECT elements)
				$GLOBALS['FooterScripts'] .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="'
					. GetConfig('AppPath') . '/javascript/superfish/js/jquery.bgiframe.min.js?'
					. GetConfig('JSCacheToken') . '"></script>' . "\n";
				$GLOBALS['FooterScripts'] .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="'
					. GetConfig('AppPath') . '/javascript/superfish/js/superfish.js?'
					. GetConfig('JSCacheToken') . '"></script>' . "\n";
				$GLOBALS['FooterScripts'] .= '<script type="text/javascript">
		if (typeof $.fn.superfish == "function") {
				delay: ' . ((float)GetConfig('categoryFlyoutMouseOutDelay') * 1000) . ',
				dropShadows: ' . isc_json_encode(GetConfig('categoryFlyoutDropShadow')) . ',
				speed: "fast"

			if (GetConfig('FastCartAction') == 'popup' && GetConfig('ShowCartSuggestions')) {
				$GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']['FastCartThickBoxJs'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet('FastCartThickBoxJs');
コード例 #9
	 * Upload a new image from the Image Manager or TinyMCE itself. Images are thrown in the uploaded_images
	 * directory. Invalid images (no dimensions available, mismatched type) are not accepted. Will output
	 * a JSON encoded array of details about the image just uploaded.
	private function UploadImage()
		if(empty($_FILES['Filedata'])) {

		$_FILES['Filedata']['filesize'] = Store_Number::niceSize($_FILES['Filedata']['size']);
		$_FILES['Filedata']['id'] = substr(md5($_FILES['Filedata']['name']), 0, 10);
		$_FILES['Filedata']['errorfile'] = false;
		$_FILES['Filedata']['imagepath'] = GetConfig('AppPath').'/'.GetConfig('ImageDirectory').'/uploaded_images/';
		$_FILES['Filedata']['duplicate'] = false;

		if($_FILES['Filedata']['error'] != UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
			$_FILES['Filedata']['erorrfile'] = 'badupload';

		// Sanitise uploaded image file name.
		$tmpName = $_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'];
		$name = slugify(basename($_FILES['Filedata']['name']));
		$info = pathinfo($name);
		if ($info['filename'] == '') {
			$name = uniqid().$name;

		$destination = ISC_BASE_PATH.'/'.GetConfig('ImageDirectory').'/uploaded_images/'.$name;

		if(!$this->IsImageFile(isc_strtolower($name))) {
			$_FILES['Filedata']['errorfile'] = 'badname';
		else if(file_exists($destination)) {
			$_FILES['Filedata']['duplicate'] = true;
		else if(!@move_uploaded_file($tmpName, $destination)) {
			$_FILES['Filedata']['errorfile'] = 'badupload';
		else if(!$this->IsValidImageFile($destination)) {
			$_FILES['Filedata']['errorfile'] = 'badtype';

		if (!($_FILES['Filedata']['errorfile'] || $_FILES['Filedata']['duplicate'])) {
			isc_chmod($destination, ISC_WRITEABLE_FILE_PERM);

			// Get the image dimensions so we can show a thumbnail
			list($imgWidth, $imgHeight) = @getimagesize($destination);
			if(!$imgWidth || !$imgHeight) {
				$imgWidth = 200;
				$imgHeight = 150;

			$_FILES['Filedata']['origwidth'] = $imgWidth;
			$_FILES['Filedata']['origheight'] = $imgHeight;

			if($imgWidth > 200) {
				$imgHeight = (200/$imgWidth) * $imgHeight;
				$imgWidth = 200;

			if($imgHeight > 150) {
				$imgWidth = (150/$imgHeight) * $imgWidth;
				$imgHeight = 150;

			$_FILES['Filedata']['width'] = $imgWidth;
			$_FILES['Filedata']['height'] = $imgHeight;
			$_FILES['Filedata']['name'] = $name;

		echo isc_json_encode($_FILES);
コード例 #10
	private function View()
		$GLOBALS['BreadcrumEntries'][GetLang('ManageImages')] = 'index.php?ToDo=manageImages';

		// Display within the template
		$this->template->Assign('PageTitle', 'Manage Images');
		$this->template->Assign('PageIntro', 'ManageCatIntro');
		$this->template->Assign('CreateItem', 'CreateCategory');
		$this->template->Assign('DisplayFilters', 0);
		$this->template->Assign('MaxFileSize', GetMaxUploadSize());

		$currentPage = max((int)@$_GET['page'], 1);

			$perPage = (int)$_GET['perpage'];
		}elseif(isset($_SESSION['imageManagerPagingPerPage']) && (int)$_SESSION['imageManagerPagingPerPage'] > 0){
			$perPage = (int)$_SESSION['imageManagerPagingPerPage'];
		}elseif(isset($_COOKIE['imageManagerPagingPerPage']) && (int)$_COOKIE['imageManagerPagingPerPage'] > 0){
			$perPage = (int)$_COOKIE['imageManagerPagingPerPage'];
			$perPage = ITEMS_PER_PAGE;

		$validSort = array("name.asc", "name.desc", "modified.asc", "modified.desc", "size.asc", "size.desc");
		$sortby = '';

			$sortby = $_GET['sortby'];

			$sortby = $_SESSION['imageManagerSortBy'];
			$sortby = $_COOKIE['imageManagerSortBy'];

		if(empty($sortby) || !in_array($sortby, $validSort, true)){
			$sortby = 'name.asc';

		setcookie('imageManagerSortBy', $sortby, time()+(60*60*24*365), '/');
		$_SESSION['imageManagerSortBy'] = $sortby;

		$sortBits = explode('.', $sortby);
		$sortField = $sortBits[0];
		$sortDirection = $sortBits[1];
		$this->template->Assign('Sort'.ucfirst(isc_strtolower($sortField)).ucfirst(isc_strtolower($sortDirection)), "selected=\"selected\"");

		setcookie('imageManagerPagingPerPage', $perPage, time()+(60*60*24*365), '/');
		$_SESSION['imageManagerPagingPerPage'] = $perPage;

		$imageDir = new ISC_IMAGEDIR($sortDirection, $sortField);
		$dirCount = $imageDir->CountDirItems();

		if($imageDir->CountDirItems() == 0){
			$this->template->Assign('hasImages', false);
			$this->template->Assign('hasImages', true);

		$imageDir->sortField = $sortField;
		$imageDir->sortDirection = $sortDirection;

		if ($perPage > 0) {
			$imageDir->start = ($perPage * $currentPage) - $perPage;
			$imageDir->finish = ($perPage * $currentPage);

		$numPages = 1;
		if ($perPage == 0) {
			$this->template->Assign('PerPageAllSelected', "selected=\"selected\"");
		else {
			$numPages = ceil($dirCount / $perPage);
			$this->template->Assign('paging', $this->GetNav($currentPage, $dirCount, $perPage));
			$this->template->Assign('PerPage'.$perPage.'Selected', "selected=\"selected\"");

		$this->template->Assign('PageNumber', $currentPage);
		$this->template->Assign('sessionid', SID);
		// authentication checks the token stored in the cookie, however the flash uploader doesn't send cookies so we need to store the token in the session and then retrieve it

		if ($numPages > 1) {
			$this->template->Assign('ImagesTitle', sprintf(GetLang('imageManagerCurrentImages'), $imageDir->start+1, min($imageDir->finish, $dirCount), $dirCount));
		} else {
			$this->template->Assign('ImagesTitle', sprintf(GetLang('imageManagerCurrentImagesSingle'), $dirCount, $dirCount));

		// generate list of images
		$images = $imageDir->GetImageDirFiles();
		$imagesList = "";
		foreach ($images as $image) {
			$image_name = isc_html_escape($image['name']);
			$image_size = isc_html_escape(Store_Number::niceSize($image['size']));

			$imagesList .= sprintf("AdminImageManager.AddImage('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s');\n",
				$image['origheight'] . " x " . $image['origwidth'],
		$this->template->Assign("imagesList", $imagesList);
		$this->template->Assign("sessionid", session_id());

		if (!empty($images)) {
			$this->template->Assign('hideHasNoImages', 'none');
		else {
			$this->template->Assign('hideImages', 'none');

コード例 #11
	 * Build the frontend HTML for the form field
	 * Method will build and return the frontend HTML of the loaded form field. The form field must be
	 * loaded before hand
	 * @access public
	 * @return string The frontend form field HTML if the form field was loaded beforehand, FALSE if not
	public function loadForFrontend()
		if (!$this->isLoaded()) {
			return false;

		$GLOBALS['FormFieldDayFieldArgs'] = '';
		$GLOBALS['FormFieldMonthFieldArgs'] = '';
		$GLOBALS['FormFieldYearFieldArgs'] = '';
		$GLOBALS['FormFieldDefaultArgs'] = 'id="' . isc_html_escape($this->getFieldId()) . '" class="FormField"';

		if ($this->extraInfo['limitfrom'] !== '') {
			$this->addExtraHiddenArgs('LimitFrom', $this->extraInfo['limitfrom']);

		if ($this->extraInfo['limitto'] !== '') {
			$this->addExtraHiddenArgs('LimitTo', $this->extraInfo['limitto']);

		if ($this->extraInfo['class'] !== '') {
			$GLOBALS['FormFieldDayFieldArgs'] .= 'class="' . isc_html_escape($this->extraInfo['class']) . ' FormFieldDay" ';
			$GLOBALS['FormFieldMonthFieldArgs'] .= 'class="' . isc_html_escape($this->extraInfo['class']) . ' FormFieldMonth" ';
			$GLOBALS['FormFieldYearFieldArgs'] .= 'class="' . isc_html_escape($this->extraInfo['class']) . ' FormFieldYear" ';
		} else {
			$GLOBALS['FormFieldDayFieldArgs'] .= 'class="FormFieldDay"';
			$GLOBALS['FormFieldMonthFieldArgs'] .= 'class="FormFieldMonth"';
			$GLOBALS['FormFieldYearFieldArgs'] .= 'class="FormFieldYear"';

		if ($this->extraInfo['style'] !== '') {
			$GLOBALS['FormFieldDayFieldArgs'] .= 'style="' . isc_html_escape($this->extraInfo['style']) . '" ';
			$GLOBALS['FormFieldMonthFieldArgs'] .= 'style="' . isc_html_escape($this->extraInfo['style']) . '" ';
			$GLOBALS['FormFieldYearFieldArgs'] .= 'style="' . isc_html_escape($this->extraInfo['style']) . '" ';

		$GLOBALS['FormFieldDayFieldName'] = $this->getFieldName('Day');
		$GLOBALS['FormFieldMonthFieldName'] = $this->getFieldName('Month');
		$GLOBALS['FormFieldYearFieldName'] = $this->getFieldName('Year');

		 * Set the value
		if ($this->value == '' && $this->extraInfo['defaultvalue'] !== '') {
			$defaultValue = $this->extraInfo['defaultvalue'];
		} else if ($this->value == '') {
			if ($this->extraInfo['limitfrom'] !== '') {
				$defaultValue = $this->extraInfo['limitfrom'];
			} else {
				$defaultValue = '';
		} else {
			$defaultValue = $this->value;

		 * Now the day, month and year options
		$defaultDate = array();
		if ($defaultValue !== '') {
			$defaultDate = explode('-', $defaultValue);

		$defaultDate = array_filter($defaultDate, 'is_numeric');

		if (count($defaultDate) !== 3) {
			$defaultDate = array();

		 * Find the available date ranges
		$ranges = $this->findAvailableDateRange();

		 * Day
		if (empty($defaultDate)) {
			$GLOBALS['FormFieldDayOptions'] = '<option value="" selected>--</option>';
		} else {
			$GLOBALS['FormFieldDayOptions'] = '<option value="">--</option>';

		$range = $ranges['day'];
		for ($i=$range['from']; $i<=$range['to']; $i++) {
			$GLOBALS['FormFieldDayOptions'] .= '<option value="' . (int)$i . '"';

			if (isset($defaultDate[2]) && (int)$defaultDate[2] == $i) {
				$GLOBALS['FormFieldDayOptions'] .= ' selected="selected"';

			$GLOBALS['FormFieldDayOptions'] .= '>' . isc_html_escape(Store_Number::addOrdinalSuffix($i)) . '</option>';

		 * Month
		if (empty($defaultDate)) {
			$GLOBALS['FormFieldMonthOptions'] = '<option value="" selected>---</option>';
		} else {
			$GLOBALS['FormFieldMonthOptions'] = '<option value="">---</option>';

		$range = $ranges['month'];
		for ($i=$range['from']; $i<=$range['to']; $i++) {
			$month = date('F', mktime(1, 1, 1, $i, 1, date('Y')));
			$month = ucfirst(isc_strtolower($month)) . 'Short';
			$GLOBALS['FormFieldMonthOptions'] .= '<option value="' . (int)$i . '"';

			if (isset($defaultDate[1]) && (int)$defaultDate[1] == $i) {
				$GLOBALS['FormFieldMonthOptions'] .= ' selected="selected"';

			$GLOBALS['FormFieldMonthOptions'] .= '>' . isc_html_escape(GetLang($month)) . '</option>';

		 * Year
		if (empty($defaultDate)) {
			$GLOBALS['FormFieldYearOptions'] = '<option value="" selected>----</option>';
		} else {
			$GLOBALS['FormFieldYearOptions'] = '<option value="">----</option>';

		$range = $ranges['year'];
		for ($i=$range['from']; $i<=$range['to']; $i++) {
			$GLOBALS['FormFieldYearOptions'] .= '<option value="' . (int)$i . '"';

			if (isset($defaultDate[0]) && (int)$defaultDate[0] == $i) {
				$GLOBALS['FormFieldYearOptions'] .= ' selected="selected"';

			$GLOBALS['FormFieldYearOptions'] .= '>' . (int)$i . '</option>';

		return $this->buildForFrontend();
コード例 #12
ファイル: ProductDetails.php プロジェクト: hungnv0789/vhtm
	 * Generate the configurable product fields if this product has any.
	public function LoadProductFieldsLayout()
		$output = '';
		$productId = $this->productClass->GetProductId();
		$fields = $this->productClass->GetProductFields($productId);
		if(empty($fields)) {

		foreach($fields as $field) {
			$GLOBALS['ProductFieldType'] = isc_html_escape($field['type']);
			$GLOBALS['ItemId'] = 0;
			$GLOBALS['ProductFieldId'] = (int)$field['id'];
			$GLOBALS['ProductFieldName'] = isc_html_escape($field['name']);
			$GLOBALS['ProductFieldInputSize'] = '';
			$GLOBALS['ProductFieldRequired'] = '';
			$GLOBALS['FieldRequiredClass'] = '';
			$GLOBALS['CheckboxFieldNameLeft'] = '';
			$GLOBALS['CheckboxFieldNameRight'] = '';
			$GLOBALS['HideCartFileName'] = 'display:none';
			$GLOBALS['HideDeleteFileLink'] = 'display:none';
			$GLOBALS['HideFileHelp'] = "display:none";
			$snippetFile = 'ProductFieldInput';

			switch ($field['type']) {
				case 'textarea': {
					$snippetFile = 'ProductFieldTextarea';
				case 'file': {
					if(!$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->getIsMobileDevice()) {
						$GLOBALS['HideFileHelp'] = "";
						$GLOBALS['FileSize'] = Store_Number::niceSize($field['fileSize']*1024);
						$GLOBALS['FileTypes'] = $field['fileType'];
					if($field['required']) {
						$this->hasRequiredFileFields = true;
				case 'checkbox': {
					$GLOBALS['CheckboxFieldNameLeft'] = isc_html_escape($field['name']);
					$snippetFile = 'ProductFieldCheckbox';
				case 'select':
					$options = explode(',', $field['selectOptions']);
					$optionStr = '<option value="">' . GetLang('PleaseChooseAnOption') . '</option>';
					foreach ($options as $option) {
						$option = trim($option);
						$optionStr .= "<option value=\"" . isc_html_escape($option) . "\">" . isc_html_escape($option) . "</option>\n";
					$GLOBALS['SelectOptions'] = $optionStr;
					$snippetFile = 'ProductFieldSelect';
				default: break;

			if($field['required']) {
				$GLOBALS['ProductFieldRequired'] = '<span class="Required">*</span>';
				$GLOBALS['FieldRequiredClass'] = 'FieldRequired';
			$output .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet($snippetFile);
		$GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']['ProductFieldsList'] = $output;
コード例 #13
ファイル: general.php プロジェクト: hungnv0789/vhtm
	function GetMaxUploadSize()
		$sizes = array(
			"upload_max_filesize" => ini_get("upload_max_filesize"),
			"post_max_size" => ini_get("post_max_size")
		$max_size = -1;
		foreach ($sizes as $size) {
			if (!$size) {
			$unit = isc_substr($size, -1);
			$size = isc_substr($size, 0, -1);
			switch (isc_strtolower($unit))
				case "g":
					$size *= 1024;
				case "m":
					$size *= 1024;
				case "k":
					$size *= 1024;
			if ($max_size == -1 || $size > $max_size) {
				$max_size = $size;
		return Store_Number::niceSize($max_size);
コード例 #14
ファイル: class.remote.php プロジェクト: hungnv0789/vhtm
		public function EditConfigurableFieldsInCart()
			$quote = getCustomerQuote();
			if(!isset($_REQUEST['itemid']) || !$quote->hasItem($_REQUEST['itemid'])) {
				return false;

			$output = '';

			$item = $quote->getItemById($_REQUEST['itemid']);
			$existingConfiguration = $item->getConfiguration();

			$GLOBALS['ItemId'] = $item->getId();

			$GLOBALS['CartProductName'] = isc_html_escape($item->getName());

			$fields = $item->getConfigurableOptions();
			foreach($fields as $field) {
				$GLOBALS['ProductFieldType'] = isc_html_escape($field['fieldtype']);
				$GLOBALS['ProductFieldId'] = (int)$field['productfieldid'];
				$GLOBALS['ProductFieldName'] = isc_html_escape($field['fieldname']);
				$GLOBALS['ProductFieldRequired'] = '';
				$GLOBALS['FieldRequiredClass'] = '';
				$GLOBALS['ProductFieldValue'] = '';
				$GLOBALS['ProductFieldFileValue'] = '';
				$GLOBALS['HideCartFileName'] = 'display: none';
				$GLOBALS['CheckboxFieldNameLeft'] = '';
				$GLOBALS['CheckboxFieldNameRight'] = '';
				$GLOBALS['HideDeleteFileLink'] = 'display: none';
				$GLOBALS['HideFileHelp'] = "display:none";

				$configurableField = array(
					'type'				=> '',
					'name'				=> '',
					'fileType'			=> '',
					'fileOriginalName'	=> '',
					'value'				=> '',
					'selectOptions'		=> '',

				if(isset($existingConfiguration[$field['productfieldid']])) {
					$configurableField = $existingConfiguration[$field['productfieldid']];

				$snippetFile = 'ProductFieldInput';
				switch ($field['fieldtype']) {
					case 'textarea': {
						$GLOBALS['ProductFieldValue'] = isc_html_escape($configurableField['value']);
						$snippetFile = 'ProductFieldTextarea';
					case 'file': {
						$fieldValue = isc_html_escape($configurableField['fileOriginalName']);
						$GLOBALS['HideDeleteCartFieldFile'] = '';
						$GLOBALS['CurrentProductFile'] = $fieldValue;
						$GLOBALS['ProductFieldFileValue'] = $fieldValue;
						$GLOBALS['HideFileHelp'] = "";
						$GLOBALS['FileSize'] = Store_Number::niceSize($field['fieldfilesize']*1024);

						if($fieldValue != '') {
							$GLOBALS['HideCartFileName'] = '';

						if(!$field['fieldrequired']) {
							$GLOBALS['HideDeleteFileLink'] = '';
						$GLOBALS['FileTypes'] = isc_html_escape($field['fieldfiletype']);
					case 'checkbox': {
						$GLOBALS['CheckboxFieldNameLeft'] = $GLOBALS['ProductFieldName'];
						if($configurableField['value'] == 'on') {
							$GLOBALS['ProductFieldValue'] = 'checked';
						$snippetFile = 'ProductFieldCheckbox';
					case 'select':
						$options = explode(',', $configurableField['selectOptions']);
						$optionStr = '<option value="">' . GetLang('PleaseChooseAnOption') . '</option>';
						foreach ($options as $option) {
							$option = trim($option);

							$selected = '';
							if ($option == $configurableField['value']) {
								$selected = 'selected="selected"';

							$optionStr .= "<option value=\"" . isc_html_escape($option) . "\" " . $selected . ">" . isc_html_escape($option) . "</option>\n";
						$GLOBALS['SelectOptions'] = $optionStr;
						$snippetFile = 'ProductFieldSelect';
					default: {
						$GLOBALS['ProductFieldValue'] = isc_html_escape($configurableField['value']);

				if($field['fieldrequired']) {
					$GLOBALS['ProductFieldRequired'] = '<span class="Required">*</span>';
					$GLOBALS['FieldRequiredClass'] = 'FieldRequired';
				$output .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet('Cart'.$snippetFile);
			$GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']['ProductFieldsList'] = $output;

			$editProductFields = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet('CartEditProductFieldsForm');
			echo $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->ParseSnippets($editProductFields, $GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']);