public function createAction() { $this->view->layout()->disableLayout(); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(true); $parent_node_id = $this->_getParam('parent_node_id'); $child_master_value = $this->_getParam('node_title'); $arrNode = explode("_", $parent_node_id); $parent_master_code = $arrNode[0]; $parent_master_id = $arrNode[1]; $model = new Security_Model_SystemMaster(); if ($parent_master_code == "noderoot") { // create group $child_master_code = "fdUserGroup"; } else { if ($parent_master_code == "fdUserGroup") { //create sub group $child_master_code = "fdUserSubGroup"; $map_code = "fdGroupSubGroupMap"; } else { if ($parent_master_code == "fdUserSubGroup") { //create new role $child_master_code = "fdUserRole"; $map_code = "fdSubGroupRoleMap"; } } } $model->setMasterCode($child_master_code); $model->setMasterValue($child_master_value); $node_id = $model->save(); if ($parent_master_code !== "noderoot") { //mapping start $objMapping = new Security_Model_SystemMapping(); $objMapping->setMapId1($parent_master_id); $objMapping->setMapId2($node_id); $objMapping->setMapCode($map_code); if (true === $objMapping->save()) { $result = Zend_Json::encode(array("status" => true, "node_id" => $child_master_code . "_" . $node_id)); } else { $result = Zend_Json::encode(array("status" => false)); } } else { if ($node_id) { $result = Zend_Json::encode(array("status" => true, "node_id" => $child_master_code . "_" . $node_id)); } else { $result = Zend_Json::encode(array("status" => false)); } } echo $result; }
public function editBookmarkAction() { $this->view->layout()->disableLayout(); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(true); $request = $this->getRequest(); $usersNs = new Zend_Session_Namespace("members"); $mapCode = "fdUserBookmark"; $mapId1 = $usersNs->userId; if ($request->isPost()) { $model1 = new Security_Model_SystemMapping(); $rows = $model1->fetchAll("map_code='{$mapCode}' and map_id1='{$mapId1}'"); $model1->delete("map_code='{$mapCode}' and map_id1='{$mapId1}'"); // $model2=new Security_Model_SystemMapping(); // $model2->delete("map_code='{$mapCode}' and map_id1='{$mapId1}'"); foreach ($rows as $_row) { $mapID2 = $_row->getMapId2(); if (!empty($mapID2)) { $ordC = "order" . $mapID2; $orderval = $_POST[$ordC]; if (empty($orderval)) { $orderval = 1; } else { $orderval = (int) $orderval; } $model1->setMapId1($mapId1); //user id $model1->setMapId2($mapID2); //master id $model1->setMapId3($orderval); //order value $model1->setMapCode($mapCode); //map code $model1->save(); //echo $_row->getMapId2()."----".$orderval; //echo "<br>"; } } $this->_flashMessenger->addMessage(array('success' => 'Bookmark order updated successfully!')); $this->_helper->_redirector->gotoUrl($this->view->seoUrl('/admin/bookmark/index')); } }
public function addBookMarkAction() { $this->view->layout()->disableLayout(); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(true); $menu_id = $this->_getParam('id'); $limit = Zend_Registry::get('bookMark_limit'); $usersNs = new Zend_Session_Namespace("members"); $user_id = $usersNs->userId; $security = new Base_Security_Menu(); $bookmarkAdd = $security->isBookMarked($menu_id); $model = new Security_Model_SystemMapping(); if ($bookmarkAdd == false) { $count = $model->getCount("map_code='fdUserBookmark' and map_id1='{$user_id}'"); if ($count >= $limit) { $arrResult = array("result" => 1); //if more than 15 } else { $mapCode = "fdUserBookmark"; $model->setMapCode($mapCode); $model->setMapId1($user_id); $model->setMapId2($menu_id); $model->save(); $arrResult = array("result" => 2); //added into bookmark } } else { if ($bookmarkAdd == true) { $arrResult = array("result" => 3); //All ready added into bookmark } else { $arrResult = array("result" => 4); //// Problem in Parameter } } echo Zend_Json::encode($arrResult); }
public function createAction() { $this->view->layout()->disableLayout(); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(true); $parent_node_id = $this->_getParam('parent_node_id'); //print_r ($parent_node_id); $child_master_value = $this->_getParam('node_title'); $arrNode = explode("_", $parent_node_id); $parent_master_code = $arrNode[0]; $parent_master_id = $arrNode[1]; $model = new Security_Model_SystemMaster(); $entry_in_master_tbl = 'Yes'; if ($parent_master_code == "noderoot") { // create group $child_master_code = "fdAnimal"; $where = "master_value = '{$child_master_value}'"; $already_exists_validation = $model->fetchRow($where); if ($already_exists_validation) { return 0; } } else { if ($parent_master_code == "fdAnimal") { //create sub group $parent_master_id = $arrNode[1]; $child_master_code = "fdAnimalType"; $map_code = "fdAnimalAnimalTypeAnimalColorMap"; $where = "master_value = '{$child_master_value}'"; $already_exists_validation = $model->fetchRow($where); if ($already_exists_validation) { $entry_in_master_tbl = 'No'; } } else { if ($parent_master_code == "fdAnimalType") { //create new role $parent_master_id = $arrNode[2]; $child_master_id = $arrNode[1]; $child_master_code = "fdAnimalColor"; $map_code = "fdAnimalAnimalTypeAnimalColorMap"; $where = "master_value = '{$child_master_value}'"; $already_exists_validation = $model->fetchRow($where); if ($already_exists_validation) { $entry_in_master_tbl = 'No'; } } } } echo $entry_in_master_tbl; if ($entry_in_master_tbl == 'Yes') { $model->setMasterCode($child_master_code); $model->setMasterValue($child_master_value); $node_id = $model->save(); } else { if ($entry_in_master_tbl == 'No') { $node_id = $already_exists_validation->masterId; } } //echo $node_id ; if ($parent_master_code !== "noderoot") { //mapping start $objMapping = new Security_Model_SystemMapping(); $objMapping->setMapId1($parent_master_id); if ($child_master_id) { $objMapping->setMapId2($child_master_id); $objMapping->setMapId3($node_id); $objMapping->setMapCode($map_code); //$objMapping->UpdateMapId3_MapId2($map_code,$parent_master_id,$child_master_id,$node_id); $objMapping->save(); $result = Zend_Json::encode(array("status" => true, "node_id" => $child_master_code . "_" . $node_id)); } else { $objMapping->setMapId2($node_id); $objMapping->setMapCode($map_code); if (true === $objMapping->save()) { $result = Zend_Json::encode(array("status" => true, "node_id" => $child_master_code . "_" . $node_id)); } else { $result = Zend_Json::encode(array("status" => false)); } } } else { if ($node_id) { $result = Zend_Json::encode(array("status" => true, "node_id" => $child_master_code . "_" . $node_id)); } else { $result = Zend_Json::encode(array("status" => false)); } } return $result; }