コード例 #1
        $locale = apply_filters('swa_load_textdomain_get_locale', get_locale());
        // if load .mo file
        if (!empty($locale)) {
            $mofile_default = sprintf('%slanguages/%s.mo', SWA_PLUGIN_DIR, $locale);
            $mofile = apply_filters('swa_load_textdomain_mofile', $mofile_default);
            // make sure file exists, and load it
            if (file_exists($mofile)) {
                load_textdomain('swa', $mofile);
//end of helper class
//instantiate the singleton class
function swa_serialize_role($roles)
    $roles['meta_value'] = maybe_unserialize($roles['meta_value']);
    return $roles;
//locate and load activity post form
function swa_show_post_form()
    include SWA_PLUGIN_DIR . 'post-form.php';
    //no inc_once because we may need form multiple times
function swa_get_base_component_scope($include, $exclude)
    /* Fetch the names of components that have activity recorded in the DB */
    $components = BP_Activity_Activity::get_recorded_components();