  * @return bool
 public function safeUp()
     if ($table = $this->dbConnection->schema->getTable('{{sproutemail_campaigns_notifications}}')) {
         if ($table->getColumn('options') != null) {
             $notifications = craft()->db->createCommand()->select('id, eventId, options')->from('sproutemail_campaigns_notifications')->where('eventId=:eventId', array(':eventId' => 'sproutForms-saveEntry'))->queryAll();
             if ($count = count($notifications)) {
                 SproutFormsPlugin::log('Notifications found: ' . $count, LogLevel::Info, true);
                 $newOptions = array();
                 foreach ($notifications as $notification) {
                     SproutFormsPlugin::log('Migrating Sprout Forms saveEntry notification', LogLevel::Info, true);
                     $newOptions = $this->_updateSaveFormEntryOptions($notification['options']);
                     craft()->db->createCommand()->update('sproutemail_campaigns_notifications', array('options' => $newOptions), 'id= :id', array(':id' => $notification['id']));
                     SproutFormsPlugin::log('Migration of notification complete', LogLevel::Info, true);
             SproutFormsPlugin::log('No notifications found to migrate.', LogLevel::Info, true);
         } else {
             SproutFormsPlugin::log('Could not find the `options` column.', LogLevel::Info, true);
     } else {
         SproutFormsPlugin::log('Could not find the `sproutemail_campaigns_notifications` table.', LogLevel::Info, true);
     return true;
  * Any migration code in here is wrapped inside of a transaction.
  * @return bool
 public function safeUp()
     $oldTable = 'sproutforms_forms_old';
     $newTable = 'sproutforms_forms';
     // Rename the old Form table
     if (craft()->db->tableExists($newTable)) {
         craft()->db->createCommand()->renameTable($newTable, $oldTable);
         SproutFormsPlugin::log("`{$newTable}` table renamed `{$oldTable}`.", LogLevel::Info, true);
         // ------------------------------------------------------------
         // Create new Form Table
         SproutFormsPlugin::log("Creating the new `{$newTable}` table.", LogLevel::Info, true);
         // Create the craft_sproutforms_forms table
         craft()->db->createCommand()->createTable($newTable, array('id' => array('column' => 'integer', 'required' => true, 'primaryKey' => true), 'fieldLayoutId' => array('column' => 'integer', 'required' => false), 'groupId' => array('maxLength' => 11, 'decimals' => 0, 'unsigned' => false, 'length' => 10, 'column' => 'integer'), 'name' => array('required' => true), 'handle' => array('required' => true), 'titleFormat' => array('required' => true, 'default' => "{dateCreated|date('D, d M Y H:i:s')}"), 'displaySectionTitles' => array(), 'redirectUri' => array(), 'submitAction' => array(), 'submitButtonText' => array(), 'notificationRecipients' => array(), 'notificationSubject' => array(), 'notificationSenderName' => array(), 'notificationSenderEmail' => array(), 'notificationReplyToEmail' => array()), null, false);
         // Add foreign keys to craft_sproutforms_forms
         craft()->db->createCommand()->addForeignKey($newTable, 'id', 'elements', 'id', 'CASCADE', null);
         craft()->db->createCommand()->addForeignKey($newTable, 'fieldLayoutId', 'fieldlayouts', 'id', 'SET NULL', null);
         SproutFormsPlugin::log("New `{$newTable}` table created.", LogLevel::Info, true);
         // ------------------------------------------------------------
         // Clean up Foreign Keys
         craft()->db->createCommand()->dropForeignKey('sproutforms_fields', 'formId');
         SproutFormsPlugin::log("Removed formId Foreign Key Constraint from 'sproutforms_fields' table.", LogLevel::Info, true);
     return true;
コード例 #3
  * Notify admin
  * @param SproutForms_FormModel  $form
  * @param SproutForms_EntryModel $entry
 private function _notifyAdmin(SproutForms_FormModel $form, SproutForms_EntryModel $entry)
     // Get our recipients
     $recipients = ArrayHelper::stringToArray($form->notificationRecipients);
     $recipients = array_unique($recipients);
     if (count($recipients)) {
         $email = new EmailModel();
         $tabs = $form->getFieldLayout()->getTabs();
         $settings = craft()->plugins->getPlugin('sproutforms')->getSettings();
         $templateFolderOverride = $settings->templateFolderOverride;
         $emailTemplate = craft()->path->getPluginsPath() . 'sproutforms/templates/_special/templates/';
         if ($templateFolderOverride) {
             $emailTemplateFile = craft()->path->getSiteTemplatesPath() . $templateFolderOverride . '/email';
             foreach (craft()->config->get('defaultTemplateExtensions') as $extension) {
                 if (IOHelper::fileExists($emailTemplateFile . '.' . $extension)) {
                     $emailTemplate = craft()->path->getSiteTemplatesPath() . $templateFolderOverride . '/';
         // Set our Sprout Forms Email Template path
         $email->htmlBody = craft()->templates->render('email', array('formName' => $form->name, 'tabs' => $tabs, 'element' => $entry));
         $post = (object) $_POST;
         $email->fromEmail = $form->notificationSenderEmail;
         $email->fromName = $form->notificationSenderName;
         $email->subject = $form->notificationSubject;
         // Has a custom subject been set for this form?
         if ($form->notificationSubject) {
             try {
                 $email->subject = craft()->templates->renderObjectTemplate($form->notificationSubject, $post);
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 SproutFormsPlugin::log($e->getMessage(), LogLevel::Error);
         // custom replyTo has been set for this form
         if ($form->notificationReplyToEmail) {
             try {
                 $email->replyTo = craft()->templates->renderObjectTemplate($form->notificationReplyToEmail, $post);
                 if (!filter_var($email->replyTo, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
                     $email->replyTo = null;
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 SproutFormsPlugin::log($e->getMessage(), LogLevel::Error);
         foreach ($recipients as $emailAddress) {
             try {
                 $email->toEmail = craft()->templates->renderObjectTemplate($emailAddress, $post);
                 if (filter_var($email->toEmail, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
                     craft()->email->sendEmail($email, array('sproutFormsEntry' => $entry));
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 SproutFormsPlugin::log($e->getMessage(), LogLevel::Error);
コード例 #4
  * @param SproutForms_EntryModel $entry
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return bool
 public function saveEntry(SproutForms_EntryModel &$entry)
     $isNewEntry = !$entry->id;
     if ($entry->id) {
         $entryRecord = SproutForms_EntryRecord::model()->findById($entry->id);
         if (!$entryRecord) {
             throw new Exception(Craft::t('No entry exists with id “{id}”', array('id' => $entry->id)));
     } else {
         $entryRecord = new SproutForms_EntryRecord();
     $entryRecord->formId = $entry->formId;
     $entryRecord->ipAddress = $entry->ipAddress;
     $entryRecord->userAgent = $entry->userAgent;
     $event = new SproutForms_OnBeforeSaveEntryEvent($this, array('entry' => $entry, 'isNewEntry' => $isNewEntry));
     if (!$entry->hasErrors()) {
         $form = sproutForms()->forms->getFormById($entry->formId);
         $entry->getContent()->title = craft()->templates->renderObjectTemplate($form->titleFormat, $entry);
         $transaction = craft()->db->getCurrentTransaction() === null ? craft()->db->beginTransaction() : null;
         try {
             if ($event->isValid) {
                 $oldFieldContext = craft()->content->fieldContext;
                 $oldContentTable = craft()->content->contentTable;
                 craft()->content->fieldContext = $entry->getFieldContext();
                 craft()->content->contentTable = $entry->getContentTable();
                 SproutFormsPlugin::log('Transaction: Event is Valid');
                 $success = craft()->elements->saveElement($entry);
                 SproutFormsPlugin::log('Element Saved: ' . $success);
                 if ($success) {
                     // Now that we have an element ID, save it on the other stuff
                     if ($isNewEntry) {
                         $entryRecord->id = $entry->id;
                     // Save our Entry Settings
                     if ($transaction !== null) {
                         SproutFormsPlugin::log('Transaction committed');
                     // Reset our field context and content table to what they were previously
                     craft()->content->fieldContext = $oldFieldContext;
                     craft()->content->contentTable = $oldContentTable;
                     $event = new SproutForms_OnSaveEntryEvent($this, array('entry' => $entry, 'isNewEntry' => $isNewEntry, 'event' => 'saveEntry', 'entity' => $entry));
                     return true;
                 craft()->content->fieldContext = $oldFieldContext;
                 craft()->content->contentTable = $oldContentTable;
             } else {
                 SproutFormsPlugin::log('OnBeforeSaveEntryEvent is not valid', LogLevel::Error);
                 if ($event->fakeIt) {
                     sproutForms()->entries->fakeIt = true;
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             SproutFormsPlugin::log('Failed to save element');
             throw $e;
     } else {
         SproutFormsPlugin::log('Service returns false');
         return false;
  * Any migration code in here is wrapped inside of a transaction.
  * @return bool
 public function safeUp()
     $oldTable = 'sproutforms_forms_old';
     $newTable = 'sproutforms_forms';
     // ------------------------------------------------------------
     // Loop through each form in the old table and migrate it to the new table
     SproutFormsPlugin::log("Gathering all forms from the `{$oldTable}` table.", LogLevel::Info, true);
     $oldForms = craft()->db->createCommand()->select('*')->from($oldTable)->queryAll();
     $user = craft()->userSession->getUser();
     $email = isset($user->email) && $user->email != "" ? $user->email : "";
     foreach ($oldForms as $oldForm) {
         SproutFormsPlugin::log("Build SproutForms_FormModel for " . $oldForm['name'] . " Form", LogLevel::Info, true);
         // Map any values from the old form to their
         // new column names to save to the new form
         $newForm = new SproutForms_FormModel();
         $newForm->name = $oldForm['name'];
         $newForm->handle = $oldForm['handle'];
         $newForm->submitButtonText = $oldForm['submitButtonText'];
         $newForm->redirectUri = $oldForm['redirectUri'];
         $newForm->handle = $oldForm['handle'];
         $newForm->titleFormat = "Form submission on " . "{dateCreated|date('D, d M Y H:i:s')}";
         $newForm->displaySectionTitles = 0;
         $newForm->notificationRecipients = $oldForm['email_distribution_list'];
         $newForm->notificationSubject = $oldForm['notification_subject'];
         $newForm->notificationSenderName = craft()->getSiteName();
         $newForm->notificationSenderEmail = $email;
         $newForm->notificationReplyToEmail = $oldForm['notification_reply_to'];
         // Save the Form
         // Create a new content table
         SproutFormsPlugin::log($newForm->name . " Form saved anew. Form ID: " . $newForm->id, LogLevel::Info, true);
         // Set our field context
         craft()->content->fieldContext = $newForm->getFieldContext();
         craft()->content->contentTable = $newForm->getContentTable();
         SproutFormsPlugin::log($newForm->name . " Form fieldContext: " . craft()->content->fieldContext, LogLevel::Info, true);
         SproutFormsPlugin::log($newForm->name . " Form contentTable: " . craft()->content->contentTable, LogLevel::Info, true);
         SproutFormsPlugin::log("Grab all fields for " . $newForm->name . " Form", LogLevel::Info, true);
         // Get the Form Fields
         $oldFormFields = craft()->db->createCommand()->select('*')->from('sproutforms_fields')->where('formId=:formId', array(':formId' => $oldForm['id']))->queryAll();
         // Prepare a couple variables to help save our fields and layout
         $fieldLayout = array();
         $requiredFields = array();
         $fieldMap = array();
         foreach ($oldFormFields as $oldFormField) {
             $newFieldHandle = str_replace("formId" . $oldForm['id'] . "_", "", $oldFormField['handle']);
             // Determine if we have a Number field
             // Might need to update teh Settings object to have the correct values min/max...
             if (strpos($oldFormField['validation'], 'numerical') !== FALSE) {
                 $oldFormField['type'] = 'Number';
                 $oldFormField['settings'] = '{"min":"0","max":"","decimals":"0"}';
             // Build a field map of our old field handles and our new ones
             // so we can more easily match things up when inserting fields later
             $fieldMap[$oldFormField['handle']] = array('type' => $oldFormField['type'], 'newHandle' => $newFieldHandle);
             SproutFormsPlugin::log("Build FieldModel for " . $oldFormField['name'] . " Field", LogLevel::Info, true);
             // SproutFormsPlugin::log("The Fieldtype " . $newFieldType . " for the "  . $oldFormField['name'] ." Field", LogLevel::Info, true);
             $newField = new FieldModel();
             $newField->name = $oldFormField['name'];
             $newField->handle = $newFieldHandle;
             $newField->instructions = $oldFormField['instructions'];
             $newField->type = $oldFormField['type'];
             $newField->required = strpos($oldFormField['validation'], 'required') !== FALSE;
             $newField->settings = $oldFormField['settings'];
             // Save our field
             SproutFormsPlugin::log($oldFormField['name'] . " Field saved.", LogLevel::Info, true);
             $fieldLayout['Form'][] = $newField->id;
             if ($newField->required) {
                 $requiredFields[] = $newField->id;
         // Set the field layout
         $fieldLayout = craft()->fields->assembleLayout($fieldLayout, $requiredFields);
         $fieldLayout->type = 'SproutForms_Form';
         // Save our form again with a layouts
         SproutFormsPlugin::log("Form saved again with fieldLayout", LogLevel::Info, true);
         // Migrate the Entries Content
         SproutFormsPlugin::log("Grab Form Entries for " . $oldForm['name'] . " Form", LogLevel::Info, true);
         // Get the Form Entries
         $oldFormEntries = craft()->db->createCommand()->select('*')->from('sproutforms_content')->where('formId=:formId', array(':formId' => $oldForm['id']))->queryAll();
         foreach ($oldFormEntries as $oldFormEntry) {
             SproutFormsPlugin::log("Build SproutForms_EntryModel for Form Entry ID " . $oldFormEntry['id'], LogLevel::Info, true);
             $newFormEntry = new SproutForms_EntryModel();
             SproutFormsPlugin::log("Server data: " . $oldFormEntry['serverData'], LogLevel::Info, true);
             $oldEntryServerData = json_decode($oldFormEntry['serverData']);
             $newFormEntry->formId = $newForm->id;
             if (isset($oldEntryServerData)) {
                 $newFormEntry->ipAddress = $oldEntryServerData->ipAddress;
                 $newFormEntry->userAgent = $oldEntryServerData->userAgent;
                 $newFormEntry->dateCreated = $oldFormEntry['dateCreated'];
                 $newFormEntry->dateUpdated = $oldFormEntry['dateUpdated'];
             } else {
                 // Add null values if we don't have data for some reason
                 $newFormEntry->ipAddress = NULL;
                 $newFormEntry->userAgent = NULL;
             $newFormFields = array();
             // Loop through our field map
             foreach ($fieldMap as $oldHandle => $fieldInfo) {
                 // If any columns in our current Form Entry match a
                 // field in our field map, add that field to be saved
                 if ($oldFormEntry[$oldHandle]) {
                     $newFormFields[$fieldInfo['newHandle']] = $oldFormEntry[$oldHandle];
             $_POST['fields'] = $newFormFields;
             $fieldsLocation = 'fields';
             SproutFormsPlugin::log("Try to Save Old Form Entry ID " . $oldFormEntry['id'], LogLevel::Info, true);
             SproutFormsPlugin::log("Save New Form Entry ID " . $newFormEntry->id, LogLevel::Info, true);
     // Drop old field table
     if (craft()->db->tableExists('sproutforms_fields')) {
         SproutFormsPlugin::log("Dropping the 'sproutforms_fields' table.", LogLevel::Info, true);
         SproutFormsPlugin::log("'sproutforms_fields' table dropped.", LogLevel::Info, true);
     // Drop old entries table
     if (craft()->db->tableExists('sproutforms_content')) {
         SproutFormsPlugin::log("Dropping the 'sproutforms_content' table.", LogLevel::Info, true);
         SproutFormsPlugin::log("'sproutforms_content' table dropped.", LogLevel::Info, true);
     // Drop old forms table
     if (craft()->db->tableExists($oldTable)) {
         SproutFormsPlugin::log("Dropping the old `{$oldTable}` table.", LogLevel::Info, true);
         craft()->db->createCommand('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;')->execute();
         // Need to drop this after we drop the fields table because fields has a fk
         craft()->db->createCommand('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1;')->execute();
         SproutFormsPlugin::log("`{$oldTable}` table dropped.", LogLevel::Info, true);
     return true;
コード例 #6
  * @param mixed $message
  * @param array $vars
 public function log($message, array $vars = array())
     if (is_string($message)) {
         $message = Craft::t($message, $vars);
     } else {
         $message = print_r($message, true);
     SproutFormsPlugin::log($message, LogLevel::Info);
コード例 #7
  * Save a field.
 public function actionSaveField()
     // Make sure our field has a section
     // @TODO - handle this much more gracefully
     $tabId = craft()->request->getPost('tabId');
     // Get the Form these fields are related to
     $formId = craft()->request->getRequiredPost('formId');
     $form = sproutForms()->forms->getFormById($formId);
     $field = new FieldModel();
     $field->id = craft()->request->getPost('fieldId');
     $field->name = craft()->request->getRequiredPost('name');
     $field->handle = craft()->request->getRequiredPost('handle');
     $field->instructions = craft()->request->getPost('instructions');
     $field->required = craft()->request->getPost('required');
     $field->translatable = (bool) craft()->request->getPost('translatable');
     $field->type = craft()->request->getRequiredPost('type');
     $typeSettings = craft()->request->getPost('types');
     if (isset($typeSettings[$field->type])) {
         $field->settings = $typeSettings[$field->type];
     // Set our field context
     craft()->content->fieldContext = $form->getFieldContext();
     craft()->content->contentTable = $form->getContentTable();
     // Does our field validate?
     if (!craft()->fields->validateField($field)) {
         SproutFormsPlugin::log("Field does not validate.");
         // Send the field back to the template
         craft()->urlManager->setRouteVariables(array('field' => $field));
         // Route our request back to the field template
         $route = craft()->urlManager->parseUrl(craft()->request);
     // Save a new field
     if (!$field->id) {
         SproutFormsPlugin::log('New Field');
         $isNewField = true;
     } else {
         SproutFormsPlugin::log('Existing Field');
         $isNewField = false;
     // Save our field
     // Now let's add this field to our field layout
     // ------------------------------------------------------------
     // Set the field layout
     $oldFieldLayout = $form->getFieldLayout();
     $oldFields = $oldFieldLayout->getFields();
     $oldTabs = $oldFieldLayout->getTabs();
     $tabFields = array();
     $postedFieldLayout = array();
     $requiredFields = array();
     // If no tabs exist, let's create a
     // default one for all of our fields
     if (!$oldTabs) {
         // Create a tab
         $fieldLayoutTab = new FieldLayoutTabModel();
         $fieldLayoutTab->name = Craft::t('Form');
         $fieldLayoutTab->sortOrder = 1;
         if ($oldFields) {
             $fieldSortOrder = 0;
             // Add any existing fields to a default tab
             foreach ($oldFields as $oldFieldLayoutField) {
                 $newField = new FieldLayoutFieldModel();
                 $newField->fieldId = $oldFieldLayoutField->fieldId;
                 $newField->required = $oldFieldLayoutField->required;
                 $newField->sortOrder = $fieldSortOrder;
                 $tabFields[] = $newField;
                 $postedFieldLayout[$fieldLayoutTab->name][] = $oldFieldLayoutField->fieldId;
                 if ($oldFieldLayoutField->required) {
                     $requiredFields[] = $oldFieldLayoutField->fieldId;
         // Add our new field
         $postedFieldLayout[$fieldLayoutTab->name][] = $field->id;
     } else {
         foreach ($oldTabs as $oldTab) {
             $oldTabFields = $oldTab->getFields();
             foreach ($oldTabFields as $oldFieldLayoutField) {
                 $postedFieldLayout[$oldTab->name][] = $oldFieldLayoutField->fieldId;
                 if ($oldFieldLayoutField->required) {
                     $requiredFields[] = $oldFieldLayoutField->fieldId;
             // Add our new field to the tab it belongs to
             if ($isNewField && $tabId == $oldTab->id) {
                 $postedFieldLayout[$oldTab->name][] = $field->id;
     // Set the field layout
     $fieldLayout = craft()->fields->assembleLayout($postedFieldLayout, $requiredFields);
     $fieldLayout->type = 'SproutForms_Form';
     // Hand the field off to be saved in the
     // field layout of our Form Element
     if (sproutForms()->forms->saveForm($form)) {
         SproutFormsPlugin::log('Field Saved');
         craft()->userSession->setNotice(Craft::t('Field saved.'));
     } else {
         SproutFormsPlugin::log("Couldn't save field.");
         craft()->userSession->setError(Craft::t('Couldn’t save field.'));
         // Send the field back to the template
         craft()->urlManager->setRouteVariables(array('field' => $field));
コード例 #8
  * @param SproutForms_FormModel $form
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return bool
 public function saveForm(SproutForms_FormModel $form)
     $formRecord = new SproutForms_FormRecord();
     $isNewForm = true;
     if ($form->id && !$form->saveAsNew) {
         $formRecord = SproutForms_FormRecord::model()->findById($form->id);
         if (!$formRecord) {
             throw new Exception(Craft::t('No form exists with the ID “{id}”', array('id' => $form->id)));
         $oldForm = SproutForms_FormModel::populateModel($formRecord);
         $isNewForm = false;
         $hasLayout = count($form->getFieldLayout()->getFields()) > 0;
         // Add the oldHandle to our model so we can determine if we
         // need to rename the content table
         $form->oldHandle = $formRecord->getOldHandle();
     // Create our new Form Record
     $formRecord->name = $form->name;
     $formRecord->handle = $form->handle;
     $formRecord->titleFormat = $form->titleFormat ? $form->titleFormat : "{dateCreated|date('D, d M Y H:i:s')}";
     $formRecord->displaySectionTitles = $form->displaySectionTitles;
     $formRecord->groupId = $form->groupId;
     $formRecord->redirectUri = $form->redirectUri;
     $formRecord->submitAction = $form->submitAction;
     $formRecord->submitButtonText = $form->submitButtonText;
     $formRecord->notificationEnabled = $form->notificationEnabled;
     $formRecord->notificationRecipients = $form->notificationRecipients;
     $formRecord->notificationSubject = $form->notificationSubject;
     $formRecord->notificationSenderName = $form->notificationSenderName;
     $formRecord->notificationSenderEmail = $form->notificationSenderEmail;
     $formRecord->notificationReplyToEmail = $form->notificationReplyToEmail;
     if ($form->saveAsNew) {
         $form->name = $formRecord->name;
         $form->handle = $formRecord->handle;
     if (!$form->hasErrors()) {
         $transaction = craft()->db->getCurrentTransaction() === null ? craft()->db->beginTransaction() : null;
         try {
             // Set the field context
             craft()->content->fieldContext = $form->getFieldContext();
             craft()->content->contentTable = $form->getContentTable();
             if ($isNewForm) {
                 $fieldLayout = $form->getFieldLayout();
                 // Save the field layout
                 // Assign our new layout id info to our form model and records
                 $form->fieldLayoutId = $fieldLayout->id;
                 $formRecord->fieldLayoutId = $fieldLayout->id;
             } else {
                 // If we have a layout use it, otherwise
                 // since this is an existing form, grab the oldForm layout
                 if ($hasLayout) {
                     // Delete our previous record
                     $fieldLayout = $form->getFieldLayout();
                     // Save the field layout
                     // Assign our new layout id info to our
                     // form model and records
                     $form->fieldLayoutId = $fieldLayout->id;
                     $formRecord->fieldLayoutId = $fieldLayout->id;
                 } else {
                     // We don't have a field layout right now
                     $form->fieldLayoutId = NULL;
             // Create the content table first since the form will need it
             $oldContentTable = $this->getContentTableName($form, true);
             $newContentTable = $this->getContentTableName($form);
             // Do we need to create/rename the content table?
             if (!craft()->db->tableExists($newContentTable)) {
                 if ($oldContentTable && craft()->db->tableExists($oldContentTable)) {
                     MigrationHelper::renameTable($oldContentTable, $newContentTable);
                 } else {
             if (craft()->elements->saveElement($form)) {
                 // Create the new fields
                 if ($form->saveAsNew) {
                     // Duplicate the fields in the newContent Table also set the fields in the craft fields table
                     $newFields = array();
                     foreach ($form->getFields() as $key => $value) {
                         $field = new FieldModel();
                         $field->name = $value->name;
                         $field->handle = $value->handle;
                         $field->instructions = $value->instructions;
                         $field->required = $value->required;
                         $field->translatable = (bool) $value->translatable;
                         $field->type = $value->type;
                         if (isset($value->settings)) {
                             $field->settings = $value->settings;
                         craft()->content->fieldContext = $form->getFieldContext();
                         craft()->content->contentTable = $form->getContentTable();
                         array_push($newFields, $field);
                         SproutFormsPlugin::log('Saved field as new ' . $field->id);
                     // Update fieldId on layoutfields table
                     $fieldLayout = $form->getFieldLayout();
                     $fieldLayoutIds = FieldLayoutFieldRecord::model()->findAll("layoutId = {$fieldLayout->id}");
                     foreach ($fieldLayoutIds as $key => $layout) {
                         SproutFormsPlugin::log('Updated field layout  ' . $layout->id);
                         $model = FieldLayoutFieldRecord::model()->findByPk($layout->id);
                         $model->fieldId = $newFields[$key]->id;
                 // Now that we have an element ID, save it on the other stuff
                 if ($isNewForm) {
                     $formRecord->id = $form->id;
                 // Save our Form Settings
                 if ($transaction !== null) {
                 return true;
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             if ($transaction !== null) {
             throw $e;