コード例 #1
ファイル: Orders.class.php プロジェクト: Niggu/cloudrexx
  * Updates the status of the Order with the given ID
  * If the order exists and has the pending status (status == 0),
  * it is updated according to the payment and distribution type.
  * Note that status other than pending are never changed!
  * If the optional argument $newOrderStatus is set and not pending,
  * the order status is set to that value instead.
  * Returns the new Order status on success.
  * If either the order ID is invalid, or if the update fails, returns
  * the Order status "pending" (zero).
  * @access  private
  * @static
  * @param   integer $order_id    The ID of the current order
  * @param   integer $newOrderStatus The optional new order status.
  * @param   string  $handler    The Payment type name in use
  * @return  integer             The new order status (may be zero)
  *                              if the order status can be changed
  *                              accordingly, zero otherwise
 static function update_status($order_id, $newOrderStatus = 0, $handler = NULL)
     global $objDatabase, $_ARRAYLANG;
     if (is_null($handler) && isset($_REQUEST['handler'])) {
         $handler = contrexx_input2raw($_REQUEST['handler']);
     $order_id = intval($order_id);
     if ($order_id == 0) {
         return Order::STATUS_CANCELLED;
     $query = "\n            SELECT status, payment_id, shipment_id\n              FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_orders\n             WHERE id={$order_id}";
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
     if (!$objResult || $objResult->EOF) {
         return Order::STATUS_CANCELLED;
     $status = $objResult->fields['status'];
     // Never change a non-pending status!
     // Whether a payment was successful or not, the status must be
     // left alone.
     if ($status != Order::STATUS_PENDING) {
         // The status of the order is not pending.
         // This may be due to a wrong order ID, a page reload,
         // or a PayPal IPN that has been received already.
         // No order status is changed automatically in these cases!
         // Leave it as it is.
         return $status;
     // Determine and verify the payment handler
     $payment_id = $objResult->fields['payment_id'];
     //if (!$payment_id) DBG::log("update_status($order_id, $newOrderStatus): Failed to find Payment ID for Order ID $order_id");
     $processor_id = Payment::getPaymentProcessorId($payment_id);
     //if (!$processor_id) DBG::log("update_status($order_id, $newOrderStatus): Failed to find Processor ID for Payment ID $payment_id");
     $processorName = PaymentProcessing::getPaymentProcessorName($processor_id);
     //if (!$processorName) DBG::log("update_status($order_id, $newOrderStatus): Failed to find Processor Name for Processor ID $processor_id");
     // The payment processor *MUST* match the handler returned.
     if (!preg_match("/^{$handler}/i", $processorName)) {
         //DBG::log("update_status($order_id, $newOrderStatus): Mismatching Handlers: Order $processorName, Request ".$_GET['handler']);
         return Order::STATUS_CANCELLED;
     // Only if the optional new order status argument is zero,
     // determine the new status automatically.
     if ($newOrderStatus == Order::STATUS_PENDING) {
         // The new order status is determined by two properties:
         // - The method of payment (instant/deferred), and
         // - The method of delivery (if any).
         // If the payment takes place instantly (currently, all
         // external payments processors are considered to do so),
         // and there is no delivery needed (because it's all
         // downloads), the order status is switched to 'completed'
         // right away.
         // If only one of these conditions is met, the status is set to
         // 'paid', or 'delivered' respectively.
         // If neither condition is met, the status is set to 'confirmed'.
         $newOrderStatus = Order::STATUS_CONFIRMED;
         $processorType = PaymentProcessing::getCurrentPaymentProcessorType($processor_id);
         $shipmentId = $objResult->fields['shipment_id'];
         if ($processorType == 'external') {
             // External payment types are considered instant.
             // See $_SESSION['shop']['isInstantPayment'].
             if ($shipmentId == 0) {
                 // instant, download -> completed
                 $newOrderStatus = Order::STATUS_COMPLETED;
             } else {
                 // There is a shipper, so this order will bedelivered.
                 // See $_SESSION['shop']['isDelivery'].
                 // instant, delivery -> paid
                 $newOrderStatus = Order::STATUS_PAID;
         } else {
             // Internal payment types are considered deferred.
             if ($shipmentId == 0) {
                 // deferred, download -> shipped
                 $newOrderStatus = Order::STATUS_SHIPPED;
             //else { deferred, delivery -> confirmed }
     $query = "\n            UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_orders\n               SET status='{$newOrderStatus}'\n             WHERE id={$order_id}";
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
     if (!$objResult) {
         // The query failed, but all the data is okay.
         // Don't cancel the order, leave it as it is and let the shop
         // manager handle this.  Return pending status.
         return Order::STATUS_PENDING;
     if ($newOrderStatus == Order::STATUS_CONFIRMED || $newOrderStatus == Order::STATUS_PAID || $newOrderStatus == Order::STATUS_SHIPPED || $newOrderStatus == Order::STATUS_COMPLETED) {
         if (!ShopLibrary::sendConfirmationMail($order_id)) {
             // Note that this message is only shown when the page is
             // displayed, which may be on another request!
     // The shopping cart *MUST* be flushed right after this method
     // returns a true value (greater than zero).
     // If the new order status is zero however, the cart may
     // be left alone and the payment process can be tried again.
     return $newOrderStatus;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Order.class.php プロジェクト: Niggu/cloudrexx
  * Stores the Order
  * Takes all values as found in the POST array
  * @global  array             $_ARRAYLANG   Language array
  * @global  ADONewConnection  $objDatabase  Database connection object
  * @return  boolean                         True on success, false otherwise
  * @static
 static function storeFromPost()
     global $objDatabase, $_ARRAYLANG;
     $order_id = isset($_POST['order_id']) ? intval($_POST['order_id']) : null;
     if (empty($order_id)) {
         return null;
     // calculate the total order sum in the selected currency of the customer
     $totalOrderSum = floatval($_POST['shippingPrice']) + floatval($_POST['paymentPrice']);
     // the tax amount will be set, even if it's included in the price already.
     // thus, we have to check the setting.
     if (!Vat::isIncluded()) {
         $totalOrderSum += floatval($_POST['taxPrice']);
     // store the product details and add the price of each product
     // to the total order sum $totalOrderSum
     $order = self::getById($order_id);
     $orderOptions = $order->getOptionArray();
     foreach ($_REQUEST['product_list'] as $orderItemId => $product_id) {
         if ($orderItemId != 0 && $product_id == 0) {
             // delete the product from the list
             $query = "\n                    DELETE FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_order_items\n                     WHERE id={$orderItemId}";
             $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
             if (!$objResult) {
                 return self::errorHandler();
             $query = "\n                    DELETE FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_order_attributes\n                     WHERE id={$orderItemId}";
             $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
             if (!$objResult) {
                 return self::errorHandler();
         } elseif ($product_id != 0) {
             $objProduct = Product::getById($product_id);
             if (!$objProduct) {
                 \Message::error(sprintf($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_PRODUCT_NOT_FOUND'], $product_id));
             $product_name = $objProduct->name();
             $productPrice = $price = $_REQUEST['productPrice'][$orderItemId];
             if (isset($orderOptions[$orderItemId])) {
                 foreach ($orderOptions[$orderItemId] as $optionValues) {
                     foreach ($optionValues as $value) {
                         $price += $value['price'];
             $price = Currency::formatPrice($price);
             $productPrice = Currency::formatPrice($productPrice);
             $quantity = max(1, intval($_REQUEST['productQuantity'][$orderItemId]));
             $totalOrderSum += $price * $quantity;
             $vat_rate = Vat::format($_REQUEST['productTaxPercent'][$orderItemId]);
             $weight = Weight::getWeight($_REQUEST['productWeight'][$orderItemId]);
             if ($orderItemId == 0) {
                 // Add a new product to the list
                 if (!self::insertItem($order_id, $product_id, $product_name, $productPrice, $quantity, $vat_rate, $weight, array())) {
                     return false;
             } else {
                 // Update the order item
                 if (!self::updateItem($orderItemId, $product_id, $product_name, $productPrice, $quantity, $vat_rate, $weight, array())) {
                     return false;
     $objUser = \FWUser::getFWUserObject()->objUser;
     // Store the order details
     // TODO: Should add verification for POSTed fields and ignore unset values!
     $query = "\n            UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_orders\n               SET `sum`=" . floatval($totalOrderSum) . ",\n                   `shipment_amount`=" . floatval($_POST['shippingPrice']) . ",\n                   `payment_amount`=" . floatval($_POST['paymentPrice']) . ",\n                   `status`='" . intval($_POST['order_status']) . "',\n                   `billing_gender`='" . contrexx_input2db($_POST['billing_gender']) . "',\n                   `billing_company`='" . contrexx_input2db($_POST['billing_company']) . "',\n                   `billing_firstname`='" . contrexx_input2db($_POST['billing_firstname']) . "',\n                   `billing_lastname`='" . contrexx_input2db($_POST['billing_lastname']) . "',\n                   `billing_address`='" . contrexx_input2db($_POST['billing_address']) . "',\n                   `billing_city`='" . contrexx_input2db($_POST['billing_city']) . "',\n                   `billing_zip`='" . contrexx_input2db($_POST['billing_zip']) . "',\n                   `billing_country_id`='" . intval($_POST['billing_country_id']) . "',\n                   `billing_phone`='" . contrexx_input2db($_POST['billing_phone']) . "',\n                   `billing_fax`='" . contrexx_input2db($_POST['billing_fax']) . "',\n                   `billing_email`='" . contrexx_input2db($_POST['billing_email']) . "',\n                   `gender`='" . contrexx_input2db($_POST['shipPrefix']) . "',\n                   `company`='" . contrexx_input2db($_POST['shipCompany']) . "',\n                   `firstname`='" . contrexx_input2db($_POST['shipFirstname']) . "',\n                   `lastname`='" . contrexx_input2db($_POST['shipLastname']) . "',\n                   `address`='" . contrexx_input2db($_POST['shipAddress']) . "',\n                   `city`='" . contrexx_input2db($_POST['shipCity']) . "',\n                   `zip`='" . contrexx_input2db($_POST['shipZip']) . "',\n                   `country_id`=" . intval($_POST['shipCountry']) . ",\n                   `phone`='" . contrexx_input2db($_POST['shipPhone']) . "',\n                   `vat_amount`=" . floatval($_POST['taxPrice']) . ",\n                   `shipment_id`=" . intval($_POST['shipperId']) . ",\n                   `modified_by`='" . $objUser->getUsername() . "',\n                   `modified_on`='" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "'\n             WHERE `id`={$order_id}";
     // should not be changed, see above
     // ", payment_id = ".intval($_POST['paymentId']).
     if (!$objDatabase->Execute($query)) {
         return self::errorHandler();
     // Send an email to the customer, if requested
     if (!empty($_POST['sendMail'])) {
         $result = ShopLibrary::sendConfirmationMail($order_id);
         if (!$result) {
             return \Message::error($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_MESSAGE_SEND_ERROR']);
         \Message::ok(sprintf($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_EMAIL_SEND_SUCCESSFULLY'], $result));
     return true;