<?php require_once 'config.php'; require_once 'users.php'; require_once 'class.php'; require_once 'remember.php'; $cookies = new Cookies(); $encodeExplorer = new EncodeExplorer(); $encodeExplorer->init(); $gateKeeper = new GateKeeper(); $gateKeeper->init(); $setUp = new SetUp(); $timeconfig = $setUp->getConfig('default_timezone'); $timezone = strlen($timeconfig) > 0 ? $timeconfig : "UTC"; date_default_timezone_set($timezone); $downloader = new Downloader(); $utils = new Utils(); $logger = new Logger(); $actions = new Actions(); $getcloud = $_POST["setdel"]; $hash = filter_input(INPUT_POST, "h", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $doit = filter_input(INPUT_POST, "doit", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $time = filter_input(INPUT_POST, "t", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); if ($doit != $time * 12) { die('Direct access not permitted'); } $alt = $setUp->getConfig('salt'); $altone = $setUp->getConfig('session_name'); if ($hash && $time && $gateKeeper->isUserLoggedIn() && $gateKeeper->isAllowed('delete_enable')) { if (md5($alt . $time) === $hash && $downloader->checkTime($time) == true) { foreach ($getcloud as $pezzo) {
} require "translations/" . $lang . ".php"; $gateKeeper = new GateKeeper(); if ($gateKeeper->isAccessAllowed() && $gateKeeper->isAllowed('upload_enable')) { if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'GET') { if ($_GET['resumableChunkNumber'] == 1) { $firstChunk = true; } else { $firstChunk = false; } $resumabledata = $chunk->setupFilename($_GET['resumableFilename'], $_GET['resumableIdentifier']); $resumableFilename = $resumabledata['filename']; $extension = $resumabledata['extension']; $basename = $resumabledata['basename']; $fullfilepath = $_GET['loc'] . $resumableFilename; if (Utils::notList($extension, SetUp::getConfig("upload_allow_type")) == true || Utils::inList($extension, SetUp::getConfig("upload_reject_extension")) == true || Utils::inList($resumableFilename, array('.htaccess', '.htpasswd', '.ftpquota')) == true || substr($resumableFilename, 0, 1) === ".") { if ($_GET['resumableChunkNumber'] == 1) { $chunk->setError("<span><i class=\"fa fa-exclamation-triangle\"></i> " . $basename . "<strong>." . $extension . "</strong> " . SetUp::getLangString("upload_type_not_allowed") . "</span> "); } header("HTTP/1.0 200 Ok"); } elseif (file_exists($fullfilepath)) { if ($_GET['resumableChunkNumber'] == 1) { $chunk->setWarning(" <span><i class=\"fa fa-info-circle\"></i> <strong>" . $resumableFilename . "</strong> " . SetUp::getLangString("file_exists") . "</span> "); } header("HTTP/1.0 200 Ok"); } elseif ($chunk->checkUserUp($_GET['resumableTotalSize']) == false) { if ($_GET['resumableChunkNumber'] == 1) { $chunk->setError("<span><i class=\"fa fa-exclamation-triangle\"></i>" . " <strong>" . SetUp::getLangString("upload_exceeded") . "</strong>: " . $_GET['resumableFilename'] . "</span> "); } header("HTTP/1.0 200 Ok"); } else {
<?php $encodeExplorer = new EncodeExplorer(); $setUp = new SetUp(); $updater = new Updater(); $timeconfig = $setUp->getConfig('default_timezone'); $timezone = strlen($timeconfig) > 0 ? $timeconfig : "UTC"; date_default_timezone_set($timezone); global $baselang; $baselang = $_TRANSLATIONS; $posteditlang = filter_input(INPUT_POST, "editlang", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $postnewlang = filter_input(INPUT_POST, "newlang", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $thelang = $posteditlang ? $posteditlang : "en"; $thenewlang = $postnewlang ? $postnewlang : null; $editlang = $thenewlang ? $thenewlang : $thelang; global $_TRANSLATIONSEDIT; if ($posteditlang) { include 'translations/' . $editlang . '.php'; $_TRANSLATIONSEDIT = $_TRANSLATIONS; } else { $_TRANSLATIONSEDIT = $baselang; } /** * Get lang */ if (isset($_GET['lang'])) { $lang = $_GET['lang']; $_SESSION['lang'] = $_GET['lang']; } if (isset($_SESSION['lang'])) { $lang = $_SESSION['lang'];
require 'class.php'; session_name($_CONFIG["session_name"]); session_start(); $lang = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'thislang', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); require 'translations/' . $lang . '.php'; $setUp = new SetUp(); $utils = new Utils(); $updater = new Updater(); $resetter = new Resetter(); $encodeExplorer = new EncodeExplorer(); $dest = filter_input(INPUT_POST, "user_email", FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); $pulito = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'cleanurl', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $postcaptcha = filter_input(INPUT_POST, "captcha", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); global $_USERS; global $_TOKENS; if (!$dest || $setUp->getConfig("show_captcha_reset") == true && !$postcaptcha) { print "<div class=\"alert alert-warning\">" . $encodeExplorer->getString("fill_all_fields") . "</div>"; exit; } if (Utils::checkCaptchaReset($postcaptcha) !== true) { print "<div class=\"alert alert-danger\">" . $encodeExplorer->getString("wrong_captcha") . "</div>"; exit; } if (!$updater->findEmail($dest)) { print "<div class=\"alert alert-danger\">" . $encodeExplorer->getString("email_not_exist") . "</div>"; exit; } if (!$resetter->setToken($dest)) { print "<div class=\"alert alert-danger\">Error: token not set</div>"; exit; }
global $_REMEMBER; $cookies = new Cookies(); $encodeExplorer = new EncodeExplorer(); $encodeExplorer->init(); require_once 'doc-admin/translations/' . $encodeExplorer->lang . '.php'; global $_TRANSLATIONS; $gateKeeper = new GateKeeper(); $gateKeeper->init(); $setUp = new SetUp(); $location = new Location(); $location->init(); $downloader = new Downloader(); $updater = new Updater(); $updater->init(); $template = new Template(); $timeconfig = $setUp->getConfig('default_timezone'); $timezone = strlen($timeconfig) > 0 ? $timeconfig : "UTC"; date_default_timezone_set($timezone); require_once 'doc-admin/token.php'; global $_TOKENS; $resetter = new Resetter(); $resetter->init(); if ($gateKeeper->isAccessAllowed()) { $fileManager = new FileManager(); $fileManager->run($location); $encodeExplorer->run($location); } unset($_SESSION['upcoda']); $_SESSION['upcoda'] = array(); unset($_SESSION['uplist']); $_SESSION['uplist'] = array();
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); // error_reporting(E_ALL); // ini_set('display_errors', 1); require 'config.php'; session_name($_CONFIG["session_name"]); session_start(); if (isset($_GET['logout'])) { unset($_SESSION['doc_admin_name']); unset($_SESSION['doc_admin_pass']); } require 'users.php'; require 'class.php'; $encodeExplorer = new EncodeExplorer(); $setUp = new SetUp(); $timeconfig = $setUp->getConfig('default_timezone'); $timezone = strlen($timeconfig) > 0 ? $timeconfig : "UTC"; date_default_timezone_set($timezone); $template = new Template(); $gateKeeper = new GateKeeper(); $logged = false; $error = null; $captchaerror = null; if (isset($_SESSION['doc_admin_name'])) { $logged = true; } $postusername = filter_input(INPUT_POST, "doc_admin_name", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $postuserpass = filter_input(INPUT_POST, "doc_admin_pass", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); if ($postusername && $postuserpass) { if (logIn($postusername, $postuserpass)) { $logged = true;
require_once 'config.php'; require_once 'users.php'; require_once 'class.php'; require_once 'remember.php'; $cookies = new Cookies(); $encodeExplorer = new EncodeExplorer(); $encodeExplorer->init(); require_once 'translations/' . $encodeExplorer->lang . '.php'; $gateKeeper = new GateKeeper(); $gateKeeper->init(); $setUp = new SetUp(); $downloader = new Downloader(); $utils = new Utils(); $logger = new Logger(); $actions = new Actions(); $timeconfig = $setUp->getConfig('default_timezone'); $timezone = strlen($timeconfig) > 0 ? $timeconfig : "UTC"; date_default_timezone_set($timezone); $script_url = $setUp->getConfig('script_url'); $getfile = filter_input(INPUT_GET, "q", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $getfilelist = filter_input(INPUT_GET, "dl", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $getcloud = filter_input(INPUT_GET, "d", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $hash = filter_input(INPUT_GET, "h", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $supah = filter_input(INPUT_GET, "sh", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $playmp3 = filter_input(INPUT_GET, "audio", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $getpass = filter_input(INPUT_GET, "pw", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); if ($getpass) { $getpass = urldecode($getpass); } $alt = $setUp->getConfig('salt'); $altone = $setUp->getConfig('session_name');
/** * Check if all the parts exist, and * gather all the parts of the file together * * @param string $location - the final location * @param string $temp_dir - the temporary directory holding all the parts of the file * @param string $fileName - the original file name * @param string $chunkSize - each chunk size (in bytes) * @param string $totalSize - original file size (in bytes) * @param string $logloc - relative location for log file * * @return uploaded file */ public function createFileFromChunks($location, $temp_dir, $fileName, $chunkSize, $totalSize, $logloc) { global $chunk; $upload_dir = str_replace('\\', '', $location); $extension = File::getFileExtension($fileName); // count all the parts of this file $total_files = 0; foreach (scandir($temp_dir) as $file) { if (stripos($file, $fileName) !== false) { $total_files++; } } $finalfile = FileManager::safeExtension($fileName, $extension); // check that all the parts are present // the size of the last part is between chunkSize and 2*$chunkSize if ($total_files * $chunkSize >= $totalSize - $chunkSize + 1) { // create the final file if (($openfile = fopen($upload_dir . $finalfile, 'w')) !== false) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $total_files; $i++) { fwrite($openfile, file_get_contents($temp_dir . '/' . $fileName . '.part' . $i)); } fclose($openfile); // rename the temporary directory (to avoid access from other // concurrent chunks uploads) and than delete it if (rename($temp_dir, $temp_dir . '_UNUSED')) { Actions::deleteDir($temp_dir . '_UNUSED'); } else { Actions::deleteDir($temp_dir); } $chunk->setSuccess(" <span><i class=\"fa fa-check-circle\"></i> " . $finalfile . " </span> ", "yep"); $chunk->setUserUp($totalSize); $message = array('user' => GateKeeper::getUserInfo('name'), 'action' => 'ADD', 'type' => 'file', 'item' => $logloc . $finalfile); Logger::log($message, ""); if (SetUp::getConfig("notify_upload")) { Logger::emailNotification($logloc . $finalfile, 'upload'); } } else { setError(" <span><i class=\"fa fa-exclamation-triangle\"></i> cannot create the destination file", "nope"); return false; } } }
require 'config.php'; require 'class.php'; $lang = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'thislang', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); require 'translations/' . $lang . '.php'; $setUp = new SetUp(); $utils = new Utils(); $encodeExplorer = new EncodeExplorer(); $from = filter_input(INPUT_POST, "mitt", FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); $dest = filter_input(INPUT_POST, "dest", FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); $link = filter_input(INPUT_POST, "sharelink", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $attachments = explode(",", filter_input(INPUT_POST, "attach", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING)); $text_message = filter_input(INPUT_POST, "message", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $passlink = filter_input(INPUT_POST, "passlink", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $bcc = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'send_cc', FILTER_DEFAULT, FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY); if ($from && $dest && $link) { $setfrom = $setUp->getConfig('email_from'); $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; if ($setUp->getConfig('smtp_enable') == true) { $timeconfig = $setUp->getConfig('default_timezone'); $timezone = strlen($timeconfig) > 0 ? $timeconfig : "UTC"; date_default_timezone_set($timezone); $mail->isSMTP(); $mail->SMTPDebug = 0; $smtp_auth = $setUp->getConfig('smtp_auth'); $mail->Host = $setUp->getConfig('smtp_server'); $mail->Port = (int) $setUp->getConfig('port'); if ($setUp->getConfig('secure_conn') !== "none") { $mail->SMTPSecure = $setUp->getConfig('secure_conn'); } $mail->SMTPAuth = $smtp_auth;