コード例 #1
    function html($sp)
        SendPress_Tracking::event('Queue Tab');
        if (isset($_GET['cron'])) {
        //Create an instance of our package class...
        $testListTable = new SendPress_Queue_Table();
        //Fetch, prepare, sort, and filter our data...
        SendPress_Option::set('no_cron_send', 'false');
        //echo $sp->get_key(). "<br>";
        $open_info = array("id" => 13, "report" => 10, "view" => "open");
        		$x = $sp->encrypt_data($open_info);
        	echo $x."<br>";
        	$x = $sp->decrypt_data($x);
        		echo "<br>";
        	$d = $_GET['t'];
        	$x = $sp->decrypt_data($d);
        		echo "<br>";
        	//echo wp_get_schedule('sendpress_cron_action_run');
        	$time_delay =  SendPress_Option::get('time-delay');
        	echo $time_delay;
        	echo date('l jS \of F Y H:i:s A',$time_delay );
        	echo "<br>";
        	$time = date('H:i:s');
        echo $time;//11:09
        	$time = date('H:i:s', $time_delay);
        echo $time;//11:09
        $autocron = SendPress_Option::get('autocron', 'no');
        if ($autocron == 'yes') {
            $api_info = json_decode(SendPress_Cron::get_info());
            if (isset($api_info->active) && $api_info->active === 0) {
                echo "<p class='alert alert-danger'><strong>Oh no!</strong> It looks like AutoCron disconnected itself. To get max send speed please re-enable it <a href='" . SendPress_Admin::link('Settings_Account') . "'>here</a>.</p>";
                SendPress_Option::set('autocron', 'no');
            } else {
                if (isset($api_info->lastcheck)) {
                    echo "<p class='alert alert-success'><strong>Looking good!</strong> Autocron is running and last checked your site at:&nbsp;" . $api_info->lastcheck . " UTC</p>";
        } else {
            echo "<p class='alert alert-info'><strong>Howdy.</strong> It looks like AutoCron was not enabled or it disconnected itself. To get max send speed please re-enable it <a href='" . SendPress_Admin::link('Settings_Account') . "'>here</a>.</p>";

	<div id="taskbar" class="lists-dashboard rounded group"> 

	<div id="button-area">  
        $pause_sending = SendPress_Option::get('pause-sending', 'no');
        $txt = __('Pause Sending', 'sendpress');
        //Stop Sending for now
        if ($pause_sending == 'yes') {
            $txt = __('Resume Sending', 'sendpress');
	<div class="btn-group">
	<a class="btn btn-large btn-default " href="<?php 
        echo SendPress_Admin::link('Queue');
&action=pause-queue" ><i class="icon-repeat icon-white "></i> <?php 
        echo $txt;

	<a id="send-now" class="btn btn-primary btn-large " data-toggle="modal" href="#sendpress-sending"   ><i class="icon-white icon-refresh"></i> <?php 
        _e('Send Emails Now', 'sendpress');
        $emails_per_day = SendPress_Option::get('emails-per-day');
        if ($emails_per_day == 0) {
            $emails_per_day = __('Unlimited', 'sendpress');
        $emails_per_hour = SendPress_Option::get('emails-per-hour');
        $hourly_emails = SendPress_Data::emails_sent_in_queue("hour");
        $emails_so_far = SendPress_Data::emails_sent_in_queue("day");

        echo $emails_so_far;
</strong> <?php 
        _e('of a possible', 'sendpress');
        echo $emails_per_day;
</strong> <?php 
        _e('emails sent in the last 24 hours', 'sendpress');
        echo $hourly_emails;
</strong> <?php 
        _e('of a possible', 'sendpress');
        echo $emails_per_hour;
</strong> <?php 
        _e('emails sent in the last hour', 'sendpress');
        _e('You can adjust these settings here', 'sendpress');
: <a href="<?php 
        echo SendPress_Admin::link('Settings_Account');
        _e('Settings', 'sendpress');
 > <?php 
        _e('Sending Account', 'sendpress');
        if ($autocron == 'no') {
            $offset = get_option('gmt_offset') * 60 * 60;
            // Time offset in seconds
            $local_timestamp = wp_next_scheduled('sendpress_cron_action') + $offset;
            _e('The cron will run again around', 'sendpress');
: <?php 
            echo date_i18n(get_option('date_format') . ' ' . get_option('time_format'), $local_timestamp);
	<!-- Forms are NOT created automatically, so you need to wrap the table in one to use features like bulk actions -->
	<form id="email-filter" action="<?php 
        echo SendPress_Admin::link('Queue');
" method="get">
		<!-- For plugins, we also need to ensure that the form posts back to our current page -->
	     <input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php 
        echo SPNL()->validate->page($_REQUEST['page']);
" /> 
	    <!-- Now we can render the completed list table -->
		<a class="btn btn-large btn-success " href="<?php 
        echo SendPress_Admin::link('Queue');
&action=reset-queue" ><i class="icon-repeat icon-white "></i> <?php 
        _e('Re-queue All Emails', 'sendpress');
	<form  method='get'>
		<input type='hidden' value="<?php 
        echo SPNL()->validate->page($_GET['page']);
" name="page" />
		<input type='hidden' value="empty-queue" name="action" />
		<a class="btn btn-large  btn-danger" data-toggle="modal" href="#sendpress-empty-queue" ><i class="icon-warning-sign "></i> <?php 
        _e('Delete All Emails in the Queue', 'sendpress');
<div class="modal fade" id="sendpress-empty-queue" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
  <div class="modal-dialog">
  	<div class="modal-content">
	<div class="modal-header">
		<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">×</button>
        _e('Really? Delete All Emails in the Queue.', 'sendpress');
	<div class="modal-body">
        _e('This will remove all emails from the queue without attempting to send them', 'sendpress');
	<div class="modal-footer">
	<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary" data-dismiss="modal"><?php 
        _e('No! I was Joking', 'sendpress');
</a><a href="<?php 
        echo SendPress_Admin::link('Queue');
&action=empty-queue" id="confirm-delete" class="btn btn-danger" ><?php 
        _e('Yes! Delete All Emails', 'sendpress');

<div class="modal fade" id="sendpress-sending" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
  <div class="modal-dialog">
	<div class="modal-content">
  <div class="modal-header">
    <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">×</button>
        _e('Sending Emails', 'sendpress');
  <div class="modal-body">
    <div id="sendbar" class="progress progress-striped
  <div id="sendbar-inner" class="progress-bar"
       style="width: 40%;"></div>
	<span id="queue-sent">-</span> <?php 
        _e('of', 'sendpress');
 <span id="queue-total">-</span> <?php 
        _e('emails left to send', 'sendpress');
        _e('You are also limited to', 'sendpress');
        echo $hour;
        _e('emails per hour', 'sendpress');
        _e('To change these settings go to', 'sendpress');
 <a href="<?php 
        echo SendPress_Admin::link('Settings_Account');
"> <?php 
        _e('Settings', 'sendpress');
 > <?php 
        _e('Sending Account', 'sendpress');
  <div class="modal-footer">
        _e('If you close this window sending will stop. ', 'sendpress');
<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary" data-dismiss="modal"><?php 
        _e('Close', 'sendpress');
コード例 #2
    function html()
        SendPress_Tracking::event('Queue Tab');
        if (SPNL()->validate->_isset('cron')) {
        //Create an instance of our package class...
        $testListTable = new SendPress_Queue_Table();
        //Fetch, prepare, sort, and filter our data...
        SendPress_Option::set('no_cron_send', 'false');
        $open_info = array("id" => 13, "report" => 10, "view" => "open");
        $autocron = SendPress_Option::get('autocron', 'no');

	<div id="taskbar" class="lists-dashboard rounded group"> 

	<div id="button-area">  
        $pause_sending = SendPress_Option::get('pause-sending', 'no');
        $txt = __('Pause Sending', 'sendpress');
        //Stop Sending for now
        if ($pause_sending == 'yes') {
            $txt = __('Resume Sending', 'sendpress');
	<div class="btn-group">

        if (SendPress_Option::get('emails-credits') && SendPress_Option::get('sendmethod') === 'Jaiminho_Sender_NetWork' || SendPress_Option::get('sendmethod') != 'Jaiminho_Sender_NetWork') {
            SendPress_Option::set('pause-sending', 'no');
          <a class="btn btn-large btn-default " href="<?php 
            echo SendPress_Admin::link('Queue');
&action=pause-queue" ><i class="icon-repeat icon-white "></i> <?php 
            echo $txt;
          <a id="send-now" class="btn btn-primary btn-large " data-toggle="modal" href="#sendpress-sending"   ><i class="icon-white icon-refresh"></i> <?php 
            _e('Send Emails Now', 'sendpress');
        } else {
            SendPress_Option::set('pause-sending', 'yes');
        $emails_per_day = SendPress_Option::get('emails-per-day');
        if ($emails_per_day == 0) {
            $emails_per_day = __('Unlimited', 'sendpress');
        $emails_per_hour = SendPress_Option::get('emails-per-hour');
        $hourly_emails = SendPress_Data::emails_sent_in_queue("hour");
        $emails_so_far = SendPress_Data::emails_sent_in_queue("day");
        $credits = SendPress_Option::get('emails-credits');
        global $wpdb;
        $table = SendPress_Data::queue_table();
        $date = getdate();
        // Maurilio TODO: fazer com os créditos sejam contados a partir da 00:00:00 do primeiro dia do mês atual
        $hour_ago = strtotime('-' . $date["mday"] . ' day');
        $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $hour_ago);
        $query = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$table} where last_attempt > %s and success = %d", $time, 1);
        $credits_so_far = $wpdb->get_var($query);
        $result_credits = $credits - $credits_so_far;
        if ($credits <= 0) {
            echo "<p class='alert alert-danger' style='width:70%;'>" . __("Vixe! Você não tem créditos. Para enviar emails em sua fila ou enviar novos emails, você precisa obter mais créditos.", "jaiminho") . "</p>";
        } else {
            echo $credits ? __('Você tem', 'jaiminho') : "";
            echo $result_credits ? $result_credits : "";
</strong> <?php 
            echo $credits ? __('créditos', 'jaiminho') : "";
        echo $emails_so_far;
</strong> <?php 
        _e('of a possible', 'sendpress');
        echo $emails_per_day;
</strong> <?php 
        _e('emails sent in the last 24 hours', 'sendpress');
        echo $hourly_emails;
</strong> <?php 
        _e('of a possible', 'sendpress');
        echo $emails_per_hour;
</strong> <?php 
        _e('emails sent in the last hour', 'sendpress');
        if (is_multisite() && is_super_admin() || !is_multisite()) {
            _e('You can adjust these settings here', 'sendpress');
: <a href="<?php 
            echo SendPress_Admin::link('Settings_Account');
            _e('Settings', 'sendpress');
 > <?php 
            _e('Sending Account', 'sendpress');
        if ($autocron == 'no') {
            $offset = get_option('gmt_offset') * 60 * 60;
            // Time offset in seconds
            $local_timestamp = wp_next_scheduled('sendpress_cron_action') + $offset;
            _e('The cron will run again around', 'sendpress');
: <?php 
            echo date_i18n(get_option('date_format') . ' ' . get_option('time_format'), $local_timestamp);
	<!-- Forms are NOT created automatically, so you need to wrap the table in one to use features like bulk actions -->
	<form id="email-filter" action="<?php 
        echo SendPress_Admin::link('Queue');
" method="get">
		<!-- For plugins, we also need to ensure that the form posts back to our current page -->
	     <input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php 
        echo SPNL()->validate->page();
" /> 
	    <!-- Now we can render the completed list table -->
		<a class="btn btn-large btn-success " href="<?php 
        echo SendPress_Admin::link('Queue');
&action=reset-queue" ><i class="icon-repeat icon-white "></i> <?php 
        _e('Re-queue All Emails', 'sendpress');
	<form  method='get'>
		<input type='hidden' value="<?php 
        echo SPNL()->validate->page();
" name="page" />
		<input type='hidden' value="empty-queue" name="action" />
		<a class="btn btn-large  btn-danger" data-toggle="modal" href="#sendpress-empty-queue" ><i class="icon-warning-sign "></i> <?php 
        _e('Delete All Emails in the Queue', 'sendpress');
<div class="modal fade" id="sendpress-empty-queue" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
  <div class="modal-dialog">
  	<div class="modal-content">
	<div class="modal-header">
		<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">×</button>
        _e('Really? Delete All Emails in the Queue.', 'sendpress');
	<div class="modal-body">
        _e('This will remove all emails from the queue without attempting to send them', 'sendpress');
	<div class="modal-footer">
	<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary" data-dismiss="modal"><?php 
        _e('No! I was Joking', 'sendpress');
</a><a href="<?php 
        echo SendPress_Admin::link('Queue');
&action=empty-queue" id="confirm-delete" class="btn btn-danger" ><?php 
        _e('Yes! Delete All Emails', 'sendpress');

<div class="modal fade" id="sendpress-sending" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
  <div class="modal-dialog">
	<div class="modal-content">
  <div class="modal-header">
    <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">×</button>
        _e('Sending Emails', 'sendpress');
  <div class="modal-body">
    <div id="sendbar" class="progress progress-striped
  <div id="sendbar-inner" class="progress-bar"
       style="width: 40%;"></div>
	<span id="queue-sent">-</span> <?php 
        _e('of', 'sendpress');
 <span id="queue-total">-</span> <?php 
        _e('emails left to send', 'sendpress');
        _e('You are also limited to', 'sendpress');
        echo $emails_per_hour;
        _e('emails per hour', 'sendpress');
        _e('To change these settings go to', 'sendpress');
 <a href="<?php 
        echo SendPress_Admin::link('Settings_Account');
"> <?php 
        _e('Settings', 'sendpress');
 > <?php 
        _e('Sending Account', 'sendpress');
  <div class="modal-footer">
        _e('If you close this window sending will stop. ', 'sendpress');
<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary" data-dismiss="modal"><?php 
        _e('Close', 'sendpress');