/** * Special case when field is native to the pages table * * TODO not all operators will work here, so may want to add some translation or filtering * * @param DatabaseQuerySelect $query * @param Selector $selector * @param array $fields * @throws PageFinderSyntaxException * */ protected function getQueryNativeField(DatabaseQuerySelect $query, $selector, $fields) { $value = $selector->value; $values = is_array($value) ? $value : array($value); $SQL = ''; $database = $this->wire('database'); foreach ($fields as $field) { // the following fields are defined in each iteration here because they may be modified in the loop $table = "pages"; $operator = $selector->operator; $subfield = ''; $IDs = array(); // populated in special cases where we can just match parent IDs $sql = ''; if (strpos($field, '.')) { list($field, $subfield) = explode('.', $field); } if (!$this->wire('fields')->isNative($field)) { $subfield = $field; $field = 'children'; } if ($field == 'child') { $field = 'children'; } if (in_array($field, array('parent', 'parent_id', 'children'))) { if (strpos($field, 'parent') === 0 && (!$subfield || in_array($subfield, array('id', 'path', 'url')))) { // match by location (id or path) // convert parent fields like '/about/company/history' to the equivalent ID foreach ($values as $k => $v) { if (ctype_digit("{$v}")) { continue; } $v = $this->wire('sanitizer')->pagePathName($v); if (strpos($v, '/') === false) { $v = "/{$v}"; } // prevent a plain string with no slashes // convert path to id $parent = $this->wire('pages')->get($v); if (!$parent instanceof NullPage) { $values[$k] = $parent->id; } else { $values[$k] = null; } } $field = 'parent_id'; if (count($values) == 1 && $selector->getOperator() === '=') { $this->parent_id = reset($values); } } else { // matching by a parent's native or custom field (subfield) if (!$this->wire('fields')->isNative($subfield)) { $finder = new PageFinder(); $s = $field == 'children' ? '' : 'children.count>0, '; $IDs = $finder->findIDs(new Selectors("include=all, {$s}{$subfield}{$operator}" . implode('|', $values))); if (!count($IDs)) { $IDs[] = -1; } // forced non match } else { // native static $n = 0; if ($field == 'children') { $table = "_children_native" . ++$n; $query->join("pages AS {$table} ON {$table}.parent_id=pages.id"); } else { $table = "_parent_native" . ++$n; $query->join("pages AS {$table} ON pages.parent_id={$table}.id"); } $field = $subfield; } } } if (count($IDs)) { // parentIDs are IDs found via another query, and we don't need to match anything other than the parent ID $in = $selector->not ? "NOT IN" : "IN"; $sql .= in_array($field, array('parent', 'parent_id')) ? "{$table}.parent_id " : "{$table}.id "; $sql .= "{$in}(" . implode(',', $IDs) . ")"; } else { foreach ($values as $value) { if (is_null($value)) { // an invalid/unknown walue was specified, so make sure it fails $sql .= "1>2"; continue; } if (in_array($field, array('templates_id', 'template'))) { // convert templates specified as a name to the numeric template ID // allows selectors like 'template=my_template_name' $field = 'templates_id'; if (count($values) == 1 && $selector->getOperator() === '=') { $this->templates_id = reset($values); } if (!ctype_digit("{$value}")) { $value = ($template = $this->fuel('templates')->get($value)) ? $template->id : 0; } } if (in_array($field, array('created', 'modified'))) { // prepare value for created or modified date fields if (!ctype_digit($value)) { $value = strtotime($value); } $value = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $value); } if (in_array($field, array('id', 'parent_id', 'templates_id'))) { $value = (int) $value; } $isName = $field === 'name' || strpos($field, 'name') === 0; if ($isName && $operator == '~=') { // handle one or more space-separated full words match to 'name' field in any order $s = ''; foreach (explode(' ', $value) as $word) { $word = $database->escapeStr($this->wire('sanitizer')->pageName($word)); $s .= ($s ? ' AND ' : '') . "{$table}.{$field} RLIKE '" . '[[:<:]]' . $word . '[[:>:]]' . "'"; } } else { if ($isName && in_array($operator, array('%=', '^=', '$=', '%^=', '%$=', '*='))) { // handle partial match to 'name' field $value = $database->escapeStr($this->wire('sanitizer')->pageName($value)); if ($operator == '^=' || $operator == '%^=') { $value = "{$value}%"; } else { if ($operator == '$=' || $operator == '%$=') { $value = "%{$value}"; } else { $value = "%{$value}%"; } } $s = "{$table}.{$field} LIKE '{$value}'"; } else { if (!$database->isOperator($operator)) { throw new PageFinderSyntaxException("Operator '{$operator}' is not supported for '{$field}'."); } else { if ($isName) { $value = $this->wire('sanitizer')->pageName($value); } $value = $database->escapeStr($value); $s = "{$table}." . $field . $operator . (ctype_digit("{$value}") && $field != 'name' ? (int) $value : "'{$value}'"); } } } if ($selector->not) { $s = "NOT ({$s})"; } if ($operator == '!=' || $selector->not) { $sql .= $sql ? " AND {$s}" : "{$s}"; } else { $sql .= $sql ? " OR {$s}" : "{$s}"; } } } if ($sql) { if ($SQL) { $SQL .= " OR ({$sql})"; } else { $SQL .= "({$sql})"; } } } if (count($fields) > 1) { $SQL = "({$SQL})"; } $query->where($SQL); //$this->nativeWheres[] = $SQL; }