コード例 #1
  * @depends testValues
 function testOverridenEventNoValuesExpected()
     $vcal = Sabre_VObject_Component::create('VCALENDAR');
     $ev1 = Sabre_VObject_Component::create('VEVENT');
     $ev1->UID = 'overridden';
     $ev1->RRULE = 'FREQ=WEEKLY;COUNT=3';
     $ev1->DTSTART = '20120124T120000Z';
     $ev1->SUMMARY = 'baseEvent';
     // ev2 overrides an event, and puts it 6 days earlier instead.
     $ev2 = Sabre_VObject_Component::create('VEVENT');
     $ev2->UID = 'overridden';
     $ev2->{'RECURRENCE-ID'} = '20120131T120000Z';
     $ev2->DTSTART = '20120125T120000Z';
     $ev2->SUMMARY = 'Override!';
     $it = new Sabre_VObject_RecurrenceIterator($vcal, 'overridden');
     $dates = array();
     $summaries = array();
     // The reported problem was specifically related to the VCALENDAR
     // expansion. In this parcitular case, we had to forward to the 28th of
     // january.
     $it->fastForward(new DateTime('2012-01-28 23:00:00'));
     // We stop the loop when it hits the 6th of februari. Normally this
     // iterator would hit 24, 25 (overriden from 31) and 7 feb but because
     // we 'filter' from the 28th till the 6th, we should get 0 results.
     while ($it->valid() && $it->getDTSTart() < new DateTime('2012-02-06 23:00:00')) {
         $dates[] = $it->getDTStart();
         $summaries[] = (string) $it->getEventObject()->SUMMARY;
     $this->assertEquals(array(), $dates);
     $this->assertEquals(array(), $summaries);