コード例 #1
  * Create an array of mapping objects from a query result.
  * @param object SelectQueryResultInterface
  * @return array
  * @access private
  * @since 3/9/05
 function _createMappingsFromResult(SelectQueryResultInterface $result)
     $mappings = array();
     $types = array();
     $idManager = Services::getService('Id');
     $authNMethodManager = Services::getService('AuthNMethods');
     while ($row = $result->getCurrentRow()) {
         $typeString = $row['domain'] . "::" . $row['authority'] . "::" . $row['keyword'] . "::" . $row['description'];
         if (!isset($types[$typeString])) {
             $types[$typeString] = new Type($row['domain'], $row['authority'], $row['keyword'], $row['description']);
         try {
             $authNMethod = $authNMethodManager->getAuthNMethodForType($types[$typeString]);
             $mappings[] = new AgentTokenMapping($types[$typeString], $idManager->getId($row['agent_id']), $authNMethod->createTokensForIdentifier($row['token_identifier']));
         } catch (UnknownTypeException $e) {
             // If an authn type is no longer enabled, just skip it.
     return $mappings;
コード例 #2
  * Answer an array of authorization objects from a query result.
  * @param object SelectQueryResultInterface $result
  * @param string $aId The string id of an agent.
  * @param string $qId The string id of a qualifier. This parameter can not be null
  * and used as a wildmark.
  * @param boolean $returnExplicitOnly If True, only explicit Authorizations
  *		will be returned.
  * @return array
  * @access protected
  * @since 4/23/08
 protected function getAuthorizationsFromQueryResult(SelectQueryResultInterface $result, $aId, $qId, $returnExplicitOnly)
     $idManager = Services::getService("Id");
     $dbHandler = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
     // this array will store the authorizations that will be returned
     $authorizations = array();
     // we only want to create one implicitAZ for a given Agent/Function/Qualifier
     // combo, so maintain a list of already created ones to skip
     $createdImplicitAZs = array();
     $i = 0;
     // process all rows and create the explicit authorizations
     while ($result->hasMoreRows()) {
         $row = $result->getCurrentRow();
         // 			printpre($row);
         if (isset($row['fk_explicit_az'])) {
             $idValue = 'implicit_' . $row['id'];
             $isExplicit = false;
         } else {
             $idValue = $row['id'];
             $isExplicit = true;
         $id = $idManager->getId($idValue);
         if (isset($this->_authorizations[$idValue])) {
             $authorization = $this->_authorizations[$idValue];
         } else {
             $agentId = $idManager->getId($row['aid']);
             $functionId = $idManager->getId($row['fid']);
             $explicitQualifierId = $idManager->getId($row['qid']);
             $effectiveDate = $dbHandler->fromDBDate($row['eff_date'], $this->_dbIndex);
             $expirationDate = $dbHandler->fromDBDate($row['exp_date'], $this->_dbIndex);
             // create the explicit authorization (each explicit authorization
             // has a corresponding row in the authorization db table)
             $authorization = new AuthZ2_Authorization($row['id'], $agentId, $functionId, $explicitQualifierId, $isExplicit, $this, $effectiveDate, $expirationDate);
             $this->_authorizations[$idValue] = $authorization;
         // Explicit AZ for groups should have corresponding implicit AZs
         // in decendents, but not appear in their AZs directly.
         // Therefore, only add the explicit AZ if it is for the requested
         // agent if we are fetching more than just the explicitAZs.
         if (!$aId || $row['aid'] == $aId) {
             $authorizations[] = $authorization;
         // now create the implicit authorizations for those caused by group membership
         // (where the aid specified is not the one in the explicit AZ.
         // We are going to take the small cop-out of not creating implicit AZs
         // for every agent who is a member of a group az, only those if an agent
         // is specified. Maybe this should be changed, but it wasn't how the
         // system used to work.
         if (!$returnExplicitOnly && $aId && $row['aid'] != $aId) {
             // 				printpre("Building Implicit AZs...\n\t\$aId = $aId");
             // 				var_dump($returnExplicitOnly);
             // This is implicit because of a group
             // 					printpre("In first clause (AuthorizationCache)");
             $qualifierId = $idManager->getId($qId);
             // If we are getting implicit AZs for a given agent, make sure
             // that the implicit AZ has their Id.
             $agentId = $idManager->getId($aId);
             $function = $authorization->getFunction();
             $functionId = $function->getId();
             $effectiveDate = $authorization->getEffectiveDate();
             $expirationDate = $authorization->getExpirationDate();
             $implicit = new AuthZ2_Authorization(null, $agentId, $functionId, $qualifierId, false, $this, $effectiveDate, $expirationDate);
             // If the AZ causing this implicit AZ is an explicitAZ, set a reference
             // to it.
             if ($isExplicit) {
             } else {
             $azHash = $agentId->getIdString() . "::" . $functionId->getIdString() . "::" . $qualifierId->getIdString();
             if (!in_array($azHash, $createdImplicitAZs)) {
                 $authorizations[] = $implicit;
                 $createdImplicitAZs[] = $azHash;
     return $authorizations;