コード例 #1
  * @param string Path to file
  * @param array Options:
  *	TempDir => string Temporary directory path
  *	ReturnDateTimeObjects => bool True => dates and times will be returned as PHP DateTime objects, false => as strings
 public function __construct($Filepath, array $Options = null)
     if (!is_readable($Filepath)) {
         throw new Exception('SpreadsheetReader_XLSX: File not readable (' . $Filepath . ')');
     $this->TempDir = isset($Options['TempDir']) && is_writable($Options['TempDir']) ? $Options['TempDir'] : sys_get_temp_dir();
     $this->TempDir = rtrim($this->TempDir, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
     $this->TempDir = $this->TempDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . uniqid() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     $Zip = new ZipArchive();
     $Status = $Zip->open($Filepath);
     if ($Status !== true) {
         throw new Exception('SpreadsheetReader_XLSX: File not readable (' . $Filepath . ') (Error ' . $Status . ')');
     // Getting the general workbook information
     if ($Zip->locateName('xl/workbook.xml') !== false) {
         $this->WorkbookXML = new SimpleXMLElement($Zip->getFromName('xl/workbook.xml'));
     // Extracting the XMLs from the XLSX zip file
     if ($Zip->locateName('xl/sharedStrings.xml') !== false) {
         $this->SharedStringsPath = $this->TempDir . 'xl' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'sharedStrings.xml';
         $Zip->extractTo($this->TempDir, 'xl/sharedStrings.xml');
         $this->TempFiles[] = $this->TempDir . 'xl' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'sharedStrings.xml';
         if (is_readable($this->SharedStringsPath)) {
             $this->SharedStrings = new XMLReader();
     $Sheets = $this->Sheets();
     foreach ($this->Sheets as $Index => $Name) {
         if ($Zip->locateName('xl/worksheets/sheet' . $Index . '.xml') !== false) {
             $Zip->extractTo($this->TempDir, 'xl/worksheets/sheet' . $Index . '.xml');
             $this->TempFiles[] = $this->TempDir . 'xl' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'worksheets' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'sheet' . $Index . '.xml';
     // If worksheet is present and is OK, parse the styles already
     if ($Zip->locateName('xl/styles.xml') !== false) {
         $this->StylesXML = new SimpleXMLElement($Zip->getFromName('xl/styles.xml'));
         if ($this->StylesXML && $this->StylesXML->cellXfs && $this->StylesXML->cellXfs->xf) {
             foreach ($this->StylesXML->cellXfs->xf as $Index => $XF) {
                 if ($XF->attributes()->applyNumberFormat) {
                     $FormatId = (int) $XF->attributes()->numFmtId;
                     // If format ID >= 164, it is a custom format and should be read from styleSheet\numFmts
                     $this->Styles[] = $FormatId;
                 } else {
                     $this->Styles[] = false;
         if ($this->StylesXML->numFmts && $this->StylesXML->numFmts->numFmt) {
             foreach ($this->StylesXML->numFmts->numFmt as $Index => $NumFmt) {
                 $this->Formats[(int) $NumFmt->attributes()->numFmtId] = (string) $NumFmt->attributes()->formatCode;
     // Setting base date
     if (!self::$BaseDate) {
         self::$BaseDate = new DateTime();
         self::$BaseDate->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
         self::$BaseDate->setDate(1900, 1, 0);
         self::$BaseDate->setTime(0, 0, 0);
     // Decimal and thousand separators
     if (!self::$DecimalSeparator && !self::$ThousandSeparator && !self::$CurrencyCode) {
         $Locale = localeconv();
         self::$DecimalSeparator = $Locale['decimal_point'];
         self::$ThousandSeparator = $Locale['thousands_sep'];
         self::$CurrencyCode = $Locale['int_curr_symbol'];
     if (function_exists('gmp_gcd')) {
         self::$RuntimeInfo['GMPSupported'] = true;
コード例 #2
  * @param string Path to file
  * @param array Options:
  *	TempDir => string Temporary directory path
  *	ReturnDateTimeObjects => bool True => dates and times will be returned as PHP DateTime objects, false => as strings
 public function __construct($Filepath, array $Options = null)
     if (!is_readable($Filepath)) {
         throw new Exception('SpreadsheetReader_XLSX: File not readable (' . $Filepath . ')');
     $this->TempDir = isset($Options['TempDir']) && is_writable($Options['TempDir']) ? $Options['TempDir'] : sys_get_temp_dir();
     $this->TempDir = rtrim($this->TempDir, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
     $this->TempDir = $this->TempDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . uniqid('xlsx', false) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     $Zip = new ZipArchive();
     $Status = $Zip->open($Filepath);
     if ($Status !== true) {
         throw new Exception('SpreadsheetReader_XLSX: File not readable (' . $Filepath . ') (Error ' . $Status . ')');
     // Getting the general workbook information
     if ($Zip->locateName('xl/workbook.xml') !== false) {
         $this->WorkbookXML = $workbook = new SimpleXMLElement($Zip->getFromName('xl/workbook.xml'));
         $workbook->registerXPathNamespace('w', self::workbook_ns);
         $workbook->registerXPathNamespace('r', self::doc_rels_ns);
         $elements = $workbook->xpath('/w:workbook/w:sheets/w:sheet[@r:id and @name]');
         $relation_prefix = array_search(self::doc_rels_ns, $workbook->getDocNamespaces());
         $index = [];
         $map = [];
         foreach ($elements as $elem) {
             $id = (string) $elem->attributes($relation_prefix, true)['id'];
             $name = (string) $elem['name'];
             $map[$id] = $name;
             $index[] = $id;
         $this->Sheets = $map;
         $this->SheetIndexesToIds = $index;
     // Getting the general workbook information
     if ($Zip->locateName('xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels') !== false) {
         $this->WorkbookRels = $relations = new SimpleXMLElement($Zip->getFromName('xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels'));
         $relations->registerXPathNamespace('r', self::pkg_rels_ns);
         $elements = $relations->xpath('/r:Relationships/r:Relationship[@Id and @Target and ' . '@Type = \'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/worksheet\']');
         $map = [];
         foreach ($elements as $elem) {
             $id = (string) $elem['Id'];
             $target = (string) $elem['Target'];
             $inZipPath = 'xl/' . $target;
             if ($Zip->locateName($inZipPath) !== false) {
                 $Zip->extractTo($this->TempDir, $inZipPath);
                 $map[$id] = $target;
         $this->SheetIdsToFiles = $map;
     // Extracting the XMLs from the XLSX zip file
     if ($Zip->locateName('xl/sharedStrings.xml') !== false) {
         $this->SharedStringsPath = $this->TempDir . 'xl' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'sharedStrings.xml';
         $Zip->extractTo($this->TempDir, 'xl/sharedStrings.xml');
         $this->TempFiles[] = $this->TempDir . 'xl' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'sharedStrings.xml';
         if (is_readable($this->SharedStringsPath)) {
             $this->SharedStrings = new XMLReader();
     //$this -> Sheets = $this -> Sheets();
     /* bullhockey
     			foreach ($this -> Sheets as $Index => $Name)
     				if ($Zip -> locateName('xl/worksheets/sheet'.$Index.'.xml') !== false)
     					$Zip -> extractTo($this -> TempDir, 'xl/worksheets/sheet'.$Index.'.xml');
     					$this -> TempFiles[] = $this -> TempDir.'xl'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'worksheets'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'sheet'.$Index.'.xml';
     // If worksheet is present and is OK, parse the styles already
     if ($Zip->locateName('xl/styles.xml') !== false) {
         $this->StylesXML = new SimpleXMLElement($Zip->getFromName('xl/styles.xml'));
         if ($this->StylesXML && $this->StylesXML->cellXfs && $this->StylesXML->cellXfs->xf) {
             foreach ($this->StylesXML->cellXfs->xf as $Index => $XF) {
                 // Format #0 is a special case - it is the "General" format that is applied regardless of applyNumberFormat
                 if ($XF->attributes()->applyNumberFormat || 0 == (int) $XF->attributes()->numFmtId) {
                     $FormatId = (int) $XF->attributes()->numFmtId;
                     // If format ID >= 164, it is a custom format and should be read from styleSheet\numFmts
                     $this->Styles[] = $FormatId;
                 } else {
                     // 0 for "General" format
                     $this->Styles[] = 0;
         if ($this->StylesXML->numFmts && $this->StylesXML->numFmts->numFmt) {
             foreach ($this->StylesXML->numFmts->numFmt as $Index => $NumFmt) {
                 $this->Formats[(int) $NumFmt->attributes()->numFmtId] = (string) $NumFmt->attributes()->formatCode;
     // Setting base date
     if (!self::$BaseDate) {
         self::$BaseDate = new DateTime();
         self::$BaseDate->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
         self::$BaseDate->setDate(1900, 1, 0);
         self::$BaseDate->setTime(0, 0, 0);
     // Decimal and thousand separators
     if (!self::$DecimalSeparator && !self::$ThousandSeparator && !self::$CurrencyCode) {
         $Locale = localeconv();
         self::$DecimalSeparator = $Locale['decimal_point'];
         self::$ThousandSeparator = $Locale['thousands_sep'];
         self::$CurrencyCode = $Locale['int_curr_symbol'];
     if (function_exists('gmp_gcd')) {
         self::$RuntimeInfo['GMPSupported'] = true;