public function snip_edit() { $input = Input::instance(); $post = $_POST; if (isset($post["user"]) and isset($post['snipID']) and isset($post['title']) and isset($post['lang']) and isset($post['private_check']) and isset($post['snippet'])) { $userID = $post["user"]; $snipID = mysql_real_escape_string($post["snipID"]); $title = $post['title']; $snips_model = new Snip_Model(); $language = $snips_model->brush_to_lang($post['lang']); $snippet = $post['snippet']; $private = mysql_real_escape_string($post['private_check']); //$description = $post['description']; $description = $input->post('description', NULL, TRUE); if (valid::standard_text($title) and valid::standard_text($userID) and strlen($private) == 1) { $preRestoreChars = array("~AMP~", "~EQUAL~"); $restoreChars = array("&", "="); $snippet = str_replace($preRestoreChars, $restoreChars, $snippet); $title = str_replace($preRestoreChars, $restoreChars, $title); $description = str_replace($preRestoreChars, $restoreChars, $description); $snippet = htmlspecialchars($snippet); $title = mysql_real_escape_string($title); $snippet = mysql_real_escape_string($snippet); $parser_class = MARKDOWN_PARSER_CLASS; $parser = new $parser_class(); $db = Database::instance(); if ($description == 'null') { $sql = "UPDATE `snippetz`.`snips` SET `language` = '" . $language . "' , `snippet` = '" . $snippet . "' , `title` = '" . $title . "' , `date_added` = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP , `private` = " . $private . " WHERE `snip_id` = " . $snipID . ";"; $result = $db->query($sql); } else { $description = $parser->transform($description); $description = str_replace("\n", "<br />", $description); $sql = "UPDATE `snippetz`.`snips` SET `language` = '" . $language . "' , `snippet` = '" . $snippet . "' , `title` = '" . $title . "' , `date_added` = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP , `private` = " . $private . " , `description` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($description) . "' WHERE `snip_id` = '" . $snipID . "';"; $result = $db->query($sql); } if ($result) { echo "Success! Your snippet has been updated, view it now: <a href='/home/snip/" . $snipID . "'>here</a> ."; } else { echo "DB error"; } } else { echo "Error: title field contains illegal characters"; die; } } else { echo "Error: wrong params"; die; } }