public function validateRequest(array $requiredParams) { $objUtilResponse = new Response(); $objUtilRequest = new Request(); if ($objUtilRequest->isPost()) { $accessKeyId = $objUtilRequest->getPost('access_key', false); $signature = trim($objUtilRequest->getPost('signature', false)); $timestamp = $objUtilRequest->getPost('timestamp', false); // Required to generate variable signature $parameters = array('timestamp' => $timestamp); $allParamsPresent = true; foreach ($requiredParams as $paramName) { $paramValue = $objUtilRequest->getPost($paramName, false); if ($paramName) { $parameters[$paramName] = $paramValue; } else { $allParamsPresent = false; break; } } if ($accessKeyId && $signature && $timestamp) { // Okay we have all required parameters // Let's identify user $requestParams = $objUtilRequest->getRequest(); $objServerHelper = new ServerInfo(); $url = $objServerHelper->serverUrl(true); $userSyncRestMdl = new \api\Server($parameters, $accessKeyId, null, $url); $isValidTimestamp = $userSyncRestMdl->isValidTimestamp($timestamp); if (!$isValidTimestamp) { $objUtilResponse->renderJson(array('status' => 403, 'message' => 'Invalid Timestamp'), 403); } $userProductMdl = new \models\ApiProducts(); $apiProductDetails = $userProductMdl->isValidAccessKey($accessKeyId); if ($apiProductDetails) { // Valid access key $userSyncRestMdl->setSecretKey($apiProductDetails->secret_key); $isValidSignature = $userSyncRestMdl->isValidSignature($signature); if ($isValidSignature === true) { return $apiProductDetails; } else { $objUtilResponse->renderJson(array('status' => 403, 'message' => 'Invalid Signature'), 403); } } else { $objUtilResponse->renderJson(array('status' => 403, 'message' => 'Invalid access key.'), 403); } } else { $objUtilResponse->renderJson(array('status' => 403, 'message' => 'Required parameters are missing.'), 403); } } else { $objUtilResponse->renderJson(array('status' => 403, 'message' => 'Only post requests are accepted'), 403); } }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function parseResponse($data) { $info = array(); $current = null; $infoLines = preg_split('/\\r?\\n/', $data); if (isset($infoLines[0]) && $infoLines[0][0] !== '#') { return parent::parseResponse($data); } foreach ($infoLines as $row) { if ($row === '') { continue; } if (preg_match('/^# (\\w+)$/', $row, $matches)) { $info[$matches[1]] = array(); $current =& $info[$matches[1]]; continue; } list($k, $v) = explode(':', $row); if (!preg_match('/^db\\d+$/', $k)) { if ($k === 'allocation_stats') { $current[$k] = $this->parseAllocationStats($v); continue; } $current[$k] = $v; } else { $current[$k] = $this->parseDatabaseStats($v); } } return $info; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function parseResponse($data) { if ($data === '') { return array(); } $info = array(); $current = null; $infoLines = preg_split('/\\r?\\n/', $data); if (isset($infoLines[0]) && $infoLines[0][0] !== '#') { return parent::parseResponse($data); } foreach ($infoLines as $row) { if ($row === '') { continue; } if (preg_match('/^# (\\w+)$/', $row, $matches)) { $info[$matches[1]] = array(); $current =& $info[$matches[1]]; continue; } list($k, $v) = $this->parseRow($row); $current[$k] = $v; } return $info; }
protected static function getInfo() { if (is_null(self::$apache_modules)) { self::$apache_modules = function_exists('apache_get_modules') ? apache_get_modules() : array(); } if (is_null(self::$php_modules)) { self::$php_modules = get_loaded_extensions(); } }
private function __construct() { $si = ServerInfo::GetCached(); $this->mencoder = $si->binaries[ServerInfo::BIN_MENCODER]; $this->mplayer = $si->binaries[ServerInfo::BIN_MPLAYER]; $this->ffmpeg = $si->binaries[ServerInfo::BIN_FFMPEG]; $this->mp4box = $si->binaries[ServerInfo::BIN_MP4BOX]; $this->yamdi = $si->binaries[ServerInfo::BIN_YAMDI]; $this->convert = $si->binaries[ServerInfo::BIN_CONVERT]; $this->nice = $si->binaries[ServerInfo::BIN_NICE]; }
public static function ExtractEntries($archive, $type) { $si = ServerInfo::GetCached(); if (!$si->php_extensions[ServerInfo::EXT_ZIP]) { throw new BaseException('Sorry, the ZIP extension for PHP is not available on this server'); } $entries = array(); $zip = zip_open($archive); if (!is_resource($zip)) { throw new BaseException('Invalid zip file; zip error #' . $zip . ' generated'); } while (($entry = zip_read($zip)) !== false) { if (!is_resource($entry)) { throw new BaseException('Invalid zip entry; zip error #' . $zip . ' generated'); } $name = zip_entry_name($entry); if (File::Type($name) == $type) { $entries[basename($name)] = self::ExtractEntry($zip, $entry); } } zip_close($zip); return $entries; }
public static function IsRunning() { // Check for empty pid $pid = Cache_MySQL::Get(self::$CACHE_PID); if (empty($pid)) { return false; } // Try to use ps to determine if the process is running $si = ServerInfo::GetCached(); if (!empty($si->binaries[ServerInfo::BIN_PS])) { return preg_match('~' . $pid . '~', shell_exec($si->binaries[ServerInfo::BIN_PS] . " {$pid}")) > 0; } // Try to determine based on last ping $stats = self::LoadStats(); if ($stats[self::STAT_RUNNING]) { if ($stats[self::STAT_LAST_PING] < time() - self::MAX_PING_INTERVAL) { self::MarkStopped(); return false; } return true; } // Last resort, assume not running return false; }
public function testIsGet() { $sv = self::$test_data1; $sv[ServerInfo::KEY_REQUEST_METHOD] = ServerInfo::REQUEST_TYPE_GET; $info = new ServerInfo($sv); $expected = true; $actual = $info->isGet(); $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual, __CLASS__ . "::" . __METHOD__ . ": line " . __LINE__); $sv[ServerInfo::KEY_REQUEST_METHOD] = ServerInfo::REQUEST_TYPE_POST; $info = new ServerInfo($sv); $expected = false; $actual = $info->isGet(); $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual, __CLASS__ . "::" . __METHOD__ . ": line " . __LINE__); }
public static function GetCached() { if (is_object(self::$instance)) { return self::$instance; } $cached = Cache_MySQL::Get(self::CACHE_NAME); if (empty($cached)) { return self::Get(true); } $si = unserialize($cached); if (time() - $si->generated >= self::CACHE_LIFETIME) { return self::Get(true); } self::$instance = $si; return self::$instance; }
<?php $si = ServerInfo::GetCached(); $defaults = array('date_added' => Database_MySQL::Now(), 'status' => STATUS_ACTIVE, 'allow_comments' => 'Yes - Add Immediately', 'allow_ratings' => 1, 'allow_embedding' => 1, 'is_private' => 0); $_REQUEST = array_merge($defaults, $_REQUEST); $DB = GetDB(); $categories = $DB->FetchAll('SELECT `category_id`,`name` FROM `tbx_category` ORDER BY `name`'); $clips = $DB->FetchAll('SELECT * FROM `tbx_video_clip` WHERE `video_id`=?', array(Request::Get('video_id'))); ?> <div id="dialog-header" class="ui-widget-header ui-corner-all"> <div id="dialog-close"></div> <?php echo isset($editing) ? 'Update a Video' : 'Add a Video'; ?> </div> <form method="post" action="ajax.php" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div id="dialog-panel"> <div style="padding: 8px;"> <?php if (empty($categories)) { ?> <div class="message-error"> You will need to create at least one category before you can begin adding videos </div> <?php } else { ?> <?php if (!isset($editing)) {
public static function Resize($image, $size, $quality, $directory, $coords = null) { $si = ServerInfo::GetCached(); $directory = Dir::StripTrailingSlash($directory); $letterbox = Config::Get('flag_letterbox'); $resized = $directory . '/' . basename($image); list($dst_width, $dst_height) = explode('x', $size); // See if image is already the correct size $imgsize = @getimagesize($image); if ($imgsize === false) { return null; } else { if (empty($coords) && $imgsize[0] <= $dst_width && $imgsize[1] <= $dst_height) { copy($image, $resized); return $resized; } } $src_width = $imgsize[0]; $src_height = $imgsize[1]; $src_aspect = $src_width / $src_height; $dst_aspect = $dst_width / $dst_height; // Get crop information if $coords was supplied // Generally only occurs when image is extracted from a HTML image map $crop = $crop_x = $crop_y = $crop_width = $crop_height = null; if (!empty($coords)) { $crop = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $coords)); // Currently only supporting rect if (count($crop) == 4) { $crop_x = $crop[0]; $crop_y = $crop[1]; $crop_width = $crop[2] - $crop_x; $crop_height = $crop[3] - $crop_y; $src_aspect = $crop_width / $crop_height; } } // Resize with ImageMagick (preferred) if (!$si->shell_exec_disabled && $si->binaries[ServerInfo::BIN_CONVERT]) { if ($letterbox) { shell_exec($si->binaries[ServerInfo::BIN_CONVERT] . ' ' . escapeshellarg($image) . ' ' . (!empty($crop) ? '-crop ' . escapeshellarg($crop_width . 'x' . $crop_height . '!+' . $crop_x . '+' . $crop_y) . ' ' : '') . '-resize ' . $size . ' ' . '-modulate 110,102,100 ' . '-unsharp 1.5x1.2+1.0+0.10 ' . '-enhance ' . '-size ' . $size . ' ' . 'xc:black ' . '+swap ' . '-gravity center ' . '-quality ' . $quality . ' ' . '-format jpeg ' . '-composite ' . escapeshellarg($resized)); } else { $recrop = null; if ($src_aspect > $dst_aspect) { $recrop = '-gravity center -crop ' . escapeshellarg(round($src_height * $dst_aspect) . 'x' . $src_height . '+0+0') . ' '; } else { if ($src_aspect < $dst_aspect) { $recrop = '-gravity center -crop ' . escapeshellarg($src_width . 'x' . round($src_width / $dst_aspect) . '+0+0') . ' '; } } shell_exec($si->binaries[ServerInfo::BIN_CONVERT] . ' ' . escapeshellarg($image) . ' ' . (!empty($crop) ? '-crop ' . escapeshellarg($crop_width . 'x' . $crop_height . '!+' . $crop_x . '+' . $crop_y) . ' ' : '') . (!empty($recrop) ? $recrop : '') . '-resize ' . $size . ' ' . '-modulate 110,102,100 ' . '-unsharp 1.5x1.2+1.0+0.10 ' . '-enhance ' . '-quality ' . $quality . ' ' . '-format jpeg ' . escapeshellarg($resized)); } return $resized; } else { if ($si->php_extensions[ServerInfo::EXT_GD]) { if ($crop) { $temp_src = imagecreatefromjpeg($image); $src = imagecreatetruecolor($crop_width, $crop_height); imagecopy($src, $temp_src, 0, 0, $crop_x, $crop_y, $crop_width, $crop_height); imagedestroy($temp_src); } else { $src = imagecreatefromjpeg($image); } $new_width = $dst_width; $new_height = $dst_height; $dst_x = 0; $dst_y = 0; if ($src_aspect > $dst_aspect) { $new_height = round($dst_width * $src_height / $src_width); $dst_y = ($dst_height - $new_height) / 2; } else { if ($src_aspect < $dst_aspect) { $new_width = round($dst_height * $src_width / $src_height); $dst_x = ($dst_width - $new_width) / 2; } } $dst = imagecreatetruecolor($dst_width, $dst_height); $black = imagecolorallocate($dst, 0, 0, 0); imagefill($dst, 0, 0, 0); imagecopyresampled($dst, $src, $dst_x, $dst_y, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $src_width, $src_height); imagejpeg($dst, $resized, $quality); imagedestroy($src); imagedestroy($dst); return $resized; } } return $image; }
$str = $this->isfun('sqlite_close'); if (strpos($str, '√') !== false) { $str .= ' 版本:' . sqlite_libversion(); } } return $str; break; default: return ''; break; } } } $title = 'PHP服务器信息探针'; $j_version = '1.0.0'; $S = new ServerInfo(); $phpSelf = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] : $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; $disFuns = get_cfg_var("disable_functions"); $disFuns = strpos('phpinfo', needle) ? '<font color="red">×</font>' : "<a href='{$phpSelf}?act=phpinfo' target='_blank'>PHPINFO</a>"; $strcookies = isset($_COOKIE) ? '<font color="green">√</font>' : '<font color="red">×</font>'; $strsmtp = get_cfg_var("SMTP") ? '<font color="green">√</font>' : '<font color="red">×</font>'; $smtpadd = get_cfg_var("SMTP") ? get_cfg_var("SMTP") : '<font color="red">×</font>'; //ajax调用实时刷新 if ($_GET['act'] == "rt") { $arr = array('useSpace' => $S->hd['u'], 'freeSpace' => $S->hd['f'], 'hdPercent' => $S->hd['PCT'], 'barhdPercent' => $S->hd['PCT'] . '%', 'TotalMemory' => $S->sysInfo['memTotal'], 'UsedMemory' => $S->sysInfo['memUsed'], 'FreeMemory' => $S->sysInfo['memFree'], 'CachedMemory' => $S->sysInfo['memCached'], 'Buffers' => $S->sysInfo['memBuffers'], 'TotalSwap' => $S->sysInfo['swapTotal'], 'swapUsed' => $S->sysInfo['swapUsed'], 'swapFree' => $S->sysInfo['swapFree'], 'loadAvg' => $S->sysInfo['loadAvg'], 'uptime' => $S->sysInfo['uptime'], 'freetime' => "{$freetime}", 'bjtime' => "{$bjtime}", 'stime' => $S->S['sTime'], 'cpuuse' => $S->CPU_Use, 'memRealPercent' => $S->sysInfo['memRealPercent'], 'memRealUsed' => $S->sysInfo['memRealUsed'], 'memRealFree' => $S->sysInfo['memRealFree'], 'memPercent' => $S->sysInfo['memPercent'] . '%', 'memCachedPercent' => $S->sysInfo['memCachedPercent'], 'barmemCachedPercent' => $S->sysInfo['memCachedPercent'] . '%', 'swapPercent' => $S->sysInfo['swapPercent'], 'barmemRealPercent' => $S->sysInfo['memRealPercent'] . '%', 'barswapPercent' => $S->sysInfo['swapPercent'] . '%', 'NetOut2' => $S->NetWork['NetOut'][2], 'NetOut3' => $S->NetWork['NetOut'][3], 'NetOut4' => $S->NetWork['NetOut'][4], 'NetOut5' => $S->NetWork['NetOut'][5], 'NetOut6' => $S->NetWork['NetOut'][6], 'NetOut7' => $S->NetWork['NetOut'][7], 'NetOut8' => $S->NetWork['NetOut'][8], 'NetOut9' => $S->NetWork['NetOut'][9], 'NetOut10' => $S->NetWork['NetOut'][10], 'NetInput2' => $S->NetWork['NetInput'][2], 'NetInput3' => $S->NetWork['NetInput'][3], 'NetInput4' => $S->NetWork['NetInput'][4], 'NetInput5' => $S->NetWork['NetInput'][5], 'NetInput6' => $S->NetWork['NetInput'][6], 'NetInput7' => $S->NetWork['NetInput'][7], 'NetInput8' => $S->NetWork['NetInput'][8], 'NetInput9' => $S->NetWork['NetInput'][9], 'NetInput10' => $S->NetWork['NetInput'][10], 'NetOutSpeed2' => $S->NetWork['OutSpeed'][2], 'NetOutSpeed3' => $S->NetWork['OutSpeed'][3], 'NetOutSpeed4' => $S->NetWork['OutSpeed'][4], 'NetOutSpeed5' => $S->NetWork['OutSpeed'][5], 'NetInputSpeed2' => $S->NetWork['InputSpeed'][2], 'NetInputSpeed3' => $S->NetWork['InputSpeed'][3], 'NetInputSpeed4' => $S->NetWork['InputSpeed'][4], 'NetInputSpeed5' => $S->NetWork['InputSpeed'][5]); $jarr = json_encode($arr); $_GET['callback'] = htmlspecialchars($_GET['callback']); echo $_GET['callback'], '(', $jarr, ')'; exit; } function memory_usage()
function tbxDatabaseRestore() { Privileges::Check(Privileges::DATABASE); $filename = BASE_DIR . '/data/' . File::Sanitize(Request::Get('filename')); if (!is_file($filename)) { return JSON::Failure('The file you have selected no longer exists on the server.'); } $si = ServerInfo::GetCached(); if (!$si->shell_exec_disabled && $si->binaries[ServerInfo::BIN_PHP]) { Shell::ExecScript('cron.php --restore --file=' . escapeshellarg($filename)); JSON::Success('Database restore has been started. Allow a few minutes to complete, then continue with the next step of the restore process.'); } else { $DB = GetDB(); $DB->RestoreTables($filename); JSON::Success('Database restore has been completed'); } }
function __get($var) { $func = 'Server_' . $var . '_get'; if (function_exists($func)) { $r = call_user_func($func, $this->_cPtr); if (!is_resource($r)) { return $r; } $c = substr(get_resource_type($r), strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3); return new $c($r); } if ($var === 'thisown') { return swig_otapi_get_newobject($this->_cPtr); } return ServerInfo::__get($var); }
private function load() { $now = time(); $max_age = 130; // 2+ mins. $this->servers = array(); while (!feof($this->file)) { $line = trim(fgets($this->file, 4096)); if ($line == "--") { // Expired announcements are ignored. if ($now - $record['time'] < $max_age && count($record) >= 3) { $info = ServerInfo::constructFrom($record); $this->servers[$info->ident()] = $info; } $record = array(); } else { $parts = explode(" ", $line); $record[$parts[0]] = isset($parts[1]) ? urldecode($parts[1]) : ""; } } }
public function ServerWrap($url) { parent::__construct($url); }
public static function CanExtract() { $si = ServerInfo::GetCached(); return !$si->shell_exec_disabled && $si->binaries[ServerInfo::BIN_MENCODER]; }
function __get($var) { $func = 'Server_' . $var . '_get'; if (function_exists($func)) { return call_user_func($func, $this->_cPtr); } if ($var === 'thisown') { return swig_otapi_get_newobject($this->_cPtr); } return ServerInfo::__get($var); }
<?php require_once 'class/ServerInfo.php'; $info = new ServerInfo(''); var_dump($info->isGzip()); var_dump($info->header); var_dump($info->validateW3C()); var_dump($info->getValidateW3Cerrors()); var_dump($info->getValidateW3Cwarnings());
public static function ExecScript($cmd, $background = true) { $si = ServerInfo::GetCached(); $cmd = ($si->php_binary_is_cli ? $si->binaries[ServerInfo::BIN_PHP_CLI] . ' ' . $cmd : $si->binaries[ServerInfo::BIN_PHP_CGI] . ' -q ' . $cmd) . ($background ? ' >/dev/null 2>&1 &' : ''); return shell_exec($cmd); }
public static function CanGrab() { $si = ServerInfo::GetCached(); return !$si->shell_exec_disabled && $si->binaries[ServerInfo::BIN_MPLAYER]; }