コード例 #1
  * Returns IDs with location-name for a given country or all available
  * countries, if no value was given
  * @param   string                      $country
  * @return  PEAR_Error|array
  * @access  public
 function searchLocationByCountry($country = "")
     // Check, if the stationSoap-Object is present. If not, connect to the Server and retrieve the WDSL data
     if (!$this->_stationSoap) {
         $status = $this->_connectServer();
         if (Services_Weather::isError($status)) {
             return $status;
     // Return the available countries as no country was given
     if (!strlen($country)) {
         $countries = $this->_stationSoap->listCountries("");
         if (Services_Weather::isError($countries)) {
             return Services_Weather::raiseError(SERVICES_WEATHER_ERROR_WRONG_SERVER_DATA, __FILE__, __LINE__);
         return $countries;
     // Now for the real search
     $countryLocs = $this->_stationSoap->searchByCountry($country);
     // Check result for validity
     if (Services_Weather::isError($countryLocs)) {
         return Services_Weather::raiseError(SERVICES_WEATHER_ERROR_WRONG_SERVER_DATA, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     } elseif (!is_array($countryLocs)) {
         return Services_Weather::raiseError(SERVICES_WEATHER_ERROR_UNKNOWN_LOCATION, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     // Construct the result
     $locations = array();
     foreach ($countryLocs as $location) {
         $locations[$location->icao] = $location->name . ", " . $location->country;
     return $locations;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Weather.php プロジェクト: Dulciane/jaws
  * Factory for creating the services-objects
  * Usable keys for the options array are:
  * o debug              enables debugging output
  * --- Common Options
  * o cacheType          defines what type of cache to use
  * o cacheOptions       passes cache options
  * o unitsFormat        use (US)-standard, metric or custom units
  * o customUnitsFormat  defines the customized units format
  * o httpTimeout        sets timeout for HTTP requests
  * o httpProxy          sets proxy for HTTP requests, please use the
  *                      notation http://[user[:pass]@]host[:port]
  * o dateFormat         string to use for date output
  * o timeFormat         string to use for time output
  * --- EJSE Options
  * o none
  * --- GlobalWeather Options
  * o none
  * --- METAR/TAF Options
  * o dsn                String for defining the DB connection
  * o dbOptions          passes DB options
  * o sourceMetar        http, ftp or file - type of data-source for METAR
  * o sourcePathMetar    where to look for the source, URI or filepath,
  *                      of METAR information
  * o sourceTaf          http, ftp or file - type of data-source for TAF
  * o sourcePathTaf      where to look for the source, URI or filepath,
  *                      of TAF information
  * --- weather.com Options
  * o partnerID          You'll receive these keys after registering
  * o licenseKey         with the weather.com XML-service
  * o preFetch           Enables pre-fetching of data in one single request
  * @param    string                     $service
  * @param    array                      $options
  * @return   PEAR_Error|object
  * @throws   PEAR_Error
  * @access   public
 function &service($service, $options = null)
     $service = ucfirst(strtolower($service));
     $classname = "Services_Weather_" . $service;
     // Check for debugging-mode and set stuff accordingly
     if (is_array($options) && isset($options["debug"]) && $options["debug"] >= 2) {
         if (!defined("SERVICES_WEATHER_DEBUG")) {
             define("SERVICES_WEATHER_DEBUG", true);
         include_once "Services/Weather/" . $service . ".php";
     } else {
         if (!defined("SERVICES_WEATHER_DEBUG")) {
             define("SERVICES_WEATHER_DEBUG", false);
         @(include_once "Services/Weather/" . $service . ".php");
     // No such service... bail out
     if (!class_exists($classname)) {
         return Services_Weather::raiseError(SERVICES_WEATHER_ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     // Create service and return
     $error = null;
     @($obj = new $classname($options, $error));
     if (Services_Weather::isError($error)) {
         return $error;
     } else {
         return $obj;
コード例 #3
  * METAR provides no forecast per se, we use the TAF reports to generate
  * a forecast for the announced timeperiod
  * @param   string                      $id
  * @param   int                         $days           Ignored, not applicable
  * @param   string                      $unitsFormat
  * @return  PEAR_Error|array
  * @throws  PEAR_Error
  * @access  public
 function getForecast($id = "", $days = null, $unitsFormat = "")
     $id = strtoupper($id);
     $status = $this->_checkLocationID($id);
     if (Services_Weather::isError($status)) {
         return $status;
     // Get other data
     $units = $this->getUnitsFormat($unitsFormat);
     $location = $this->getLocation($id);
     if (Services_Weather::isError($location)) {
         return $location;
     if ($this->_cacheEnabled && ($forecast = $this->_cache->get("METAR-" . $id, "forecast"))) {
         // Wee... it was cached, let's have it...
         $forecastReturn = $forecast;
         $this->_forecast = $forecastReturn;
         $forecastReturn["cache"] = "HIT";
     } else {
         // Download forecast
         $forecastData = $this->_retrieveServerData($id, "taf");
         if (Services_Weather::isError($forecastData)) {
             return $forecastData;
         } elseif (!is_array($forecastData) || sizeof($forecastData) < 2) {
             return Services_Weather::raiseError(SERVICES_WEATHER_ERROR_WRONG_SERVER_DATA, __FILE__, __LINE__);
         // Parse forecast
         $forecastReturn = $this->_parseForecastData($forecastData);
         if (Services_Weather::isError($forecastReturn)) {
             return $forecastReturn;
         if ($this->_cacheEnabled) {
             // Cache weather
             $expire = constant("SERVICES_WEATHER_EXPIRES_FORECAST");
             $this->_cache->extSave("METAR-" . $id, $forecastReturn, $unitsFormat, $expire, "forecast");
         $this->_forecast = $forecastReturn;
         $forecastReturn["cache"] = "MISS";
     $this->_convertReturn($forecastReturn, $units, $location);
     return $forecastReturn;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Ejse.php プロジェクト: Dulciane/jaws
  * Checks the id for valid values and thus prevents silly requests to EJSE server
  * @param   string                      $id
  * @return  PEAR_Error|bool
  * @access  private
 function _checkLocationID($id)
     if (is_array($id) || is_object($id) || !strlen($id)) {
         return Services_Weather::raiseError(SERVICES_WEATHER_ERROR_NO_LOCATION, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     } elseif (!ctype_digit($id) || strlen($id) != 5) {
         return Services_Weather::raiseError(SERVICES_WEATHER_ERROR_INVALID_LOCATION, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     return true;
コード例 #5
  * Calculates sunrise and sunset for a location
  * The sun position algorithm taken from the 'US Naval Observatory's
  * Almanac for Computers', implemented by Ken Bloom <kekabloom[at]ucdavis[dot]edu>
  * for the zmanim project, converted to C by Moshe Doron <mosdoron[at]netvision[dot]net[dot]il>
  * and finally taken from the PHP5 sources and converted to native PHP as a wrapper.
  * The date has to be entered as a timestamp!
  * @param   int                         $date
  * @param   int                         $retformat
  * @param   float                       $latitude
  * @param   float                       $longitude
  * @param   float                       $zenith
  * @param   float                       $gmt_offset
  * @param   bool                        $sunrise
  * @return  PEAR_Error|mixed
  * @access  public
 function calculateSunRiseSet($date, $retformat = null, $latitude = null, $longitude = null, $zenith = null, $gmt_offset = null, $sunrise = true)
     // Date must be timestamp for now
     if (!is_int($date)) {
         return Services_Weather::raiseError(SERVICES_WEATHER_ERROR_SUNFUNCS_DATE_INVALID, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     // Check for proper return format
     if ($retformat === null) {
         $retformat = SUNFUNCS_RET_STRING;
     } elseif (!in_array($retformat, array(SUNFUNCS_RET_TIMESTAMP, SUNFUNCS_RET_STRING, SUNFUNCS_RET_DOUBLE))) {
         return Services_Weather::raiseError(SERVICES_WEATHER_ERROR_SUNFUNCS_RETFORM_INVALID, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     // Set default values for coordinates
     if ($latitude === null) {
         $latitude = SUNFUNCS_DEFAULT_LATITUDE;
     } else {
         $latitude = (double) $latitude;
     if ($longitude === null) {
         $longitude = SUNFUNCS_DEFAULT_LONGITUDE;
     } else {
         $longitude = (double) $longitude;
     if ($zenith === null) {
         if ($sunrise) {
             $zenith = SUNFUNCS_SUNRISE_ZENITH;
         } else {
             $zenith = SUNFUNCS_SUNSET_ZENITH;
     } else {
         $zenith = (double) $zenith;
     // Default value for GMT offset
     if ($gmt_offset === null) {
         $gmt_offset = date("Z", $date) / 3600;
     } else {
         $gmt_offset = (double) $gmt_offset;
     // If we have PHP5, then act as wrapper for the appropriate functions
     if ($sunrise && function_exists("date_sunrise")) {
         return date_sunrise($date, $retformat, $latitude, $longitude, $zenith, $gmt_offset);
     if (!$sunrise && function_exists("date_sunset")) {
         return date_sunset($date, $retformat, $latitude, $longitude, $zenith, $gmt_offset);
     // Apparently we have PHP4, so calculate the neccessary steps in native PHP
     // Step 1: First calculate the day of the year
     $N = date("z", $date) + 1;
     // Step 2: Convert the longitude to hour value and calculate an approximate time
     $lngHour = $longitude / 15;
     // Use 18 for sunset instead of 6
     if ($sunrise) {
         // Sunrise
         $t = $N + (6 - $lngHour) / 24;
     } else {
         // Sunset
         $t = $N + (18 - $lngHour) / 24;
     // Step 3: Calculate the sun's mean anomaly
     $M = 0.9856 * $t - 3.289;
     // Step 4: Calculate the sun's true longitude
     $L = $M + 1.916 * sin(deg2rad($M)) + 0.02 * sin(deg2rad(2 * $M)) + 282.634;
     while ($L < 0) {
         $Lx = $L + 360;
         assert($Lx != $L);
         // askingtheguru: really needed?
         $L = $Lx;
     while ($L >= 360) {
         $Lx = $L - 360;
         assert($Lx != $L);
         // askingtheguru: really needed?
         $L = $Lx;
     // Step 5a: Calculate the sun's right ascension
     $RA = rad2deg(atan(0.91764 * tan(deg2rad($L))));
     while ($RA < 0) {
         $RAx = $RA + 360;
         assert($RAx != $RA);
         // askingtheguru: really needed?
         $RA = $RAx;
     while ($RA >= 360) {
         $RAx = $RA - 360;
         assert($RAx != $RA);
         // askingtheguru: really needed?
         $RA = $RAx;
     // Step 5b: Right ascension value needs to be in the same quadrant as L
     $Lquadrant = floor($L / 90) * 90;
     $RAquadrant = floor($RA / 90) * 90;
     $RA = $RA + ($Lquadrant - $RAquadrant);
     // Step 5c: Right ascension value needs to be converted into hours
     $RA /= 15;
     // Step 6: Calculate the sun's declination
     $sinDec = 0.39782 * sin(deg2rad($L));
     $cosDec = cos(asin($sinDec));
     // Step 7a: Calculate the sun's local hour angle
     $cosH = (cos(deg2rad($zenith)) - $sinDec * sin(deg2rad($latitude))) / ($cosDec * cos(deg2rad($latitude)));
     // XXX: What's the use of this block.. ?
     // if (sunrise && cosH > 1 || !sunrise && cosH < -1) {
     //     throw doesnthappen();
     // }
     // Step 7b: Finish calculating H and convert into hours
     if ($sunrise) {
         // Sunrise
         $H = 360 - rad2deg(acos($cosH));
     } else {
         // Sunset
         $H = rad2deg(acos($cosH));
     $H = $H / 15;
     // Step 8: Calculate local mean time
     $T = $H + $RA - 0.06571 * $t - 6.622;
     // Step 9: Convert to UTC
     $UT = $T - $lngHour;
     while ($UT < 0) {
         $UTx = $UT + 24;
         assert($UTx != $UT);
         // askingtheguru: really needed?
         $UT = $UTx;
     while ($UT >= 24) {
         $UTx = $UT - 24;
         assert($UTx != $UT);
         // askingtheguru: really needed?
         $UT = $UTx;
     $UT = $UT + $gmt_offset;
     // Now bring the result into the chosen format and return
     switch ($retformat) {
             return intval($date - $date % (24 * 3600) + 3600 * $UT);
         case SUNFUNCS_RET_STRING:
             $N = floor($UT);
             return sprintf("%02d:%02d", $N, floor(60 * ($UT - $N)));
         case SUNFUNCS_RET_DOUBLE:
             return $UT;
             return Services_Weather::raiseError(SERVICES_WEATHER_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Weatherdotcom.php プロジェクト: Dulciane/jaws
  * Searches IDs for given location, returns array of possible locations
  * or single ID
  * @param   string                      $location
  * @param   bool                        $useFirst       If set, first ID of result-array is returned
  * @return  PEAR_Error|array|string
  * @access  public
 function searchLocation($location, $useFirst = false)
     $location = trim($location);
     $locLow = strtolower($location);
     // Check on cached data: MD5-hash of location has to be correct and the userdata has to be the same as the given location
     if ($this->_cacheEnabled && $locLow == $this->_getUserCache(md5($locLow), "search")) {
         $search = $this->_getCache(md5($locLow), "search");
     } else {
         // Get search data from server and unserialize
         $request = new HTTP_Request("http://xoap.weather.com/search/search?where=" . urlencode($location), $this->_httpOptions);
         $status = $request->sendRequest();
         if (Services_Weather::isError($status) || (int) $request->getResponseCode() != 200) {
             return Services_Weather::raiseError(SERVICES_WEATHER_ERROR_WRONG_SERVER_DATA, __FILE__, __LINE__);
         $data = $request->getResponseBody();
         // ...and unserialize
         $status = $this->_unserializer->unserialize($data, false, array("overrideOptions" => true, "complexType" => "array", "keyAttribute" => "id"));
         if (Services_Weather::isError($status)) {
             return Services_Weather::raiseError(SERVICES_WEATHER_ERROR_WRONG_SERVER_DATA, __FILE__, __LINE__);
         $root = $this->_unserializer->getRootName();
         $search = $this->_unserializer->getUnserializedData();
         if (Services_Weather::isError($search) || $root == "HTML") {
             return Services_Weather::raiseError(SERVICES_WEATHER_ERROR_WRONG_SERVER_DATA, __FILE__, __LINE__);
         } elseif (!is_array($search) || !sizeof($search)) {
             return Services_Weather::raiseError(SERVICES_WEATHER_ERROR_UNKNOWN_LOCATION, __FILE__, __LINE__);
         if ($this->_cacheEnabled) {
             // ...and cache if possible
             $this->_saveCache(md5($locLow), $search, $locLow, "search");
     if (!$useFirst && sizeof($search) > 1) {
         $searchReturn = $search;
     } elseif ($useFirst || sizeof($search) == 1) {
         $searchReturn = key($search);
     } else {
         $searchReturn = array();
     return $searchReturn;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Common.php プロジェクト: GeekyNinja/LifesavingCAD
  * Enables caching the data, usage strongly recommended
  * Requires Cache to be installed
  * @param    string                      $cacheType
  * @param    array                       $cacheOptions
  * @return   PEAR_Error|bool
  * @access   public
 function setCache($cacheType = "file", $cacheOptions = array())
     // The error handling in Cache is a bit crummy (read: not existent)
     // so we have to do that on our own...
     @(include_once "Cache.php");
     @($cache = new Cache($cacheType, $cacheOptions));
     if (is_object($cache) && (strtolower(get_class($cache)) == "cache" || is_subclass_of($cache, "cache"))) {
         $this->_cache = $cache;
         $this->_cacheEnabled = true;
     } else {
         $this->_cache = null;
         $this->_cacheEnabled = false;
         return Services_Weather::raiseError(SERVICES_WEATHER_ERROR_CACHE_INIT_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     return true;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Metar.php プロジェクト: GeekyNinja/LifesavingCAD
  * Returns the data for the location belonging to the ID
  * @param    string                      $id
  * @return   PEAR_Error|array
  * @throws   PEAR_Error
  * @access   public
 function getLocation($id = "")
     $status = $this->_checkLocationID($id);
     if (Services_Weather::isError($status)) {
         return $status;
     $locationReturn = array();
     if ($this->_cacheEnabled && ($location = $this->_cache->get("METAR-" . $id, "location"))) {
         // Grab stuff from cache
         $this->_location = $location;
         $locationReturn["cache"] = "HIT";
     } elseif (isset($this->_db) && DB::isConnection($this->_db)) {
         // Get data from DB
         $select = "SELECT icao, name, state, country, latitude, longitude, elevation " . "FROM metarAirports WHERE icao='" . $id . "'";
         $result = $this->_db->query($select);
         if (DB::isError($result)) {
             return $result;
         } elseif (strtolower(get_class($result)) != "db_result" || $result->numRows() == 0) {
             return Services_Weather::raiseError(SERVICES_WEATHER_ERROR_UNKNOWN_LOCATION, __FILE__, __LINE__);
         // Result is ok, put things into object
         $this->_location = $result->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
         if ($this->_cacheEnabled) {
             // ...and cache it
             $expire = constant("SERVICES_WEATHER_EXPIRES_LOCATION");
             $this->_cache->extSave("METAR-" . $id, $this->_location, "", $expire, "location");
         $locationReturn["cache"] = "MISS";
     } else {
         $this->_location = array("name" => $id, "state" => "", "country" => "", "latitude" => "", "longitude" => "", "elevation" => "");
     // Stuff name-string together
     if (strlen($this->_location["state"]) && strlen($this->_location["country"])) {
         $locname = $this->_location["name"] . ", " . $this->_location["state"] . ", " . $this->_location["country"];
     } elseif (strlen($this->_location["country"])) {
         $locname = $this->_location["name"] . ", " . $this->_location["country"];
     } else {
         $locname = $this->_location["name"];
     $locationReturn["name"] = $locname;
     $locationReturn["latitude"] = $this->_location["latitude"];
     $locationReturn["longitude"] = $this->_location["longitude"];
     $locationReturn["elevation"] = $this->_location["elevation"];
     return $locationReturn;
コード例 #9
  * Searches IDs for given location, returns array of possible locations
  * or single ID
  * @param    string                      $location
  * @param    bool                        $useFirst       If set, first ID of result-array is returned
  * @return   PEAR_Error|array|string
  * @access   public
 function searchLocation($location, $useFirst = false)
     // Get search data from server and unserialize
     $searchURL = "http://xoap.weather.com/search/search?where=" . urlencode(trim($location));
     $status = $this->_unserializer->unserialize($searchURL, true, array("overrideOptions" => true, "complexType" => "array", "keyAttribute" => "id"));
     if (Services_Weather::isError($status)) {
         return Services_Weather::raiseError(SERVICES_WEATHER_ERROR_WRONG_SERVER_DATA, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     } else {
         $search = $this->_unserializer->getUnserializedData();
         if (Services_Weather::isError($search)) {
             return Services_Weather::raiseError(SERVICES_WEATHER_ERROR_WRONG_SERVER_DATA, __FILE__, __LINE__);
         } elseif (!is_array($search) || !sizeof($search)) {
             return Services_Weather::raiseError(SERVICES_WEATHER_ERROR_UNKNOWN_LOCATION, __FILE__, __LINE__);
         } else {
             if (!$useFirst && sizeof($search) > 1) {
                 $searchReturn = $search;
             } elseif ($useFirst || sizeof($search) == 1) {
                 $searchReturn = key($search);
     return $searchReturn;