コード例 #1
  * The function that is normally invoked by hook
  * presents in add_action e add_filter in wordpress
 function getMonitorCode($atts = array())
     if (!is_array($atts)) {
         $atts = array();
     // Loading options for the configuration variables
     // containing the default values ​​for shortcodes and widgets
     $options = (object) $this->getModuleOptions('SZGoogleModuleAnalytics');
     // Extraction of the values ​​specified in shortcode, returned values
     // ​​are contained in the variable names corresponding to the key
     extract(shortcode_atts(array('ga_type' => $options->ga_type, 'ga_uacode' => $options->ga_uacode, 'ga_position' => $options->ga_position, 'ga_compression' => $options->ga_compression, 'ga_enable_front' => $options->ga_enable_front, 'ga_enable_admin' => $options->ga_enable_admin, 'ga_enable_administrator' => $options->ga_enable_administrator, 'ga_enable_logged' => $options->ga_enable_logged, 'ga_enable_subdomain' => $options->ga_enable_subdomain, 'ga_enable_multiple' => $options->ga_enable_multiple, 'ga_enable_advertiser' => $options->ga_enable_advertiser, 'ga_enable_features' => $options->ga_enable_features, 'ga_enable_ip_none_cl' => $options->ga_enable_ip_none_cl, 'ga_enable_ip_none_ad' => $options->ga_enable_ip_none_ad, 'ga_enable_cl_proxy' => $options->ga_enable_cl_proxy, 'ga_enable_cl_proxy_url' => $options->ga_enable_cl_proxy_url, 'ga_enable_cl_proxy_adv' => $options->ga_enable_cl_proxy_adv, 'ga_enable_un_proxy' => $options->ga_enable_un_proxy, 'ga_enable_un_proxy_url' => $options->ga_enable_un_proxy_url), $atts));
     // I delete spaces added and execute the transformation in string
     // lowercase for the control of special values ​​such as "auto"
     $ga_uacode = trim($ga_uacode);
     $ga_enable_cl_proxy_url = trim($ga_enable_cl_proxy_url);
     $ga_enable_cl_proxy_adv = trim($ga_enable_cl_proxy_adv);
     $ga_enable_un_proxy_url = trim($ga_enable_un_proxy_url);
     $ga_type = strtolower(trim($ga_type));
     $ga_position = strtoupper(trim($ga_position));
     $ga_compression = strtolower(trim($ga_compression));
     $ga_enable_front = strtolower(trim($ga_enable_front));
     $ga_enable_admin = strtolower(trim($ga_enable_admin));
     $ga_enable_administrator = strtolower(trim($ga_enable_administrator));
     $ga_enable_logged = strtolower(trim($ga_enable_logged));
     $ga_enable_subdomain = strtolower(trim($ga_enable_subdomain));
     $ga_enable_multiple = strtolower(trim($ga_enable_multiple));
     $ga_enable_advertiser = strtolower(trim($ga_enable_advertiser));
     $ga_enable_features = strtolower(trim($ga_enable_features));
     $ga_enable_ip_none_cl = strtolower(trim($ga_enable_ip_none_cl));
     $ga_enable_ip_none_ad = strtolower(trim($ga_enable_ip_none_ad));
     $ga_enable_cl_proxy = strtolower(trim($ga_enable_cl_proxy));
     $ga_enable_un_proxy = strtolower(trim($ga_enable_un_proxy));
     // Conversion of the values ​​specified directly covered in the
     // parameters with the values ​​used for storing the default values
     if ($ga_compression == 'yes' or $ga_compression == 'y') {
         $ga_compression = '1';
     if ($ga_enable_front == 'yes' or $ga_enable_front == 'y') {
         $ga_enable_front = '1';
     if ($ga_enable_admin == 'yes' or $ga_enable_admin == 'y') {
         $ga_enable_admin = '1';
     if ($ga_enable_administrator == 'yes' or $ga_enable_administrator == 'y') {
         $ga_enable_administrator = '1';
     if ($ga_enable_logged == 'yes' or $ga_enable_logged == 'y') {
         $ga_enable_logged = '1';
     if ($ga_enable_subdomain == 'yes' or $ga_enable_subdomain == 'y') {
         $ga_enable_subdomain = '1';
     if ($ga_enable_multiple == 'yes' or $ga_enable_multiple == 'y') {
         $ga_enable_multiple = '1';
     if ($ga_enable_advertiser == 'yes' or $ga_enable_advertiser == 'y') {
         $ga_enable_advertiser = '1';
     if ($ga_enable_features == 'yes' or $ga_enable_features == 'y') {
         $ga_enable_features = '1';
     if ($ga_enable_ip_none_cl == 'yes' or $ga_enable_ip_none_cl == 'y') {
         $ga_enable_ip_none_cl = '1';
     if ($ga_enable_ip_none_ad == 'yes' or $ga_enable_ip_none_ad == 'y') {
         $ga_enable_ip_none_ad = '1';
     if ($ga_enable_cl_proxy == 'yes' or $ga_enable_cl_proxy == 'y') {
         $ga_enable_cl_proxy = '1';
     if ($ga_enable_un_proxy == 'yes' or $ga_enable_un_proxy == 'y') {
         $ga_enable_un_proxy = '1';
     if ($ga_compression == 'no' or $ga_compression == 'n') {
         $ga_compression = '0';
     if ($ga_enable_front == 'no' or $ga_enable_front == 'n') {
         $ga_enable_front = '0';
     if ($ga_enable_admin == 'no' or $ga_enable_admin == 'n') {
         $ga_enable_admin = '0';
     if ($ga_enable_administrator == 'no' or $ga_enable_administrator == 'n') {
         $ga_enable_administrator = '0';
     if ($ga_enable_logged == 'no' or $ga_enable_logged == 'n') {
         $ga_enable_logged = '0';
     if ($ga_enable_subdomain == 'no' or $ga_enable_subdomain == 'n') {
         $ga_enable_subdomain = '0';
     if ($ga_enable_multiple == 'no' or $ga_enable_multiple == 'n') {
         $ga_enable_multiple = '0';
     if ($ga_enable_advertiser == 'no' or $ga_enable_advertiser == 'n') {
         $ga_enable_advertiser = '0';
     if ($ga_enable_features == 'no' or $ga_enable_features == 'n') {
         $ga_enable_features = '0';
     if ($ga_enable_ip_none_cl == 'no' or $ga_enable_ip_none_cl == 'n') {
         $ga_enable_ip_none_cl = '0';
     if ($ga_enable_ip_none_ad == 'no' or $ga_enable_ip_none_ad == 'n') {
         $ga_enable_ip_none_ad = '0';
     if ($ga_enable_cl_proxy == 'no' or $ga_enable_cl_proxy == 'n') {
         $ga_enable_cl_proxy = '0';
     if ($ga_enable_un_proxy == 'no' or $ga_enable_un_proxy == 'n') {
         $ga_enable_un_proxy = '0';
     // Check if they are logged in as an administrator or registered
     // user and off loading the code if the options are disabled
     $ENDLINE = "\n";
     $USERACT = true;
     if (current_user_can('manage_options')) {
         if ($ga_enable_administrator == '0') {
             $USERACT = false;
     } else {
         if (current_user_can('read') and $ga_enable_logged == '0') {
             $USERACT = false;
     // Check if they are in the backend or frontend and I enable code execution
     // only if the corresponding options have been activated in the configuration
     if (is_admin() and $ga_enable_admin == '0') {
         $USERACT = false;
     if (!is_admin() and $ga_enable_front == '0') {
         $USERACT = false;
     // If the code does not have to be activated based on the options passed
     // return a value of false and not elaborate the creation of monitoring
     if (!$USERACT or strlen($ga_uacode) <= 0) {
         return false;
     // Conversion of the values ​​specified directly covered in the
     // parameters with the values ​​used for storing the default values
     if ($ga_position == '') {
         $ga_position = 'H';
     if ($ga_uacode == '') {
         $ga_uacode = $this->getGAId();
     if ($ga_compression == '1') {
         $ENDLINE = '';
     if (!in_array($ga_type, array('classic', 'universal'))) {
         $ga_type = 'classic';
     // Creating code for comments to be blocked
     // if proves active code generation GA
     $HTML = '';
     if ($ga_compression != '1' and $ga_position != 'F' and ($ga_type == 'universal' or $ga_type == 'classic')) {
         $HTML .= "\n";
         $HTML .= "<!-- GA tracking code with SZ-Google " . SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE_VERSION . " : activated mode " . strtoupper($ga_type) . "      -->\n";
         $HTML .= "<!-- ===================================================================== -->\n";
     // Creating code google analytics UNIVERSAL be inserted on HTML page
     // which can be different according to google analytics classic or universal
     if ($ga_type == 'universal') {
         // Check if you have activated the function PROXY HTTP
         // to create a local demand that points to the original script
         if ($ga_enable_un_proxy == '1' and trim($ga_enable_un_proxy_url) != '') {
             $SCRIPTNAME = $ga_enable_un_proxy_url;
         } else {
             $SCRIPTNAME = "www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js";
         $SCRIPTNAME = preg_replace('#^https?://#', '', $SCRIPTNAME);
         // Creation of HTML code to insert in the page WEB
         // for the result check placement options and compression
         $HTML .= '<script type="text/javascript">' . $ENDLINE;
         $HTML .= "(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){" . $ENDLINE;
         $HTML .= "(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o)," . $ENDLINE;
         $HTML .= "m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)" . $ENDLINE;
         $HTML .= "})(window,document,'script','//{$SCRIPTNAME}','ga');" . $ENDLINE;
         $HTML .= "ga('create','" . trim($ga_uacode) . "','" . trim(SZGoogleCommon::getCurrentDomain()) . "');" . $ENDLINE;
         if ($ga_enable_features == '1') {
             $HTML .= "ga('require','displayfeatures');" . $ENDLINE;
         if ($ga_enable_ip_none_ad == '1') {
             $HTML .= "ga('set','anonymizeIp',true);" . $ENDLINE;
         $HTML .= "ga('send','pageview');" . $ENDLINE;
         $HTML .= "</script>" . $ENDLINE;
     // Creating code google analytics CLASSIC be inserted on HTML page which
     // can be different according to google analytics classic or universal
     if ($ga_type == 'classic') {
         $HTML .= '<script type="text/javascript">' . $ENDLINE;
         $HTML .= "var _gaq = _gaq || [];" . $ENDLINE;
         $HTML .= "_gaq.push(['_setAccount','" . $ga_uacode . "']);" . $ENDLINE;
         // If option is activated multiple subdomains or add a new row
         // code containing the current displayed _setDomainName domino
         if ($ga_enable_subdomain == '1' or $ga_enable_multiple == '1') {
             $HTML .= "_gaq.push(['_setDomainName','" . trim(SZGoogleCommon::getCurrentDomain()) . "']);" . $ENDLINE;
         // If multiple option is enabled add a new row with the code
         // javascript for google analytics with setup for _setAllowLinker
         if ($ga_enable_multiple == '1') {
             $HTML .= "_gaq.push(['_setAllowLinker',true]);" . $ENDLINE;
         if ($ga_enable_ip_none_cl == '1') {
             $HTML .= "_gaq.push(['_gat._anonymizeIp']);" . $ENDLINE;
         $HTML .= "_gaq.push(['_trackPageview']);" . $ENDLINE;
         $HTML .= "(function () {" . $ENDLINE;
         $HTML .= "var ga = document.createElement('script');" . $ENDLINE;
         $HTML .= "ga.type = 'text/javascript';" . $ENDLINE;
         $HTML .= "ga.async = true;" . $ENDLINE;
         // Check if you have activated the function PROXY HTTP
         // to create a local demand that points to the original script
         $SCRIPT_NOR = ".google-analytics.com/ga.js";
         $WWS = 'ssl';
         $WWW = 'www';
         $SCRIPT_ADV = "stats.g.doubleclick.net/dc.js";
         if ($ga_enable_cl_proxy == '1' and trim($ga_enable_cl_proxy_url) != '') {
             $SCRIPT_NOR = $ga_enable_cl_proxy_url;
             $WWS = '';
             $WWW = '';
             $SCRIPT_NOR = preg_replace('#^https?://#', '', $SCRIPT_NOR);
         if ($ga_enable_cl_proxy == '1' and trim($ga_enable_cl_proxy_adv) != '') {
             $SCRIPT_ADV = $ga_enable_cl_proxy_adv;
             $SCRIPT_ADV = preg_replace('#^https?://#', '', $SCRIPT_ADV);
         // Creation of HTML code to insert in the page WEB
         // for the result check placement options and compression
         if ($ga_enable_advertiser == '1') {
             $HTML .= "ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') + '{$SCRIPT_ADV}';" . $ENDLINE;
         } else {
             $HTML .= "ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://{$WWS}' : 'http://{$WWW}') + '{$SCRIPT_NOR}';" . $ENDLINE;
         // Creation of HTML code to insert in the page WEB
         // for the result check placement options and compression
         $HTML .= "var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];" . $ENDLINE;
         $HTML .= "s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);" . $ENDLINE;
         $HTML .= "})();" . $ENDLINE;
         $HTML .= "</script>" . $ENDLINE;
     // Creating code for comments to be blocked
     // if proves active code generation GA
     if ($ga_compression != '1' and $ga_position != 'F' and ($ga_type == 'universal' or $ga_type == 'classic')) {
         $HTML .= "<!-- ===================================================================== -->\n\n";
     return $HTML;
コード例 #2
  * Definizione della funzione che viene normalmente richiamata
  * dagli hook presenti in add_action e add_filter di wordpress
 function getMonitorCode($atts = array())
     // Calcolo per opzioni di configurazione collegate al modulo
     // richiesto e specificate nel pannello di amministrazione
     $options = (object) $this->getModuleOptions('SZGoogleModuleAnalytics');
     // Estrazione dei valori specificati nello shortcode, i valori ritornati
     // sono contenuti nei nomi di variabili corrispondenti alla chiave
     if (!is_array($atts)) {
         $atts = array();
     extract(shortcode_atts(array('ga_type' => $options->ga_type, 'ga_uacode' => $options->ga_uacode, 'ga_position' => $options->ga_position, 'ga_enable_front' => $options->ga_enable_front, 'ga_enable_admin' => $options->ga_enable_admin, 'ga_enable_administrator' => $options->ga_enable_administrator, 'ga_enable_logged' => $options->ga_enable_logged, 'ga_enable_subdomain' => $options->ga_enable_subdomain, 'ga_enable_multiple' => $options->ga_enable_multiple, 'ga_enable_advertiser' => $options->ga_enable_advertiser), $atts));
     // Elimino spazi aggiunti di troppo ed esegui la trasformazione in
     // stringa minuscolo per il controllo di valori speciali come "auto"
     $ga_uacode = trim($ga_uacode);
     $ga_type = strtolower(trim($ga_type));
     $ga_position = strtoupper(trim($ga_position));
     $ga_enable_front = strtolower(trim($ga_enable_front));
     $ga_enable_admin = strtolower(trim($ga_enable_admin));
     $ga_enable_administrator = strtolower(trim($ga_enable_administrator));
     $ga_enable_logged = strtolower(trim($ga_enable_logged));
     $ga_enable_subdomain = strtolower(trim($ga_enable_subdomain));
     $ga_enable_multiple = strtolower(trim($ga_enable_multiple));
     $ga_enable_advertiser = strtolower(trim($ga_enable_advertiser));
     // Conversione dei valori specificati direttamete nei parametri con
     // i valori usati per la memorizzazione dei valori di default
     if ($ga_enable_front == 'yes' or $ga_enable_front == 'y') {
         $ga_enable_front = '1';
     if ($ga_enable_admin == 'yes' or $ga_enable_admin == 'y') {
         $ga_enable_admin = '1';
     if ($ga_enable_administrator == 'yes' or $ga_enable_administrator == 'y') {
         $ga_enable_administrator = '1';
     if ($ga_enable_logged == 'yes' or $ga_enable_logged == 'y') {
         $ga_enable_logged = '1';
     if ($ga_enable_subdomain == 'yes' or $ga_enable_subdomain == 'y') {
         $ga_enable_subdomain = '1';
     if ($ga_enable_multiple == 'yes' or $ga_enable_multiple == 'y') {
         $ga_enable_multiple = '1';
     if ($ga_enable_advertiser == 'yes' or $ga_enable_advertiser == 'y') {
         $ga_enable_advertiser = '1';
     if ($ga_enable_front == 'no' or $ga_enable_front == 'n') {
         $ga_enable_front = '1';
     if ($ga_enable_admin == 'no' or $ga_enable_admin == 'n') {
         $ga_enable_admin = '1';
     if ($ga_enable_administrator == 'no' or $ga_enable_administrator == 'n') {
         $ga_enable_administrator = '1';
     if ($ga_enable_logged == 'no' or $ga_enable_logged == 'n') {
         $ga_enable_logged = '1';
     if ($ga_enable_subdomain == 'no' or $ga_enable_subdomain == 'n') {
         $ga_enable_subdomain = '1';
     if ($ga_enable_multiple == 'no' or $ga_enable_multiple == 'n') {
         $ga_enable_multiple = '1';
     if ($ga_enable_advertiser == 'no' or $ga_enable_advertiser == 'n') {
         $ga_enable_advertiser = '1';
     // Controllo se sono loggato come amministratore o utente registrato
     // e disattivo il caricamento del codice se le opzioni sono disattivate
     $useract = true;
     if (current_user_can('manage_options')) {
         if ($ga_enable_administrator == '0') {
             $useract = false;
     } else {
         if (is_user_logged_in() and $ga_enable_logged == '0') {
             $useract = false;
     // Controllo se sono in backend o frontend e abilito l'esecuzione del codice
     // solo se le opzioni corrispondenti sono state attivate in configurazione
     if (is_admin() and $ga_enable_admin == '0') {
         $useract = false;
     if (!is_admin() and $ga_enable_front == '0') {
         $useract = false;
     // Se il codice non deve essere attivato in base alle opzioni passate
     // ritorno un valore di false e non elaboro la creazione del monitoraggio
     if (!$useract or strlen($ga_uacode) <= 0) {
         return false;
     // Conversione dei valori specificati direttamete nei parametri con
     // i valori usati per la memorizzazione dei valori di default
     if ($ga_position == '') {
         $ga_position = 'H';
     if ($ga_uacode == '') {
         $ga_uacode = $this->getGAId();
     if (!in_array($ga_type, array('classic', 'universal'))) {
         $ga_type = 'classic';
     // Creazione codice per i commenti di blocco nel caso
     // risultasse attiva la generazione del codice GA
     $HTML = '';
     if ($ga_position != 'F' and ($ga_type == 'universal' or $ga_type == 'classic')) {
         $HTML .= "\n";
         $HTML .= "<!-- GA tracking code with SZ-Google " . SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE_VERSION . " : activated mode " . strtoupper($ga_type) . "      -->\n";
         $HTML .= "<!-- ===================================================================== -->\n";
     // Creazione codice di google analytics UNIVERSAL da inserire su pagina HTML
     // che può essere differente in base a google classic o universal analytics
     if ($ga_type == 'universal') {
         $HTML .= '<script>' . "\n";
         $HTML .= "  (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){" . "\n";
         $HTML .= "  (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o)," . "\n";
         $HTML .= "  m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)" . "\n";
         $HTML .= "  })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga');" . "\n\n";
         $HTML .= "  ga('create', '" . trim($ga_uacode) . "', '" . trim(SZGoogleCommon::getCurrentDomain()) . "');" . "\n";
         $HTML .= "  ga('send', 'pageview');" . "\n";
         $HTML .= "</script>" . "\n";
     // Creazione codice di google analytics CLASSIC da inserire su pagina HTML
     // che può essere differente in base a google classic o universal analytics
     if ($ga_type == 'classic') {
         $HTML .= '<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[' . "\n";
         $HTML .= "var _gaq = _gaq || [];" . "\n";
         $HTML .= "_gaq.push(['_setAccount','" . $ga_uacode . "']);" . "\n";
         // Se opzione subdomains o multiple risulta attivata aggiungo una nuova riga
         // di codice contenente il _setDomainName del domino corrente visualizzato
         if ($ga_enable_subdomain == '1' or $ga_enable_multiple == '1') {
             $HTML .= "_gaq.push(['_setDomainName','" . trim(SZGoogleCommon::getCurrentDomain()) . "']);" . "\n";
         // Se opzione multiple risulta attivata aggiungo una nuova riga con il codice
         // javascript di google analytics con l'impostazione di _setAllowLinker
         if ($ga_enable_multiple == '1') {
             $HTML .= "_gaq.push(['_setAllowLinker',true]);" . "\n";
         $HTML .= "_gaq.push(['_trackPageview']);" . "\n";
         $HTML .= "(function () {" . "\n";
         $HTML .= "var ga = document.createElement('script');" . "\n";
         $HTML .= "ga.type = 'text/javascript';" . "\n";
         $HTML .= "ga.async = true;" . "\n";
         if ($ga_enable_advertiser == '1') {
             $HTML .= "ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') + 'stats.g.doubleclick.net/dc.js';" . "\n";
         } else {
             $HTML .= "ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js';" . "\n";
         $HTML .= "var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];" . "\n";
         $HTML .= "s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);" . "\n";
         $HTML .= "})();" . "\n";
         $HTML .= "//]]></script>" . "\n";
     // Creazione codice per i commenti di blocco nel caso
     // risultasse attiva la generazione del codice GA
     if ($ga_position != 'F' and ($ga_type == 'universal' or $ga_type == 'classic')) {
         $HTML .= "<!-- ===================================================================== -->\n\n";
     return $HTML;