/** * Add a Water Mark to the image * (filigrana) * * @param string $from * @param string $waterMark */ public function addWaterMarkImage($waterMark, $opacity = 35, $x = 5, $y = 5) { // set data $size = $this->info; $im = $this->gdID; // set WaterMark's data $waterMarkSM = new SmartImage($waterMark); $imWM = $waterMarkSM->getGDid(); // Add it! // In png watermark images we ignore the opacity (you have to set it in the watermark image) if ($waterMarkSM->info[2] == 3) { imageCopy($im, $imWM, $x, $y, 0, 0, imagesx($imWM), imagesy($imWM)); } else { imageCopyMerge($im, $imWM, $x, $y, 0, 0, imagesx($imWM), imagesy($imWM), $opacity); } $waterMarkSM->close(); $this->gdID = $im; }
function albums_page_admin_editalbum() { global $cont1, $cont2, $cont3, $lang, $var1; //Let's process the image... if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { //If file is jpeg, pjpeg, png or gif: Accept. if (in_array($_FILES['imagefile']['type'], array('image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif'))) { //Define some variables $extpos = strrpos($_FILES['imagefile']['name'], '.'); if ($extpos === false) { $extpos = strlen($_FILES['imagefile']['name']); } $image_filename = substr($_FILES['imagefile']['name'], 0, $extpos); $ext = substr($_FILES['imagefile']['name'], $extpos + 1); $image_filename = seo_url($image_filename); $fullimage = ALBUMS_DIR . '/' . $var1 . '/' . $image_filename . '.' . strtolower($ext); $thumbimage = ALBUMS_DIR . '/' . $var1 . '/thumb/' . $image_filename . '.' . strtolower($ext); //Check if the image name already exists. $images = read_dir_contents(ALBUMS_DIR . '/' . $var1 . '/thumb', 'files'); if ($images) { foreach ($images as $image) { $extpos = strrpos($image, '.'); if ($extpos === false) { $extpos = strlen($image); } $namepart = substr($image, 0, $extpos); if ($namepart == $image_filename) { $name_exist = true; break; } } } //Don't do anything, if the name already exists. if (isset($name_exist)) { $error = show_error($lang['albums']['image_exist'], 1, true); } elseif (!copy($_FILES['imagefile']['tmp_name'], $fullimage) || !copy($_FILES['imagefile']['tmp_name'], $thumbimage)) { $error = show_error($lang['general']['upload_failed'], 1, true); } else { //Compress the big image. $image_width = module_get_setting('albums', 'resize_image_width'); $image = new SmartImage($fullimage); //Only resize if resize_image_width is not disabled (or set to 1, which would produce errors). if ($image_width != '0' && $image_width != '1') { list($width, $height) = getimagesize($fullimage); $imgratio = $width / $height; if ($imgratio > 1) { $newwidth = $image_width; $newheight = $image_width / $imgratio; } else { $newheight = $image_width; $newwidth = $image_width * $imgratio; } $image->resize($newwidth, $newheight); } $image->saveImage($fullimage, $cont3); $image->close(); chmod($fullimage, 0777); //Then make a thumb from the image. $thumb_width = module_get_setting('albums', 'resize_thumb_width'); //If resize_thumb_width is set to 0 or 1, we need to grab the default width (otherwise it would produce errors). if ($thumb_width == '0' || $thumb_width == '1') { $albums_default_settings = albums_settings_default(); $thumb_width = $albums_default_settings['resize_thumb_width']; } //Resize thumb. $thumb = new SmartImage($thumbimage); list($width, $height) = getimagesize($thumbimage); $imgratio = $width / $height; if ($imgratio > 1) { $newwidth = $thumb_width; $newheight = $thumb_width / $imgratio; } else { $newheight = $thumb_width; $newwidth = $thumb_width * $imgratio; } $thumb->resize($newwidth, $newheight); $thumb->saveImage($thumbimage, $cont3); $thumb->close(); chmod($thumbimage, 0777); //Find the number. $images = read_dir_contents(ALBUMS_DIR . '/' . $var1 . '/thumb', 'files'); if ($images) { $number = count($images); } else { $number = 1; } //Sanitize data. $cont1 = sanitize($cont1); $cont2 = sanitize($cont2); $cont2 = nl2br($cont2); //Compose the data. $data['name'] = $cont1; $data['info'] = $cont2; //Then save the image information. save_file(ALBUMS_DIR . '/' . $var1 . '/' . $number . '.' . $image_filename . '.' . strtolower($ext) . '.php', $data); } } else { //FIXME: Maybe a better error message? $error = show_error($lang['general']['upload_failed'], 1, true); } } //Check if album exists. if (file_exists(ALBUMS_DIR . '/' . $var1)) { //Introduction text. ?> <p> <strong><?php echo $lang['albums']['album_message1']; ?> </strong> </p> <p> <span class="kop2"><?php echo $lang['albums']['new_image']; ?> </span> <span class="kop4"><?php echo $lang['albums']['album_message2']; ?> </span> </p> <?php if (isset($error)) { echo $error; } ?> <form method="post" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <p> <label class="kop2" for="cont1"><?php echo $lang['general']['title']; ?> </label> <input required='required' name="cont1" id="cont1" type="text" /> </p> <p> <label class="kop2" for="cont2"><?php echo $lang['general']['description']; ?> </label> <textarea required='required' cols="50" rows="5" name="cont2" id="cont2"></textarea> </p> <p> <input type="file" name="imagefile" id="imagefile" /> <label class="kop4" for="cont3"><?php echo $lang['albums']['quality']; ?> </label> <input name="cont3" id="cont3" type="text" size="3" value="85" /> </p> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php echo $lang['general']['save']; ?> " /> </form> <br /> <?php //Edit images. ?> <span class="kop2"><?php echo $lang['albums']['edit_images']; ?> </span> <?php albums_admin_show_images($var1); } ?> <br /> <p> <a href="?module=albums"><<< <?php echo $lang['general']['back']; ?> </a> </p> <?php }
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * @author Media Integration and Communication Center http://www.micc.unifi.it (Micc) <*****@*****.**> * @license Apache License https://github.com/miccunifi/Loki/LICENSE.txt * @link Official page and description: http://www.micc.unifi.it/vim/opensource/loki-a-cross-media-search-engine/ * GitHub Repository: https://github.com/miccunifi/Loki * */ include 'SmartImage.class.php'; include '../config.php'; $allowedExts = array("gif", "jpeg", "jpg", "png"); $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["file"]["name"]); $extension = end($temp); if (in_array($extension, $allowedExts)) { if (isset($_FILES['file'])) { if ($_FILES["file"]["error"] > 0) { echo "Error"; } else { $src = $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"]; $img = new SmartImage($src); $img->resize(200, 200, true); $src = '../img/temp/' . $_FILES["file"]["name"]; $img->saveImage($src, 90); $avatar = $interfacePath . 'img/temp/' . $_FILES["file"]["name"]; echo $avatar; } } } else { echo "Error"; }
public function setimages($name, $path) { $file_name = $name; $full_path = '/home/mfs/Downloads/transmission/completed/' . $path; $file_path_thumb = '/opt/nginx/html/laravel/public/snaps/' . $file_name; if (file_exists($file_path_thumb)) { unlink($file_path_thumb); } try { $img = new SmartImage($full_path); $img->resize(130, 130, true); $img->saveImage($file_path_thumb, 85); } catch (Exception $e) { $full_path = '/home/mfs/Downloads/transmission/image.png'; $img = new SmartImage($full_path); $img->saveImage($file_path_thumb, 85); } }
case "image/png": $extens = '.png'; break; } } else { $errored = 1; $txterror = $this->lang('global_post_txterror3') . ': ' . $images_post['name'][$i]; break; } $tmp_photos[] = $images_post['tmp_name'][$i]; $photos[] = $codep . '-' . $i . $extens; } if ($errored == 0) { foreach ($photos as $key => $fname) { move_uploaded_file($tmp_photos[$key], '../' . $C->FOLDER_PHOTOS . $fname); $thumbnail = new SmartImage('../' . $C->FOLDER_PHOTOS . $fname, true); $thumbnail->mycrop($C->widthPhotoThumbail, $C->widthPhotoThumbail, 'center'); $thumbnail->saveImage('../' . $C->FOLDER_PHOTOS . 'min1/' . $fname); $thumbnail->close(); } unset($mythumb); $txttypeattach = 'photo'; } $endtxtatach = implode(',', $photos); } } break; case 2: // is video attached if (!empty($txtvalueatach)) { if (substr($txtvalueatach, 0, 20) == "https://youtube.com/" || substr($txtvalueatach, 0, 24) == "https://www.youtube.com/" || substr($txtvalueatach, 0, 16) == "www.youtube.com/" || substr($txtvalueatach, 0, 12) == "youtube.com/" || substr($txtvalueatach, 0, 19) == "http://youtube.com/" || substr($txtvalueatach, 0, 23) == "http://www.youtube.com/" || substr($txtvalueatach, 0, 16) == "http://youtu.be/") {
$finalphoto = $this->user->info->code . '.' . $ext[count($ext) - 1]; $this->db1->query("UPDATE users SET cover='" . $finalphoto . "' WHERE iduser="******"1: " . $txtreturn; return; } else { $txtreturn = $this->lang('dashboard_mi_mcov_form_msg9'); echo "0: " . $txtreturn; return; } } else { $txtreturn = $this->leng('dashboard_1_mi_form_mi_msg5');