public static function getInstance() { if (is_null(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new Sforce(); } return self::$instance; }
public function save() { $sforce = Sforce::getInstance(); if ($this->id == null) { $result = $sforce->saveEntry($this); } else { $result = $sforce->updateEntry($this); } return $result; }
public static function login($userid, $password) { $uid = htmlspecialchars($userid, ENT_COMPAT, 'ISO-8859-1'); $pwd = htmlspecialchars($password, ENT_COMPAT, 'ISO-8859-1'); $sforce = Sforce::getInstance(); $c = $sforce->selfServiceLogin($uid, $pwd); if (is_null($c)) { return null; } $cont = new User($sforce); $cont->accountId = $c->AccountId; $cont->company = $c->Account->fields->Name; $cont->contactId = $c->Id; $cont->first_name = $c->FirstName; $cont->last_name = $c->LastName; $cont->phone = $c->Phone; $cont->email = $c->Email; $cont->title = $c->Title; $cont->dept = $c->Department; $sforce->loadEntries($cont); return $cont; }
<?php require_once 'base.php'; unset($_SESSION['Account']); $cyear = intval(date('Y')) - 1; $sforce = Sforce::getInstance(); $current_program = $sforce->getProgram($cyear); $_SESSION['Current_Program'] = $current_program; fb($cyear . ' program is ' . $current_program->id); $prior_program = $sforce->getProgram($cyear - 1); $_SESSION['Prior_Program'] = $prior_program; fb('Prior program is ' . $prior_program->id); $smarty->assign('program', $current_program); $smarty->assign('nextyear', $cyear + 2); //next year $smarty->assign('thisyear', $cyear + 1); $smarty->assign('programyear', $cyear); // last year $smarty->assign('prioryear', $cyear - 1); //year before last $smarty->display('index.tpl');
} // don't have and decline to answer $test = array('execic' => 'a0HV0000002aEse', 'senioric' => 'a0HV0000002aEsg', 'promorate' => 'a0HV0000002aEss'); // check to see if they have changed between entries $testFlag = false; foreach ($test as $key => $val) { $f1 = $entry->getResponseByQuestion($val); $f2 = $prior->getResponseByQuestion($val); if ($f1 != $f2) { writeLog("{$key} status has changed"); $testFlag = true; } } // if so, send a notification if ($testFlag) { $url = Sforce::getInstance()->serverURL . $entry->Account__c; $subject = 'Top Company Promotion Rate and/or Position Verification'; $msg = "The Top Company application for {$user->company} has inconsistent position information and should be reviewed. "; $msg .= "You may access the entry at {$url}."; sendNotification($msg, $subject); } try { $result = $entry->save(); } catch (Exception $e) { $message = "Please type your comment directly or copy and paste only plain text into the comment box."; } if ($result != "Saved") { echo "Please type your comment directly or copy and paste only plain text into the comment box."; } else { echo "Saved"; }