function get_candidate_values($pool_uri, $max = 5) { if (!isset($this->bigfootSparqlService)) { $bigfoot = new Store(STORE_URI); $this->bigfootSparqlService = $bigfoot->get_sparql_service(); } $query = "PREFIX p: <> CONSTRUCT {<{$pool_uri}> p:value ?v . } WHERE { <{$pool_uri}> p:value ?v . } LIMIT {$max}"; $triples = $this->bigfootSparqlService->graph_to_triple_list($query); $candidates = array(); if (is_array($triples)) { foreach ($triples as $triple) { if ($triple['p'] = '' && $triple['o_type'] == 'literal') { array_push($candidates, $triple['o']); } } } return $candidates; }
/** * Runs the constructed query and returns the results as an instance of DataTableResult */ function get() { $store = new Store($this->_store_uri, $this->_credentials, $this->_request_factory); $ss = $store->get_sparql_service(); $query = $this->get_sparql(); $response = $ss->query($query, 'json'); if ($response->is_success()) { return new DataTableResult($response->body, $this->_subject); } else { //trigger_error("SPARQL query failed with HTTP result " . $response->status_code. " and body " . $response->to_string(), E_USER_WARNING); return new DataTableResult('{"head": {"vars": [ ] } , "results": { "bindings": [] } }', $this->_subject); } }
function test_get_sparql_service_sets_credentials() { $credentials = new Credentials('scooby', 'shaggy'); $store = new Store("", $credentials); $this->assertEquals($credentials, $store->get_sparql_service()->credentials); }