function recordFail($xml) { $sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_rp_fail(return_code, return_msg, result_code,err_code,err_code_des,mch_billno,mch_id,wxappid,re_openid,total_amount)VALUES(\r\n'{$xml->return_code}','{$xml->return_msg}','{$xml->result_code}','{$xml->err_code}','{$xml->err_code_des}','{$xml->mch_billno}','{$xml->mch_id}','{$xml->wxappid}','{$xml->re_openid}',{$xml->total_amount}\r\n);"; $sh = new SqlHelper(); $sh->connDataBase(DB_WX_URL, DB_WX_USER, DB_WX_PWD, DB_WX_NAME); return $sh->modify($sql); }
function addMessage($sender,$getter,$con) { //创建SQL语句 $sql="insert into messages (sender,getter,content,sendTime) values('$sender','$getter','$con',now())"; file_put_contents("/Library/WebServer/Documents/ajax/mylog.txt",$sql."\r", FILE_APPEND); $sqlHelper=new SqlHelper(); return $sqlHelper->execute_dml($sql); }
public function ChangePassword($username, $oldPassword, $newPassword) { $result = false; $sql = "select password from t_admin where username='******'"; //创建一个SqlHelper对象 $sqlHelper = new SqlHelper(); $res = $sqlHelper->execute_dql($sql); if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { //比对密码 if (md5($oldPassword) == $row['password']) { $sql = "update t_admin set password='******' where username='******'"; if ($sqlHelper->execute_dml($sql) != 0) { $result = true; } else { $this->errMessage = "更新失败!"; } } else { $this->errMessage = "原始密码不正确"; } } //资源 mysql_free_result($res); //关闭链接 $sqlHelper->close_connect(); return $result; }
public function showMessageByPage($fenyePage, $loginname) { $sql = "select *from message where getter = '" . $loginname . "'" . "limit " . $fenyePage->pageSize * ($fenyePage->page - 1) . "," . $fenyePage->pageSize; $sqlHelper = new SqlHelper(); $res = $sqlHelper->execute_dql2($sql); return $res; }
public function get_reply($bbs_id) { $sqlHelper = new SqlHelper(); $sql = "select * from reply where bbs_id={$bbs_id}"; $res = $sqlHelper->res_array_erwei($sql); $sqlHelper->close(); return $res; }
public function get_user_info($sno) { $sqlHelper = new SqlHelper(); $sql = "select sno,usernc,truename,email,tel,major,img from student where sno='{$sno}'"; $res = $sqlHelper->res_array($sql); $sqlHelper->close(); return $res; }
public function updateEmpUI($id, $name, $grade, $email) { $sql = "update emp set name='{$name}',grade={$grade},email='{$email}' where id={$id}"; $sqlHelper = new SqlHelper(); $res = $sqlHelper->execute_dml($sql); $sqlHelper->close_connect(); return $res; }
public function getStuListByPage($pageNow, $pageSize) { $sql = "select * from student limit " . ($pageNow - 1) * $pageSize . ",{$pageSize}"; $sqlHelper = new SqlHelper(); $res2 = $sqlHelper->execute_dql2($sql); //free return $res2; }
public function get_question_gaicuo($paper_id) { $sqlHelper = new SqlHelper(); $sql = "select correct_name,correct_code,true_code from correct where paper_id='{$paper_id}'"; $arr = $sqlHelper->res_array_erwei($sql); $sqlHelper->close(); return $arr; }
private function update($gameId, $player_name) { $st = new SqlHelper(); $sql = "UPDATE tbl_player SET player_name='{$player_name}',last_login_utc=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()), last_login_date = NOW() WHERE game_id={$gameId}"; $st->conn(); $result = $st->modify($sql); $st->close(); return $result; }
public function insert_correct_question($correct_name, $correct_code, $true_code, $run_answer, $paper_id) { $sqlHelper = new SqlHelper(); $correct_code = str_replace("<", "\"", $correct_code); $correct_code = str_replace(">", "\"", $correct_code); $sql = "INSERT INTO `weike`.`correct` ( `correct_name`, `correct_code`, `true_code`, `run_answer`, `paper_id`) VALUES ( '{$correct_name}', '{$correct_code}', '{$true_code}', '{$run_answer}', '{$paper_id}')"; $res = $sqlHelper->dml($sql); return $res; }
private function record2DB($openid, $qList) { $sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_feedback VALUES('{$openid}',NOW(),'{$qList['0']}','{$qList['1']}','{$qList['2']}','{$qList['3']}','{$qList['4']}','{$qList['5']}','{$qList['6']}','{$qList['7']}');"; $st = new SqlHelper(); $st->conn(); $result = $st->modify($sql); $st->close(); return $result; }
public function getId($tel) { $sqlHelper = new SqlHelper(); $user = new User(); $sql = "select id from user where tel='{$tel}'"; $res = $sqlHelper->dql_arr($sql); $user->setId($res[0]['id']); return $user; }
private function record2DB($openid, $key) { $sql = "UPDATE tbl_rbkey SET openid='{$openid}',used_date=NOW() WHERE rb_key ='{$key}' AND openid IS NULL;"; $st = new SqlHelper(); $st->connDataBase(DB_URL, DB_USER, DB_PWD, DB_RBKEY); $result = $st->modify($sql); $st->close(); return $result; }
/** * @param $fenyePage */ function getFenyePage($fenyePage) { $sqlhelper = new SqlHelper(); $sql1 = "select * from emp limit " . ($fenyePage->pageNow - 1) * $fenyePage->pageSize . "," . $fenyePage->pageSize; echo "当前页:" . $fenyePage->pageNow . "<br/>"; echo $sql1; $sql2 = "select count(id) from emp"; $sqlhelper->exectue_dql_fenye($sql1, $sql2, $fenyePage); $sqlhelper->close_conn(); }
public function CheckAdmin($id, $password) { $sqlHelper = new SqlHelper(); $sql = "select password,name from admin where id={$id}"; $res = $sqlHelper->res_array($sql); if (md5($password) == $res[0]) { return $res[1]; exit; } $sqlHelper->close(); return ""; }
public function checkAdmin($id, $password) { $sql = "select password,name from admin where id={$id}"; $sqlhelper = new SqlHelper(); $res = $sqlhelper->execute_dql($sql); if ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) { if (md5($password) == $row['password']) { return true; } } mysqli_free_result($res); $sqlhelper->close_conn(); return false; }
public function AdminLogin($username, $password) { $sqlHelper = new SqlHelper(); $admin = new Admin(); $sql = "select password,level from admin where username='******'"; $res = $sqlHelper->dql_arr($sql); if ($res[0]['password'] == md5($password)) { $admin->setUsername($username); $admin->setLevel($res[0]['level']); return $admin; } else { return null; } }
function getPageCount($pageSize) { //查询rowcout $sql = "select count(id) from brand_wyeth_customer"; $sqlhelper = new SqlHelper(); $res = $sqlhelper->execute_dql($sql); //计算pagecount if ($row = mysql_fetch_row()) { $pagecount = ceil($row[0] / $pageSize); } //释放资源关闭链接 mysql_free_result($res); mysql_close(); return $pagecount; }
/** * 生成商户订单号 * @param $openid */ function getOrderId($mchBillno) { $temp = $mchBillno . date("Ymd"); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM tbl_rp_success"; $st = new SqlHelper(); $st->connDataBase(DB_WX_URL, DB_WX_USER, DB_WX_PWD, DB_WX_NAME); $result = $st->query($sql); $id = $result[0]['count']; $count = strlen($id); for ($i = $count; $i < 10; $i++) { $temp .= '0'; } $temp .= $id; return $temp; }
/** * 转义数据 * @param mixed $data * @param boolean $isQuote 字符串值是否用引号引起来。默认不括起来。 * @return mixed */ public static function escape($data, $isQuote = false) { if (is_int($data)) { return strval($data); } elseif (is_float($data)) { return strval($data); } elseif (is_string($data)) { if ($isQuote) { # 判断值是否需要 quote 起来 if (SqlHelper::isWrapperNoQuote($data)) { return addslashes(SqlHelper::UnwrapperNoQuote($data)); } else { return "'" . addslashes($data) . "'"; } } else { return addslashes($data); } } elseif (is_bool($data)) { return strval(intval($data)); } elseif (empty($data)) { if ($isQuote) { return "''"; } else { return ''; } } elseif (is_array($data)) { foreach ($data as &$val) { $val = self::escape($val, $isQuote); } return $data; } else { return false; } }
public function actionSorting() { if (isset($_POST['tree'])) { $model = new Category(); $this->performAjaxValidation($model); //при сортировке дерева параметры корня измениться не могут, //поэтоtму его вообще сохранять не будем $data = json_decode($_POST['tree']); array_shift($data); //получаем большие case для update $update = array(); $nestedSortableFields = array('depth' => Category::DEPTH, 'left' => Category::LFT, 'right' => Category::RGT); foreach ($nestedSortableFields as $key => $field) { $update_data = CHtml::listData($data, 'item_id', $key); $update[] = "{$field} = " . SqlHelper::arrToCase('id', $update_data); } //обновляем всю таблицу, кроме рута $condition = Category::DEPTH . " > 1"; $command = Yii::app()->db->commandBuilder->createSqlCommand("UPDATE `{$model->tableName()}` SET " . implode(', ', $update) . " WHERE {$condition}"); $command->execute(); echo CJSON::encode(array('status' => 'ok', 'redirect' => $this->createUrl('manage'))); Yii::app()->end(); } $this->render('sorting'); }
public function run() { $model = $this->model; $class = get_class($model); if (isset($_POST['tree'])) { $this->controller->performAjaxValidation($model); //при сортировке дерева параметры корня измениться не могут, //поэтоtму его вообще сохранять не будем $data = json_decode($_POST['tree']); array_shift($data); //получаем большие case для update $update = array(); $nestedSortableFields = array('depth' => $class::DEPTH, 'left' => $class::LFT, 'right' => $class::RGT); foreach ($nestedSortableFields as $key => $field) { $update_data = CHtml::listData($data, 'item_id', $key); if ($key == $class::DEPTH) { foreach ($update_data as $key => $val) { $update_data[$key]++; } } $update[] = "{$field} = " . SqlHelper::arrToCase('id', $update_data); } //обновляем всю таблицу, кроме рута $condition = $class::DEPTH . " > 1"; $command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("UPDATE `{$model->tableName()}` SET " . implode(', ', $update) . " WHERE {$condition}"); $command->execute(); $this->controller->forward($this->forwardRoute, true); } $this->controller->render('sort', array('model' => $model, 'class' => $class)); }
public function EditEntity($bo) { $db = new Database(); $newID = UUID::newID(); $ID = str_replace("sys", "", $bo["EntityName"]) . "id"; if ($bo[$ID] != null) { $values = SqlHelper::GetUpdates(explode(",", $bo["EntityFields"]), $bo); $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $bo["EntityName"] . ' SET ' . $values . ' WHERE ' . $ID . ' = "' . $bo[$ID] . '"'; } else { // $fields = str_replace($ID . ",", "", $bo["EntityFields"]); $values = SqlHelper::GetValues(explode(",", $fields), $bo); $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $bo["EntityName"] . '(' . $ID . ',' . $fields . ')' . ' VALUES("' . $newID . '",' . $values . ')'; //table if ($bo["EntityName"] == 'sysentity') { $table = ';CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . $bo["Name"] . '(' . $bo["Name"] . 'ID INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (' . $bo["Name"] . 'ID))ENGINE = InnoDB'; $sql .= $table; } if ($bo["EntityName"] == 'sysproperty') { $result = $db->RunSQL('SELECT Name FROM SysEntity WHERE EntityID = ' . $bo["EntityID"]); $table = ';ALTER TABLE ' . $result[0]['Name'] . ' ADD COLUMN ' . $bo["Name"] . ' VARCHAR(45) NULL '; $sql .= $table; } } $result = $db->ExecuteSQL($sql); return $this->GetEntityView($bo["RefreshEntityViewID"], array("id" => $newID)); }
public function actionSorting($root_id, $menu_id) { if (isset($_POST['tree'])) { $model = new MenuSection(); $this->performAjaxValidation($model); //при сортировке дерева параметры корня измениться не могут, //поэтоtму его вообще сохранять не будем $data = json_decode($_POST['tree']); array_shift($data); //получаем большие case для update $update = []; $js_to_sql_mapping = ['depth' => 'level', 'left' => 'left', 'right' => 'right']; foreach ($js_to_sql_mapping as $js_field => $field) { $update_data = CHtml::listData($data, 'item_id', $js_field); $update[] = "t.{$field} = " . SqlHelper::arrToCase('id', $update_data, 't'); } $in = implode(', ', array_values(CHtml::listData($data, 'item_id', 'item_id'))); $condition = "t.level > 1"; $command = Yii::app()->db->commandBuilder->createSqlCommand("UPDATE `{$model->tableName()}` as t SET " . implode(', ', $update) . " WHERE {$condition} AND IN ({$in})"); $command->execute(); echo CJSON::encode(['status' => 'ok', 'redirect' => $this->createUrl('manage', ['menu_id' => $menu_id])]); Yii::app()->end(); } $this->render('sorting', ['root_id' => $root_id, 'menu_id' => $menu_id]); }
public function checkAdmin($id, $password) { $sql = "select password,name from userlogin where id={$id}"; $sqlHelper = new SqlHelper(); $res = $sqlHelper->execute_dql($sql); if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { if (md5($password) == $row['password']) { return $row['name']; } } //关闭资源 mysql_free_result($res); //关闭连接 $sqlHelper->close_connect(); return ""; }
public function checkStudent($sno, $pwd) { $arr_sno = array(); $sqlHelper = new SqlHelper(); $sql = "select usernc,pwd,sno from student where sno='{$sno}'"; $arr = $sqlHelper->res_array($sql); if ($arr[1] == md5($pwd)) { $arr_sno[0] = $arr[0]; $arr_sno[1] = $arr[2]; return $arr_sno; //返回用户名 exit; } $sqlHelper->close(); return ""; }
public function run() { $ids = array_reverse($_POST['File']); $files = new MediaFile('sort'); $case = SqlHelper::arrToCase('id', array_flip($ids), 't'); $arr = implode(',', $ids); Yii::app()->db->getCommandBuilder()->createSqlCommand("UPDATE {$files->tableName()} AS t SET t.order = {$case} WHERE IN ({$arr})")->execute(); }
public function EditEntity($bo) { $db = new Database(); $newID = UUID::newID(); $propertyID = UUID::newID(); $ID = str_replace("sys", "", $bo["entityname"]) . "id"; $ID_Field = str_replace("sys", "", $bo["name"]) . "id"; //$sql = "START TRANSACTION;"; if ($bo[$ID] != null) { $values = SqlHelper::GetUpdates(explode(",", $bo["EntityFields"]), $bo); $sql .= 'UPDATE ' . $bo["entityname"] . ' SET ' . $values . ' WHERE ' . $ID . ' = "' . $bo[$ID] . '"'; //echo $sql; } else { // $fields = str_replace("," . $ID . ",", ",", "," . $bo["EntityFields"] . ","); $fields = substr($fields, 1, $fields . length - 1); $values = SqlHelper::GetValues(explode(",", $fields), $bo); $sql .= 'INSERT INTO ' . $bo["entityname"] . '(' . $ID . ',' . $fields . ') VALUES("' . $newID . '",' . $values . ')'; //echo $sql; //table if ($bo["entityname"] == 'sysentity') { $sql .= ';INSERT INTO sysproperty(propertyid, entityid, name) VALUES("' . $propertyID . '","' . $newID . '", "' . $ID_Field . '")'; $table = ';CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . $bo["name"] . '(' . $ID_Field . ' VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, ' . ' createddate TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ' . 'PRIMARY KEY (' . $ID_Field . '))ENGINE = InnoDB'; $sql .= $table; //echo $sql; } if ($bo["entityname"] == 'sysproperty' && !$bo["isonlyview"]) { $columnType = ' VARCHAR(255) NULL'; if ($bo["xtype"] == "numberfield") { $columnType = ' INT NULL'; } else { if ($bo["xtype"] == "datefield") { $columnType = ' DATETIME NULL'; } else { if ($bo["xtype"] == "textareafield") { $columnType = ' TEXT NULL'; } else { if ($bo["xtype"] == "checkboxfield") { $columnType = ' BOOL NULL'; } else { if ($bo["xtype"] == "htmleditor") { $columnType = ' TEXT NULL'; } } } } } $result = $db->RunSQL('SELECT name FROM sysentity WHERE entityid = "' . $bo["entityid"] . '"'); $table = ';ALTER TABLE ' . $result[0]['name'] . ' ADD COLUMN ' . $bo["name"] . ' ' . $columnType; $sql .= $table; } } //$sql .= ';COMMIT;'; //echo $sql; $entity = array("entityViewID" => $bo["RefreshEntityViewID"]); $result = $db->ExecuteSQL($sql); return $this->GetEntityView($entity); }
function QueryAllNation() { $sql = "select nationId,nationName from t_Nation"; $sqlHelper = new SqlHelper(); $res = $sqlHelper->execute_dql2($sql); // 关闭连接 $sqlHelper->close_connect(); return $res; }