
$I = new SeleniumTester($scenario);
$I->am('a guest');
$I->wantTo('see cookie exist and be redirect to paper if input correct password');
$I->fillField('#password', '123456');

$I = new SeleniumTester($scenario);
$I->am('a guest');
$I->wantTo('content will be updated if having correct cookie');
$I->fillField('#password', '123456');
$I->fillField('#content', 'Some demo text that will make all the way to database');
$I->seeInDatabase('manhgiays', ['slug' => 'password', 'content' => 'Some demo text that will make all the way to database']);
コード例 #3

$I = new SeleniumTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('perform actions and see result');
$I->see('Hello World!');
$I->fillField('username', 'hamza');

$I = new SeleniumTester($scenario);
$I->am('a guest');
$I->wantTo('be redirected to login page if input wrong password');
$I->fillField('#password', 'thewrongpassword');