コード例 #1
 function customers_list()
     global $Shopp, $Customers, $wpdb;
     $db = DB::get();
     $defaults = array('page' => false, 'deleting' => false, 'selected' => false, 'update' => false, 'newstatus' => false, 'pagenum' => 1, 'per_page' => false, 'start' => '', 'end' => '', 'status' => false, 's' => '', 'range' => '', 'startdate' => '', 'enddate' => '');
     $args = array_merge($defaults, $_GET);
     extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
     if ($page == "shopp-customers" && !empty($deleting) && !empty($selected) && is_array($selected)) {
         foreach ($selected as $deletion) {
             $Customer = new Customer($deletion);
             $Billing = new Billing($Customer->id, 'customer');
             $Shipping = new Shipping($Customer->id, 'customer');
     if (!empty($_POST['save'])) {
         if ($_POST['id'] != "new") {
             $Customer = new Customer($_POST['id']);
             $Billing = new Billing($Customer->id, 'customer');
             $Shipping = new Shipping($Customer->id, 'customer');
         } else {
             $Customer = new Customer();
         if (!empty($_POST['new-password']) && !empty($_POST['confirm-password']) && $_POST['new-password'] == $_POST['confirm-password']) {
             $Customer->password = wp_hash_password($_POST['new-password']);
             if (!empty($Customer->wpuser)) {
                 wp_set_password($_POST['new-password'], $Customer->wpuser);
     $pagenum = absint($pagenum);
     if (empty($pagenum)) {
         $pagenum = 1;
     if (!$per_page || $per_page < 0) {
         $per_page = 20;
     $index = $per_page * ($pagenum - 1);
     if (!empty($start)) {
         $startdate = $start;
         list($month, $day, $year) = explode("/", $startdate);
         $starts = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year);
     if (!empty($end)) {
         $enddate = $end;
         list($month, $day, $year) = explode("/", $enddate);
         $ends = mktime(23, 59, 59, $month, $day, $year);
     $customer_table = DatabaseObject::tablename(Customer::$table);
     $billing_table = DatabaseObject::tablename(Billing::$table);
     $purchase_table = DatabaseObject::tablename(Purchase::$table);
     $users_table = $wpdb->users;
     $where = '';
     if (!empty($s)) {
         $s = stripslashes($s);
         if (preg_match_all('/(\\w+?)\\:(?="(.+?)"|(.+?)\\b)/', $s, $props, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
             foreach ($props as $search) {
                 $keyword = !empty($search[2]) ? $search[2] : $search[3];
                 switch (strtolower($search[1])) {
                     case "company":
                         $where .= (empty($where) ? "WHERE " : " AND ") . "c.company LIKE '%{$keyword}%'";
                     case "login":
                         $where .= (empty($where) ? "WHERE " : " AND ") . "u.user_login LIKE '%{$keyword}%'";
                     case "address":
                         $where .= (empty($where) ? "WHERE " : " AND ") . "(b.address LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR b.xaddress='%{$keyword}%')";
                     case "city":
                         $where .= (empty($where) ? "WHERE " : " AND ") . "b.city LIKE '%{$keyword}%'";
                     case "province":
                     case "state":
                         $where .= (empty($where) ? "WHERE " : " AND ") . "b.state='{$keyword}'";
                     case "zip":
                     case "zipcode":
                     case "postcode":
                         $where .= (empty($where) ? "WHERE " : " AND ") . "b.postcode='{$keyword}'";
                     case "country":
                         $where .= (empty($where) ? "WHERE " : " AND ") . "b.country='{$keyword}'";
         } elseif (strpos($s, '@') !== false) {
             $where .= (empty($where) ? "WHERE " : " AND ") . "c.email='{$s}'";
         } else {
             $where .= (empty($where) ? "WHERE " : " AND ") . " (c.id='{$s}' OR CONCAT(c.firstname,' ',c.lastname) LIKE '%{$s}%' OR c.company LIKE '%{$s}%')";
     if (!empty($starts) && !empty($ends)) {
         $where .= (empty($where) ? "WHERE " : " AND ") . ' (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(c.created) >= ' . $starts . ' AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(c.created) <= ' . $ends . ')';
     $customercount = $db->query("SELECT count(*) as total FROM {$customer_table} AS c {$where}");
     $query = "SELECT c.*,b.city,b.state,b.country, u.user_login, SUM(p.total) AS total,count(distinct p.id) AS orders FROM {$customer_table} AS c LEFT JOIN {$purchase_table} AS p ON p.customer=c.id LEFT JOIN {$billing_table} AS b ON b.customer=c.id LEFT JOIN {$users_table} AS u ON u.ID=c.wpuser AND (c.wpuser IS NULL OR c.wpuser !=0) {$where} GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY c.created DESC LIMIT {$index},{$per_page}";
     $Customers = $db->query($query, AS_ARRAY);
     $num_pages = ceil($customercount->total / $per_page);
     $page_links = paginate_links(array('base' => add_query_arg('pagenum', '%#%'), 'format' => '', 'total' => $num_pages, 'current' => $pagenum));
     $ranges = array('all' => __('Show New Customers', 'Shopp'), 'today' => __('Today', 'Shopp'), 'week' => __('This Week', 'Shopp'), 'month' => __('This Month', 'Shopp'), 'quarter' => __('This Quarter', 'Shopp'), 'year' => __('This Year', 'Shopp'), 'yesterday' => __('Yesterday', 'Shopp'), 'lastweek' => __('Last Week', 'Shopp'), 'last30' => __('Last 30 Days', 'Shopp'), 'last90' => __('Last 3 Months', 'Shopp'), 'lastmonth' => __('Last Month', 'Shopp'), 'lastquarter' => __('Last Quarter', 'Shopp'), 'lastyear' => __('Last Year', 'Shopp'), 'lastexport' => __('Last Export', 'Shopp'), 'custom' => __('Custom Dates', 'Shopp'));
     $exports = array('tab' => __('Tab-separated.txt', 'Shopp'), 'csv' => __('Comma-separated.csv', 'Shopp'), 'xls' => __('Microsoft&reg; Excel.xls', 'Shopp'));
     $formatPref = $Shopp->Settings->get('customerexport_format');
     if (!$formatPref) {
         $formatPref = 'tab';
     $columns = array_merge(Customer::exportcolumns(), Billing::exportcolumns(), Shipping::exportcolumns());
     $selected = $Shopp->Settings->get('customerexport_columns');
     if (empty($selected)) {
         $selected = array_keys($columns);
     $authentication = $Shopp->Settings->get('account_system');
     include "{$this->basepath}/core/ui/customers/customers.php";