public function Search($param) { //echo "hello"; import('SC.Search.Search'); $searchInfo = new Search($param); $result = $searchInfo->run(); echo $result; }
/** * getLyrics * Searches and returns lyrics for a given song. * Takes the optional artist and title in parameters. */ public static function getlyrics($input) { self::check_version($input, "1.2.0"); $artist = $input['artist']; $title = $input['title']; if (!$artist && !$title) { $r = Subsonic_XML_Data::createError(Subsonic_XML_Data::SSERROR_MISSINGPARAM); } else { $search = array(); $search['limit'] = 1; $search['offset'] = 0; $search['type'] = "song"; $i = 0; if ($artist) { $search['rule_' . $i . '_input'] = $artist; $search['rule_' . $i . '_operator'] = 5; $search['rule_' . $i . ''] = "artist"; ++$i; } if ($title) { $search['rule_' . $i . '_input'] = $title; $search['rule_' . $i . '_operator'] = 5; $search['rule_' . $i . ''] = "title"; ++$i; } $query = new Search(null, 'song'); $songs = $query->run($search); $r = Subsonic_XML_Data::createSuccessResponse(); if (count($songs) > 0) { Subsonic_XML_Data::addLyrics($r, $artist, $title, $songs[0]); } } self::apiOutput($input, $r); }
{ $subs = array('contributions' => array($queryUser, "View {$queryUser}'s contributions"), 'repositories' => array($queryUser . '?tab=repositories', "View {$queryUser}'s repositories", 'repo'), 'activity' => array($queryUser . '?tab=activity', "View {$queryUser}'s public activity"), 'stars' => array('stars/' . $queryUser, "View {$queryUser}'s stars")); $prio = count($subs) + 1; foreach ($subs as $key => $sub) { Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->prefix('@', false)->title($queryUser . ' ' . $key)->subtitle($sub[1])->icon(isset($sub[2]) ? $sub[2] : $key)->arg('' . $sub[0])->prio($prio--)); } Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->prefix('@', false)->title($queryUser . ' gists')->subtitle("View {$queryUser}'s' gists")->icon('gists')->arg('' . $queryUser)->prio(1)); } private static function addMyCommands() { $myPages = array('dashboard' => array('', 'View your dashboard'), 'pulls' => array('pulls', 'View your pull requests', 'pull-request'), 'issues' => array('issues', 'View your issues', 'issue'), 'stars' => array('stars', 'View your starred repositories'), 'profile' => array(self::$user->login, 'View your public user profile', 'user'), 'settings' => array('settings', 'View or edit your account settings'), 'notifications' => array('notifications', 'View all your notifications')); foreach ($myPages as $key => $my) { Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->title('my ' . $key)->subtitle($my[1])->icon(isset($my[2]) ? $my[2] : $key)->arg('' . $my[0])->prio(1)); } Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->title('my gists')->subtitle('View your gists')->icon('gists')->arg('' . self::$user->login)->prio(1)); } private static function addSystemCommands() { $cmds = array('delete cache' => 'Delete GitHub Cache', 'logout' => 'Log out this workflow', 'update' => 'Update this Alfred workflow'); if (Workflow::getConfig('autoupdate', true)) { $cmds['deactivate autoupdate'] = 'Deactivate auto updating this Alfred Workflow'; } else { $cmds['activate autoupdate'] = 'Activate auto updating this Alfred Workflow'; } foreach ($cmds as $cmd => $desc) { Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->prefix('gh ')->title('> ' . $cmd)->subtitle($desc)->icon($cmd)->arg('> ' . str_replace(' ', '-', $cmd))); } } } print Search::run(ltrim($argv[1]));
} return; } $myPages = array('dashboard' => array('', 'View your dashboard'), 'pulls ' => array('pulls', 'View your pull requests', 'pull-request'), 'issues ' => array('issues', 'View your issues', 'issue'), 'stars' => array('stars', 'View your starred repositories'), 'profile' => array(self::$user->login, 'View your public user profile', 'user'), 'settings' => array('settings', 'View or edit your account settings'), 'notifications' => array('notifications', 'View all your notifications')); foreach ($myPages as $key => $my) { Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->title('my ' . $key)->subtitle($my[1])->icon(isset($my[2]) ? $my[2] : rtrim($key))->arg('/' . $my[0])->prio(1)); } Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->title('my gists')->subtitle('View your gists')->icon('gists')->arg(Workflow::getGistUrl() . '/' . self::$user->login)->prio(1)); } private static function addSystemCommands() { $cmds = array('delete cache' => 'Delete GitHub Cache', 'logout' => 'Log out this workflow', 'update' => 'Update this Alfred workflow'); if (Workflow::getConfig('autoupdate', true)) { $cmds['deactivate autoupdate'] = 'Deactivate auto updating this Alfred Workflow'; } else { $cmds['activate autoupdate'] = 'Activate auto updating this Alfred Workflow'; } if (self::$enterprise) { $cmds['enterprise reset'] = 'Reset the GitHub Enterprise URL'; } foreach ($cmds as $cmd => $desc) { Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->title('> ' . $cmd)->subtitle($desc)->icon($cmd)->arg('> ' . str_replace(' ', '-', $cmd))); } $cmds = array('help' => 'readme', 'changelog' => 'changelog'); foreach ($cmds as $cmd => $file) { Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->title('> ' . $cmd)->subtitle('View the ' . $file)->icon('file')->arg('' . strtoupper($file) . '.md')); } } } print Search::run($argv[1], $argv[2]);
foreach ($sres as $r) { $results[] = array('type' => T_('Missing Artists'), 'link' => AmpConfig::get('web_path') . '/artists.php?action=show_missing&mbid=' . $r['mbid'], 'label' => $r['name'], 'value' => $r['name'], 'rels' => '', 'image' => ''); $i++; if ($i >= $limit) { break; } } } if ($target == 'user' && AmpConfig::get('sociable')) { $searchreq = array('limit' => $limit, 'type' => 'user', 'rule_1_input' => $search, 'rule_1_operator' => '2', 'rule_1' => 'username'); $sres = Search::run($searchreq); // Litmit not reach, new search with another operator if (count($sres) < $limit) { $searchreq['limit'] = $limit - count($sres); $searchreq['rule_1_operator'] = '0'; $sres = array_unique(array_merge($sres, Search::run($searchreq))); } foreach ($sres as $id) { $user = new User($id); $user->format(); $avatar = $user->get_avatar(); $results[] = array('type' => T_('Users'), 'link' => '', 'label' => $user->username, 'value' => $user->username, 'rels' => '', 'image' => $avatar['url'] ?: ''); } } break; default: $results['rfc3514'] = '0x1'; break; } // switch on action; // We always do this
/** * search_songs * This searches the songs and returns... songs */ public static function search_songs($input) { $array = array(); $array['type'] = 'song'; $array['rule_1'] = 'anywhere'; $array['rule_1_input'] = $input['filter']; $array['rule_1_operator'] = 0; ob_end_clean(); XML_Data::set_offset($input['offset']); XML_Data::set_limit($input['limit']); $results = Search::run($array); echo XML_Data::songs($results); }
public static function search_childrens($name, $catalog_id = 0) { $search = array(); $search['type'] = "artist"; $search['rule_0_input'] = $name; $search['rule_0_operator'] = 4; $search['rule_0'] = "name"; if ($catalog_id > 0) { $search['rule_1_input'] = $catalog_id; $search['rule_1_operator'] = 0; $search['rule_1'] = "catalog"; } $artists = Search::run($search); $childrens = array(); foreach ($artists as $artist) { $childrens[] = array('object_type' => 'artist', 'object_id' => $artist); } return $childrens; }
/** * search2 * Get albums, artists and songs matching the given criteria. * Takes query with optional artist count, artist offset, album count, album offset, song count and song offset in parameters. */ public static function search2($input, $elementName = "searchResult2") { self::check_version($input, "1.2.0"); $query = self::check_parameter($input, 'query'); $artistCount = $input['artistCount']; $artistOffset = $input['artistOffset']; $albumCount = $input['albumCount']; $albumOffset = $input['albumOffset']; $songCount = $input['songCount']; $songOffset = $input['songOffset']; $sartist = array(); $sartist['limit'] = $artistCount; if ($artistOffset) { $sartist['offset'] = $artistOffset; } $sartist['rule_1_input'] = $query; $sartist['rule_1_operator'] = 0; $sartist['rule_1'] = "name"; $sartist['type'] = "artist"; $artists = Search::run($sartist); $salbum = array(); $salbum['limit'] = $albumCount; if ($albumOffset) { $salbum['offset'] = $albumOffset; } $salbum['rule_1_input'] = $query; $salbum['rule_1_operator'] = 0; $salbum['rule_1'] = "title"; $salbum['type'] = "album"; $albums = Search::run($salbum); $ssong = array(); $ssong['limit'] = $songCount; if ($songOffset) { $ssong['offset'] = $songOffset; } $ssong['rule_1_input'] = $query; $ssong['rule_1_operator'] = 0; $ssong['rule_1'] = "anywhere"; $ssong['type'] = "song"; $songs = Search::run($ssong); $r = Subsonic_XML_Data::createSuccessResponse(); Subsonic_XML_Data::addSearchResult($r, $artists, $albums, $songs, $elementName); self::apiOutput($input, $r); }
Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->prefix('@', false)->title($queryUser . ' ' . $key)->subtitle($sub[1])->icon(isset($sub[2]) ? $sub[2] : $key)->arg('/' . $sub[0])->prio($prio--)); } Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->prefix('@', false)->title($queryUser . ' gists')->subtitle("View {$queryUser}'s' gists")->icon('gists')->arg(Workflow::getGistUrl() . '/' . $queryUser)->prio(1)); } private static function addMyCommands() { $myPages = array('dashboard' => array('', 'View your dashboard'), 'pulls' => array('pulls', 'View your pull requests', 'pull-request'), 'issues' => array('issues', 'View your issues', 'issue'), 'stars' => array('stars', 'View your starred repositories'), 'profile' => array(self::$user->login, 'View your public user profile', 'user'), 'settings' => array('settings', 'View or edit your account settings'), 'notifications' => array('notifications', 'View all your notifications')); foreach ($myPages as $key => $my) { Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->title('my ' . $key)->subtitle($my[1])->icon(isset($my[2]) ? $my[2] : $key)->arg('/' . $my[0])->prio(1)); } Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->title('my gists')->subtitle('View your gists')->icon('gists')->arg(Workflow::getGistUrl() . '/' . self::$user->login)->prio(1)); } private static function addSystemCommands() { $cmds = array('delete cache' => 'Delete GitHub Cache', 'logout' => 'Log out this workflow', 'update' => 'Update this Alfred workflow'); if (Workflow::getConfig('autoupdate', true)) { $cmds['deactivate autoupdate'] = 'Deactivate auto updating this Alfred Workflow'; } else { $cmds['activate autoupdate'] = 'Activate auto updating this Alfred Workflow'; } if (self::$enterprise) { $cmds['enterprise reset'] = 'Reset the GitHub Enterprise URL'; } foreach ($cmds as $cmd => $desc) { Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->title('> ' . $cmd)->subtitle($desc)->icon($cmd)->arg('> ' . str_replace(' ', '-', $cmd))); } Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->title('> changelog')->subtitle('View the changelog')->icon('file')->arg('')); } } print Search::run($argv[1]);
public function search_childrens($name) { $search['type'] = "artist"; $search['rule_0_input'] = $name; $search['rule_0_operator'] = 4; $search['rule_0'] = "title"; $artists = Search::run($search); $childrens = array(); foreach ($artists as $artist) { $childrens[] = array('object_type' => 'artist', 'object_id' => $artist); } return $childrens; }
protected function get_additional_team_bio_page_info( $team ) { /* code to get testimonials ordered by date new to old */ loadModel( "/entities/testimonials/EntityTestimonial" ); //$testimonials = EntityTestimonial::GetEntityTeamTestimonialsWithSubTestimonials( $team ); $testimonials = EntityTestimonial::GetEntityTestimonialsOrderByOrder( $team ); $testimonial_dicts = array(); foreach( $testimonials as $testimonial ) { $testimonial_dicts[] = $testimonial->getAsDictionary(); } /* get team listings */ loadModel( "/search/Search" ); $properties = array(); $search = new Search(); $search->addTerm( 'realtor', $team->rebrand_code ); $search->addOrderBy( 'list_price', false); $props = $search->run( 0, 7 ); $tmp_properties = Property::GetPropertiesFromIdArray($props, PropertyLoadLevel::IDX_SUMMARY, true); foreach( $props as $prop ) { try{ $property = $tmp_properties[$prop]; // add open house // $property->open_house = $property->getAllDates( true ); $temp_pic = $property->get_first_pic(); if ( is_object( $temp_pic ) ){ $property->photo = $temp_pic->getUrl(); } else { $property->photo = false; } $properties[] = $property; } catch( Exception $e ) {} } unset($tmp_properties); /* get team sold listings */ $sold_properties = array(); $sold_search = new Search(); $sold_search->addTerm( 'buyer_seller', $team->rebrand_code ); $sold_search->addFilter( SearchFilter::SOLD ); $sold_search->addOrderBy( 'list_price', false); $sold_props = $sold_search->run( 0, 3); //set idx view to the sold table to get the sold prop info IDX::Set_IDX_View_Name( IDX::SOLD ); $tmp_properties = Property::GetPropertiesFromIdArray($sold_props, PropertyLoadLevel::IDX_SUMMARY, true); foreach( $sold_props as $sold_prop ) { try{ $property = $tmp_properties[$sold_prop]; $temp_pic = $property->get_first_pic(); if ( is_object( $temp_pic ) ){ $property->photo = $temp_pic->getUrl(); } else { $property->photo = false; } $sold_properties[] = $property; } catch( Exception $e ) {} } unset($tmp_properties); //reset back to normal idx view IDX::Set_IDX_View_Name( IDX::MATERIALIZED ); $tpl_args = array( 'testimonials' => $testimonial_dicts, 'properties' => $properties, 'sold_properties' => $sold_properties, ); return $tpl_args; }
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ require_once 'lib/init.php'; UI::show_header(); /** * action switch */ switch ($_REQUEST['action']) { case 'search': if ($_REQUEST['rule_1'] != 'missing_artist') { $browse = new Browse(); require_once AmpConfig::get('prefix') . '/templates/'; require_once AmpConfig::get('prefix') . '/templates/'; $results = Search::run($_REQUEST); $browse->set_type($_REQUEST['type']); $browse->show_objects($results); $browse->store(); } else { $wartists = Wanted::search_missing_artists($_REQUEST['rule_1_input']); require_once AmpConfig::get('prefix') . '/templates/'; echo '<a href="' . rawurlencode($_REQUEST['rule_1_input']) . '&type=artist&method=indexed" target="_blank">' . T_('View on MusicBrainz') . '</a><br />'; } break; case 'save_as_smartplaylist': if (!Access::check('interface', 25)) { UI::access_denied(); exit; } $playlist = new Search();
/** * Search for item childrens. * @param string $name * @return array */ public function search_childrens($name) { $search['type'] = "song"; $search['rule_0_input'] = $name; $search['rule_0_operator'] = 4; $search['rule_0'] = "title"; $search['rule_1_input'] = $this->name; $search['rule_1_operator'] = 4; $search['rule_1'] = "album"; $search['rule_2_input'] = $this->album_artist_name; $search['rule_2_operator'] = 4; $search['rule_2'] = "artist"; $songs = Search::run($search); $childrens = array(); foreach ($songs as $song) { $childrens[] = array('object_type' => 'song', 'object_id' => $song); } return $childrens; }
/** * advanced_search * Perform an advanced search given passed rules * @param array $input */ public static function advanced_search($input) { ob_end_clean(); XML_Data::set_offset($input['offset']); XML_Data::set_limit($input['limit']); $results = Search::run($input); $type = 'song'; if (isset($input['type'])) { $type = $input['type']; } switch ($type) { case 'artist': echo XML_Data::artists($results); break; case 'album': echo XML_Data::albums($results); break; default: echo XML_Data::songs($results); break; } }
} return; } $myPages = array('dashboard' => array('', 'View your dashboard'), 'pulls ' => array('pulls', 'View your pull requests', 'pull-request'), 'issues ' => array('issues', 'View your issues', 'issue'), 'stars' => array('stars', 'View your starred repositories'), 'profile' => array(self::$user->login, 'View your public user profile', 'user'), 'settings' => array('settings', 'View or edit your account settings'), 'notifications' => array('notifications', 'View all your notifications')); foreach ($myPages as $key => $my) { Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->title('my ' . $key)->subtitle($my[1])->icon(isset($my[2]) ? $my[2] : rtrim($key))->arg('/' . $my[0])->prio(1)); } Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->title('my gists')->subtitle('View your gists')->icon('gists')->arg(Workflow::getGistUrl() . '/' . self::$user->login)->prio(1)); } private static function addSystemCommands() { $cmds = array('delete cache' => 'Delete GitHub Cache', 'logout' => 'Log out this workflow', 'update' => 'Update this Alfred workflow'); if (Workflow::getConfig('autoupdate', true)) { $cmds['deactivate autoupdate'] = 'Deactivate auto updating this Alfred Workflow'; } else { $cmds['activate autoupdate'] = 'Activate auto updating this Alfred Workflow'; } if (self::$enterprise) { $cmds['enterprise reset'] = 'Reset the GitHub Enterprise URL'; } foreach ($cmds as $cmd => $desc) { Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->title('> ' . $cmd)->subtitle($desc)->icon($cmd)->arg('> ' . str_replace(' ', '-', $cmd))); } $cmds = array('help' => 'readme', 'changelog' => 'changelog'); foreach ($cmds as $cmd => $file) { Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->title('> ' . $cmd)->subtitle('View the ' . $file)->icon('file')->arg('' . strtoupper($file) . '.md')); } } } print Search::run($argv[1], $argv[2], getenv('hotkey'));