コード例 #1
ファイル: Rfactor2.php プロジェクト: bighome/simresults
  * @see \Simresults\Data_Reader::getSessions()
 public function getSessions()
     // Create new session instance
     $session = new Session();
     // Is race session
     if ($xml_session = $this->dom->getElementsByTagName('Race')->item(0)) {
         // Set type to race
     } elseif ($xml_session = $this->dom->getElementsByTagName('Qualify')->item(0)) {
         // Set type to qualify
     } elseif ($xml_session = $this->dom->getElementsByTagName('Warmup')->item(0)) {
         // Set type to warmup
     } elseif ($xml_session = $this->dom->getElementsByTagName('Practice1')->item(0) or $xml_session = $this->dom->getElementsByTagName('Practice2')->item(0) or $xml_session = $this->dom->getElementsByTagName('Practice3')->item(0)) {
         // Set type to practice
     } else {
         // Throw exception
         throw new Exception\Reader('Cannot read the session data');
     // Using fixed setups?
     $session->setSetupFixed((bool) $this->dom_value('FixedSetups', $xml_session));
     // Get other settings
     $session->addOtherSetting('MechFailRate', (int) $this->dom_value('MechFailRate'))->addOtherSetting('DamageMult', (int) $this->dom_value('DamageMult'))->addOtherSetting('FuelMult', (int) $this->dom_value('FuelMult'))->addOtherSetting('TireMult', (int) $this->dom_value('TireMult'));
     // Create session date
     $date = new \DateTime(date('c', $this->dom_value('DateTime', $xml_session)));
     // Set UTC timezone by default
     $date->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone(self::$default_timezone));
     // Set date to session
     // Max laps is max value
     if (($max_laps = (int) $this->dom_value('Laps', $xml_session)) === 2147483647) {
         // Just set it to 0
         $max_laps = 0;
     // Set max laps and minutes
     $session->setMaxLaps($max_laps)->setMaxMinutes((int) $this->dom_value('Minutes', $xml_session));
     // Set which mod was used
     // Set server
     // Set game
     // Set track
     // Get participants
     $participants = $this->getParticipants();
     // Find whether we are dealing with position corruption
     $position_corruption = false;
     // DNF statusses
     $dnf_statusses = array(Participant::FINISH_DNF, Participant::FINISH_DQ, Participant::FINISH_NONE);
     // This is a race session
     if ($session->getType() === Session::TYPE_RACE) {
         // Loop each participant to find position corruption
         foreach ($participants as $part_key => $part) {
             // There is a previous participant
             if (isset($participants[$part_key - 1]) and $prev_part = $participants[$part_key - 1]) {
                 // This participant did not finish
                 if (in_array($part->getFinishStatus(), $dnf_statusses)) {
                     // No need to compare to previous, continue to next
                 // Total time is lower than previous participant and participant
                 // is not lapped, that is not right...
                 if ($part->getTotalTime() < $prev_part->getTotalTime() and $part->getNumberOfLaps() === $prev_part->getNumberOfLaps()) {
                     // We are dealing with corrupted positions
                     $position_corruption = true;
         // We have position corruption
         if ($position_corruption) {
             // Sort participants by total time
             $participants = Helper::sortParticipantsByTotalTime($participants);
     } else {
         // Loop each participant to find position corruption
         foreach ($participants as $part_key => $part) {
             // There is a previous participant
             if (isset($participants[$part_key - 1]) and $prev_part = $participants[$part_key - 1]) {
                 // This participant has no best lap
                 if (!$part->getBestLap()) {
                     // Just continue to next
                 // Previous participant has no best lap and this participant
                 // does OR this participant best lap is faster than previous
                 // best lap
                 if (!$prev_part->getBestLap() and $part->getBestLap() or $part->getBestLap()->getTime() < $prev_part->getBestLap()->getTime()) {
                     // We are dealing with corrupted positions
                     $position_corruption = true;
         // We have position corruption
         if ($position_corruption) {
             // Sort by best lap instead of position
             $participants = Helper::sortParticipantsByBestLap($participants);
     // There is position corruption
     if ($position_corruption) {
         // Fix the positions of the participants
         foreach ($participants as $key => $part) {
             // Set position
             $part->setPosition($key + 1);
     // Set participants
     // Set vehicles allowed
     // Set chats
     // Set incidents
     // Set penalties
     // Return the session
     return array($session);