コード例 #1
ファイル: roles.php プロジェクト: anqh/core
  * Action: edit
 public function action_edit()
     $this->history = false;
     // Load role
     $role_id = (int) $this->request->param('id', 0);
     if ($role_id) {
         $role = Model_Role::factory($role_id);
         if (!$role->loaded()) {
             throw new Model_Exception($role, $role_id);
         Permission::required($role, Model_Role::PERMISSION_UPDATE, self::$user);
     } else {
         $role = Model_Role::factory();
         Permission::required($role, Model_Role::PERMISSION_CREATE, self::$user);
     // Handle post
     $errors = array();
     if ($_POST) {
         $role->name = Arr::get($_POST, 'name');
         $role->description = Arr::get($_POST, 'description');
         try {
         } catch (Validation_Exception $e) {
             $errors = $e->array->errors('validate');
     // Set title
     $this->view = View_Page::factory(__('Role') . ($role->name ? ': ' . $role->name : ''));
     // Set actions
     if ($role->loaded() && Permission::has($role, Model_Role::PERMISSION_DELETE, self::$user)) {
         $this->page_actions[] = array('link' => Route::model($role, 'delete') . '?token=' . Security::csrf(), 'text' => '<i class="icon-trash icon-white"></i> ' . __('Delete role'), 'class' => 'btn btn-danger role-delete');
     $this->view->add(View_Page::COLUMN_MAIN, $this->section_role($role, $errors));
コード例 #2
ファイル: day.php プロジェクト: anqh/anqh
  * Get favorites.
  * @return  array
 public function actions()
     // Clickable favorites
     if (Permission::has($this->event, Model_Event::PERMISSION_FAVORITE)) {
         if ($this->event->is_favorite(Visitor::$user)) {
             // Favorite event, click to unfavorite
             return array(HTML::anchor(Route::model($this->event, 'unfavorite') . '?token=' . Security::csrf(), $this->event->favorite_count . ' <i class="fa fa-heart"></i>', array('title' => __('Remove favorite'), 'class' => 'ajaxify btn btn-xs btn-lovely')));
         } else {
             // Non-favorite event, click to favorite
             if ($this->event->favorite_count > 1) {
                 return array(HTML::anchor(Route::model($this->event, 'favorite') . '?token=' . Security::csrf(), $this->event->favorite_count . ' <i class="fa fa-heart"></i>', array('title' => __('Add to favorites'), 'class' => 'ajaxify btn btn-xs btn-default')));
             } else {
                 return array(HTML::anchor(Route::model($this->event, 'favorite') . '?token=' . Security::csrf(), '<i class="fa fa-heart"></i>', array('title' => __('Add to favorites'), 'class' => 'ajaxify btn btn-xs btn-default text-muted')));
     return $this->event->favorite_count ? array('<span class="btn btn-xs btn-default disabled"><i class="fa fa-heart"></i> ' . $this->event->favorite_count . '</span>') : null;
コード例 #3
ファイル: friend.php プロジェクト: anqh/anqh
     * Render view.
     * @return  string
    public function render()

<li class="media">
	<div class="pull-left">
        echo HTML::avatar($this->user['avatar'], $this->user['username']);
	<div class="media-body">

        if (Visitor::$user && !Visitor::$user->is_friend($this->user)) {
            echo HTML::anchor(URL::user($this->user, 'friend') . '?token=' . Security::csrf(), '<i class="fa fa-heart"></i> ' . __('Add to friends'), array('class' => 'ajaxify btn btn-lovely btn-sm pull-right', 'data-ajaxify-target' => 'li.media'));

        echo HTML::user($this->user);
<br />
        if ($this->common) {
            echo __(':friends mutual friends', array(':friends' => $this->common));
</small><br />


        return ob_get_clean();
コード例 #4
ファイル: ignores.php プロジェクト: anqh/anqh
     * Render view.
     * @return  string
    public function content()
        $ignores = array();
        foreach ($this->user->find_ignores() as $ignore_id) {
            $ignore = Model_User::find_user_light($ignore_id);
            $ignores[$ignores['username']] = $ignore;
        ksort($ignores, SORT_LOCALE_STRING);

<ul class="media-list">
        foreach ($ignores as $ignore) {

	<li class="media">
		<div class="pull-left">
            echo HTML::avatar($ignore['avatar'], $ignore['username']);
		<div class="media-body">
            echo HTML::user($ignore);
<br />
            echo HTML::anchor(URL::user($ignore, 'unignore') . '?token=' . Security::csrf(), '<i class="fa fa-ban"></i> ' . __('Unignore'), array('class' => 'btn btn-default btn-sm ignore-delete'));


        return ob_get_clean();
コード例 #5
ファイル: ignores.php プロジェクト: anqh/core
     * Render view.
     * @return  string
    public function content()
        $ignores = array();
        foreach ($this->user->find_ignores() as $ignore_id) {
            $ignore = Model_User::find_user_light($ignore_id);
            $ignores[$ignores['username']] = $ignore;
        ksort($ignores, SORT_LOCALE_STRING);

<ul class="unstyled">
        foreach ($ignores as $ignore) {

	<li class="row-fluid">
            echo HTML::avatar($ignore['avatar'], $ignore['username']);
            echo HTML::user($ignore);
<br />
            echo HTML::anchor(URL::user($ignore, 'unignore') . '?token=' . Security::csrf(), '<i class="icon-ban-circle icon-white"></i> ' . __('Unignore'), array('class' => 'btn btn-inverse btn-small ignore-delete'));


        return ob_get_clean();
コード例 #6
ファイル: music.php プロジェクト: anqh/anqh
  * Edit track.
  * @param   integer  $track_id
  * @throws  Model_Exception
 protected function _edit_track($track_id = null)
     $this->history = false;
     if ($track_id) {
         // Editing old
         $track = new Model_Music_Track($track_id);
         if (!$track->loaded()) {
             throw new Model_Exception($track, $track_id);
         Permission::required($track, Model_Music_Track::PERMISSION_UPDATE);
         $cancel = Route::model($track);
         $this->view = new View_Page(HTML::chars($track->name));
         // Set actions
         if (Permission::has($track, Model_Music_Track::PERMISSION_DELETE)) {
             $this->view->actions[] = array('link' => Route::model($track, 'delete') . '?token=' . Security::csrf(), 'text' => '<i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i> ' . __('Delete'), 'class' => 'btn-danger music-delete');
     } else {
         // Creating new
         $track = new Model_Music_Track();
         Permission::required($track, Model_Music_Track::PERMISSION_CREATE);
         $cancel = Request::back(Route::url('charts'), true);
         $newsfeed = true;
         $this->view = new View_Page($this->request->param('music') === 'mixtape' ? __('New mixtape') : __('New track'));
         $track->author_id = Visitor::$user->id;
         $track->type = $this->request->param('music') === 'mixtape' ? Model_Music_Track::TYPE_MIX : Model_Music_Track::TYPE_TRACK;
         $track->created = time();
     // Handle post
     $errors = array();
     if ($_POST && Security::csrf_valid()) {
         try {
             $track->set_fields(Arr::intersect($_POST, Model_Music_Track::$editable_fields));
             // Set tags
             $track->set_tags(Arr::get($_POST, 'tag'));
             // Newsfeed
             if (isset($newsfeed) && $newsfeed) {
                 NewsfeedItem_Music::track(Visitor::$user, $track);
                 // Create forum topic
                 if ($track->add_forum_topic()) {
         } catch (Validation_Exception $e) {
             $errors = $e->array->errors('validation');
     // Form
     $section = $this->section_track_edit($track);
     $section->cancel = $cancel;
     $section->errors = $errors;
     $this->view->add(View_Page::COLUMN_TOP, $section);
コード例 #7
ファイル: blog.php プロジェクト: anqh/anqh
  * Get comments section.
  * @param   Model_Blog_Entry  $blog_entry
  * @param   string            $route
  * @return  View_Generic_Comments
 public function section_comments(Model_Blog_Entry $blog_entry, $route = 'blog_comment')
     $section = new View_Generic_Comments($blog_entry->comments(Visitor::$user));
     $section->delete = Route::url($route, array('id' => '%d', 'commentaction' => 'delete')) . '?token=' . Security::csrf();
     $section->private = Route::url($route, array('id' => '%d', 'commentaction' => 'private')) . '?token=' . Security::csrf();
     return $section;
コード例 #8
ファイル: carousel.php プロジェクト: anqh/core
     * Render view.
     * @return  string
    public function content()
        // Load images
        $images = $this->user->images();
        // Legacy support
        if (!count($images) && $this->user->picture) {
            echo HTML::image($this->user->picture);
        if (count($images)) {
            // Check for actions
            if (Permission::has($this->user, Model_User::PERMISSION_UPDATE, self::$_user)) {
                $action_uri = URL::user($this->user, 'image');
            // Check for missing default image
            $active_id = $this->user->default_image_id;
            if (!$active_id) {
                $image = $images->current();
                $active_id = $image->id;

	<div class="carousel-inner">

            foreach ($images as $image) {

		<div class="item<?php 
                echo $image->id == $active_id ? ' active' : '';

                echo HTML::image($image->get_url());

                if (isset($action_uri)) {

			<div class="btn-group">
                    if ($image->id == $this->user->default_image_id) {
                        echo HTML::anchor('#', '<i class="icon-home"></i> ' . __('Set as default'), array('class' => 'btn btn-mini image-change disabled'));
                    } else {
                        echo HTML::anchor($action_uri . '?token=' . Security::csrf() . '&default=' . $image->id, '<i class="icon-home"></i> ' . __('Set as default'), array('class' => 'btn btn-mini image-change'));
                    echo HTML::anchor($action_uri . '?token=' . Security::csrf() . '&delete=' . $image->id, '<i class="icon-trash"></i> ' . __('Delete'), array('class' => 'btn btn-mini image-delete'));





<a class="carousel-control left" href="#<?php 
            echo $this->id;
" data-slide="prev">&lsaquo;</a>
<a class="carousel-control right" href="#<?php 
            echo $this->id;
" data-slide="next">&rsaquo;</a>

        return ob_get_clean();
コード例 #9
ファイル: post.php プロジェクト: anqh/forum
     * Render view.
     * @return  string
    public function content()

<div class="pull-left">

        if ($this->author) {
            echo HTML::avatar($this->author->avatar, $this->author->username);

            echo __('Posts: :posts', array(':posts' => '<var>' . Num::format($this->author->post_count, 0) . '</var>'));
        } else {
            echo HTML::avatar(false);



<div class="arrow"></div>

<div class="media-body">
        echo $this->forum_post->id == $this->forum_topic->last_post_id ? ' id="last"' : '';
		<small class="ago">
        echo HTML::anchor(Route::url($this->private ? 'forum_private_post' : 'forum_post', array('id' => Route::model_id($this->forum_post), 'topic_id' => Route::model_id($this->forum_topic))) . '#post-' . $this->forum_post->id, '#' . $this->nth, array('title' => __('Permalink')));


        if (Permission::has($this->forum_post, Model_Forum_Post::PERMISSION_UPDATE, self::$_user)) {
            echo HTML::anchor(Route::url($this->private ? 'forum_private_post' : 'forum_post', array('id' => Route::model_id($this->forum_post), 'topic_id' => Route::model_id($this->forum_topic), 'action' => 'edit')), __('Edit'), array('class' => 'post-edit')) . ' &bull; ';

        if (Permission::has($this->forum_post, Model_Forum_Post::PERMISSION_DELETE, self::$_user)) {
            echo HTML::anchor(Route::url($this->private ? 'forum_private_post' : 'forum_post', array('id' => Route::model_id($this->forum_post), 'topic_id' => Route::model_id($this->forum_topic), 'action' => 'delete')) . '?token=' . Security::csrf(), __('Delete'), array('class' => 'post-delete')) . ' &bull; ';

        if (Permission::has($this->forum_topic, Model_Forum_Topic::PERMISSION_POST, self::$_user)) {
            echo HTML::anchor(Route::url($this->private ? 'forum_private_post' : 'forum_post', array('id' => Route::model_id($this->forum_post), 'topic_id' => Route::model_id($this->forum_topic), 'action' => 'quote')), __('Reply'), array('class' => 'post-quote')) . ' &bull; ';

        echo HTML::time(Date::short_span($this->forum_post->created, true, true), $this->forum_post->created);

        if ($this->author) {
            echo HTML::user($this->author->light_array());
            if ($this->author->title) {
                echo ' <small>&ldquo;' . HTML::chars($this->author->title) . '&rdquo;</small>';
        } else {
            echo $this->forum_post->author_name;
            echo ' <small>&ldquo;' . __('Guest') . '&rdquo;</small>';

        if ($this->forum_post->parent_id) {
            echo __('Replying to :parent', array(':parent' => HTML::anchor(Route::url($this->private ? 'forum_private_post' : 'forum_post', array('topic_id' => Route::model_id($this->forum_topic), 'id' => $this->forum_post->parent_id)) . '#post-' . $this->forum_post->parent_id, HTML::chars($this->forum_post->parent()->topic()->name))));

        echo BB::factory($this->forum_post->post)->render();

        echo $this->author && $this->author->signature ? BB::factory("\n--\n" . $this->author->signature)->render() : '';

        if ($this->forum_post->modify_count > 0) {
            echo '<br /><br />' . __('Edited :ago', array(':ago' => HTML::time(Date::fuzzy_span($this->forum_post->modified), $this->forum_post->modified)));

        return ob_get_clean();
コード例 #10
ファイル: form.php プロジェクト: anqh/core
  * Creates CSRF token input.
  * @param   string  $id      e.g. uid
  * @param   string  $action  optional action
  * @return  string
 public static function csrf($id = '', $action = '')
     return Form::hidden('token', Security::csrf($id, $action));
コード例 #11
ファイル: events.php プロジェクト: anqh/events
  * Get side image.
  * @param   Model_Event  $event
  * @return  View_Generic_SideImage
 protected function section_event_image(Model_Event $event)
     // Display front flyer by default
     if ($image = $event->flyer_front()) {
         $flyer = Model_Flyer::factory()->find_by_image($image->id);
         $link = Route::model($flyer);
     } else {
         if ($image = $event->flyer_back()) {
             $flyer = Model_Flyer::factory()->find_by_image($image->id);
             $link = Route::model($flyer);
         } else {
             if (count($flyers = $event->flyers())) {
                 $flyer = $flyers[0];
                 $image = $flyer->image();
                 $link = Route::model($flyer);
             } else {
                 $image = null;
                 $link = null;
     if (Permission::has($event, Model_User::PERMISSION_UPDATE, self::$user)) {
         $uri = Route::model($event, 'image');
         $actions = array();
         $actions[] = HTML::anchor($uri, '<i class="icon-plus-sign icon-white"></i> ' . __('Add flyer'), array('class' => 'btn btn-small btn-primary image-add ajaxify'));
         if ($image) {
             $actions[] = HTML::anchor($uri . '?token=' . Security::csrf() . '&front=' . $image->id, __('As front'), array('class' => 'btn btn-small btn-inverse image-change' . ($event->flyer_front_image_id == $image->id ? ' disabled' : ''), 'data-change' => 'front'));
             $actions[] = HTML::anchor($uri . '?token=' . Security::csrf() . '&back=' . $image->id, __('As back'), array('class' => 'btn btn-small btn-inverse image-change' . ($event->flyer_back_image_id == $image->id ? ' disabled' : ''), 'data-change' => 'back'));
             $actions[] = HTML::anchor($uri . '?token=' . Security::csrf() . '&delete=' . $image->id, '<i class="icon-trash"></i> ' . __('Delete'), array('class' => 'btn btn-small btn-inverse image-delete'));
     } else {
         $actions = null;
     $section = new View_Generic_SideImage($image, $link);
     $section->actions = $actions;
     return $section;
コード例 #12
ファイル: day.php プロジェクト: anqh/events
  * Render favorites.
  * @return  string
 public function favorites()
     // Clickable favorites
     if (Permission::has($this->event, Model_Event::PERMISSION_FAVORITE, self::$_user)) {
         if ($this->event->is_favorite(self::$_user)) {
             // Favorite event, click to unfavorite
             return HTML::anchor(Route::model($this->event, 'unfavorite') . '?token=' . Security::csrf(), '<i class="icon-heart icon-white"></i> ' . $this->event->favorite_count, array('title' => __('Remove favorite'), 'class' => 'ajaxify btn btn-small btn-lovely active'));
         } else {
             // Non-favorite event, click to favorite
             if ($this->event->favorite_count) {
                 return HTML::anchor(Route::model($this->event, 'favorite') . '?token=' . Security::csrf(), '<i class="icon-heart icon-white"></i> ' . $this->event->favorite_count, array('title' => __('Add to favorites'), 'class' => 'ajaxify btn btn-small btn-inverse active'));
             } else {
                 return HTML::anchor(Route::model($this->event, 'favorite') . '?token=' . Security::csrf(), '<i class="icon-heart"></i>', array('title' => __('Add to favorites'), 'class' => 'ajaxify btn btn-small btn-inverse active'));
     return $this->event->favorite_count ? '<span class="btn btn-small btn-inverse disabled"><i class="icon-heart icon-white"></i> ' . $this->event->favorite_count . '</a>' : '';
コード例 #13
ファイル: galleries.php プロジェクト: anqh/galleries
  * Get image comments section.
  * @param   Model_Image  $image
  * @param   string       $route
  * @return  View_Generic_Comments
 public function section_image_comments(Model_Image $image, $route = 'gallery_image_comment')
     $section = new View_Generic_Comments($image->comments(self::$user));
     $section->delete = Route::url($route, array('id' => '%d', 'commentaction' => 'delete')) . '?token=' . Security::csrf();
     $section->private = false;
     return $section;
コード例 #14
ファイル: security.php プロジェクト: anqh/anqh
  * Get CSRF token as a query string.
  * @param   string   $id      Custom token id, e.g. uid
  * @param   string   $action  Optional action
  * @param   integer  $time    Used only internally
  * @return  string
 public static function csrf_query($id = '', $action = '', $time = 0)
     return 'token=' . Security::csrf($id, $action, $time);
コード例 #15
ファイル: user.php プロジェクト: netbiel/core
  * Get image mod
  * @param   Model_User  $user
  * @return  View_Module
 protected function _get_mod_image(Model_User $user)
     if ($user->default_image->id) {
         $image = $user->default_image;
     } else {
         if (Validate::url($user->picture)) {
             $image = $user->picture;
         } else {
             $image = null;
     return View_Module::factory('generic/side_image', array('mod_actions2' => Permission::has($user, Model_User::PERMISSION_UPDATE, self::$user) ? array(array('link' => URL::user($user, 'image') . '?token=' . Security::csrf() . '&delete', 'text' => __('Delete'), 'class' => 'image-delete disabled'), array('link' => URL::user($user, 'image') . '?token=' . Security::csrf() . '&default', 'text' => __('Set as default'), 'class' => 'image-default disabled'), array('link' => URL::user($user, 'image'), 'text' => __('Add image'), 'class' => 'image-add ajaxify')) : null, 'image' => $image));
コード例 #16
ファイル: post.php プロジェクト: anqh/anqh
     * Render view.
     * @return  string
    public function content()
        $bbcode = BB::factory();
        if ($this->my) {
            $panel_class = 'panel-success';
        } elseif ($this->owner) {
            $panel_class = 'panel-info';
        } else {
            $panel_class = 'panel-default';

<div class="pull-left">

        if ($this->author) {
            echo HTML::avatar($this->author->avatar_url, $this->author->username);

            echo __('Posts: :posts', array(':posts' => '<var>' . Num::format($this->author->post_count, 0) . '</var>'));
        } else {
            echo HTML::avatar(false);



<div class="media-body panel <?php 
        echo $panel_class;
	<header class="panel-heading"<?php 
        echo $this->forum_post->id == $this->forum_topic->last_post_id ? ' id="last"' : '';
		<small class="pull-right">
        echo HTML::anchor(Route::url($this->private ? 'forum_private_post' : 'forum_post', array('id' => Route::model_id($this->forum_post), 'topic_id' => Route::model_id($this->forum_topic))) . '#post-' . $this->forum_post->id, '#' . $this->nth, array('title' => __('Permalink')));


        if (Permission::has($this->forum_post, Model_Forum_Post::PERMISSION_UPDATE)) {
            echo HTML::anchor(Route::url($this->private ? 'forum_private_post' : 'forum_post', array('id' => Route::model_id($this->forum_post), 'topic_id' => Route::model_id($this->forum_topic), 'action' => 'edit')), __('Edit'), array('class' => 'post-edit'));

        if (Permission::has($this->forum_post, Model_Forum_Post::PERMISSION_DELETE)) {
            echo HTML::anchor(Route::url($this->private ? 'forum_private_post' : 'forum_post', array('id' => Route::model_id($this->forum_post), 'topic_id' => Route::model_id($this->forum_topic), 'action' => 'delete')) . '?token=' . Security::csrf(), __('Delete'), array('class' => 'post-delete'));

        if (Permission::has($this->forum_topic, Model_Forum_Topic::PERMISSION_POST)) {
            echo HTML::anchor(Route::url($this->private ? 'forum_private_post' : 'forum_post', array('id' => Route::model_id($this->forum_post), 'topic_id' => Route::model_id($this->forum_topic), 'action' => 'quote')), __('Reply'), array('class' => 'post-quote'));


        echo HTML::time(Date::short_span($this->forum_post->created, true, true), $this->forum_post->created);

        if ($this->forum_post->modify_count > 0) {
			<span title="<?php 
            echo __($this->forum_post->modify_count == 1 ? ':edits edit, :ago' : ':edits edits, last :ago', array(':edits' => $this->forum_post->modify_count, ':ago' => Date::fuzzy_span($this->forum_post->modified)));
            echo __('Edited');


        if ($this->author) {
            echo HTML::user($this->author->light_array());
            if ($this->author->title) {
                echo ' <small>' . HTML::chars($this->author->title) . '</small>';
        } else {
            echo $this->forum_post->author_name;
            echo ' <small>' . __('Guest') . '</small>';

	<div class="panel-body">

        if ($this->forum_post->parent_id) {
            echo '<p class="text-muted">' . __('Replying to :parent', array(':parent' => HTML::anchor(Route::url($this->private ? 'forum_private_post' : 'forum_post', array('topic_id' => Route::model_id($this->forum_topic), 'id' => $this->forum_post->parent_id)) . '#post-' . $this->forum_post->parent_id, HTML::chars($this->forum_post->parent()->topic()->name)))) . ':</p>';

        echo $bbcode->render($this->forum_post->post);

        if ($this->forum_post->attachment) {
            $attachment = 'images/liitteet/' . $this->forum_post->attachment;
            if (file_exists($attachment)) {
                echo HTML::image($attachment);


        if ($this->author && $this->author->signature) {
	<footer class="panel-body">
            echo $this->author && $this->author->signature ? $bbcode->render("\n--\n" . $this->author->signature, true) : '';

        return ob_get_clean();
コード例 #17
ファイル: carousel.php プロジェクト: anqh/anqh
     * Render view.
     * @return  string
    public function content()
        // Load images
        $flyers = $this->event->flyers();
        if ((!count($flyers) || !$flyers->current()->image()) && $this->event->flyer_front_url) {
            // Legacy support
            $flyer_url = ($flyer = $flyers->current()) ? $flyer->image_url() : $this->event->flyer_front_url;
            echo HTML::image($flyer_url, ['class' => 'img-responsive']);
        } elseif (count($flyers)) {
            // Check for actions
            if (Permission::has($this->event, Model_Event::PERMISSION_UPDATE)) {
                $action_uri = Route::model($this->event, 'flyer');
            // Check for missing default image
            $active_id = $this->event->flyer_id;
            if (!$active_id) {
                $active_id = $flyers->current()->id;
            $slide = 0;

<div class="carousel">

            if (count($flyers) > 1) {
	<ol class="carousel-indicators">

                foreach ($flyers as $flyer) {
		<li data-target="#<?php 
                    echo $this->id;
" data-slide-to="<?php 
                    echo $slide++;
                    echo $flyer->id == $active_id ? ' class="active"' : '';


	<div class="carousel-inner">

            foreach ($flyers as $flyer) {
                if ($flyer->image()) {

		<div class="item<?php 
                    echo $flyer->id == $active_id ? ' active' : '';

                    echo HTML::anchor(Route::model($flyer), HTML::image($flyer->image()->get_url(), ['class' => 'img-responsive']));

                    if (isset($action_uri)) {

			<div class="actions">
                        if ($flyer->id == $this->event->flyer_id) {
                            echo HTML::anchor('#', '<i class="fa fa-picture-o"></i> ' . __('Set as default'), array('class' => 'btn btn-default btn-xs image-change disabled'));
                        } else {
                            echo HTML::anchor($action_uri . '?token=' . Security::csrf() . '&default=' . $flyer->id, '<i class="fa fa-picture-o"></i> ' . __('Set as default'), array('class' => 'btn btn-default btn-xs image-change'));
                        echo HTML::anchor($action_uri . '?token=' . Security::csrf() . '&delete=' . $flyer->id, '<i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i> ' . __('Delete'), array('class' => 'btn btn-default btn-xs image-delete'));





            if (count($flyers) > 1) {
	<a class="carousel-control left" href="#<?php 
                echo $this->id;
" data-slide="prev"><i class="fa fa-chevron-left icon-prev"></i></a>
	<a class="carousel-control right" href="#<?php 
                echo $this->id;
" data-slide="next"><i class="fa fa-chevron-right icon-next"></i></a>


        } elseif (Permission::has($this->event, Model_Event::PERMISSION_UPDATE)) {
            // Add new flyer
            echo HTML::anchor(Route::model($this->event, 'flyer'), '<i class="fa fa-picture-o"></i> ' . __('Upload flyer'), array('class' => 'empty ajaxify'));
        return ob_get_clean();
コード例 #18
ファイル: events.php プロジェクト: anqh/anqh
  * Edit event
  * @param  integer  $event_id
 protected function _edit_event($event_id = null)
     $this->history = false;
     if ($event_id) {
         // Editing old
         $event = Model_Event::factory($event_id);
         if (!$event->loaded()) {
             throw new Model_Exception($event, $event_id);
         Permission::required($event, Model_Event::PERMISSION_UPDATE);
         $cancel = Request::back(Route::model($event), true);
         $this->view = View_Page::factory(HTML::chars($event->name));
         // Set actions
         if (Permission::has($event, Model_Event::PERMISSION_DELETE)) {
             $this->view->actions[] = array('link' => Route::model($event, 'delete') . '?token=' . Security::csrf(), 'text' => '<i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i> ' . __('Delete event'), 'class' => 'btn-danger event-delete');
         $edit = true;
         $event->modified = time();
     } else {
         // Creating new
         $event = new Model_Event();
         Permission::required($event, Model_Event::PERMISSION_CREATE);
         $cancel = Request::back(Route::get('events')->uri(), true);
         $this->view = View_Page::factory(__('New event'));
         $event->author_id = Visitor::$user->id;
         $event->created = time();
         $edit = false;
     // Handle post
     if ($_POST && Security::csrf_valid()) {
         $preview = isset($_POST['preview']);
         // Handle venue
         if ($venue_hidden = Arr::get($_POST, 'venue_hidden')) {
             // Hidden events require only city
         } else {
             if ($venue_id = (int) Arr::get_once($_POST, 'venue_id')) {
                 // Old venue
                 $venue = Model_Venue::factory($venue_id);
             } else {
                 if ($venue_name = Arr::get($_POST, 'venue_name')) {
                     // Check for duplicate venue
                     $venues = Model_Venue::factory()->find_by_name($venue_name);
                     if ($venues->count()) {
                         $city_name = strtolower(Arr::get($_POST, 'city_name'));
                         foreach ($venues as $venue_old) {
                             if (strtolower($venue_old->city_name) == $city_name) {
                                 $venue = $venue_old;
         $post = Arr::intersect($_POST, Model_Event::$editable_fields);
         if (isset($post['stamp_begin']['date']) && isset($post['stamp_end']['time']) && !isset($post['stamp_end']['date'])) {
             $post['stamp_end']['date'] = $post['stamp_begin']['date'];
         if (Arr::get($_POST, 'free')) {
             $event->price = 0;
         // Venue/location
         $event->venue_hidden = (bool) $venue_hidden;
         if ($venue_hidden) {
             // Hidden events don't have a venue
             $event->venue_id = null;
             $event->venue_name = null;
         } else {
             if (isset($venue)) {
                 // Venue loaded
                 $event->venue_id = $venue->id;
                 $event->city_name = $venue->city_name;
             } else {
                 if (!empty($venue_name)) {
                     // Create new venue
                     $venue = Model_Venue::factory();
                     $venue->name = Arr::get($_POST, 'venue_name');
                     $venue->address = Arr::get($_POST, 'address');
                     $venue->latitude = Arr::get($_POST, 'latitude');
                     $venue->longitude = Arr::get($_POST, 'longitude');
                     $venue->foursquare_id = Arr::get($_POST, 'foursquare_id');
                     $venue->event_host = true;
                     $venue->author_id = Visitor::$user->id;
                     $venue->city_name = $event->city_name;
                     if (!$preview) {
                         try {
                             $event->venue_id = $venue->id;
                         } catch (Validation_Exception $venue_validation) {
         // Validate event
         try {
         } catch (Validation_Exception $event_validation) {
         // Handle preview request
         if ($preview) {
             if ($this->ajax) {
                 $preview = '<p>' . self::_event_subtitle($event) . '</p>';
                 $preview .= '<div id="main" class="col-md-8">';
                 $preview .= $this->section_event_main($event);
                 $preview .= '<hr></div>';
         // Flyer
         if ($flyer_url = Arr::get($_POST, 'flyer')) {
             $event->flyer_url = $flyer_url;
             $image = new Model_Image();
             $image->remote = $flyer_url;
             $image->created = time();
             $image->author_id = Visitor::$user->id;
             try {
                 try {
                     $flyer = new Model_Flyer();
                     $flyer->set_fields(array('image_id' => $image->id, 'name' => $event->name, 'stamp_begin' => $event->stamp_begin));
                 } catch (Validation_Exception $flyer_validation) {
                     $flyer_error = print_r($flyer_validation->array->errors('validation'), true);
             } catch (Validation_Exception $image_validation) {
                 $flyer_error = print_r($image_validation->array->errors('validation'), true);
             } catch (Kohana_Exception $e) {
                 $flyer_error = $e->getMessage();
         // If no errors found, save
         if (!isset($venue_validation) && !isset($event_validation) && !isset($flyer_error)) {
             // Make sure end time is after start time, i.e. the next day
             if ($event->stamp_end < $event->stamp_begin) {
                 $event->stamp_end += Date::DAY;
             // Handle flyer
             if (isset($image) && isset($flyer) && $flyer->loaded()) {
                 $flyer->event_id = $event->id;
             // Set tags
             $event->set_tags(Arr::get($_POST, 'tag'));
             if ($edit) {
                 // Don't flood edits right after save
                 if (time() - $event->created > 60 * 30) {
                     NewsfeedItem_Events::event_edit(Visitor::$user, $event);
             } else {
                 NewsfeedItem_Events::event(Visitor::$user, $event);
                 // Add to favorites
                 // Create forum topic
                 if ($event->add_forum_topic()) {
     // Remove orphan flyer on all errors
     if (isset($flyer)) {
     } else {
         if (isset($image)) {
     // Tags
     $tags = array();
     $tag_group = new Model_Tag_Group('Music');
     if ($tag_group->loaded() && count($tag_group->tags())) {
         foreach ($tag_group->tags() as $tag) {
             $tags[$tag->id()] = $tag->name();
     // Form
     $section = $this->section_event_edit($event);
     $section->event_errors = isset($event_validation) ? $event_validation->array->errors('validation') : null;
     $section->flyer_error = isset($flyer_error) ? $flyer_error : null;
     $section->venue = isset($venue) ? $venue : $event->venue;
     $section->venue_errors = isset($venue_validation) ? $venue_validation->array->errors('validation') : null;
     $section->cancel = $cancel;
     $this->view->add(View_Page::COLUMN_TOP, $section);
コード例 #19
ファイル: user.php プロジェクト: anqh/core
  * Get comments section.
  * @param   Model_User   $user
  * @param   string       $route
  * @return  View_Generic_Comments
 public function section_comments(Model_User $user, $route = 'user_comment')
     // Pagination
     $per_page = 25;
     $pagination = new View_Generic_Pagination(array('base_url' => URL::user($user), 'items_per_page' => $per_page, 'total_items' => max(1, count($user->comments(self::$user, null)))));
     $section = new View_Generic_Comments($user->comments(self::$user, $pagination));
     $section->delete = Route::url($route, array('id' => '%d', 'commentaction' => 'delete')) . '?token=' . Security::csrf();
     $section->private = Route::url($route, array('id' => '%d', 'commentaction' => 'private')) . '?token=' . Security::csrf();
     $section->new_comments = self::$user && self::$user->id === $user->id ? $user->new_comment_count : null;
     $section->pagination = $pagination;
     return $section;
コード例 #20
ファイル: post.php プロジェクト: anqh/forum

				<nav class="actions">
echo HTML::anchor(Route::get($private ? 'forum_private_post' : 'forum_post')->uri(array('id' => Route::model_id($post), 'topic_id' => Route::model_id($topic))) . '#post-' . $post->id, '#' . $number, array('title' => __('Permalink')));

if (Permission::has($post, Model_Forum_Post::PERMISSION_UPDATE, $user)) {
    echo HTML::anchor(Route::get($private ? 'forum_private_post' : 'forum_post')->uri(array('id' => Route::model_id($post), 'topic_id' => Route::model_id($topic), 'action' => 'edit')), __('Edit'), array('class' => 'action post-edit small'));

if (Permission::has($post, Model_Forum_Post::PERMISSION_DELETE, $user)) {
    echo HTML::anchor(Route::get($private ? 'forum_private_post' : 'forum_post')->uri(array('id' => Route::model_id($post), 'topic_id' => Route::model_id($topic), 'action' => 'delete')) . '?token=' . Security::csrf(), __('Delete'), array('class' => 'action post-delete small'));

if (Permission::has($topic, Model_Forum_Topic::PERMISSION_POST, $user)) {
    echo HTML::anchor(Route::get($private ? 'forum_private_post' : 'forum_post')->uri(array('id' => Route::model_id($post), 'topic_id' => Route::model_id($topic), 'action' => 'quote')), __('Quote'), array('class' => 'action post-quote small'));

if ($post->parent_id) {
    echo __('Replying to :parent', array(':parent' => HTML::anchor(Route::get($private ? 'forum_private_post' : 'forum_post')->uri(array('topic_id' => Route::model_id($topic), 'id' => $post->parent_id)) . '#post-' . $post->parent_id, HTML::chars($post->parent()->topic()->name))));
コード例 #21
ファイル: carousel.php プロジェクト: anqh/events
     * Render view.
     * @return  string
    public function content()
        // Load images
        $flyers = $this->event->flyers();
        if (!count($flyers) && $this->event->flyer_front_url) {
            // Legacy support
            echo HTML::image($this->event->flyer_front_url, array('width' => 290));
        } elseif (count($flyers)) {
            // Check for actions
            if (Permission::has($this->event, Model_Event::PERMISSION_UPDATE, self::$_user)) {
                $action_uri = Route::model($this->event, 'image');
            // Check for missing default image
            $active_id = $this->event->flyer_front_image_id;
            if (!$active_id) {
                $active_id = $flyers->current()->image_id;

	<div class="carousel-inner">

            foreach ($flyers as $flyer) {

		<div class="item<?php 
                echo $flyer->image_id == $active_id ? ' active' : '';

                echo HTML::image($flyer->image()->get_url(), array('width' => 290));

                if (isset($action_uri)) {

			<div class="btn-group">
                    if ($flyer->image_id == $this->event->flyer_front_image_id) {
                        echo HTML::anchor('#', __('As front'), array('class' => 'btn btn-mini image-change disabled'));
                        echo HTML::anchor($action_uri . '?token=' . Security::csrf() . '&back=' . $flyer->image_id, __('As back'), array('class' => 'btn btn-mini image-change'));
                    } elseif ($flyer->image_id == $this->event->flyer_back_image_id) {
                        echo HTML::anchor($action_uri . '?token=' . Security::csrf() . '&front=' . $flyer->image_id, __('As front'), array('class' => 'btn btn-mini image-change'));
                        echo HTML::anchor('#', __('As back'), array('class' => 'btn btn-mini image-change disabled'));
                    } else {
                        echo HTML::anchor($action_uri . '?token=' . Security::csrf() . '&front=' . $flyer->image_id, __('As front'), array('class' => 'btn btn-mini image-change'));
                        echo HTML::anchor($action_uri . '?token=' . Security::csrf() . '&back=' . $flyer->image_id, __('As back'), array('class' => 'btn btn-mini image-change'));
                    echo HTML::anchor($action_uri . '?token=' . Security::csrf() . '&delete=' . $flyer->image_id, '<i class="icon-trash"></i> ' . __('Delete'), array('class' => 'btn btn-mini image-delete'));





            if (count($flyers) > 1) {
<a class="carousel-control left" href="#<?php 
                echo $this->id;
" data-slide="prev">&lsaquo;</a>
<a class="carousel-control right" href="#<?php 
                echo $this->id;
" data-slide="next">&rsaquo;</a>

        } elseif (Permission::has($this->event, Model_Event::PERMISSION_UPDATE, self::$_user)) {
            // Add new flyer
            echo HTML::anchor(Route::model($this->event, 'image'), '<i class="icon-picture icon-white"></i> ' . __('Add flyer'), array('class' => 'empty ajaxify'));
        return ob_get_clean();
コード例 #22
ファイル: carousel.php プロジェクト: anqh/anqh
     * Render view.
     * @return  string
    public function content()
        // Load images
        $images = $this->user->images();
        // Is Facebook image set
        $facebook = !!strpos($this->user->picture, 'facebook.com');
        // Legacy support
        if ($this->user->picture && !count($images) && !$facebook) {
            echo HTML::image($this->user->picture);
        if (count($images) || $facebook) {
            $count = count($images);
            if ($facebook) {
            // Check for actions
            if (Permission::has($this->user, Model_User::PERMISSION_UPDATE)) {
                $action_uri = URL::user($this->user, 'image');
            // Check for missing default image
            $active_id = $this->user->default_image_id;
            if (!$active_id && !$facebook) {
                $image = $images->current();
                $active_id = $image->id;
            $slide = 0;

<div class="carousel">

            if ($count > 1) {
	<ol class="carousel-indicators">

                if ($facebook) {
		<li data-target="#facebook" data-slide-to="<?php 
                    echo $slide++;
" class="active"></li>

                foreach ($images as $image) {
		<li data-target="#<?php 
                    echo $this->id;
" data-slide-to="<?php 
                    echo $slide++;
                    echo $image->id == $active_id ? ' class="active"' : '';


	<div class="carousel-inner">

            if ($facebook) {
		<div class="item active">

                echo HTML::image($this->user->picture);

                if (isset($action_uri)) {
			<div class="actions">
                    echo HTML::anchor($action_uri . '?token=' . Security::csrf() . '&delete=facebook', '<i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i> ' . __('Delete'), array('class' => 'btn btn-xs btn-default image-delete'));


            foreach ($images as $image) {

		<div class="item<?php 
                echo $image->id == $active_id ? ' active' : '';

                echo HTML::image($image->get_url());

                if (isset($action_uri)) {

			<div class="actions">
                    if ($image->id == $this->user->default_image_id) {
                        echo HTML::anchor('#', '<i class="fa fa-home"></i> ' . __('Set as default'), array('class' => 'btn btn-xs btn-default image-change disabled'));
                    } else {
                        echo HTML::anchor($action_uri . '?token=' . Security::csrf() . '&default=' . $image->id, '<i class="fa fa-user"></i> ' . __('Set as default'), array('class' => 'btn btn-xs btn-default image-change'));
                    echo HTML::anchor($action_uri . '?token=' . Security::csrf() . '&delete=' . $image->id, '<i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i> ' . __('Delete'), array('class' => 'btn btn-xs btn-default image-delete'));





            if ($count > 1) {
	<a class="carousel-control left" href="#<?php 
                echo $this->id;
" data-slide="prev"><i class="fa fa-chevron-left icon-prev"></i></a>
	<a class="carousel-control right" href="#<?php 
                echo $this->id;
" data-slide="next"><i class="fa fa-chevron-right icon-next"></i></a>



        // Image search
        echo HTML::anchor(Route::url('galleries', array('action' => 'search')) . '?user='******'<i class="fa fa-search"></i> ' . __('Search from galleries'), array('class' => 'btn btn-default btn-block'));
        return ob_get_clean();