コード例 #1
 function testConversationGrant()
     $scat = new Services_Twilio_AccessToken(self::ACCOUNT_SID, self::SIGNING_KEY_SID, 'secret');
     $grant = new Services_Twilio_Auth_ConversationsGrant();
     $token = $scat->toJWT();
     $payload = JWT::decode($token, 'secret');
     $grants = json_decode(json_encode($payload->grants), true);
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($grants));
     $this->assertArrayHasKey("rtc", $grants);
     $this->assertEquals("CP123", $grants['rtc']['configuration_profile_sid']);
コード例 #2

require_once './twilio-php/Services/Twilio.php';
require_once './randos.php';
require_once './config.php';
// choose a random username for the connecting user
$identity = randomUsername();
// Create access token, which we will serialize and send to the client
$token = new Services_Twilio_AccessToken($TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID, $TWILIO_API_KEY, $TWILIO_API_SECRET, 3600, $identity);
// Grant access to Twilio Video
$grant = new Services_Twilio_Auth_ConversationsGrant();
// return serialized token and the user's randomly generated ID
echo json_encode(array('identity' => $identity, 'token' => $token->toJWT()));