コード例 #1
  * Apply house style rules as the content is saved
  * @param string $content
  * @return string
 public function ContentSavePre($content)
     # Remove comments from the start of the text, because otherwise they can be taken to be the first paragraph.
     # Can't unilaterally remove all comments because WordPress "more" feature is implemented as a comment.
     $content = trim($content);
     while (strpos($content, "<!--") === 0) {
         $end_pos = strpos($content, "-->");
         if ($end_pos === false) {
         # avoid infinite loop
         $content = trim(substr($content, $end_pos + 3));
     # Expand lists of people at the start of meeting minutes. Matches from the prompt up to the end of the line
     $content = preg_replace_callback('/(\\n[0-9]+\\.)\\s*(Present|Apologies for absence):(.*)/', array($this, 'ListPeople_MatchEvaluator'), $content);
     $searches = array();
     $replaces = array();
     # Expand abbreviations and fix capitalisation/punctuation.
     # Use space rather than \b before SC and SE to avoid affecting links to filenames
     $searches[] = '/ SC\\b/';
     $replaces[] = 'Stoolball Club';
     $searches[] = '/ SE\\b/';
     $replaces[] = 'Stoolball England';
     $searches[] = '/([a-z,;\'-]\\s+)Leagues and Associations/';
     # lowercase where it follows another word
     $replaces[] = '$1leagues and associations';
     $searches[] = '/Leagues and Associations/';
     # if previous didn't match, likely start of a sentence so leave the L uppercase
     $replaces[] = 'Leagues and associations';
     # lowercase stoolball where it falls between two all-lowercase words, or at the end of a sentence after a lowercase word
     $searches[] = '/(\\b[a-z]+\\b\\s+)Stoolball\\b([.?!]|\\s+\\b[a-z])/';
     $replaces[] = '$1stoolball$2';
     $searches[] = '/[S|s]toolball [E|e]ngland/';
     # ...but always capitalise Stoolball England
     $replaces[] = 'Stoolball England';
     $searches[] = '/e-mail/';
     $replaces[] = 'email';
     $searches[] = '/web site/';
     $replaces[] = 'website';
     # Use Stoolball England email addresses
     foreach ($this->settings->GetPublicEmailAliases() as $private_email => $public_email) {
         $searches[] = '/\\b' . $private_email . '\\b/';
         $replaces[] = $public_email;
     # Tidy headings
     $searches[] = '/(<h[2-6]>.*?)<strong>(.*?)<\\/strong>(.*?<\\/h[2-6]>)/';
     # strong within a heading (usually bold text converted to heading)
     $replaces[] = '$1$2$3';
     # When pasting minutes, the numbered headings need a space after the number
     $searches[] = '/(\\n[0-9]+\\.)([A-Z])/';
     $replaces[] = '$1 $2';
     # When pasting minutes, automatically spot headers
     $searches[] = "/(\n)([0-9]+\\.\\s*.+):/";
     $replaces[] = "\$1<h2>\$2</h2>" . chr(13) . chr(13);
     # When pasting minutes, tidy common phrase
     $searches[] = '/([0-9]+\\.\\s*Minutes of the last .* meeting): The Minutes/';
     $replaces[] = '<h2>$1</h2>' . chr(13) . chr(13) . 'The minutes';
     # No colons after headings
     $searches[] = '/(<h[2-6]>.*?):\\s*(<\\/h[2-6]>)/';
     $replaces[] = '$1$2';
     # Unwanted attributes
     $searches[] = '/ (align|lang)=[^ >]+/';
     # broad match for characters used because not sure how to match "
     $replaces[] = '';
     # Removing image height so that images can resize down in narrow windows using max-width 100%
     $searches[] = '/<img([^>]*) height=["0-9]+/';
     $replaces[] = '<img$1';
     # Unwanted styles
     # NOTE: Can leave ugly, unwanted spans with empty style attributes
     $searches[] = '/(font-size|margin-left|margin-bottom|margin-top|margin-right|font-family)\\s*:\\s*[A-Za-z-0-9,;]+;?/';
     $replaces[] = '';
     # Empty tags
     $searches[] = '/<p( [^>]*)?>\\s*<\\/p>/';
     $replaces[] = '';
     $searches[] = '/<span>([^<]*)<\\/span>/';
     $replaces[] = '$1';
     # No superscript for ordinals
     $searches[] = '/([0-9]+)<sup>?(st|nd|rd|th)\\s*<\\/sup>/';
     $replaces[] = '$1$2';
     # No tabs or multiple spaces
     $searches[] = '/&nbsp;/';
     $replaces[] = ' ';
     $searches[] = '/[\\t ]+/';
     $replaces[] = ' ';
     # Fix time punctuation
     $searches[] = '/\\b([0-9]+)(\\.|:)([0-9]+)\\s*(a|p)\\s*\\.?\\s*m\\.?\\b/';
     # with minutes
     $replaces[] = '$1.$3$4m';
     $searches[] = '/\\b([0-9]+)\\s*(a|p)\\s*\\.?\\s*m\\.?\\b/';
     # without minutes
     $replaces[] = '$1$2m';
     $searches[] = '/\\b([0-9]+)\\.00(am|pm)\\b/';
     # remove .00 minutes
     $replaces[] = '$1$2';
     $searches[] = '/\\b([0-9]{1,2})(\\.[0-9]{1,2})?(am|pm).(\\s+[a-z])/';
     # remove stray . after am/pm when followed by lowercase
     $replaces[] = '$1$2$3$4';
     # Fix dates
     $searches[] = '/(January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December)\\s+([0-9]{1,2})(st|nd|rd|th)?\\b/';
     # We're not American
     $replaces[] = '$2 $1';
     $searches[] = '/([0-9]{1,2})(<sup>)?(st|nd|rd|th)\\s*(<\\/sup>)?\\s*(January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December)/';
     # Remove ordinals
     $replaces[] = '$1 $5';
     $searches[] = '/(January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December),\\s+([0-9]{4})\\b/';
     # Remove comma between month and year
     $replaces[] = '$1 $2';
     $searches[] = '/(Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday|Friday|Saturday|Sunday),\\s+([0-9]{1,2})\\s+(January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December)/';
     # Remove comma between day and date
     $replaces[] = '$1 $2 $3';
     # Fix Kay's signoff
     $searches[] = '/KRP\\/JEP\\/([0-9]{1,2}).1.(20[0-9][0-9])/';
     $replaces[] = 'John and Kay Price' . chr(13) . '$1 January $2';
     $searches[] = '/KRP\\/JEP\\/([0-9]{1,2}).2.(20[0-9][0-9])/';
     $replaces[] = 'John and Kay Price' . chr(13) . '$1 February $2';
     $searches[] = '/KRP\\/JEP\\/([0-9]{1,2}).3.(20[0-9][0-9])/';
     $replaces[] = 'John and Kay Price' . chr(13) . '$1 March $2';
     $searches[] = '/KRP\\/JEP\\/([0-9]{1,2}).4.(20[0-9][0-9])/';
     $replaces[] = 'John and Kay Price' . chr(13) . '$1 April $2';
     $searches[] = '/KRP\\/JEP\\/([0-9]{1,2}).5.(20[0-9][0-9])/';
     $replaces[] = 'John and Kay Price' . chr(13) . '$1 May $2';
     $searches[] = '/KRP\\/JEP\\/([0-9]{1,2}).6.(20[0-9][0-9])/';
     $replaces[] = 'John and Kay Price' . chr(13) . '$1 June $2';
     $searches[] = '/KRP\\/JEP\\/([0-9]{1,2}).7.(20[0-9][0-9])/';
     $replaces[] = 'John and Kay Price' . chr(13) . '$1 July $2';
     $searches[] = '/KRP\\/JEP\\/([0-9]{1,2}).8.(20[0-9][0-9])/';
     $replaces[] = 'John and Kay Price' . chr(13) . '$1 August $2';
     $searches[] = '/KRP\\/JEP\\/([0-9]{1,2}).9.(20[0-9][0-9])/';
     $replaces[] = 'John and Kay Price' . chr(13) . '$1 September $2';
     $searches[] = '/KRP\\/JEP\\/([0-9]{1,2}).10.(20[0-9][0-9])/';
     $replaces[] = 'John and Kay Price' . chr(13) . '$1 October $2';
     $searches[] = '/KRP\\/JEP\\/([0-9]{1,2}).11.(20[0-9][0-9])/';
     $replaces[] = 'John and Kay Price' . chr(13) . '$1 November $2';
     $searches[] = '/KRP\\/JEP\\/([0-9]{1,2}).12.(20[0-9][0-9])/';
     $replaces[] = 'John and Kay Price' . chr(13) . '$1 December $2';
     $content = preg_replace($searches, $replaces, $content);
     # Expand common abbreviations at first mention
     # $content = $this->ExpandAbbreviation('SE', 'Stoolball England', $content);
     return $content;