コード例 #1
ファイル: shCache.php プロジェクト: alesconti/FF_2015
function shAddSefURLToCache($nonSefURL, $sefURL, $URLType)
    global $shURLMemCache, $shURLTotalCount;
    $sefConfig =& Sh404sefFactory::getConfig();
    if (!$sefConfig->shUseURLCache) {
        return null;
    if ($shURLTotalCount >= $sefConfig->shMaxURLInCache) {
        return null;
    // v 1.2.4.c added total cache size control
    // Filter out non sef url which include &mosmsg, as I don't want to have a cache entry for every single msg
    // that can be thrown at me, including every 404 error
    if (strpos(strtolower($nonSefURL), '&mosmsg')) {
        return null;
    $count = count($shURLMemCache);
    // new cache format : non-sef#sef#type
    $shURLMemCache[$count] = htmlentities($nonSefURL, ENT_QUOTES) . '#' . $sefURL . '#' . $URLType;
    ShlSystem_Log::debug('sh404sef', 'Adding to URL cache : ' . $sefURL . ' <= ' . $nonSefURL);
    // v 1.2.4.c added total cache size control
    return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: sef_ext.php プロジェクト: alesconti/FF_2015
 public static function getcategories($catid, $shLang = null, $section = '')
     ShlSystem_Log::debug('sh404sef', 'Calling deprecated sef_404::getCategories() method. Use Sh404sefModelSlugs model instead.');
     return '';
コード例 #3
ファイル: com_virtuemart.php プロジェクト: alesconti/FF_2015
        $query = $item->query;
        // // when limitstart is not set, VM2 fetches start from the session, instead
        // of just assuming 0
        if (!empty($query['view']) && $query['view'] == 'category') {
            if (!isset($query['limitstart'])) {
                $limitstart = 0;
                shAddToGETVarsList('limitstart', $limitstart);
        ShlSystem_Log::debug('sh404sef', 'Inside com_virtuemart.php, building url from menu item route');
        $title = array($item->route);
if (empty($title)) {
    ShlSystem_Log::debug('sh404sef', 'Loading component own router.php file from inside com_virtuemart.php');
    $functionName = ucfirst(str_replace('com_', '', $option)) . 'BuildRoute';
    if (!function_exists($functionName)) {
        include JPATH_ROOT . '/components/' . $option . '/router.php';
    $helper = vmrouterHelper::getInstance($originalVars);
    $menuItem = $helper->menuVmitems;
    $shopName = empty($menuItem) ? 'vm' : $menuItem[0]->alias;
    // check for shop root url, else normal routing
    if (!empty($originalVars['view']) && $originalVars['view'] == 'virtuemart') {
        // if VM is homepage, then that's fine
        if (!shIsAnyHomepage($string)) {
            // else use menu item alias as slug
            $title[] = $shopName;
コード例 #4
ファイル: sh404sef.class.php プロジェクト: alesconti/FF_2015
 * Read config values from sobi2 config table
 * @param $key
 * @param $section
 * @return string
function shGetSobi2Config($key, $section)
    ShlSystem_Log::debug('sh404sef', 'Using removed shGetSobi2Config function, not applicable anymore');
    return false;
コード例 #5
 public function purge($allCaches = true)
     try {
         $purged = ShlCache_Manager::clear();
     } catch (ShlException $e) {
         $purged = false;
         ShlSystem_Log::debug('sh404sef', 'could not purge shared memory cache: %s', $e->getMessage());
     ShlSystem_Log::debug('sh404sef', __METHOD__ . ': purged shared memory cache: ' . ($purged ? 'ok' : 'failed'));
     return $purged;
コード例 #6
ファイル: baseanalytics.php プロジェクト: alesconti/FF_2015
  * Connects to analytics supplier
  * Meant to be overloaded by adapter
  * @param $config , sef config object, holding connecton parameters
 protected function _connect()
     // get the http client
     $hClient = Sh404sefHelperAnalytics::getHttpClient();
     // establish connection with available methods
     $adapters = array('Zendshl_Http_Client_Adapter_Curl', 'Zendshl_Http_Client_Adapter_Socket');
     $rawResponse = null;
     // perform connect request
     foreach ($adapters as $adapter) {
         try {
             $rawResponse = $hClient->request();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // we failed, let's try another method
     // return if error
     if (empty($rawResponse)) {
         $msg = 'unknown code';
         ShlSystem_Log::debug('sh404sef', '%s::%s::%d: %s', __CLASS__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, JText::sprintf('COM_SH404SEF_ERROR_CHECKING_ANALYTICS', $msg));
         throw new Sh404sefExceptionDefault(JText::sprintf('COM_SH404SEF_ERROR_CHECKING_ANALYTICS', $msg));
     if (!is_object($rawResponse) || $rawResponse->isError()) {
         $msg = method_exists($rawResponse, 'getStatus') ? $rawResponse->getStatus() : 'unknown code';
         ShlSystem_Log::debug('sh404sef', '%s::%s::%d: %s', __CLASS__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, JText::sprintf('COM_SH404SEF_ERROR_CHECKING_ANALYTICS', $msg));
         throw new Sh404sefExceptionDefault(JText::sprintf('COM_SH404SEF_ERROR_CHECKING_ANALYTICS', $msg));
     // success, return response
     return $rawResponse;
コード例 #7
ファイル: shSec.php プロジェクト: alesconti/FF_2015
function shCleanUpSecLogFiles()
    // delete security log files older than param
    $sefConfig = Sh404sefFactory::getConfig();
    if (mt_rand(1, SH404SEF_PAGES_TO_CLEAN_LOGS) != 1) {
    // probability = 1/SH404SEF_PAGES_TO_CLEAN_LOGS
    $curMonth = 12 * (intval(date('Y')) - 2000) + intval(date('m'));
    if ($sefConfig->shSecLogAttacks) {
        if ($handle = @opendir(JPATH_ROOT . '/logs/sh404sef/sec')) {
            while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
                $matches = array();
                if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && preg_match('/\\.[0-9]*\\./', $file, $matches)) {
                    $fileNum = JString::trim($matches[0], '.');
                    if ($curMonth - $fileNum > $sefConfig->monthsToKeepLogs) {
                        @unlink(JPATH_ROOT . '/logs/sh404sef/sec/' . $file);
                        ShlSystem_Log::debug('sh404sef', 'Erasing security log file : ' . $file);
コード例 #8
ファイル: html.php プロジェクト: alesconti/FF_2015
  * Builds a select list with all possible user levels
  * Adapted from JCal pro
  * @param $current
  * @param $name
  * @param $autoSubmit
  * @param $addSelectAll
  * @param $selectAllTitle
 public static function buildUserLevelsList($current, $name, $autoSubmit = false, $addSelectAll = false, $selectAllTitle = '', $customSubmit = '')
     ShlSystem_Log::debug('sh404sef', 'Sh404sefHelperHtml::buildUserLevelsList has been removed, not needed as there is no user levels anymore but groups instead');
     return array();
コード例 #9
ファイル: pageinfo.php プロジェクト: alesconti/FF_2015
 public function loadHomepages()
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     if ($app->isAdmin()) {
     // store default links in each language
     $languages = JLanguageHelper::getLanguages();
     $this->isMultilingual = shIsMultilingual();
     $defaultLanguage = shGetDefaultLang();
     if ($this->isMultilingual === false || $this->isMultilingual == 'joomla') {
         $menu = JFactory::getApplication()->getMenu();
         foreach ($languages as $language) {
             $menuItem = $menu->getDefault($language->lang_code);
             if (!empty($menuItem)) {
                 $this->homeLinks[$language->lang_code] = $this->_prepareLink($menuItem);
                 if ($language->lang_code == $defaultLanguage) {
                     $this->homeLink = $this->homeLinks[$language->lang_code];
                     $this->homeItemid = $menuItem->id;
         // find about the "All" languages home link
         $menuItem = $menu->getDefault('*');
         if (!empty($menuItem)) {
             $this->allLangHomeLink = $this->_prepareLink($menuItem);
     } else {
         // trouble starts
         $db = ShlDbHelper::getDb();
         $query = $db->getQuery(true);
         $query->where('home <> 0');
         try {
             $items = $db->shlloadObjectList('language');
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             ShlSystem_Log::error('sh404sef', '%s::%s::%d: %s', __CLASS__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $e->getMessage());
         if (!empty($items)) {
             if (count($items) == 1) {
                 $tmp = array_values($items);
                 $defaultItem = $tmp[0];
             if (empty($defaultItem)) {
                 $defaultItem = empty($items[$defaultLanguage]) ? null : $items[$defaultLanguage];
             if (empty($defaultItem)) {
                 $defaultItem = empty($items['*']) ? null : $items['*'];
             foreach ($languages as $language) {
                 if (!empty($items[$language->lang_code])) {
                     $this->homeLinks[$language->lang_code] = $this->_prepareLink($items[$language->lang_code]);
                 } else {
                     // no menu item for home link
                     // let's try to  build one
                     $this->homeLinks[$language->lang_code] = $this->_prepareLink($defaultItem, shGetIsoCodeFromName($language->lang_code));
                 if ($language->lang_code == $defaultLanguage) {
                     $this->homeLink = $this->homeLinks[$language->lang_code];
                     $this->homeItemid = $defaultItem->id;
                     $this->allLangHomeLink = shCleanUpLang($this->homeLinks[$language->lang_code]);
     ShlSystem_Log::debug('sh404sef', 'HomeLinks = %s', print_r($this->homeLinks, true));
コード例 #10
ファイル: filecache.php プロジェクト: alesconti/FF_2015
 protected function _loadURLCache()
     static $shDiskCacheLoaded = false;
     if (!$shDiskCacheLoaded) {
         ShlSystem_Log::debug('sh404sef', 'Cache not loaded - trying to load ' . $this->_cacheFilefullpath);
         if (file_exists($this->_cacheFilefullpath)) {
             $startMem = function_exists('memory_get_usage') ? memory_get_usage() : 'unavailable';
             ShlSystem_Log::debug('sh404sef', 'Including cache file (mem = ' . $startMem . ')');
             $this->_urlCache = array();
             // we try lock the cache file until the end of the request
             // so as to avoid other concurrent requests writing to it
             // while we have some pending data
             // read cache file content
             include $this->_cacheFilefullpath;
             $this->_urlCacheCreationDate = $shURLCacheCreationDate;
             $endMem = function_exists('memory_get_usage') ? memory_get_usage() : 'unavailable';
             $this->_urlCacheRam = $startMem == 'unavailable' ? $startMem : $endMem - $startMem;
             $shDiskCacheLoaded = !empty($this->_urlCache);
             $this->_urlCacheCount = !empty($this->_urlCache) ? count($this->_urlCache) : 0;
             ShlSystem_Log::debug('sh404sef', 'Cache file included : ' . ($startMem == 'unavailable' ? $startMem : $endMem - $startMem) . ' bytes used, ' . $this->_urlCacheCount . ' URLs');
         } else {
             // cache file not there, create it
             $now = time();
             $cache = sprintf($this->_fileHeader, $this->_config->version, $now);
             // lock cache file before using it
             if ($this->_acquireLock()) {
                 $cacheFile = fopen($this->_cacheFilefullpath, 'ab');
                 if ($cacheFile) {
                     fwrite($cacheFile, $cache);
             $this->_urlCache = array();
             $this->_urlCacheCount = 0;
             $shDiskCacheLoaded = true;
             // we don't want to try again if it failed first time
             $this->_urlCacheCreationDate = $now;
             ShlSystem_Log::debug('sh404sef', 'Cache file does not exists');