value="<?php echo $words; ?> " /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo gettext("Search fields:"); ?> </td> <td> <?php echo '<ul class="searchchecklist">' . "\n"; $selected_fields = array(); $engine = new SearchEngine(); $available_fields = $engine->allowedSearchFields(); foreach ($available_fields as $key => $value) { if ($value & $fields) { $selected_fields[$key] = $value; } } generateUnorderedListFromArray($selected_fields, $available_fields, '_SEARCH_', false, true, true); echo '</ul>'; ?> </td> </tr> </table> <input type="submit" value="<?php
echo gettext("A reminder hint for the password."); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td><?php echo gettext("Search behavior settings:"); ?> </td> <?php $engine = new SearchEngine(); $fields = $engine->getSearchFieldList(); $set_fields = $engine->allowedSearchFields(); $fields = array_diff($fields, $set_fields); ?> <script> $(function() { $("#resizable").resizable({ maxWidth: 350, minWidth: 350, minHeight: 120, resize: function(event, ui) { $('#searchchecklist').height($('#resizable').height()); } }); });</script> <td> <?php echo gettext('Fields list:');
/** * Prints the search form * * Search works on a list of tokens entered into the search form. * * Tokens may be part of boolean expressions using &, |, !, and parens. (Comma is retained as a synonom of | for * backwords compatibility.) * * Tokens may be enclosed in quotation marks to create exact pattern matches or to include the boolean operators and * parens as part of the tag.. * * @param string $prevtext text to go before the search form * @param string $id css id for the search form, default is 'search' * @param string $buttonSource optional path to the image for the button or if not a path to an image, * this will be the button hint * @param string $buttontext optional text for the button ("Search" will be the default text) * @param string $iconsource optional theme based icon for the search fields toggle * @param array $query_fields override selection for enabled fields with this list * @param array $objects_list optional array of things to search eg. [albums]=>[list], etc. * if the list is simply 0, the objects will be omitted from the search * @param string $within set to true to search within current results, false to search fresh * @since 1.1.3 */ function printSearchForm($prevtext = NULL, $id = 'search', $buttonSource = NULL, $buttontext = '', $iconsource = NULL, $query_fields = NULL, $object_list = NULL, $within = NULL) { global $_zp_adminJS_loaded, $_zp_current_search; $engine = new SearchEngine(); if (!is_null($_zp_current_search) && !$_zp_current_search->getSearchWords()) { $engine->clearSearchWords(); } if (!is_null($object_list)) { if (array_key_exists(0, $object_list)) { // handle old form albums list trigger_error(gettext('printSearchForm $album_list parameter is deprecated. Pass array("albums"=>array(album, album, ...)) instead.'), E_USER_NOTICE); $object_list = array('albums' => $object_list); } } if (empty($buttontext)) { $buttontext = gettext("Search"); } $zf = WEBPATH . "/" . ZENFOLDER; $searchwords = $engine->codifySearchString(); if (substr($searchwords, -1, 1) == ',') { $searchwords = substr($searchwords, 0, -1); } if (empty($searchwords)) { $within = false; $hint = '%s'; } else { $hint = gettext('%s within previous results'); } if (preg_match('!\\/(.*)[\\.png|\\.jpg|\\.jpeg|\\.gif]$!', $buttonSource)) { $buttonSource = 'src="' . $buttonSource . '" alt="' . $buttontext . '"'; $button = 'title="' . sprintf($hint, $buttontext) . '"'; $type = 'image'; } else { $type = 'submit'; if ($buttonSource) { $button = 'value="' . $buttontext . '" title="' . sprintf($hint, $buttonSource) . '"'; $buttonSource = ''; } else { $button = 'value="' . $buttontext . '" title="' . sprintf($hint, $buttontext) . '"'; } } if (empty($iconsource)) { $iconsource = WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/images/searchfields_icon.png'; } if (is_null($within)) { $within = getOption('search_within'); } if (MOD_REWRITE) { $searchurl = SEO_WEBPATH . '/' . _SEARCH_ . '/'; } else { $searchurl = WEBPATH . "/index.php?p=search"; } if (!$within) { $engine->clearSearchWords(); } $fields = $engine->allowedSearchFields(); if (!$_zp_adminJS_loaded) { $_zp_adminJS_loaded = true; ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?> /js/admin.js"></script> <?php } ?> <div id="<?php echo $id; ?> "> <!-- search form --> <form method="post" action="<?php echo $searchurl; ?> " id="search_form"> <script type="text/javascript"> // <!-- <![CDATA[ var within = <?php echo (int) $within; ?> ; function search_(way) { within = way; if (way) { $('#search_submit').attr('title', '<?php echo sprintf($hint, $buttontext); ?> '); } else { lastsearch = ''; $('#search_submit').attr('title', '<?php echo $buttontext; ?> '); } $('#search_input').val(''); } $('#search_form').submit(function() { if (within) { var newsearch = $.trim($('#search_input').val()); if (newsearch.substring(newsearch.length - 1) == ',') { newsearch = newsearch.substr(0, newsearch.length - 1); } if (newsearch.length > 0) { $('#search_input').val('(<?php echo $searchwords; ?> ) AND (' + newsearch + ')'); } else { $('#search_input').val('<?php echo $searchwords; ?> '); } } return true; }); $(document).ready(function() { $( $("#checkall_searchfields") ).on( "click", function() { $("#searchextrashow :checkbox").prop("checked", $("#checkall_searchfields").prop("checked") ); }); }); // ]]> --> </script> <?php echo $prevtext; ?> <div> <span class="tagSuggestContainer"> <input type="text" name="words" value="" id="search_input" size="10" /> </span> <?php if (count($fields) > 1 || $searchwords) { ?> <a href="javascript:toggle('searchextrashow');" ><img src="<?php echo $iconsource; ?> " title="<?php echo gettext('search options'); ?> " alt="<?php echo gettext('fields'); ?> " id="searchfields_icon" /></a> <?php } ?> <input type="<?php echo $type; ?> " <?php echo $button; ?> class="button buttons" id="search_submit" <?php echo $buttonSource; ?> data-role="none" /> <?php if (is_array($object_list)) { foreach ($object_list as $key => $list) { ?> <input type="hidden" name="in<?php echo $key; ?> " value="<?php if (is_array($list)) { echo html_encode(implode(',', $list)); } else { echo html_encode($list); } ?> " /> <?php } } ?> <br /> <?php if (count($fields) > 1 || $searchwords) { $fields = array_flip($fields); natcasesort($fields); $fields = array_flip($fields); if (is_null($query_fields)) { $query_fields = $engine->parseQueryFields(); } else { if (!is_array($query_fields)) { $query_fields = $engine->numericFields($query_fields); } } if (count($query_fields) == 0) { $query_fields = $engine->allowedSearchFields(); } ?> <div style="display:none;" id="searchextrashow"> <?php if ($searchwords) { ?> <label> <input type="radio" name="search_within" id="search_within-1" value="1"<?php if ($within) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } ?> onclick="search_(1);" /> <?php echo gettext('Within'); ?> </label> <label> <input type="radio" name="search_within" id="search_within-0" value="1"<?php if (!$within) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } ?> onclick="search_(0);" /> <?php echo gettext('New'); ?> </label> <?php } if (count($fields) > 1) { ?> <ul> <li><label><input type="checkbox" name="checkall_searchfields" id="checkall_searchfields" checked="checked">* <?php echo gettext('Check/uncheck all'); ?> *</label></li> <?php foreach ($fields as $display => $key) { echo '<li><label><input id="SEARCH_' . $key . '" name="SEARCH_' . $key . '" type="checkbox"'; if (in_array($key, $query_fields)) { echo ' checked="checked" '; } echo ' value="' . $key . '" /> ' . $display . "</label></li>" . "\n"; } ?> </ul> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </form> </div><!-- end of search form --> <?php }
/** * Prints the search form * * Search works on a list of tokens entered into the search form. * * Tokens may be part of boolean expressions using &, |, !, and parens. (Comma is retained as a synonom of | for * backwords compatibility.) * * Tokens may be enclosed in quotation marks to create exact pattern matches or to include the boolean operators and * parens as part of the tag.. * * @param string $prevtext text to go before the search form * @param string $id css id for the search form, default is 'search' * @param string $buttonSource optional path to the image for the button or if not a path to an image, * this will be the button hint * @param string $buttontext optional text for the button ("Search" will be the default text) * @param string $iconsource optional theme based icon for the search fields toggle * @param array $query_fields override selection for enabled fields with this list * @param array $objects_list optional array of things to search eg. [albums]=>[list], etc. * if the list is simply 0, the objects will be omitted from the search * @param string $within set to true to search within current results, false to search fresh * @since 1.1.3 */ function printSearchForm($prevtext = NULL, $id = 'search', $buttonSource = NULL, $buttontext = '', $iconsource = NULL, $query_fields = NULL, $object_list = NULL, $within = NULL) { global $_zp_adminJS_loaded, $_zp_current_search, $_zp_current_album; $engine = new SearchEngine(); if (!is_null($_zp_current_search) && !$_zp_current_search->getSearchWords()) { $engine->clearSearchWords(); } if (empty($buttontext)) { $buttontext = gettext("Search"); } $zf = WEBPATH . "/" . ZENFOLDER; $searchwords = $engine->codifySearchString(); if (substr($searchwords, -1, 1) == ',') { $searchwords = substr($searchwords, 0, -1); } if (empty($searchwords)) { $within = false; $hint = '%s'; } else { $hint = gettext('%s within previous results'); } if (preg_match('!\\/(.*)[\\.png|\\.jpg|\\.jpeg|\\.gif]$!', $buttonSource)) { $buttonSource = 'src="' . $buttonSource . '" alt="' . $buttontext . '"'; $button = 'title="' . sprintf($hint, $buttontext) . '"'; $type = 'image'; } else { $type = 'submit'; if ($buttonSource) { $button = 'value="' . $buttontext . '" title="' . sprintf($hint, $buttonSource) . '"'; $buttonSource = ''; } else { $button = 'value="' . $buttontext . '" title="' . sprintf($hint, $buttontext) . '"'; } } if (empty($iconsource)) { $iconsource = WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/images/searchfields_icon.png'; } if (is_null($within)) { $within = getOption('search_within'); } if (MOD_REWRITE) { $searchurl = SEO_WEBPATH . '/' . _SEARCH_ . '/'; } else { $searchurl = WEBPATH . "/index.php?p=search"; } if (!$within) { $engine->clearSearchWords(); } $fields = $engine->allowedSearchFields(); if (!$_zp_adminJS_loaded) { $_zp_adminJS_loaded = true; ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?> /js/admin.js"></script> <?php } ?> <div id="<?php echo $id; ?> "> <!-- search form --> <script type="text/javascript"> // <!-- <![CDATA[ var within = <?php echo (int) $within; ?> ; function search_(way) { within = way; if (way) { $('#search_submit').attr('title', '<?php echo sprintf($hint, $buttontext); ?> '); } else { lastsearch = ''; $('#search_submit').attr('title', '<?php echo $buttontext; ?> '); } $('#search_input').val(''); } $('#search_form').submit(function () { if (within) { var newsearch = $.trim($('#search_input').val()); if (newsearch.substring(newsearch.length - 1) == ',') { newsearch = newsearch.substr(0, newsearch.length - 1); } if (newsearch.length > 0) { $('#search_input').val('(<?php echo $searchwords; ?> ) AND (' + newsearch + ')'); } else { $('#search_input').val('<?php echo $searchwords; ?> '); } } return true; }); function search_all() { //search all is Copyright 2014 by Stephen L Billard for use in {@link ZenPhoto20}. All rights reserved var check = $('#SEARCH_checkall').prop('checked'); $('.SEARCH_checkall').prop('checked', check); } // ]]> --> </script> <form method="post" action="<?php echo $searchurl; ?> " id="search_form"> <?php echo $prevtext; ?> <div> <span class="tagSuggestContainer"> <input type="text" name="words" value="" id="search_input" size="10" /> </span> <?php if (count($fields) > 1 || $searchwords) { ?> <a onclick="toggle('searchextrashow');" ><img src="<?php echo $iconsource; ?> " title="<?php echo gettext('search options'); ?> " alt="<?php echo gettext('fields'); ?> " id="searchfields_icon" /></a> <?php } ?> <input type="<?php echo $type; ?> " <?php echo $button; ?> class="button buttons" id="search_submit" <?php echo $buttonSource; ?> data-role="none" /> <?php if (is_array($object_list)) { foreach ($object_list as $key => $list) { if (is_array($list)) { if ($key == 'albums' && count($list) == 1 && $_zp_current_album && $_zp_current_album->name == end($list)) { // special case for current album, search its offspring $list = array_merge($list, $_zp_current_album->getOffspring()); } $list = implode(',', $list); } ?> <input type="hidden" name="in<?php echo $key; ?> " value="<?php echo html_encode($list); ?> " /> <?php } } ?> <br /> <?php if (count($fields) > 1 || $searchwords) { if (is_null($query_fields)) { $query_fields = $engine->parseQueryFields(); } else { if (!is_array($query_fields)) { $query_fields = $engine->numericFields($query_fields); } } if (count($query_fields) == 0) { $query_fields = $engine->allowedSearchFields(); } ?> <div style="display:none;" id="searchextrashow"> <?php if ($searchwords) { ?> <label> <input type="radio" name="search_within" id="search_within-1" value="1"<?php if ($within) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } ?> onclick="search_(1);" /> <?php echo gettext('Within'); ?> </label> <label> <input type="radio" name="search_within" id="search_within-0" value="1"<?php if (!$within) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } ?> onclick="search_(0);" /> <?php echo gettext('New'); ?> </label> <?php } if (count($fields) > 1) { ?> <ul> <?php echo gettext('All'); ?> <input type="checkbox" id="SEARCH_checkall" checked="checked" onclick="search_all();" /> <?php foreach ($fields as $display => $key) { echo '<li><label><input class="SEARCH_checkall" id="SEARCH_' . $key . '" name="SEARCH_' . $key . '" type="checkbox"'; if (in_array($key, $query_fields)) { echo ' checked="checked" '; } echo ' value="' . $key . '" /> ' . trim($display, ':') . "</label></li>" . "\n"; } ?> </ul> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </form> </div><!-- end of search form --> <?php }
/** * Prints the search form * * Search works on a list of tokens entered into the search form. * * Tokens may be part of boolean expressions using &, |, !, and parens. (Comma is retained as a synonom of | for * backwords compatibility.) * * Tokens may be enclosed in quotation marks to create exact pattern matches or to include the boolean operators and * parens as part of the tag.. * * @param string $prevtext text to go before the search form * @param string $id css id for the search form, default is 'search' * @param string $buttonSource optional path to the image for the button * @param string $buttontext optional text for the button ("Search" will be the default text) * @param string $iconsource optional theme based icon for the search fields toggle * @param array $query_fields override selection for enabled fields with this list * @param array $objects_list optional array of things to search eg. [albums]=>[list], etc. * if the list is simply 0, the objects will be omitted from the search * @param string $reseticonsource optional theme based icon for reset search icon * @since 1.1.3 */ function printSearchForm($prevtext = NULL, $id = 'search', $buttonSource = NULL, $buttontext = '', $iconsource = NULL, $query_fields = NULL, $object_list = NULL, $reseticonsource = NULL) { global $_zp_adminJS_loaded; if (!is_null($object_list)) { if (array_key_exists(0, $object_list)) { // handle old form albums list trigger_error(gettext('printSearchForm $album_list parameter is deprecated. Pass array("albums"=>array(album, album, ...)) instead.'), E_USER_NOTICE); $object_list = array('albums' => $object_list); } } if (empty($buttontext)) { $buttontext = gettext("Search"); } else { $buttontext = sanitize($buttontext); } $zf = WEBPATH . "/" . ZENFOLDER; $searchwords = getSearchWords(); if (substr($searchwords, -1, 1) == ',') { $searchwords = substr($searchwords, 0, -1); } if (empty($searchwords)) { $hint = '%s'; } else { $hint = gettext('%s within previous results'); } if (empty($buttonSource)) { $type = 'submit'; $button = 'value="' . $buttontext . '" title="' . sprintf($hint, $buttontext) . '"'; } else { $buttonSource = 'src="' . $buttonSource . '" alt="' . $buttontext . '"'; $button = 'title="' . sprintf($hint, $buttontext) . '"'; $type = 'image'; } if (empty($iconsource)) { $iconsource = WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/images/searchfields_icon.png'; } if (empty($reseticonsource)) { $reseticonsource = WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/images/reset_icon.png'; } if (MOD_REWRITE) { $searchurl = '/page/search/'; } else { $searchurl = "/index.php?p=search"; } $engine = new SearchEngine(); $fields = $engine->allowedSearchFields(); if (!$_zp_adminJS_loaded) { $_zp_adminJS_loaded = true; ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?> /js/admin.js"></script> <?php } ?> <div id="<?php echo $id; ?> "><!-- search form --> <form method="post" action="<?php echo WEBPATH . $searchurl; ?> " id="search_form"> <script type="text/javascript"> // <!-- <![CDATA[ function reset_search() { lastsearch=''; $('#reset_search').hide(); $('#search_submit').attr('title', '<?php echo $buttontext; ?> '); $('#search_input').val(''); } var lastsearch = '<?php echo addslashes(html_entity_decode(addslashes($searchwords))); ?> '; var savedlastsearch = lastsearch; $('#search_form').submit(function(){ if (lastsearch) { var newsearch = $.trim($('#search_input').val()); if (newsearch.substring(newsearch.length - 1)==',') { newsearch = newsearch.substr(0,newsearch.length-1); } if (newsearch.length > 0) { $('#search_input').val('('+lastsearch+') AND ('+newsearch+')'); } else { $('#search_input').val(lastsearch); } } return true; }); // ]]> --> </script> <?php echo $prevtext; ?> <input type="text" name="words" value="" id="search_input" size="10" /> <?php if (count($fields) > 1) { ?> <a href="javascript:toggle('searchextrashow');" ><img src="<?php echo $iconsource; ?> " title="<?php echo gettext('select search fields'); ?> " alt="<?php echo gettext('fields'); ?> " id="searchfields_icon" /></a> <?php } ?> <span style="white-space:nowrap;display:<?php if ($searchwords) { echo 'inline'; } else { echo 'none'; } ?> " id="reset_search"><a href="javascript:reset_search();" title="<?php echo gettext('Clear search'); ?> "><img src="<?php echo $reseticonsource; ?> " alt="<?php echo gettext('Reset search'); ?> " /></a></span> <input type="<?php echo $type; ?> " <?php echo $button; ?> class="pushbutton" id="search_submit" <?php echo $buttonSource; ?> /> <?php if (is_array($object_list)) { foreach ($object_list as $key => $list) { ?> <input type="hidden" name="in<?php echo $key; ?> " value="<?php if (is_array($list)) { echo html_encode(implode(',', $list)); } else { echo html_encode($list); } ?> " /> <?php } } ?> <br /> <?php if (count($fields) > 1) { $fields = array_flip($fields); natcasesort($fields); $fields = array_flip($fields); if (is_null($query_fields)) { $query_fields = $engine->parseQueryFields(); } else { if (!is_array($query_fields)) { $query_fields = $engine->numericFields($query_fields); } } if (count($query_fields) == 0) { $query_fields = $engine->allowedSearchFields(); } ?> <ul style="display:none;" id="searchextrashow"> <?php foreach ($fields as $display => $key) { echo '<li><label><input id="SEARCH_' . $key . '" name="SEARCH_' . $key . '" type="checkbox"'; if (in_array($key, $query_fields)) { echo ' checked="checked" '; } echo ' value="' . $key . '" /> ' . $display . "</label></li>" . "\n"; } ?> </ul> <?php } ?> </form> </div><!-- end of search form --> <?php }
/** * Prints the search form * * Search works on a list of tokens entered into the search form. * * Tokens may be part of boolean expressions using &, |, !, and parens. (Comma is retained as a synonom of | for * backwords compatibility.) If tokens are separated by spaces, the OR function is presumed. * * Tokens may be enclosed in quotation marks to create exact pattern matches or to include the boolean operators and * parens as part of the tag.. * * @param string $prevtext text to go before the search form * @param string $id css id for the search form, default is 'search' * @param string $buttonSource optional path to the image for the button * @param string $buttontext optional text for the button ("Search" will be the default text) * @param string $iconsource optional theme based icon for the search fields toggle * @since 1.1.3 */ function printSearchForm($prevtext = NULL, $id = 'search', $buttonSource = NULL, $buttontext = '', $iconsource = NULL) { global $_zp_adminJS_loaded; if (empty($buttontext)) { $buttontext = gettext("Search"); } else { $buttontext = sanitize($buttontext); } if (checkforPassword(true)) { return; } $zf = WEBPATH . "/" . ZENFOLDER; $dataid = $id . '_data'; $searchwords = isset($_POST['words']) ? html_encode(sanitize($_REQUEST['words'], 0), false) : ''; $fields = getOption('search_fields'); if (empty($buttonSource)) { $type = 'submit'; } else { $buttonSource = 'src="' . $buttonSource . '" alt="' . $buttontext . '"'; $type = 'image'; } if (empty($iconsource)) { $iconsource = WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/images/searchfields_icon.png'; } if (getOption('mod_rewrite')) { $searchurl = '/page/search/'; } else { $searchurl = "/index.php?p=search"; } $engine = new SearchEngine(); $fields = array_flip($engine->allowedSearchFields()); if (!$_zp_adminJS_loaded) { $_zp_adminJS_loaded = true; ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?> /js/admin.js"></script> <?php } ?> <div id="search"><!-- search form --> <form method="post" action="<?php echo WEBPATH . $searchurl; ?> " id="search_form"> <?php echo $prevtext; ?> <input type="text" name="words" value="<?php echo $searchwords; ?> " id="search_input" size="10" /> <?php if (count($fields) > 1) { ?> <a href="javascript: toggle('searchextrashow');"><img src="<?php echo $iconsource; ?> " alt="<?php echo gettext('select search fields'); ?> " id="searchfields_icon" /></a> <?php } ?> <input type="<?php echo $type; ?> " value="<?php echo $buttontext; ?> " class="pushbutton" id="search_submit" <?php echo $buttonSource; ?> /> <br /> <?php if (count($fields) > 1) { natcasesort($fields); $fields = array_flip($fields); $query_fields = $engine->parseQueryFields(); ?> <ul style="display:none;" id="searchextrashow"> <?php foreach ($fields as $key => $item) { echo '<li><label for="_SEARCH_' . $item . '"><input id="_SEARCH_' . $item . '" name="_SEARCH_' . $item . '" type="checkbox"'; if ($item & $query_fields) { echo ' checked="checked" '; } echo ' value="' . $item . '" /> ' . $key . "</label></li>" . "\n"; } ?> </ul> <?php } ?> </form> </div><!-- end of search form --> <?php }
/** * * This method establishes the current set of database fields. It will add the * fields to the database if they are not already present. Fields from previous * constructor calls that are no longer in the list will be removed from the * database (along with any data associated with them.) * * @param array $newfields */ function constructor($me, $newfields) { $database = array(); foreach (getDBTables() as $table) { $tablecols = db_list_fields($table); foreach ($tablecols as $key => $datum) { $database[$table][$datum['Field']] = $datum; } } $current = $fields = $searchDefault = array(); if (extensionEnabled($me)) { //need to update the database tables. foreach ($newfields as $newfield) { $table = $newfield['table']; $name = $newfield['name']; if (!($existng = isset($database[$table][$name]))) { if (isset($newfield['searchDefault']) && $newfield['searchDefault']) { $searchDefault[] = $name; } } if (is_null($newfield['type'])) { if ($name == 'tags') { setOption('adminTagsTab', 1); } } else { switch (strtolower($newfield['type'])) { default: $dbType = strtoupper($newfield['type']); break; case 'int': $dbType = strtoupper($newfield['type']) . '(' . min(255, $newfield['size']) . ')'; if (isset($newfield['attribute'])) { $dbType .= ' ' . $newfield['attribute']; unset($newfield['attribute']); } break; case 'varchar': $dbType = strtoupper($newfield['type']) . '(' . min(255, $newfield['size']) . ')'; break; } if ($existng) { if (strtoupper($database[$table][$name]['Type']) != $dbType || empty($database[$table][$name]['Comment'])) { $cmd = ' CHANGE `' . $name . '`'; } else { $cmd = NULL; } unset($database[$table][$name]); } else { $cmd = ' ADD COLUMN'; } $sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' . prefix($newfield['table']) . $cmd . ' `' . $name . '` ' . $dbType; if (isset($newfield['attribute'])) { $sql .= ' ' . $newfield['attribute']; } if (isset($newfield['default'])) { $sql .= ' DEFAULT ' . $newfield['default']; } $sql .= " COMMENT 'optional_{$me}'"; if ((!$cmd || setupQuery($sql)) && in_array($newfield['table'], array('albums', 'images', 'news', 'news_categories', 'pages'))) { $fields[] = strtolower($newfield['name']); } $current[$newfield['table']][$newfield['name']] = $dbType; } } setOption(get_class($this) . '_addedFields', serialize($current)); if (!empty($searchDefault)) { $fieldExtenderMutex = new zpMutex('fE'); $fieldExtenderMutex->lock(); $engine = new SearchEngine(); $set_fields = $engine->allowedSearchFields(); $set_fields = array_unique(array_merge($set_fields, $searchDefault)); setOption('search_fields', implode(',', $set_fields)); $fieldExtenderMutex->unlock(); } } else { purgeOption(get_class($this) . '_addedFields'); } foreach ($database as $table => $fields) { //drop fields no longer defined foreach ($fields as $field => $orphaned) { if ($orphaned['Comment'] == "optional_{$me}") { $sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' . prefix($table) . ' DROP `' . $field . '`'; setupQuery($sql); } } } }