コード例 #1
echo trad('STATUT', 'admin');
$commande = new Commande();
$query = "SELECT * FROM " . Commande::TABLE . " WHERE client='" . $client->id . "' ORDER BY date DESC";
$resul = $commande->query($query);
while ($resul && ($cmd = $commande->fetch_object($resul, 'Commande'))) {
    $statutdesc = new Statutdesc();
    switch ($cmd->statut) {
        case '1':
            $trClass = 'warning';
        case '4':
            $trClass = 'success';
        case '5':
            $trClass = 'error';
            $trClass = 'info';
コード例 #2
					<form action="<?php 
echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
" name="formchange" method="post">
									<input type="hidden" name="ref" value="<?php 
echo $ref;
" />
									<select name="statutch" id="statutch" onchange="formchange.submit()" class="form">
$statut = new Statut();
$query = "select * from {$statut->table}";
$resul = $statut->query($query);
while ($resul && ($row = $statut->fetch_object($resul))) {
    $statutcurdes = new Statutdesc();
    if ($row->id == $statutdesc->statut) {
        $selected = "selected";
    } else {
        $selected = "";
										<option value="<?php 
    echo $row->id;
" <?php 
    echo $selected;
    echo $statutcurdes->titre;
コード例 #3
ファイル: boucles.php プロジェクト: anti-conformiste/thelia1
function boucleCommande($texte, $args)
    $commande = new Commande();
    // récupération des arguments
    $commande_id = lireTag($args, "id", "int");
    $commande_ref = lireTag($args, "ref", "string");
    $client_id = lireTag($args, "client", "int");
    $statut = lireTag($args, "statut", "string");
    $classement = lireTag($args, "classement", "string");
    $statutexcl = lireTag($args, "statutexcl", "int_list");
    $deb = lireTag($args, "deb", "int");
    $num = lireTag($args, "num", "int");
    if ($commande_ref == "" && $client_id == "") {
    $search = "";
    $order = "";
    $limit = "";
    $res = "";
    // preparation de la requete
    if ($commande_id != "") {
        $search .= " and id=\"{$commande_id}\"";
    if ($commande_ref != "") {
        $search .= " and ref=\"{$commande_ref}\"";
    if ($client_id != "") {
        $search .= " and client=\"{$client_id}\"";
    if ($statutexcl != "") {
        $search .= " and statut not in ({$statutexcl})";
    if ($statut != "" && $statut != "paye") {
        $search .= " and statut=\"{$statut}\"";
    } else {
        if ($statut == "paye") {
            $search .= " and statut>\"1\" and statut<>\"5\"";
    if ($deb == "") {
        $deb = 0;
    if ($num != "") {
        $limit = "limit {$deb},{$num}";
    if ($classement == "inverse") {
        $order = "order by date";
    } else {
        $order = "order by date desc";
    $query = "select * from {$commande->table} where 1 {$search} {$order} {$limit}";
    $statutdesc = new Statutdesc();
    $venteprod = new Venteprod();
    $resul = CacheBase::getCache()->query($query);
    if (empty($resul)) {
        return "";
    foreach ($resul as $row) {
        $jour = substr($row->date, 8, 2);
        $mois = substr($row->date, 5, 2);
        $annee = substr($row->date, 0, 4);
        $heure = substr($row->date, 11, 2);
        $minute = substr($row->date, 14, 2);
        $seconde = substr($row->date, 17, 2);
        $jour_livraison = substr($row->datelivraison, 8, 2);
        $mois_livraison = substr($row->datelivraison, 5, 2);
        $annee_livraison = substr($row->datelivraison, 0, 4);
        $datelivraison = $jour_livraison . "/" . $mois_livraison . "/" . $annee_livraison;
        $datefacturation = $row->datefact == '0000-00-00' ? '' : substr($row->datefact, 8, 2) . "/" . substr($row->datefact, 5, 2) . "/" . substr($row->datefact, 0, 4);
        $query2 = "\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsum(prixu*quantite) as totalttc,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsum(prixu*quantite / (1 + tva / 100)) as totalht\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$venteprod->table}\n\t\t\t\t\twhere\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcommande='{$row->id}'\n\t\t\t\t";
        $resul2 = CacheBase::getCache()->query($query2);
        $totalarticlesttc = $resul2[0]->totalttc;
        $totalarticlesht = $resul2[0]->totalht;
        if ($totalarticlesttc != 0) {
            $pourcremise = $row->remise / $totalarticlesttc * 100;
        } else {
            $pourcremise = 0;
        $total = $totalarticlesttc - $row->remise;
        $port = $row->port;
        $totcmdport = $row->port + $total;
        $temp = str_replace("#ID", "{$row->id}", $texte);
        $temp = str_replace("#ADRESSE", "{$row->adrfact}", $temp);
        $temp = str_replace("#ADRFACT", "{$row->adrfact}", $temp);
        $temp = str_replace("#ADRLIVR", "{$row->adrlivr}", $temp);
        if ($jour_livraison != "00") {
            $temp = str_replace("#DATELIVRAISON", $jour_livraison . "/" . $mois_livraison . "/" . $annee_livraison, $temp);
        } else {
            $temp = str_replace("#DATELIVRAISON", "", $temp);
        $temp = str_replace("#DATEFACTURATION", $datefacturation, $temp);
        $temp = str_replace("#DATE", $jour . "/" . $mois . "/" . $annee, $temp);
        $temp = str_replace("#REF", "{$row->ref}", $temp);
        $temp = str_replace("#ADRFACT", "{$row->adrfact}", $temp);
        $temp = str_replace("#ADRLIVR", "{$row->adrlivr}", $temp);
        $temp = str_replace("#FACTURE", "{$row->facture}", $temp);
        $temp = str_replace("#TRANSACTION", "{$row->transaction}", $temp);
        $temp = str_replace("#REMISE", formatter_somme($row->remise), $temp);
        $temp = str_replace("#STATUTID", "{$row->statut}", $temp);
        $temp = str_replace("#STATUT", "{$statutdesc->titre}", $temp);
        $temp = str_replace("#PORT", formatter_somme($port), $temp);
        $temp = str_replace("#COMDEVISE", "{$row->devise}", $temp);
        $temp = str_replace("#TAUX", "{$row->taux}", $temp);
        $temp = str_replace("#COLIS", "{$row->colis}", $temp);
        $temp = str_replace("#LIVRAISON", "{$row->livraison}", $temp);
        $temp = str_replace("#CLIENT", "{$row->client}", $temp);
        $temp = str_replace("#TOTALARTICLESTTC", formatter_somme($totalarticlesttc), $temp);
        $temp = str_replace("#TOTALARTICLESHT", formatter_somme($totalarticlesht), $temp);
        $temp = str_replace("#POURCEREMISE", $pourcremise, $temp);
        $temp = str_replace("#TOTALCMD", formatter_somme($total), $temp);
        $temp = str_replace("#TOTCMDPORT", formatter_somme($totcmdport), $temp);
        $module = new Modules();
        $moduledesc = new Modulesdesc();
        $temp = str_replace("#TRANSPORTTITRE", $moduledesc->titre, $temp);
        $temp = str_replace("#PAIEMENTTITRE", $moduledesc->titre, $temp);
        $temp = str_replace("#PAIEMENT", "{$row->paiement}", $temp);
        $temp = str_replace("#TRANSPORT", "{$row->transport}", $temp);
        $res .= $temp;
    return $res;
コード例 #4
ファイル: commande.php プロジェクト: anti-conformiste/thelia1
function lister_commandes($critere, $order, $debut, $nbres, $search = '')
    $commande = new Commande();
    $i = 0;
    $query = "select * from {$commande->table} where 1 {$search} order by {$critere} {$order} limit {$debut},{$nbres}";
    $resul = $commande->query($query);
    while ($resul && ($row = $commande->fetch_object($resul, 'Commande'))) {
        $client = new Client();
        $statutdesc = new Statutdesc();
        $devise = new Devise();
        $total = formatter_somme($row->total(true, true));
        $date = strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S", strtotime($row->date));
        $fond = "ligne_" . ($i++ % 2 ? "claire" : "fonce") . "_rub";

<ul class="<?php 
        echo $fond;
	<li style="width:142px;"><?php 
        echo $row->ref;
	<li style="width:104px;"><?php 
        echo $date;
	<li style="width:200px;"><?php 
        echo $client->entreprise;
	<li style="width:200px;"><a href="client_visualiser.php?ref=<?php 
        echo $client->ref;
        echo $client->nom . " " . $client->prenom;
	<li style="width:59px;"><?php 
        echo $total;
        echo $devise->symbole;
	<li style="width:70px;"><?php 
        echo $statutdesc->titre;
	<li style="width:40px;"><a href="commande_details.php?ref=<?php 
        echo $row->ref;
        if ($row->statut != Commande::ANNULE) {
		<li style="width:35px; text-align:center;"><a href="#" onclick="supprimer('<?php 
            echo $row->id;
'); return false;"><img src="gfx/supprimer.gif" width="9" height="9" border="0" /></a></li>
コード例 #5
ファイル: commande.php プロジェクト: anti-conformiste/thelia1
		<li style="height:25px; width:66px; border-left:1px solid #96A8B5;"><?php 
echo trad('Montant', 'admin');
		<li style="height:25px; width:77px; border-left:1px solid #96A8B5; background-image: url(gfx/picto_menu_deroulant.gif); background-position:right bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat;"><?php 
echo trad('Statut', 'admin');
			<ul class="Menu">
$statut = new Statut();
$query_stat = "select * from {$statut->table}";
$resul_stat = $statut->query($query_stat);
while ($resul_stat && ($row_stat = $statut->fetch_object($resul_stat))) {
    $statutdesc = new Statutdesc();
				<li style="width:84px;"><a href="commande.php?statut=<?php 
    echo $row_stat->id;
" name="<?php 
    echo $row_stat->id;
    echo $statutdesc->titre;
				<li style="width:84px;"><a href="commande.php">En cours</a></li>
コード例 #6
 public function getSearchList($searchTerm, $clientFoundList)
     $searchTerm = $this->escape_string(trim($searchTerm));
     $return = array();
     if ($searchTerm === '' && count($clientFoundList) == 0) {
         return $return;
     $qOrders = "SELECT * FROM " . self::TABLE . "\n            WHERE ref like '%{$searchTerm}%'\n                OR facture like '%{$searchTerm}%'\n                OR transaction like '%{$searchTerm}%'\n                " . (count($clientFoundList) > 0 ? " OR client IN (" . implode(',', $clientFoundList) . ")" : '') . "\n                " . (strtotime($searchTerm) ? " OR date LIKE '" . date('Y-m-d', strtotime($searchTerm)) . "%'" : '') . "\n            LIMIT 100";
     $rOrders = $this->query($qOrders);
     while ($rOrders && ($theOrder = $this->fetch_object($rOrders, 'Commande'))) {
         $thisOrderArray = array();
         $client = new Client();
         $statutdesc = new Statutdesc();
         $devise = new Devise();
         $total = formatter_somme($theOrder->total(true, true));
         $date = strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S", strtotime($theOrder->date));
         $thisOrderArray['ref'] = $theOrder->ref;
         $thisOrderArray['transaction'] = $theOrder->transaction;
         $thisOrderArray['facture'] = $theOrder->facture;
         $thisOrderArray['date'] = $date;
         $thisOrderArray['client'] = array("entreprise" => $client->entreprise, "ref" => $client->ref, "nom" => $client->nom, "prenom" => $client->prenom);
         $thisOrderArray['total'] = $total;
         $thisOrderArray['devise'] = $devise->symbole;
         $thisOrderArray['titre'] = $statutdesc->titre;
         $thisOrderArray['statut'] = $theOrder->statut;
         $thisOrderArray['id'] = $theOrder->id;
         $return[] = $thisOrderArray;
     return $return;
コード例 #7
$modules = new Modules();
$devise = new Devise();
if ($statutch) {
if (isset($colis) && $colis != "") {
    $commande->colis = $colis;
    ActionsModules::instance()->appel_module("statut", $commande, $commande->statut);
$client = new Client();
$statutdesc = new Statutdesc();
$date = new DateTime($commande->date);
$moduletransport = new Modules();
$moduletransportdesc = new Modulesdesc();
$promoutil = new Promoutil();
$adrFacturation = new Venteadr($commande->adrfact);
$adrLivraison = new Venteadr($commande->adrlivr);
$paysFacturation = new Paysdesc($adrFacturation->pays);
$paysLivraison = new Paysdesc($adrLivraison->pays);
$raisonFacturation = new Raisondesc($adrFacturation->raison);
$raisonLivraison = new Raisondesc($adrLivraison->raison);
$statusArray = $commande->query_liste('SELECT * FROM ' . Statutdesc::TABLE . ' WHERE lang=' . ActionsLang::instance()->get_id_langue_courante());
try {
コード例 #8
 $commande = new Commande();
 $i = 0;
 $jour = substr($motcle, 0, 2);
 $mois = substr($motcle, 3, 2);
 $annee = substr($motcle, 6);
 $ladate = "{$annee}-{$mois}-{$jour}";
 $ladate = str_replace("??", "%", $ladate);
 $search .= " ref like '%{$motcle}%' or date like '{$ladate}'";
 $query = "select * from {$commande->table} {$search}";
 $resul = mysql_query($query, $commande->link);
 $venteprod = new Venteprod();
 while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($resul)) {
     $client = new Client();
     $statutdesc = new Statutdesc();
     $query2 = "SELECT sum(prixu*quantite) as total FROM {$venteprod->table} where commande='{$row->id}'";
     $resul2 = mysql_query($query2, $venteprod->link);
     $total = round(mysql_result($resul2, 0, "total"), 2);
     $port = $row->port;
     $total -= $row->remise;
     $total += $port;
     if ($total < 0) {
         $total = 0;
     $jour = substr($row->date, 8, 2);
     $mois = substr($row->date, 5, 2);
     $annee = substr($row->date, 0, 4);
     $heure = substr($row->date, 11, 2);
     $minute = substr($row->date, 14, 2);
     $seconde = substr($row->date, 17, 2);