コード例 #1
ファイル: Decryptor.php プロジェクト: draivsolregard/lmeve-ci
  * Constructor. Use \iveeCore\Type::getById() to instantiate Decryptor objects instead.
  * @param int $id of the Decryptor object
  * @return \iveeCore\Decryptor
  * @throws \iveeCore\Exceptions\UnexpectedDataException when loading Decryptor data fails
 protected function __construct($id)
     //call parent constructor
     //lookup SDE class
     $sdeClass = Config::getIveeClassName('SDE');
     //fetch decryptor modifiers from DB
     $res = $sdeClass::instance()->query("SELECT\n            attributeID,\n            valueFloat\n            FROM dgmTypeAttributes\n            WHERE\n            typeID = " . $this->id . "\n            AND attributeID IN (1112, 1113, 1114, 1124);");
     //set modifiers to object
     while ($row = $res->fetch_assoc()) {
         switch ($row['attributeID']) {
             case 1112:
                 $this->probabilityModifier = (double) $row['valueFloat'];
             case 1113:
                 $this->meModifier = (int) $row['valueFloat'];
             case 1114:
                 $this->teModifier = (int) $row['valueFloat'];
             case 1124:
                 $this->runModifier = (int) $row['valueFloat'];
                 self::throwException('UnexpectedDataException', "Error loading data for Decryptor ID=" . $this->id);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Reaction.php プロジェクト: draivsolregard/lmeve-ci
  * Constructor. Use \iveeCore\Type::getById() to instantiate Reaction objects.
  * @param int $id of the Reaction object
  * @return Reaction
  * @throws Exception if typeID is not found
 protected function __construct($id)
     //call parent constructor
     //get data from SQL
     $row = $this->queryAttributes();
     //set data to object attributes
     $sdeClass = Config::getIveeClassName('SDE');
     $typeClass = Config::getIveeClassName('Type');
     //get reaction materials
     $res = $sdeClass::instance()->query('SELECT itr.input,
         itr.quantity * IFNULL(COALESCE(dta.valueInt, dta.valueFloat), 1) as quantity
         FROM invTypeReactions as itr
         JOIN invTypes as it ON itr.typeID = it.typeID
         LEFT JOIN dgmTypeAttributes as dta ON itr.typeID = dta.typeID
         WHERE it.published = 1
         AND (dta.attributeID = 726 OR dta.attributeID IS NULL)
         AND itr.reactionTypeID = ' . $this->id . ';');
     while ($row = $res->fetch_assoc()) {
         if ($row['input'] == 1) {
             $this->cycleInputMaterials[$row['typeID']] = $row['quantity'];
         } else {
             $this->cycleOutputMaterials[$row['typeID']] = $row['quantity'];
             if ($typeClass::getById($row['typeID'])->isReprocessable()) {
                 $this->isAlchemy = true;
コード例 #3
  * Sets attributes from SQL result row to object
  * @param array $row data from DB
  * @return void
 protected function setAttributes(array $row)
     if (isset($row['blueprintTypeID'])) {
         $this->producedFromBlueprintID = (int) $row['blueprintTypeID'];
コード例 #4
  * Constructor. Use \iveeCore\Type::getById() to instantiate ReactionProduct objects instead.
  * @param int $id of the ReactionProduct object
  * @return ReactionProduct
  * @throws Exception if typeID is not found
 protected function __construct($id)
     //call parent constructor
     $sdeClass = Config::getIveeClassName('SDE');
     //fetch reactions this type can result from
     $res = $sdeClass::instance()->query("(SELECT reactionTypeID\n            FROM invTypeReactions as itr\n            JOIN invTypes as it ON it.typeID = itr.reactionTypeID\n            WHERE itr.typeID = " . $this->id . "\n            AND itr.input = 0\n            AND it.published = 1)\n            UNION\n            (SELECT itr.reactionTypeID\n            FROM invTypes as it\n            JOIN invTypeMaterials as itm ON itm.typeID = it.typeID\n            JOIN invTypeReactions as itr ON itr.typeID = it.typeID\n            WHERE it.groupID = 428\n            AND it.published = 1\n            AND materialTypeID = " . $this->id . "\n            AND itr.input = 0);");
     while ($row = $res->fetch_assoc()) {
         $this->productOfReactionIDs[] = (int) $row['reactionTypeID'];
コード例 #5
ファイル: Blueprint.php プロジェクト: draivsolregard/lmeve-ci
  * Gets the sell price for this BP
  * @param int $maxPriceDataAge the maximum price data age in seconds
  * @return float the sell price for default region as calculated in EmdrPriceUpdate, or basePrice if the BP cannot
  * be sold on the market
  * @throws \iveeCore\Exceptions\NoPriceDataAvailableException if no buy price available
  * @throws \iveeCore\Exceptions\PriceDataTooOldException if a maxPriceDataAge has been specified and the data is 
  * too old
 public function getSellPrice($maxPriceDataAge = null)
     //some BPs cannot be sold on the market
     if (empty($this->marketGroupID)) {
         return $this->basePrice;
     } else {
         return parent::getSellPrice($maxPriceDataAge);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Relic.php プロジェクト: draivsolregard/lmeve-ci
  * Constructor. Use \iveeCore\Type::getById() to instantiate Relic objects instead.
  * @param int $id of the Relic object
  * @return \iveeCore\Relic
  * @throws \iveeCore\Exceptions\TypeIdNotFoundException if the typeID is not found
 protected function __construct($id)
     //call parent constructor
     $sdeClass = Config::getIveeClassName('SDE');
     $sde = $sdeClass::instance();
     //get activity material requirements, if any
     $res = $sde->query('SELECT activityID, materialTypeID, quantity, consume
         FROM industryActivityMaterials
         WHERE typeID = ' . $this->id . ';');
     //add materials to the array
     if ($res->num_rows > 0) {
         while ($row = $res->fetch_assoc()) {
             $this->activityMaterials[(int) $row['activityID']][(int) $row['materialTypeID']]['q'] = (int) $row['quantity'];
             //to reduce memory usage the consume flag is only explicitly stored if != 1
             if ($row['consume'] != 1) {
                 $this->activityMaterials[(int) $row['activityID']][(int) $row['materialTypeID']]['c'] = (int) $row['consume'];
     //get activity skills
     $res = $sde->query('SELECT activityID, skillID, level
         FROM industryActivitySkills
         WHERE typeID = ' . $this->id . ';');
     //set skill data to array
     while ($row = $res->fetch_assoc()) {
         if (!isset($this->activitySkills[(int) $row['activityID']])) {
             $skillMapClass = Config::getIveeClassName('SkillMap');
             $this->activitySkills[(int) $row['activityID']] = new $skillMapClass();
         $this->activitySkills[(int) $row['activityID']]->addSkill((int) $row['skillID'], (int) $row['level']);
     //get activity times
     $res = $sde->query('SELECT activityID, time
         FROM industryActivity
         WHERE typeID = ' . $this->id . ';');
     //set time data to array
     while ($row = $res->fetch_assoc()) {
         $this->activityTimes[(int) $row['activityID']] = (int) $row['time'];
     //get REBlueprint that can be reverse-engineered from this Relic, probabilities, result runs, decryptorGroupID
     //and t3 product raceID
     $res = $sde->query("SELECT relicProd.productTypeID as resultBpID, proba.probability,\n            COALESCE(dta.valueInt, dta.valueFloat) as decryptorGroupID, relicProd.quantity, t3.raceID\n            FROM dgmTypeAttributes as dta\n            JOIN industryActivityMaterials as iam ON iam.materialTypeID = dta.typeID\n            JOIN industryActivityProbabilities as proba ON proba.typeID = iam.typeID\n            JOIN industryActivityProducts as relicProd ON relicProd.productTypeID = proba.productTypeID\n            JOIN industryActivityProducts as t3BPprod ON t3BPprod.typeID = relicProd.productTypeID\n            JOIN invTypes as t3 ON t3.typeID = t3BPprod.productTypeID\n            WHERE attributeID = 1115\n            AND iam.activityID = 7\n            AND proba.activityID = 7\n            AND t3BPprod.activityID = 1\n            AND iam.typeID = " . $this->id . "\n            AND relicProd.typeID = " . $this->id . ';');
     if ($res->num_rows < 1) {
         self::throwException('TypeIdNotFoundException', "ReverseEngineering data for Relic ID=" . $this->id . " not found");
     while ($row = $res->fetch_assoc()) {
         $this->reverseEngineersBlueprintIDs[(int) $row['resultBpID']] = 1;
         $this->reverseEngineersBlueprintIDsByRaceID[(int) $row['raceID']][] = $row['resultBpID'];
         $this->reverseEngineerProbability = (double) $row['probability'];
         $this->decryptorGroupID = (int) $row['decryptorGroupID'];
         $this->reverseEngineerOutputRuns = (int) $row['quantity'];
     //get the mapping for skills to datacore or interface
     $res = $sde->query("SELECT COALESCE(valueInt, valueFloat) as skillID, it.groupID\n            FROM dgmTypeAttributes as dta\n            JOIN invTypes as it ON it.typeID = dta.typeID\n            WHERE dta.attributeID = 182\n            AND groupID IN (333, 716)\n            AND COALESCE(valueInt, valueFloat) IN (" . implode(', ', array_keys($this->getSkillMapForActivity(ProcessData::ACTIVITY_REVERSE_ENGINEERING)->getSkills())) . ");");
     $this->datacoreSkillIDs = array();
     while ($row = $res->fetch_assoc()) {
         if ($row['groupID'] == 333) {
             $this->datacoreSkillIDs[] = $row['skillID'];
         } elseif ($row['groupID'] == 716) {
             $this->encryptionSkillID = $row['skillID'];
コード例 #7
  * Buy some buyable products
  * @param Vendable $product
  * @param int $qte
  * @param int $discount
  * @return Cart
 public function buy(Sellable $product, $qte, $discount = 0)
     $discount = abs((int) $discount);
     if ($discount > 100) {
         $discount = 100;
     $this->getStorage()->set($product->getName(), $qte * ($product->getPrice() - $product->getPrice() * $discount / 100));
     return $this;