public function Render() { include_once 'libs/smartylibs/Smarty.class.php'; $smarty = new Smarty(); $smarty->template_dir = 'components/templates'; $smarty->assign_by_ref('Page', $this); $users = $this->tableBasedGrantsManager->GetAllUsersAsJson(); $smarty->assign_by_ref('Users', $users); $localizerCaptions = $this->GetLocalizerCaptions(); $smarty->assign_by_ref('Captions', $localizerCaptions); /* $roles = $this->tableBasedGrantsManager->GetAllRolesAsJson(); $smarty->assign_by_ref('Roles', $roles); */ $headerString = 'Content-Type: text/html'; if ($this->GetContentEncoding() != null) { StringUtils::AddStr($headerString, 'charset=' . $this->GetContentEncoding(), ';'); } header($headerString); $pageInfos = GetPageInfos(); $pageListViewData = array('Pages' => array(), 'CurrentPageOptions' => array()); foreach ($pageInfos as $pageInfo) { $pageListViewData['Pages'][] = array('Caption' => $this->RenderText($pageInfo['caption']), 'Hint' => $this->RenderText($pageInfo['short_caption']), 'Href' => $pageInfo['filename'], 'GroupName' => $this->RenderText($pageInfo['group_name']), 'BeginNewGroup' => $pageInfo['add_separator']); } $pageGroups = GetPageGroups(); foreach ($pageGroups as &$pageGroup) { $pageGroup = $this->RenderText($pageGroup); } $pageListViewData['Groups'] = $pageGroups; $smarty->assign_by_ref('PageList', $pageListViewData); $authenticationViewData = $this->GetAuthenticationViewData(); $smarty->assign_by_ref('Authentication', $authenticationViewData); $smarty->display('admin_panel.tpl'); }
/** * fetch a template, echos the result, * * @see Zend_View_Abstract::render() * @param string $name the template * @return void */ protected function _run() { $this->strictVars(true); //assign variables to the template engine $vars = get_object_vars($this); foreach ($vars as $key => $value) { if ('_' != substr($key, 0, 1)) { $this->_smarty->assign($key, $value); } } //why 'this'? //to emulate standard zend view functionality //doesn't mess up smarty in any way $this->_smarty->assign_by_ref('this', $this); //smarty needs a template_dir, and can only use templates, //found in that directory, so we have to strip it from the // filename //This checks the default application/smarty/template directory // as well as the module views/scripts directory to find the // template $paths = $this->getScriptPaths(); $arg = func_get_arg(0); foreach ($paths as $path) { if (0 === strpos($arg, $path)) { if ($file = substr($arg, strlen($path))) { $this->_smarty->template_dir = $path; break; } } } //process the template (and filter the output) echo $this->_smarty->fetch($file); }
/** * sfSmarty::renderFile() * render template file using Smarty * * @param sfSmartyView $view * @param mixed $file * @return * @access protected **/ public function renderFile($view, $file) { $sf_context = sfContext::getInstance(); $sf_request = $sf_context->getRequest(); $sf_params = $sf_request->getParameterHolder(); $sf_user = $sf_context->getUser(); if ($view->getAttribute('sf_type') == 'layout') { self::$smarty->compile_id = $view->getDecoratorTemplate(); } else { self::$smarty->compile_id = $view->getModuleName(); } $this->loadCoreAndStandardHelpers(); $_escaping = $view->getAttributeHolder()->getEscaping(); if ($_escaping === true || $_escaping == 'on') { $sf_data = $this->getSfData($view, $view->getAttributeHolder()->getEscapingMethod()); } elseif ($_escaping === false || $_escaping == 'off') { $sf_data = $this->getSfData($view); $data =& $view->getAttributeHolder()->getAll(); foreach ($data as $key => &$value) { self::$smarty->assign_by_ref($key, $value); } } // we need to add the data to smarty self::$smarty->assign_by_ref('sf_data', $sf_data); // we need to add the context to smarty self::$smarty->assign_by_ref('sf_context', $sf_context); // we need to add the request to smarty self::$smarty->assign_by_ref('sf_request', $sf_request); // we need to add the params to smarty self::$smarty->assign_by_ref('sf_params', $sf_params); // we need to add the user to smarty self::$smarty->assign_by_ref('sf_user', $sf_user); return self::$smarty->fetch("file:{$file}"); }
/** * fetch a template, echos the result, * * @see Zend_View_Abstract::render() * @param string $name the template * @return void */ protected function _run() { $this->strictVars(true); //assign variables to the template engine $vars = get_object_vars($this); foreach ($vars as $key => $value) { if ('_' != substr($key, 0, 1)) { $this->_smarty->assign($key, $value); } } //why 'this'? //to emulate standard zend view functionality //doesn't mess up smarty in any way $this->_smarty->assign_by_ref('this', $this); //smarty needs a template_dir, and can only use templates, //found in that directory, so we have to strip it from the filename $file = func_get_arg(0); echo $this->_smarty->fetch($file); //process the template (and filter the output) }
public static function smarty_factory() { if (!isset($_SERVER['smartybase'])) { $_SERVER['smartybase'] = "/var/tmp/smarty-" . md5($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); } if (!lib::$appvars) { lib::$appvars = array('filebase' => $_SERVER['filebase'], 'mediabase' => $_SERVER['mediabase'], 'uribase' => $_SERVER['uribase'], 'urirequest' => $_SERVER['urirequest']); } $smbase = $_SERVER['smartybase']; #@mkdir("$smbase/templates", 0777, true); @mkdir("{$smbase}/templates_c", 0777, true); @mkdir("{$smbase}/cache", 0777, true); $smarty = new Smarty(); $smarty->template_dir = "./views"; $smarty->compile_dir = "{$smbase}/templates_c"; $smarty->cache_dir = "{$smbase}/cache"; # we don't set config dir, we most likely won't use it initially $smext = array('smarty_extensions', 'smarty_custom'); foreach ($smext as $smo) { $mnames = get_class_methods($smo); foreach ($mnames as $method) { if (preg_match('/^func_(\\w+)$/', $method, $m)) { $smarty->register_function($m[1], array($smo, $method)); } elseif (preg_match('/^modifier_(\\w+)$/', $method, $m)) { $smarty->register_modifier($m[1], array($smo, $method)); } elseif (preg_match('/^block_(\\w+)$/', $method, $m)) { $smarty->register_block($m[1], array($smo, $method)); } } } # these are order dependent $smarty->register_prefilter(array('smarty_extensions', 'prefilter_convert_loop_breaks')); $smarty->register_prefilter(array('smarty_extensions', 'prefilter_convert_loop_continue')); $smarty->assign_by_ref('app', lib::$appvars); if (file_exists("setup/template_conf.php")) { include "setup/template_conf.php"; } return $smarty; }
$C_list = new CORE_list(); $C_block = new CORE_block(); for ($i = 0; $i < count(@$_SERVER["argv"]); $i++) { if (@$_SERVER["argv"][$i] == "_task=1") { $VAR['_task'] = 1; } } if (isset($VAR['_task'])) { require_once PATH_MODULES . 'task/'; $task = new task(); $task->run_all(); exit; } $C_method->do_all(); if (isset($C_auth2) && $C_auth2 != false && defined("FORCE_SESS_ACCOUNT")) { $smarty->assign("SESS_LOGGED", FORCE_SESS_LOGGED); $smarty->assign("SESS_ACCOUNT", FORCE_SESS_ACCOUNT); } else { $smarty->assign("SESS_LOGGED", SESS_LOGGED); $smarty->assign("SESS_ACCOUNT", SESS_ACCOUNT); } $smarty->assign_by_ref("method", $C_method); $smarty->assign_by_ref("list", $C_list); $smarty->assign_by_ref("block", $C_block); $smarty->assign_by_ref("alert", $C_debug->alert); $smarty->assign("VAR", $VAR); $smarty->assign("SESS", SESS); $smarty->assign("SSL_URL", SSL_URL); $smarty->assign("URL", URL); $C_theme = new CORE_theme(); ob_end_flush();
// Load other config file (temporary) include "config.php"; // Connect to database require 'includes/EasyDB.php'; $db = new EasyDB($dbhost, $dbuname, $dbpass, $dbname); unset($dbhost, $dbuname, $dbpass, $dbname); $misc = $db->FetchAll("SELECT * FROM `miscinfo`"); // Set up some variables $page = array(); $data = array(); $input = array(); // Temporarily put team names here until a better place/way is found $data['teamnames'] = array('R' => 'Red', 'G' => 'Green', 'B' => 'Blue', 'P' => 'Purple', 'O' => 'Observer', 'H' => 'Rabbit', 'X' => 'Rogue'); $page['theme'] = 'bluetangerine'; if (array_key_exists($_COOKIE['theme'], $config['themes'])) { $page['theme'] = $_COOKIE['theme']; } $page['refresh'] = $_COOKIE['refresh'] == true; $page['servername'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $page['baseURL'] = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/'; $page['refreshed_date'] = date('D, M d H:i:s T Y', $misc[0]['lastrefreshed']); $page['refreshed_epoch'] = $misc[0]['lastrefreshed']; $page['refreshed_rfc2822'] = date('r', $misc[0]['lastrefreshed']); $page['separator'] = '<div class="center">· · · · · · ·</div>'; // Set up Smarty Template Engine include 'includes/smarty/Smarty.class.php'; $tpl = new Smarty(); $tpl->assign_by_ref('page', $page); $tpl->assign_by_ref('data', $data); $tpl->assign_by_ref('input', $input); $tpl->assign('themes', $config['themes']);
if ($cfg['data_provider'] == 'redis') { include HAMMOCK_ROOT . "/lib/data_redis.php"; } else { include HAMMOCK_ROOT . "/lib/data_files.php"; } include HAMMOCK_ROOT . "/lib/http.php"; include HAMMOCK_ROOT . "/lib/service.php"; include HAMMOCK_ROOT . "/lib/auth.php"; include HAMMOCK_ROOT . "/lib/smarty/Smarty.class.php"; if (!file_exists(HAMMOCK_ROOT . "/data/templates_c")) { mkdir(HAMMOCK_ROOT . "/data/templates_c", 0777, true); } $smarty = new Smarty(); $smarty->template_dir = HAMMOCK_ROOT . "/templates"; $smarty->compile_dir = HAMMOCK_ROOT . "/data/templates_c"; $smarty->assign_by_ref('cfg', $cfg); function load_plugins() { $GLOBALS['plugins'] = array(); $dir = HAMMOCK_ROOT . "/plugins"; if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if (is_dir("{$dir}/{$file}") && is_file("{$dir}/{$file}/plugin.php")) { if (include "{$dir}/{$file}/plugin.php") { $GLOBALS['plugins'][$file] = 1; } } } closedir($dh); } $GLOBALS['plugins_services'] = array();
//exit(1); echo "Generating tests truncate file\n"; $truncate = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!-- Truncate all tables that will be used in the tests --> <dataset>'; $tbls = array_keys($tables); foreach ($tbls as $d => $t) { $truncate = $truncate . "\n <{$t} />\n"; } $truncate = $truncate . "</dataset>\n"; $ft = fopen($sqlCodePath . "../tests/phpunit/CiviTest/truncate.xml", "w"); fputs($ft, $truncate); fclose($ft); unset($ft); unset($truncate); $smarty->assign_by_ref('database', $database); $smarty->assign_by_ref('tables', $tables); $tmpArray = array_keys($tables); $tmpArray = array_reverse($tmpArray); $smarty->assign_by_ref('dropOrder', $tmpArray); $smarty->assign('mysql', 'modern'); echo "Generating sql file\n"; $sql = $smarty->fetch('schema.tpl'); createDir($sqlCodePath); $fd = fopen($sqlCodePath . "civicrm.mysql", "w"); fputs($fd, $sql); fclose($fd); echo "Generating sql drop tables file\n"; $sql = $smarty->fetch('drop.tpl'); createDir($sqlCodePath); $fd = fopen($sqlCodePath . "civicrm_drop.mysql", "w");
/** * Constructor * * @param Request $request * @return ApplicationController */ function __construct($request) { parent::__construct($request); // Set detault layout for application pages $this->setLayout(array('module' => SYSTEM_MODULE, 'layout' => 'wireframe')); // Get Smarty instance... We need it $this->smarty =& Smarty::instance(); // Load and init owner company $this->owner_company = get_owner_company(); if (instance_of($this->owner_company, 'Company')) { cache_set('owner_company', $this->owner_company); } else { $this->httpError(HTTP_ERR_NOT_FOUND, 'Owner company is not defined'); } // if $this->application =& application(); $this->authentication =& Authentication::instance(); $this->logged_user =& $this->authentication->provider->getUser(); $this->wireframe =& Wireframe::instance(); $this->wireframe->page_company = $this->owner_company; $this->theme_name = instance_of($this->logged_user, 'User') ? UserConfigOptions::getValue('theme', $this->logged_user) : ConfigOptions::getValue('theme'); $this->smarty->assign(array('root_url' => ROOT_URL, 'assets_url' => ASSETS_URL)); // Maintenance mode if (ConfigOptions::getValue('maintenance_enabled')) { if (instance_of($this->logged_user, 'User') && $this->logged_user->isAdministrator()) { $this->wireframe->addPageMessage(lang('System is in maintenance mode and can be used by administrators only. <a href=":url">Click here</a> to turn off maintenance mode', array('url' => assemble_url('admin_settings_maintenance'))), 'warning'); } else { $additional_error_info = ConfigOptions::getValue('maintenance_message'); if ($additional_error_info) { $additional_error_info .= "\n\n"; } // if $additional_error_info .= lang('When system is in maintenance mode, administrators can log in and access the system') . ": " . assemble_url('login'); $this->smarty->assign('additional_error_info', $additional_error_info); if ($this->restrict_access_in_maintenance_mode) { $this->httpError(503); } // if } // if } // if // Check permissions if ($this->login_required && !instance_of($this->logged_user, 'User')) { // If async don't redirect to loging, just server proper HTTP code if ($this->request->isAsyncCall()) { $this->httpError(HTTP_ERR_UNAUTHORIZED, null, true, true); // Not async? Redirect to login with extracted route data... } else { $params = array(); if ($request->matched_route != 'login') { $params['re_route'] = $request->matched_route; foreach ($this->request->url_params as $k => $v) { if ($k == 'module' || $k == 'controller' || $k == 'action') { continue; } // if $params["re_{$k}"] = $v; } // foreach } // if $this->redirectTo($this->login_route, $params); } // if } // if if (instance_of($this->logged_user, 'User') && !$this->logged_user->getSystemPermission('system_access')) { $this->authentication->provider->logUserOut(); $this->httpError(HTTP_ERR_FORBIDDEN); } // if $loaded_modules = $this->application->getModules(); $assets_query_string = 'v=' . $this->application->version . '&modules='; foreach ($loaded_modules as $loaded_module) { $assets_query_string .= $loaded_module->getName() . ','; } // foreach $this->smarty->assign(array('api_status' => API_STATUS, 'application' => $this->application, 'owner_company' => $this->owner_company, 'authentication' => $this->authentication, 'logged_user' => $this->logged_user, 'request' => $this->request, 'theme_name' => $this->theme_name, 'request_time' => $this->request_time, 'loaded_modules' => $this->application->getModules(), 'captcha_url' => ROOT_URL . '/captcha.php?id=' . md5(time()), 'assets_query_string' => $assets_query_string, 'js_disabled_url' => assemble_url('js_disabled'))); $this->smarty->assign_by_ref('wireframe', $this->wireframe); js_assign(array('homepage_url' => ROOT_URL, 'assets_url' => ASSETS_URL, 'indicator_url' => get_image_url('indicator.gif'), 'big_indicator_url' => get_image_url('indicator_big.gif'), 'ok_indicator_url' => get_image_url('ok_indicator.gif'), 'warning_indicator_url' => get_image_url('warning_indicator.gif'), 'error_indicator_url' => get_image_url('error_indicator.gif'), 'pending_indicator_url' => get_image_url('pending_indicator.gif'), 'url_base' => URL_BASE, 'keep_alive_interval' => KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL, 'refresh_session_url' => assemble_url('refresh_session'), 'jump_to_project_url' => assemble_url('jump_to_project_widget'), 'quick_add_url' => assemble_url('quick_add'), 'path_info_through_query_string' => PATH_INFO_THROUGH_QUERY_STRING, 'image_picker_url' => assemble_url('image_picker'), 'copyright_removed' => LICENSE_COPYRIGHT_REMOVED, 'custom_tabs_manager' => assemble_url('custom_tabs_manager'), 'add_milestone_url' => assemble_url('project_milestones_add', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--')), 'add_checklist_url' => assemble_url('project_checklists_add', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--')), 'add_discussion_url' => assemble_url('project_discussions_add', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--')), 'add_file_url' => assemble_url('project_files_upload', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--')), 'add_page_url' => assemble_url('project_pages_add', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--')), 'add_ticket_url' => assemble_url('project_tickets_add', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--')), 'add_timerecord_url' => assemble_url('project_time_add', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--')), 'attachment_rename_url' => assemble_url('attachment_rename', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--', 'attachment_id' => '--ATTACHMENT_ID--')), 'attachment_copy_to_url' => assemble_url('attachment_copy_to', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--', 'attachment_id' => '--ATTACHMENT_ID--')), 'attachment_move_to_url' => assemble_url('attachment_move_to', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--', 'attachment_id' => '--ATTACHMENT_ID--')), 'image_uploader_url' => assemble_url('image_uploader'), 'render_comments_url' => assemble_url('render_comments'), 'move_task_url' => assemble_url('project_task_move', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--', 'task_id' => '--TASK_ID--')), 'get_collection_url' => assemble_url('collection'), 'quick_task_reminder_url' => assemble_url('project_task_quickreminder', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--', 'task_id' => '--TASK_ID--')), 'convert_to_ticket_url' => assemble_url('project_object_convert_to_ticket', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--', 'object_id' => '--OBJECT_ID--')), 'convert_to_milestone_url' => assemble_url('project_object_convert_to_milestone', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--', 'object_id' => '--OBJECT_ID--')), 'convert_to_page_url' => assemble_url('project_object_convert_to_page', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--', 'object_id' => '--OBJECT_ID--')), 'snooze_task_url' => assemble_url('project_task_snooze', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--', 'task_id' => '--TASK_ID--')))); if ($this->logged_user) { $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS); mysql_select_db(DB_NAME); if (!empty($_SESSION['pg_ttl'])) { mysql_query("update healingcrystals_user_visited_pages set title='" . mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['pg_ttl']) . "' where user_id='" . $this->logged_user->getId() . "' and access_time='" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $_SESSION['temp_time']) . "'"); } $current_url = (empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'http://' : 'https://') . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $pos = strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], '%2F'); if ($pos !== false) { $max_pages_count_per_user = 50; //require_once SMARTY_PATH . '/plugins/function.page_title.php'; //$current_page_title = smarty_function_page_title(array('default' => 'Projects')); //$current_page_title = PageConstruction::getPageTitle(); $_SESSION['temp_time'] = time(); mysql_query("insert into healingcrystals_user_visited_pages (user_id, page_url, title, access_time) values ('" . $this->logged_user->getId() . "', '" . $current_url . "', '', '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $_SESSION['temp_time']) . "')"); //mysql_query("insert into healingcrystals_user_visited_pages (user_id, page_url, title, access_time) values ('" . $this->logged_user->getId() . "', '" . $current_url . "', '', now())"); $query = "select count(*) as count from healingcrystals_user_visited_pages where user_id='" . $this->logged_user->getId() . "'"; $result = mysql_query($query); $info = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $current_count = $info['count']; if ($current_count > $max_pages_count_per_user) { $querries = array(); $query = "select * from healingcrystals_user_visited_pages where user_id='" . $this->logged_user->getId() . "' order by access_time limit 0, " . ($current_count - $max_pages_count_per_user); $result = mysql_query($query); while ($info = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $querries[] = "delete from healingcrystals_user_visited_pages where user_id='" . $this->logged_user->getId() . "' and page_url='" . $info['page_url'] . "' and access_time='" . $info['access_time'] . "'"; } } foreach ($querries as $query) { mysql_query($query); } } $_SESSION['pg_ttl'] = ''; mysql_close($link); } }
<?php //инициализируем класс БД require PATH_CORE . 'database/database.php'; $oDb = new CDatabase('mysql', 'mysql:host=' . DB_HOST_SYSGEN . ';dbname=' . DB_NAME_SYSGEN, DB_USER_SYSGEN, DB_PASS_SYSGEN); //$oDb = new CDatabase('pgsql', 'pgsql:port=5432 dbname='.DB_NAME_SYSGEN, DB_USER_SYSGEN, DB_PASS_SYSGEN); $oDb->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $oDb->connect(); //инициализируем Config config::load(); $oConfig =& config::$data; if (BFF_DEBUG || FORDEV) { include PATH_CORE . 'vardump.php'; $oDb->bShowStatistic = true; $oDb->bMakeStatistic = true; } //инициализируем Smarty require PATH_CORE . 'external/smarty/smarty.class.php'; $oSm = new Smarty(); $oSm->force_compile = false; $oSm->compile_check = true; $oSm->debugging = false; $oSm->compile_dir = PATH_BASE . 'tpl_c'; $oSm->config_dir = PATH_BASE . 'config'; $oSm->plugins_dir = array('plugins', 'plugins/bff'); Module::adminCustomCenterArea(false); $oSm->assign('fordev', FORDEV); $oSm->assign('site_url', SITEURL); $oSm->assign_by_ref('config', $oConfig);
* The form is ready to be processed, just output it again as read only to * display the submitted values. A real form processing script usually may * do something else like storing the form values in a database. */ $form->ReadOnly = 1; } /* * Create the Smarty engine object to process the form template first * * NOTE: the form template needs to be processed separately from any other * page templates to prevent that the form prefilter interferes with the * normal processing of the other templates */ $smarty = new Smarty(); if ($smarty->template_exists("form.tpl")) { $smarty->assign_by_ref("form", $form); $smarty->assign("title", "Form class test"); $smarty->assign("error_message", $error_message); $smarty->assign_by_ref("verify", $verify); $smarty->assign("doit", $doit); $smarty->assign("mark", "[Verify]"); $smarty->assign("credit_card_field", "credit_card_number"); $smarty->register_prefilter("smarty_prefilter_form"); $smarty->fetch("form.tpl"); $smarty->unregister_prefilter("smarty_prefilter_form"); } else { $form->AddDataPart("<h2><center>Please copy the template file <tt>templates/form.tpl</tt> to your Smarty <tt>templates</tt> directory.</center></h2>\n"); $doit = 1; } /* * If the form was not submitted or was not valid, make the page ONLOAD
$fullinput_value .= ":" . max_min($maxminbrws_fld_C, "min", 0); $fullinput_value2 .= ":" . max_min($maxminbrws_fld_C, "max", 1); // $fullinput_value .= ":3"; // $fullinput_value2 .= ":6"; $fullinput_alph .= ":" . $browse_field_C; } // end if if ($aliasname != "") { $or_input = " " . $strings['or'] . " [" . $fullinput_alph . "]"; } else { $or_input = ""; } // end else // $versecounteralph = chr($printversecounter); // $printversecounter++; $smarty->assign_by_ref('printversecounter', $printversecounter); $smarty->assign('fullinput_value', $fullinput_value); $smarty->assign('fullinput_value2', $fullinput_value2); $smarty->assign('or_input', $or_input); // } // end if /////////////////Call the function to display the input boxes for which range of verses one wishes to browse//////////////////// $levels = array('blevela', 'blevelb', 'blevelc', 'elevela', 'elevelb', 'elevelc'); $max_arr_all = array(verse_selection(array($browse_field_A, $browse_field_B, $browse_field_C), array($textdirecA, $textdirecB, $textdirecC), array($maxminbrws_fld_A, $maxminbrws_fld_B, $maxminbrws_fld_C), $levels, 1)); /// Fix: This was designed to add an indefinite number of "or" options if one were to give the option to browse by more than 2 fields (perhaps the Collins database could use this?). browse9.php also should be fixed when testing to see if these blevela2+ items exist already or not. Do this also for browse_levels 2 and 3 or if any more levels are ever needed (dynamically added?!?--I hope they are not necessary since it is rather complicated to delineate all the possibilities!!!) // Look for a field shortcut; if none, use the default. $maxminbrws_fld_A = $browse_field_A; $maxminbrws_fld_B = $browse_field_B; $maxminbrws_fld_C = $browse_field_C; localize_fields($browse_field_A, $fieldface); $browse_field_A = $fieldshortcut; $textdirecA = $textdirec;
$input = array(); // Used to contain messages $messages = array(); // Used to trigger invalid color highlights $invalid = array(); // Per-page information $page = array(); // Smarty Template System if (defined('USING_SMARTY') && USING_SMARTY) { // Load Smarty require $config['paths']['includes'] . 'smarty/Smarty.class.php'; // Create a new Smarty object $tpl = new Smarty(); // This is where uncompiled template files are located $tpl->template_dir = $config['paths']['templates']; // This is where compiled templates are stored $tpl->compile_dir = $config['paths']['templates_c']; // Assign the configuration to Smarty // TODO: Once we have DB support, remove those from the config array // before assigning this to Smarty. $tpl->assign('config', $config); // Assign several variables by reference, since they may/will change during // script execution $tpl->assign_by_ref('user', $user); $tpl->assign_by_ref('input', $input); $tpl->assign_by_ref('messages', $messages); $tpl->assign_by_ref('invalid', $invalid); $tpl->assign_by_ref('page', $page); $tpl->assign_by_ref('data', $data); $tpl->assign('lang', $lang); }
public function assign_by_ref($tpl_var, &$value, $nocache = false) { if (method_exists($this, "assignByRef")) { return $this->assignByRef($tpl_var, $value, $nocache); } else { return parent::assign_by_ref($tpl_var, $value); } }
/** * Assign variable to template by reference. * * @param string $key Variable name. * @param mixed &$value Value. * * @return Zikula_View */ public function assign_by_ref($key, &$value) { $this->_assign_check($key); parent::assign_by_ref($key, $value); return $this; }
*/ Plugins::RunHook('core_loaded'); $fb_helper = new FacebookHelper(); FPBAuth::GetInstance()->CheckFBStatus(); /** * The 'auth_completed' hook is executed after the authentication module has run * @see Hooks */ Plugins::RunHook('auth_completed'); $site_theme = strlen($config["Theme"]) > 0 ? $config["Theme"] : 'coolblue'; $smarty = new Smarty(); $smarty->template_dir = BASEDIR . '/themes/' . $site_theme; $smarty->compile_dir = BASEDIR . '/cache/'; $smarty->assign('theme_path', '/themes/' . $site_theme); if (FPBAuth::GetInstance()->IsLoggedIn()) { $smarty->assign_by_ref('user', FPBAuth::GetInstance()->GetUser()); } require BASEDIR . '/fpb-includes/toolbar.php'; ob_start(); /** * The 'head_load' hook is executed when we build up the content in <head> * @see Hooks */ Plugins::RunHook('head_load'); fpb_toolbar_head(); $head_contents = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); $smarty->assign('head', $head_contents); $smarty->assign('title', $page_title); $smarty->assign('site_slogan', $config["GlobalSlogan"]); $smarty->assign('site_name', $config["GlobalName"]);
function smarty_parse($template_file, &$data) { define(SMARTY_DIR, ROOT . 'smarty/'); require SMARTY_DIR . 'Smarty.class.php'; $smarty = new Smarty(); $smarty->compile_dir = SMARTY_DIR . 'templates_c/'; if (isset($this->owner)) { $smarty->template_dir = DIR_TEMPLATES . $this->owner->name . "/"; } $data["ROOTHTML"] = ROOTHTML; foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $smarty->assign_by_ref($k, $data[$k]); } if (Is_Object($this->owner)) { $smarty->owner =& $this->owner; } $result = $smarty->fetch($template_file); return $result; }
include BBLOGROOT . 'libs/ez_sql.php'; include BBLOGROOT . 'libs/authimage.class.php'; include BBLOGROOT . 'libs/czech.class.php'; include BBLOGROOT . 'libs/php5_emulator.php'; include BBLOGROOT . 'inc/bBlog.class.php'; include BBLOGROOT . 'inc/functions.php'; include BBLOGROOT . 'inc/templates.php'; include BBLOGROOT . 'inc/stringHandling.class.php'; // start your engines $smartyObj = new Smarty(); $bBlog = new bBlog($smartyObj); // include after database connection established include BBLOGROOT . 'libs/search.class.php'; $bBlog->search = new article_search(); // Store the bBlog object in the Smarty one. So we can easily get it in Smarty functions. $smartyObj->assign_by_ref("bBlog_object", $bBlog); $mtime = explode(" ", microtime()); $bBlog->begintime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0]; // this is only here until I work out the best way to do theming. //$smartyObj->clear_compiled_tpl(); $smartyObj->template_dir = BBLOGROOT . 'templates/' . C_TEMPLATE; $smartyObj->compile_dir = BBLOGROOT . 'compiled_templates/'; // A couple of changes to make sure we don't overwrite a smarty object initialized somewhere else // Just to make integration a bit easier - Tiran Kenja if (!is_array($smartyObj->plugins_dir)) { $smartyObj->plugins_dir = array(); } array_push($smartyObj->plugins_dir, BBLOGROOT . 'bBlog_plugins', BBLOGROOT . 'smarty_plugins'); if (defined('IN_BBLOG_ADMIN')) { $smartyObj->compile_id = 'admin'; } else {
function render($aDict = null) { $smarty = new Smarty(); $oConfig =& KTConfig::getSingleton(); $sVarDirectory = $oConfig->get('urls/varDirectory'); $smarty->compile_dir = $oConfig->get('urls/tmpDirectory'); // foreach (array($sVarDirectory . '/tmp', '/tmp') as $sPath) { // if (is_writeable($sPath)) { // $smarty->compile_dir = $sPath; // break; // } // } if (is_array($aDict)) { $iLen = count($aDict); $aKeys = array_keys($aDict); for ($i = 0; $i < $iLen; $i++) { $sKey = $aKeys[$i]; $smarty->assign_by_ref($sKey, $aDict[$sKey]); } } if (is_array($this->aDict)) { $iLen = count($this->aDict); $aKeys = array_keys($this->aDict); for ($i = 0; $i < $iLen; $i++) { $sKey = $aKeys[$i]; $smarty->assign_by_ref($sKey, $this->aDict[$sKey]); } } $KTConfig =& KTConfig::getSingleton(); // needed for a very, very few places. $isSSL = $KTConfig->get("KnowledgeTree/sslEnabled"); $hostname = $KTConfig->get("KnowledgeTree/serverName"); $absroot = 'http'; $absroot .= $isSSL ? 's://' : '://'; $absroot .= $hostname; $absroot .= $KTConfig->get("KnowledgeTree/rootUrl"); if (isset($_SESSION['search2_quick'])) { $search2_quick = $_SESSION['search2_quick']; $search2_general = $_SESSION['search2_general']; $search2_quickQuery = trim($_SESSION['search2_quickQuery']); if ($search2_quickQuery == '') { $search2_quickQuery = ''; } } else { $search2_quick = 0; $search2_general = 1; $search2_quickQuery = ''; $_SESSION['search2_quick'] = $search2_quick; $_SESSION['search2_general'] = $search2_general; $_SESSION['search2_quickQuery'] = ''; } $smarty->assign('search2_anonymous', !array_key_exists('userID', $_SESSION) || $_SESSION['userID'] == -2); $smarty->assign('search2_user', $_SESSION['userId']); $smarty->assign('search2_quick', $search2_quick); $smarty->assign('search2_general', $search2_general); $smarty->assign('search2_quickQuery', $search2_quickQuery); $smarty->assign("config", $KTConfig); $smarty->assign("appname", $KTConfig->get("ui/appName", "KnowledgeTree")); $smarty->assign("rootUrl", $KTConfig->get("KnowledgeTree/rootUrl")); $smarty->assign("absoluteRootUrl", $absroot); $smarty->caching = false; $smarty->register_function('entity_select', array('KTSmartyTemplate', 'entity_select')); $smarty->register_function('boolean_checkbox', array('KTSmartyTemplate', 'boolean_checkbox')); $smarty->register_function('entity_checkboxes', array('KTSmartyTemplate', 'entity_checkboxes')); $smarty->register_function('entity_radios', array('KTSmartyTemplate', 'entity_radios')); $smarty->register_block('i18n', array('KTSmartyTemplate', 'i18n_block'), false); $smarty->register_modifier('addQueryString', array('KTSmartyTemplate', 'addQueryString')); $smarty->register_function('ktLink', array('KTSmartyTemplate', 'ktLink')); $smarty->register_modifier('addQS', array('KTSmartyTemplate', 'addQueryString')); $smarty->register_modifier('addQueryStringSelf', array('KTSmartyTemplate', 'addQueryStringSelf')); $smarty->register_modifier('addQSSelf', array('KTSmartyTemplate', 'addQueryStringSelf')); $smarty->register_block('addQS', array('KTSmartyTemplate', 'addQueryStringBlock'), false); $smarty->register_function('getUrlForFolder', array('KTSmartyTemplate', 'getUrlForFolder')); $smarty->register_function('getCrumbStringForDocument', array('KTSmartyTemplate', 'getCrumbStringForDocument')); return $smarty->fetch($this->sPath); }
$smarty->assign('APPLICATION_VERSION', APPLICATION_VERSION); $smarty->assign('DEPLOYMENT_ON_DEMAND', DEPLOYMENT_ON_DEMAND); if (isset($cron_out_of_date)) { $smarty->assign('CRON_OUT_OF_DATE', $cron_out_of_date); } if (isset($db_time_zone_error)) { $smarty->assign('DB_TIME_ZONE_ERROR', $db_time_zone_error); } if (isset($config_vars['other']['installer_enabled'])) { $smarty->assign('INSTALLER_ENABLED', $config_vars['other']['installer_enabled']); } if (isset($system_settings['system_version']) and DEPLOYMENT_ON_DEMAND == FALSE and APPLICATION_VERSION != $system_settings['system_version']) { $smarty->assign('VERSION_MISMATCH', TRUE); } if (isset($system_settings)) { $smarty->assign_by_ref('system_settings', $system_settings); } if (isset($current_company)) { $smarty->assign_by_ref('current_company', $current_company); } if (isset($config_vars)) { $smarty->assign_by_ref('config_vars', $config_vars); } if (TTi18n::getLanguage() != '') { $smarty->assign('CALENDAR_LANG', TTi18n::getLanguage()); } else { $smarty->assign('CALENDAR_LANG', 'en'); } if (isset($current_user)) { $smarty->assign_by_ref('current_user', $current_user); $smarty->assign_by_ref('current_user_prefs', $current_user_prefs);
public function setObject($name, $object) { $this->tpl->assign_by_ref($name, $object); }