コード例 #1
 function send_email($to, $subject, $html, $text, $istest = false, $sid, $list_id, $report_id)
     $phpmailer = new SendPress_PHPMailer();
      * Make sure the mailer thingy is clean before we start,  should not
      * be necessary, but who knows what others are doing to our mailer
     $charset = SendPress_Option::get('email-charset', 'UTF-8');
     $encoding = SendPress_Option::get('email-encoding', '8bit');
     $phpmailer->CharSet = $charset;
     $phpmailer->Encoding = $encoding;
     if ($charset != 'UTF-8') {
         $html = $this->change($html, 'UTF-8', $charset);
         $text = $this->change($text, 'UTF-8', $charset);
         $subject = $this->change($subject, 'UTF-8', $charset);
     $from_email = SendPress_Option::get('fromemail');
     $phpmailer->From = $from_email;
     $phpmailer->FromName = SendPress_Option::get('fromname');
     //$subject = str_replace(array('’','“','�','–'),array("'",'"','"','-'),$subject);
     //$html = str_replace(chr(194),chr(32),$html);
     //$text = str_replace(chr(194),chr(32),$text);
     //return $email;
     $phpmailer->AltBody = $text;
     $phpmailer->Subject = $subject;
     $content_type = 'text/html';
     $phpmailer->ContentType = $content_type;
     // Set whether it's plaintext, depending on $content_type
     //if ( 'text/html' == $content_type )
     $hosting = SendPress_Option::get('website-hosting-provider');
     if ($hosting == 'godaddy') {
         // We are sending SMTP mail
         // Set the other options
         $phpmailer->Host = 'relay-hosting.secureserver.net';
     // If we don't have a charset from the input headers
     //if ( !isset( $charset ) )
     //$charset = get_bloginfo( 'charset' );
     // Set the content-type and charset
      * We'll let php init mess with the message body and headers.  But then
      * we stomp all over it.  Sorry, my plug-inis more important than yours :)
     do_action_ref_array('phpmailer_init', array(&$phpmailer));
     //$phpmailer->Sender = '*****@*****.**';//SendPress_Option::get('fromemail');
     $hdr = new SendPress_SendGrid_SMTP_API();
     $hdr->addFilterSetting('dkim', 'domain', SendPress_Manager::get_domain_from_email($from_email));
     //$phpmailer->AddCustomHeader( sprintf( 'X-SP-MID: %s',$email->messageID ) );
     $phpmailer->AddCustomHeader(sprintf('X-SMTPAPI: %s', $hdr->asJSON()));
     $phpmailer->AddCustomHeader('X-SP-METHOD: website');
     // Set SMTPDebug to 2 will collect dialogue between us and the mail server
     $phpmailer->AddCustomHeader('X-SP-LIST: ' . $list_id);
     $phpmailer->AddCustomHeader('X-SP-REPORT: ' . $report_id);
     $phpmailer->AddCustomHeader('X-SP-SUBSCRIBER: ' . $sid);
     if ($istest == true) {
         $phpmailer->SMTPDebug = 2;
         // Start output buffering to grab smtp output
     // Send!
     $result = true;
     // start with true, meaning no error
     $result = @$phpmailer->Send();
     if ($istest == true) {
         // Grab the smtp debugging output
         $smtp_debug = ob_get_clean();
         SendPress_Option::set('phpmailer_error', $phpmailer->ErrorInfo);
         SendPress_Option::set('last_test_debug', $smtp_debug);
         //$this->last_send_smtp_debug = $smtp_debug;
     if ($result != true) {
         $log_message = 'Website <br>';
         $log_message .= $to . "<br>";
         if ($istest == true) {
             $log_message .= "<br><br>";
             $log_message .= $smtp_debug;
         SPNL()->log->add($phpmailer->ErrorInfo, $log_message, 0, 'sending');
     if ($result != true && $istest == true) {
         $hostmsg = 'host: ' . $phpmailer->Host . '  port: ' . $phpmailer->Port . '  secure: ' . $phpmailer->SMTPSecure . '  auth: ' . $phpmailer->SMTPAuth . '  user: '******'';
         $msg .= __('The result was: ', 'sendpress') . $result . "\n";
         $msg .= __('The mailer error info: ', 'sendpress') . $phpmailer->ErrorInfo . "\n";
         $msg .= $hostmsg;
         $msg .= __("The SMTP debugging output is shown below:\n", "sendpress");
         $msg .= $smtp_debug . "\n";
         //$msg .= 'The full debugging output(exported mailer) is shown below:\n';
         //$msg .= var_export($phpmailer,true)."\n";
     return $result;
コード例 #2
 static function old_send_email($to, $subject, $html, $text, $istest = false, $sid, $list_id, $report_id)
     global $phpmailer, $wpdb;
     // (Re)create it, if it's gone missing
     if (!is_object($phpmailer) || !is_a($phpmailer, 'PHPMailer')) {
         require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-phpmailer.php';
         require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-smtp.php';
         $phpmailer = new PHPMailer();
      * Make sure the mailer thingy is clean before we start,  should not
      * be necessary, but who knows what others are doing to our mailer
     //return $email;
     $charset = SendPress_Option::get('email-charset', 'UTF-8');
     $encoding = SendPress_Option::get('email-encoding', '8bit');
     $phpmailer->CharSet = $charset;
     $phpmailer->Encoding = $encoding;
     if ($charset != 'UTF-8') {
         $sender = new SendPress_Sender();
         $html = $sender->change($html, 'UTF-8', $charset);
         $text = $sender->change($text, 'UTF-8', $charset);
         $subject = $sender->change($subject, 'UTF-8', $charset);
     $subject = str_replace(array('’', '“', '�', '–'), array("'", '"', '"', '-'), $subject);
     $html = str_replace(chr(194), chr(32), $html);
     $text = str_replace(chr(194), chr(32), $text);
     $phpmailer->AltBody = $text;
     $phpmailer->Subject = $subject;
     $content_type = 'text/html';
     $phpmailer->ContentType = $content_type;
     // Set whether it's plaintext, depending on $content_type
     //if ( 'text/html' == $content_type )
      * We'll let php init mess with the message body and headers.  But then
      * we stomp all over it.  Sorry, my plug-inis more important than yours :)
     do_action_ref_array('phpmailer_init', array(&$phpmailer));
     $from_email = SendPress_Option::get('fromemail');
     $phpmailer->From = $from_email;
     $phpmailer->FromName = SendPress_Option::get('fromname');
     $phpmailer->Sender = SendPress_Option::get('fromemail');
     $sending_method = SendPress_Option::get('sendmethod');
     $phpmailer = apply_filters('sendpress_sending_method_' . $sending_method, $phpmailer);
     $hdr = new SendPress_SendGrid_SMTP_API();
     $hdr->addFilterSetting('dkim', 'domain', SendPress_Manager::get_domain_from_email($from_email));
     $phpmailer->AddCustomHeader(sprintf('X-SMTPAPI: %s', $hdr->asJSON()));
     $phpmailer->AddCustomHeader('X-SP-METHOD: old');
     // Set SMTPDebug to 2 will collect dialogue between us and the mail server
     if ($istest == true) {
         $phpmailer->SMTPDebug = 2;
         // Start output buffering to grab smtp output
     // Send!
     $result = true;
     // start with true, meaning no error
     $result = @$phpmailer->Send();
     if ($istest == true) {
         // Grab the smtp debugging output
         $smtp_debug = ob_get_clean();
         SendPress_Option::set('phpmailer_error', $phpmailer->ErrorInfo);
         SendPress_Option::set('last_test_debug', $smtp_debug);
     if ($result != true && $istest == true) {
         $hostmsg = 'host: ' . $phpmailer->Host . '  port: ' . $phpmailer->Port . '  secure: ' . $phpmailer->SMTPSecure . '  auth: ' . $phpmailer->SMTPAuth . '  user: '******'';
         $msg .= __('The result was: ', 'sendpress') . $result . "\n";
         $msg .= __('The mailer error info: ', 'sendpress') . $phpmailer->ErrorInfo . "\n";
         $msg .= $hostmsg;
         $msg .= __("The SMTP debugging output is shown below:\n", "sendpress");
         $msg .= $smtp_debug . "\n";
     return $result;
コード例 #3
 function send_email($to, $subject, $html, $text, $istest = false, $sid, $list_id, $report_id)
     $phpmailer = new SendPress_PHPMailer();
      * Make sure the mailer thingy is clean before we start,  should not
      * be necessary, but who knows what others are doing to our mailer
     // If we don't have a charset from the input headers
     //return $email;
     $charset = SendPress_Option::get('email-charset', 'UTF-8');
     $encoding = SendPress_Option::get('email-encoding', '8bit');
     $phpmailer->CharSet = $charset;
     $phpmailer->Encoding = $encoding;
     if ($charset != 'UTF-8') {
         $html = $this->change($html, 'UTF-8', $charset);
         $text = $this->change($text, 'UTF-8', $charset);
         $subject = $this->change($subject, 'UTF-8', $charset);
      * We'll let php init mess with the message body and headers.  But then
      * we stomp all over it.  Sorry, my plug-inis more important than yours :)
     do_action_ref_array('phpmailer_init', array(&$phpmailer));
     $from_email = SendPress_Option::get('fromemail');
     $phpmailer->From = $from_email;
     $phpmailer->FromName = SendPress_Option::get('fromname');
     //$phpmailer->Sender = '*****@*****.**';
     //$phpmailer->Sender = SendPress_Option::get('fromemail');
     $sending_method = SendPress_Option::get('sendmethod');
     //$subject = str_replace(array('’','“','�','–'),array("'",'"','"','-'),$subject);
     //$html = str_replace(chr(194),chr(32),$html);
     //$text = str_replace(chr(194),chr(32),$text);
     $phpmailer->AltBody = $text;
     $phpmailer->Subject = $subject;
     $content_type = 'text/html';
     $phpmailer->ContentType = $content_type;
     // Set whether it's plaintext, depending on $content_type
     //if ( 'text/html' == $content_type )
     $rpath = SendPress_Option::get('bounce_email');
     if ($rpath != false) {
         $phpmailer->ReturnPath = $rpath;
         $phpmailer->AddReplyTo($rpath, SendPress_Option::get('fromname'));
     $phpmailer->Mailer = 'smtp';
     // We are sending SMTP mail
     // Set the other options
     $phpmailer->Host = 'smtp.gmail.com';
     $phpmailer->SMTPAuth = true;
     // authentication enabled
     $phpmailer->SMTPSecure = 'tls';
     // secure transfer enabled REQUIRED for GMail
     $phpmailer->Port = 587;
     // If we're using smtp auth, set the username & password
     $phpmailer->SMTPAuth = TRUE;
     $phpmailer->Username = SendPress_Option::get('gmailuser');
     $phpmailer->Password = SendPress_Option::get('gmailpass');
     $hdr = new SendPress_SendGrid_SMTP_API();
     $hdr->addFilterSetting('dkim', 'domain', SendPress_Manager::get_domain_from_email($from_email));
     $phpmailer->AddCustomHeader(sprintf('X-SMTPAPI: %s', $hdr->asJSON()));
     $phpmailer->AddCustomHeader('X-SP-METHOD: Gmail');
     $phpmailer->AddCustomHeader('X-SP-LIST: ' . $list_id);
     $phpmailer->AddCustomHeader('X-SP-REPORT: ' . $report_id);
     $phpmailer->AddCustomHeader('X-SP-SUBSCRIBER: ' . $sid);
     $phpmailer->AddCustomHeader('List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:' . $from_email . '>');
     // Set SMTPDebug to 2 will collect dialogue between us and the mail server
     if ($istest == true) {
         $phpmailer->SMTPDebug = 2;
         // Start output buffering to grab smtp output
     // Send!
     $result = true;
     // start with true, meaning no error
     $result = @$phpmailer->Send();
     if ($istest == true) {
         // Grab the smtp debugging output
         $smtp_debug = ob_get_clean();
         SendPress_Option::set('phpmailer_error', $phpmailer->ErrorInfo);
         SendPress_Option::set('last_test_debug', $smtp_debug);
     if ($result == true) {
         SendPress_Option::set('phpmailer_error', __('Nenhum erro encontrado', 'jaiminho'));
     if ($result != true) {
         $log_message = 'Gmail <br>';
         $log_message .= $to . "<br>";
         if ($istest == true) {
             $log_message .= "<br><br>";
             $log_message .= $smtp_debug;
         SPNL()->log->add($phpmailer->ErrorInfo, $log_message, 0, 'sending');
     if ($result != true && $istest == true) {
         $hostmsg = 'host: ' . $phpmailer->Host . '  port: ' . $phpmailer->Port . '  secure: ' . $phpmailer->SMTPSecure . '  auth: ' . $phpmailer->SMTPAuth . '  user: '******'';
         $msg .= __('The result was: ', 'sendpress') . $result . "\n";
         $msg .= __('The mailer error info: ', 'sendpress') . $phpmailer->ErrorInfo . "\n";
         $msg .= $hostmsg;
         $msg .= __("The SMTP debugging output is shown below:\n", "sendpress");
         $msg .= $smtp_debug . "\n";
     return $result;