include_once "ScoopIt.php"; include_once "config.php"; // Construct scoop var, which handle API communication $scoop = new ScoopIt(new SessionTokenStore(), $localUrl, $consumerKey, $consumerSecret); // Login in, if not previously logged in, it will issue a redirection // to servers to log the user in. // You can omit the call below if you want to use the api in "anonymous" // mode. $scoop->login(); ?> <html> <title> API Test</title> <body> <?php // Get the current user $currentUser = $scoop->profile(null)->user; // Display the current user name echo "<h1>Hello " . $currentUser->name . "</h1>"; // Get information about topic with 24001 lid (this can be also // called in anonymous mode). $topic = $scoop->topic(24001); echo "<h2>Information about topic: <img width='32px' src='" . $topic->mediumImageUrl . "' /><i> " . $topic->name . "</i></h2>"; echo "<p>Here is the print_r() output for the object \$topic:</p>"; echo "<center>"; echo "<textarea>"; print_r($topic); echo "</textarea>"; echo "</center>"; ?> <div id="footer"> <a href="">
<?php include_once 'header_inc.php'; // Include needed files include_once "../../ScoopIt.php"; // Construct scoop var, which handle API communication $scoop = new ScoopIt(new SessionTokenStore(), "", $consumerKey, $consumerSecret); //resolve profile $profile = $scoop->profile(null); include_once 'header_html.php'; ?> Your short name is: <code><?php echo $profile->user->shortName; ?> </code> <br/> <hr/> Topics you are curating are: <ul> <?php foreach ($profile->user->curatedTopics as $topic) { echo "<li>{$topic->name} (<a href='postsToCurate.php?id={$topic->id}'>posts to curate</a>)</li>"; } ?> </ul> <hr/> <p> Raw Content of profile Query:<br/>