$rolesobj = new roles(); //get folders $folders = $myfile->getProjectFolders($id); //get all folders $allfolders = $myfile->getAllProjectFolders($id); //get the project $pro = $myproject->getProject($id); //get the project members $members = $myproject->getProjectMembers($id, 10000); //get all roles $allroles = $rolesobj->getAllRoles(); $projectname = $pro["name"]; $title = $langfile['files']; $template->assign("title", $title); $template->assign("projectname", $projectname); SmartyPaginate::assign($template); $template->assign("files", $files); $template->assign("filenum", $filenum); $template->assign("folders", $folders); $template->assign("members", $members); $template->assign("roles", $allroles); $template->assign("allfolders", $allfolders); $template->assign("postmax", $POST_MAX_SIZE); $template->display("projectfiles.tpl"); } elseif ($action == "addfolder") { if (!$userpermissions["files"]["add"]) { $errtxt = $langfile["nopermission"]; $noperm = $langfile["accessdenied"]; $template->assign("errortext", "<h2>{$errtxt}</h2><br>{$noperm}"); $template->display("error.tpl"); die;
$X = SmartyPaginate::getCurrentIndex(); $Y = SmartyPaginate::getLimit(); $searchSQL = "SELECT * FROM sionapros_news WHERE 1 ORDER BY news_no DESC LIMIT {$X},{$Y}"; $result = $dbcon->execute($searchSQL); foreach ($result as $row) { // collect each record into $_data $data[] = $row; } // now we get the total number of records from the table $rowsSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sionapros_news WHERE 1"; $dbcon->query($rowsSQL); #$rowNo = $rows[0]; SmartyPaginate::setTotal($dbcon->getValue()); $dbcon->free(); return $data; } $results = getSearchResults($db); if (sizeof($results) == 0) { $searchMsg = 'NO ARTICLES WERE FOUND'; $smarty->assign('searchMsg', $searchMsg); } else { // assign your db results to the template $smarty->assign('news', $results); // assign {$paginate} var SmartyPaginate::assign($smarty); } $content = $smarty->fetch('./news/tm0.news.display_news.tpl.html'); SmartyPaginate::disconnect(); ?>
function viewlist($parameter = null, $layout = true, $model = false) { $options = array(); $assigns = array(); $model = $model ? $model : $this->getDefaultModel(); $this->page_title = Inflector::humanize($this->name); $this->auto_render = false; $this->base_dir = APP_DIR; $assigns['TITLE'] = Inflector::humanize($this->name); if ($model) { $this->get_search_field($model, $options); $this->get_viewlist_options($model, $options); $this->get_sort_options($model, $options); $this->set_pagination($model); $model->find($options); $page_content =& NController::singleton('page_content'); $page_content_model =& $page_content->getDefaultModel(); $pk = $model->primaryKey(); $models = array(); $headline = $model->getHeadline() ? $model->getHeadline() : 'cms_headline'; $i = 0; while ($model->fetch()) { $arr = $model->toArray(); $arr['_headline'] = isset($arr['cms_headline']) && $arr['cms_headline'] ? $arr['cms_headline'] : $model->makeHeadline(); $arr['_remove_delete'] = $page_content_model->isWorkflowContent($this->name, $arr[$pk]) ? 1 : 0; // Remove delete for models that have specified this. $arr['_remove_delete'] = isset($model->remove_delete) && $model->remove_delete == true ? 1 : 0; $models[] = $arr; unset($arr); } // Override standard paging limit if chosen in the model file. $paging = isset($model->paging) ? $model->paging : $this->paging; // If paging is not disabled in the model AND the records are > than the paging size AND not searching. if ($paging > 0 && count($models) > $paging && !$options['is_search']) { SmartyPaginate::connect($this->name); SmartyPaginate::setLimit($paging, $this->name); SmartyPaginate::setTotal(count($models), $this->name); $view =& NView::singleton($this); SmartyPaginate::assign($view, 'paginate', $this->name); // TODO: Could be more efficient and only get records it needs to. $models = array_slice($models, SmartyPaginate::getCurrentIndex($this->name), SmartyPaginate::getLimit($this->name)); $this->set('paging', true); } $this->set(array('rows' => $models, 'asset' => $this->name, 'asset_name' => $this->page_title)); unset($models); } $this->render(array('layout' => 'default')); }