protected function getHTTPRequest($method = 'GET', $class = 'ApiTest_Book', $id = '', $params = array()) { $request = new SS_HTTPRequest($method, 'api/' . $class . '/' . $id, $params); $request->match($this->url_pattern); $request->setRouteParams(array('Controller' => 'RESTfulAPI')); return $request; }
public function show(SS_HTTPRequest $request) { $root = $this->readFolder($this->Folder); $folderPath = ""; if (is_null($request->param('Action'))) { $folder = $root; } else { foreach ($request->latestParams() as $param) { if (!is_null($param)) { $folderPath .= "/" . $param; } } $folder = $this->readFolder($folderPath); } if (class_exists("BreadcrumbNavigation") && isset($folder)) { $parentFolders = explode("/", $folderPath); $parents = array_reverse($folder->parentStack()); for ($i = 1; $i < count($parents); $i++) { $parents[$i]->markExpanded(); $parents[$i]->markOpened(); if ($i > 0) { $do = new DataObject(); $do->Link = $parents[$i]->AbsoluteLink(); $do->MenuTitle = $parents[$i]->MenuTitle(); if ($i == count($parents) - 1) { $do->isSelf = true; } $this->owner->AddBreadcrumbAfter($do); } } $this->MetaTitle = "Gallery: " . $parents[count($parents) - 1]->MenuTitle(); } return $this->customise(array('Content' => $this->customise(array('RootFolder' => $root, 'CurrentFolder' => $folder))->renderWith('AssetsGalleryMain', 'Page'), 'Form' => '')); }
public function handleRequest(SS_HTTPRequest $request, DataModel $model) { if (!$request) { user_error("Controller::handleRequest() not passed a request!", E_USER_ERROR); } $this->urlParams = $request->allParams(); $this->request = $request; $this->setDataModel($model); // Find our action or set to index if not found $action = $this->request->param("Action"); if (!$action) { $action = "index"; } $result = $this->{$action}($request); // Try to determine what response we are dealing with if ($result instanceof SS_HTTPResponse) { $this->response = $result; } else { $this->response = new SS_HTTPResponse(); $this->response->setBody($result); } // If we had a redirection or something, halt processing. if ($this->response->isFinished()) { return $this->response; } ContentNegotiator::process($this->response); HTTP::add_cache_headers($this->response); return $this->response; }
public function index(SS_HTTPRequest $request) { if ($request->isPOST()) { $update = json_decode($request->getBody()); $joblog = TranscodeJob::get()->filter('JobID', (int) $update->id)->first(); // return if status already is done (some protection) if ($joblog->JobStatus !== "started") { return "Error: job status not started"; } // save full update into log object -- no, may contain passwords etc. -- well, fixed but still... //format_id // load files into appropriate relations $transcodable = $joblog->Transcodable(); $transcodable->loadTranscodedFiles(); if (count(get_object_vars($update->errors))) { $joblog->JobErrorMessage = json_encode($update->errors); $joblog->JobStatus = "error"; } else { if ($transcodable->transcodingComplete()) { // set status to done when complete... $joblog->JobErrorMessage = ""; $joblog->JobStatus = "done"; } } // write logfile $joblog->write(); } else { // this shouldn't happen return "Well hello there..."; } return "Updated"; }
/** * * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request */ public function run($request) { increase_time_limit_to(); echo 'Pass ?refresh=1 to refresh your members<br/>'; echo '<hr/>'; $refresh = $request->getVar('refresh'); if ($refresh) { DB::alteration_message("Resetting all members location"); DB::query('UPDATE Member SET Latitude = 0, Longitude = 0'); } $Members = Member::get()->filter(array('Latitude' => 0)); foreach ($Members as $Member) { DB::alteration_message('Processing member #' . $Member->ID . ' - ' . $Member->getTitle()); if (!$Member->Latitude) { if ($Member->canBeGeolocalized()) { DB::alteration_message($Member->GeocodeText()); if (!$Member->CountryCode) { DB::alteration_message("Warning ! This member has no country code", "error"); } /* @var $res Geocoder\Model\Address */ $res = $Member->Geocode(); if ($res) { DB::alteration_message('Geocode success on ' . $res->getLatitude() . ',' . $res->getLongitude() . ' : ' . $res->getStreetNumber() . ', ' . $res->getStreetName() . ' ' . $res->getPostalCode() . ' ' . $res->getLocality() . ' ' . $res->getCountry(), 'created'); $Member->write(); } else { DB::alteration_message('Geocode error', 'error'); } } else { DB::alteration_message('Cannot be geolocalized', 'error'); } } else { DB::alteration_message('Already geolocalized', 'error'); } } }
public function testIndex() { $logger = $this->getMock('Psr\\Log\\LoggerInterface'); $logger->expects($this->once())->method('info'); $controller = new Controller($logger); $prop = new \ReflectionProperty(__NAMESPACE__ . '\\Controller', 'response'); $prop->setAccessible(true); $prop->setValue($controller, new \SS_HTTPResponse()); $req = new \SS_HTTPRequest('GET', '/'); $req->setBody(<<<JSON { "csp-report": { "document-uri": "", "referrer": "", "blocked-uri": "", "violated-directive": "style-src", "original-policy": "default-src 'none'; style-src; report-uri /_/csp-reports" } } JSON ); $response = $controller->index($req); $this->assertEquals(204, $response->getStatusCode()); $this->assertEquals('', $response->getBody()); }
/** * This may need to be optimised. We'll just have to see how it performs. * * @param SS_HTTPRequest $req * @return array */ public function downloads(SS_HTTPRequest $req) { $downloads = new ArrayList(); $member = Member::currentUser(); if (!$member || !$member->exists()) { $this->httpError(401); } // create a dropdown for sorting $sortOptions = Config::inst()->get('DownloadableAccountPageController', 'sort_options'); if ($sortOptions) { $sort = $req->requestVar('sort'); if (empty($sort)) { reset($sortOptions); $sort = key($sortOptions); } $sortControl = new DropdownField('download-sort', 'Sort By:', $sortOptions, $sort); } else { $sort = 'PurchaseDate'; $sortControl = ''; } // create a list of downloads $orders = $member->getPastOrders(); if (!empty($orders)) { foreach ($orders as $order) { if ($order->DownloadsAvailable()) { $downloads->merge($order->getDownloads()); } } } Requirements::javascript(SHOP_DOWNLOADABLE_FOLDER . '/javascript/AccountPage_downloads.js'); return array('Title' => 'Digital Purchases', 'Content' => '', 'SortControl' => $sortControl, 'HasDownloads' => $downloads->count() > 0, 'Downloads' => $downloads->sort($sort)); }
protected static function getDefault(SS_HTTPRequest $request, $var, $default) { if ($value = $request->getVar($var)) { return $value; } return $default; }
/** * The default implementation of the controller * is to call the serializeList method on its model. * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request * @return string|JsonDataResponse|SS_HTTPResponse */ public function getList(SS_HTTPRequest $request) { $record = $this->getDataRecord(); if ($record->hasMethod('getSerializedList')) { return $record->getSerializedList($request->getVars())->toJson(); } }
/** * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request */ public function run($request) { /** ========================================= * @var Page $page ===========================================*/ if (class_exists('Page')) { if (Page::has_extension('TwitterCardMeta')) { // Should we overwrite? $overwrite = $request->getVar('overwrite') ? true : false; echo sprintf('Overwrite is %s', $overwrite ? 'enabled' : 'disabled') . $this->eol . $this->eol; $pages = Page::get(); foreach ($pages as $page) { $id = $page->ID; echo $this->hr; echo 'Updating page: ' . $page->Title . $this->eol; foreach ($this->fields_to_update as $fieldName) { $oldData = DB::query("SELECT {$fieldName} FROM Page WHERE ID = {$id}")->column($fieldName); $newData = DB::query("SELECT {$fieldName} FROM SiteTree WHERE ID = {$id}")->column($fieldName); if (!empty($oldData)) { // If new data has been saved and we don't want to overwrite, exit the loop if (!empty($newData) && $overwrite === false) { continue; } DB::query("UPDATE SiteTree SET {$fieldName} = '{$oldData[0]}' WHERE ID = {$id}"); } else { echo 'Field "' . $fieldName . '" empty.' . $this->eol; } } } } } }
public function delete(SS_HTTPRequest $request) { $rid = $request->getVar('RID'); $record = TestObject::get()->filter(array('ID' => $rid))->first(); $record->delete(); return $this->customise(new ArrayData(array('Title' => 'Orient DB Demo', 'SubTitle' => "Deleted Record {$rid}", 'Content' => $content)))->renderWith(array('OrientController', 'AppController')); }
public function getGoogleMapPin(SS_HTTPRequest $request) { $color = Convert::raw2sql($request->param('Color')); $path = ASSETS_PATH . '/maps/pins'; // create folder on assets if does not exists .... if (!is_dir($path)) { mkdir($path, $mode = 0775, $recursive = true); } // if not get it from google (default) $ping_url = ",{$color},000000&ext=.png"; $write_2_disk = true; if (file_exists($path . '/pin_' . $color . '.jpg')) { // if we have the file on assets use it $ping_url = $path . '/pin_' . $color . '.jpg'; $write_2_disk = false; } $body = file_get_contents($ping_url); if ($write_2_disk) { file_put_contents($path . '/pin_' . $color . '.jpg', $body); } $ext = 'jpg'; $response = new SS_HTTPResponse($body, 200); $response->addHeader('Content-Type', 'image/' . $ext); return $response; }
public function getLocationsByDay(SS_HTTPRequest $request) { try { $query_string = $request->getVars(); $summit_id = intval($request->param('SUMMIT_ID')); $day = strtolower(Convert::raw2sql($query_string['day'])); $summit = $this->summit_repository->getById($summit_id); if (is_null($summit)) { throw new NotFoundEntityException('Summit', sprintf(' id %s', $summit_id)); } if (!$summit->isDayBelongs($day)) { throw new EntityValidationException(sprintf('day %s does not belongs to summit id %s', $day, $summit_id)); } $response = array('day' => $day, 'summit_id' => intval($summit_id), 'locations' => array()); foreach ($summit->getTopVenues() as $venue) { $class_name = $venue->ClassName; if ($class_name != 'SummitVenue' && $class_name != 'SummitExternalLocation' && $class_name != 'SummitHotel') { continue; } $count = $summit->getPublishedEventsCountByDateLocation($day, $venue); array_push($response['locations'], array('id' => intval($venue->ID), 'events_count' => intval($count))); if ($class_name == 'SummitVenue') { foreach ($venue->Rooms() as $room) { $count = $summit->getPublishedEventsCountByDateLocation($day, $room); array_push($response['locations'], array('id' => intval($room->ID), 'events_count' => intval($count))); } } } return $this->ok($response); } catch (Exception $ex) { SS_Log::log($ex->getMessage(), SS_Log::ERR); return $this->serverError(); } }
/** * Due to a bug, this could be called twice before 4.0, * see * * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request * @param string $action */ public function beforeCallActionHandler($request, $action) { // This could be called twice if ($this->owner->beforeCallActionHandlerCalled) { return; } // If we don't have an action, getViewer will be called immediatly // If we have custom routes, request action is different than action $allParams = $request->allParams(); $requestAction = null; if (!empty($allParams['Action'])) { $requestAction = $allParams['Action']; } if (!$this->owner->hasMethod($action) || $requestAction && $requestAction != $action) { self::clearBuffer(); } $class = get_class($this->owner); DebugBar::withDebugBar(function (DebugBar\DebugBar $debugbar) use($class, $action) { /* @var $timeData DebugBar\DataCollector\TimeDataCollector */ $timeData = $debugbar['time']; if (!$timeData) { return; } if ($timeData->hasStartedMeasure("handle")) { $timeData->stopMeasure("handle"); } $timeData->startMeasure("action", "{$class} action {$action}"); }); $this->owner->beforeCallActionHandlerCalled = true; }
public function getEventsAction(SS_HTTPRequest $request) { // Search date $date = DBField::create_field("SS_Datetime", $request->param("SearchDate")); if (!$date->getValue()) { $date = SS_Datetime::now(); } // Get event data $cache = SS_Cache::factory(self::EVENTS_CACHE_NAME); $cacheKey = $date->Format('Y_m_d'); if ($result = $cache->load($cacheKey)) { $data = unserialize($result); } else { $data = EventsDataUtil::get_events_data_for_day($date); $cache->save(serialize($data), $cacheKey); } // Get init data if ($request->param("GetAppConfig")) { $cache = SS_Cache::factory(self::CONFIG_CACHE_NAME); $cacheKey = 'APP_CONFIG'; if ($result = $cache->load($cacheKey)) { $configData = unserialize($result); } else { $configData = AppConfigDataUtil::get_config_data(); $cache->save(serialize($configData), $cacheKey); } $data['appConfig'] = $configData; } return $this->sendResponse($data); }
public function postRequest(\SS_HTTPRequest $request, \SS_HTTPResponse $response, \DataModel $model) { if (defined('PROXY_CACHE_GENERATING') || isset($GLOBALS['__cache_publish']) || strpos($request->getURL(), 'admin/') !== false) { return; } $this->database = Db::getConn(); $queries = $this->database->queryRecord; $dupes = $this->database->getDuplicateQueries(); $str = "\n<!-- Total queries: " . count($queries) . "-->\n"; $str .= "\n<!-- Duplicate queries: " . count($dupes) . "-->\n"; $b = $response->getBody(); if (strpos($b, '</html>')) { if (count($queries) > $this->queryThreshold) { // add a floating div with info about the stuff $buildQueryList = function ($source, $class) { $html = ''; foreach ($source as $sql => $info) { $html .= "\n<p class='{$class}' style='display: none; border-top: 1px dashed #000;'>{$info->count} : {$info->query}</p>\n"; if ($info->source) { $html .= "\n<p class='{$class}' style='color: #a00; display: none; '>Last called from {$info->source}</p>\n"; } } return $html; }; $html = $buildQueryList($queries, 'debug-query'); $html .= $buildQueryList($dupes, 'debug-dupe-query'); $div = '<div id="query-stat-debugger" ' . 'style="position: fixed; bottom: 0; right: 0; border: 2px solid red; background: #fff; ' . 'font-size: 8px; font-family: sans-serif; width: 100px; z-index: 2000; padding: 1em;' . 'overflow: auto; max-height: 500px;">' . '<p id="debug-all-queries-list">Total of ' . count($queries) . ' queries</p>' . '<p id="debug-dupe-queries-list">Total of ' . count($dupes) . ' duplicates</p>' . $html . '<script>' . 'jQuery("#debug-all-queries-list").click(function () {' . 'var elems = jQuery(this).parent().find(".debug-query");' . 'jQuery(this).parent().css("width", "40%");' . 'elems.toggle();' . '}); ' . 'jQuery("#debug-dupe-queries-list").click(function () {' . 'var elems = jQuery(this).parent().find(".debug-dupe-query");' . 'jQuery(this).parent().css("width", "40%");' . 'elems.toggle();' . '}); ' . '' . '' . '</script>' . '</div>'; $b = str_replace('</body>', "{$div}</body>", $b); } $b = str_replace('</html>', "{$str}</html>", $b); $response->setBody($b); } }
public function placeOrder(SS_HTTPRequest $request) { $eventbrite_event_header = $request->getHeader('X-Eventbrite-Event'); if (!$eventbrite_event_header) { return $this->httpError(403); } if ($eventbrite_event_header !== 'order.placed') { return $this->httpError(403); } if (!$this->isJson()) { return $this->httpError(403); } $json_request = $this->getJsonRequest(); if (!isset($json_request['config']) || !isset($json_request['api_url'])) { return $this->httpError(403); } $config = $json_request['config']; if (!isset($config['action']) || $config['action'] !== 'order.placed') { return $this->httpError(403); } $current_local_url = Controller::join_links(Director::absoluteBaseURL(), $request->getURL()); if (!isset($config['endpoint_url']) || $config['endpoint_url'] !== $current_local_url) { return $this->httpError(403); } try { $this->manager->registerEvent('ORDER_PLACED', $json_request['api_url']); } catch (Exception $ex) { SS_Log::log($ex->getMessage(), SS_Log::ERR); return $this->httpError(500); } return true; }
public function getMember(SS_HTTPRequest $request) { try { $summit_id = intval($request->param('SUMMIT_ID')); $summit = $this->summit_repository->getById($summit_id); if (is_null($summit)) { throw new NotFoundEntityException('Summit', sprintf(' id %s', $summit_id)); } $member_id = intval($request->param('MEMBER_ID')); $member = Member::get_by_id('Member', $member_id); if (is_null($member)) { throw new NotFoundEntityException('Member', sprintf(' id %s', $member_id)); } $speaker = $member->Speaker()->ID ? $member->Speaker()->toMap() : ''; $affiliation = ''; if ($affiliation_obj = $member->getCurrentAffiliation()) { $affiliation = $affiliation_obj->toMap(); $affiliation['Company'] = array('id' => $affiliation_obj->Organization()->ID, 'name' => $affiliation_obj->Organization()->Name); } echo json_encode(array('speaker' => $speaker, 'affiliation' => $affiliation)); } catch (NotFoundEntityException $ex2) { SS_Log::log($ex2->getMessage(), SS_Log::WARN); return $this->notFound($ex2->getMessage()); } catch (Exception $ex) { SS_Log::log($ex->getMessage(), SS_Log::ERR); return $this->serverError(); } }
public function doGetProperties(SS_HTTPRequest $request) { $range = $request->getVar('range'); $list = $this->PropertyList()->filter(array('Latitude:LessThan' => floatval($range[0]), 'Latitude:GreaterThan' => floatval($range[2]), 'Longitude:LessThan' => floatval($range[1]), 'Longitude:GreaterThan' => floatval($range[3]))); $json = JSONDataFormatter::create()->convertDataObjectSet($list); return $json; }
/** * Check that the payment was successful using "Process Response" API ( * * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request Request from the gateway - transaction response * @return PaymentGateway_Result */ public function check($request) { $data = $request->getVars(); $url = $request->getVar('url'); $result = $request->getVar('result'); $userID = $request->getVar('userid'); //Construct the request to check the payment status $request = new PxPayLookupRequest(); $request->setResponse($result); //Get encrypted URL from DPS to redirect the user to $request_string = $this->makeCheckRequest($request, $data); //Obtain output XML $response = new MifMessage($request_string); //Parse output XML $success = $response->get_element_text('Success'); if ($success && is_numeric($success) && $success > 0) { return new PaymentGateway_Success(); } else { if (is_numeric($success) && $success == 0) { return new PaymentGateway_Failure(); } else { return new PaymentGateway_Incomplete(); } } }
public function handleRequest(SS_HTTPRequest $request, DataModel $model) { $this->pushCurrent(); $this->urlParams = $request->allParams(); $this->request = $request; $this->response = new SS_HTTPResponse(); $this->setDataModel($model); $urlsegment = $request->param('URLSegment'); $this->extend('onBeforeInit'); $this->init(); $this->extend('onAfterInit'); // First check products against URL segment if ($product = Product::get()->filter(array('URLSegment' => $urlsegment, 'Disabled' => 0))->first()) { $controller = Catalogue_Controller::create($product); } elseif ($category = ProductCategory::get()->filter('URLSegment', $urlsegment)->first()) { $controller = Catalogue_Controller::create($category); } else { // If CMS is installed if (class_exists('ModelAsController')) { $controller = ModelAsController::create(); } } $result = $controller->handleRequest($request, $model); $this->popCurrent(); return $result; }
/** * OAuth callback handler. * * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request */ public function OAuth($request) { $code = $request->getVar('code'); $state = $request->getVar('state'); if (!$code || !$state) { return Controller::curr()->redirect($this->Link()); } $client = InstagramAccount::getNewInstagramClient(); $form = $this->getEditForm(); try { $token = $client->getAccessToken($code); $instagramAccountID = $this->getInstagramAccountIDFromSession($state); // Find the matching InstagramAccount. if (!$instagramAccountID || !($instagramAccount = InstagramAccount::get()->byId($instagramAccountID))) { return $this->handleOAuthError($form); } try { $instagramAccount->updateAccessToken(Convert::raw2json($token), $state); $instagramAccount->write(); $form->sessionMessage(_t('Instagram.MessageOAuthSuccess', 'Successfully authorised your account.'), 'good'); return Controller::curr()->redirect($this->Link()); } catch (Exception $e) { return $this->handleOAuthError($form, _t('Instagram.MessageOAuthErrorUserConflict', 'Unable to authorise account. Make sure you are logged out of Instagram and ' . 'your username is spelled correctly.')); } } catch (InstagramIdentityProviderException $e) { return $this->handleOAuthError($form); } }
/** * Process all incoming requests passed to this controller, checking * that the file exists and passing the file through if possible. */ public function handleRequest(SS_HTTPRequest $request, DataModel $model) { // Copied from Controller::handleRequest() $this->pushCurrent(); $this->urlParams = $request->allParams(); $this->request = $request; $this->response = new SS_HTTPResponse(); $this->setDataModel($model); $url = array_key_exists('url', $_GET) ? $_GET['url'] : $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // remove any relative base URL and prefixed slash that get appended to the file path // e.g. /mysite/assets/test.txt should become assets/test.txt to match the Filename field on File record $url = Director::makeRelative(ltrim(str_replace(BASE_URL, '', $url), '/')); $file = File::find($url); if ($this->canDownloadFile($file)) { // If we're trying to access a resampled image. if (preg_match('/_resampled\\/[^-]+-/', $url)) { // File::find() will always return the original image, but we still want to serve the resampled version. $file = new Image(); $file->Filename = $url; } $this->extend('onBeforeSendFile', $file); return $this->sendFile($file); } else { if ($file instanceof File) { // Permission failure Security::permissionFailure($this, 'You are not authorised to access this resource. Please log in.'); } else { // File doesn't exist $this->response = new SS_HTTPResponse('File Not Found', 404); } } return $this->response; }
/** * Out of the box, the handler "CurrentForm" value, which will return the rendered form. * Non-Ajax calls will redirect back. * * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request * @param array $extraCallbacks List of anonymous functions or callables returning either a string * or SS_HTTPResponse, keyed by their fragment identifier. The 'default' key can * be used as a fallback for non-ajax responses. * @param array $fragmentOverride Change the response fragments. * @return SS_HTTPResponse */ public function respond(SS_HTTPRequest $request, $extraCallbacks = array()) { // Prepare the default options and combine with the others $callbacks = array_merge($this->callbacks, $extraCallbacks); $response = $this->getResponse(); $responseParts = array(); if (isset($this->fragmentOverride)) { $fragments = $this->fragmentOverride; } elseif ($fragmentStr = $request->getHeader('X-Pjax')) { $fragments = explode(',', $fragmentStr); } else { if ($request->isAjax()) { throw new SS_HTTPResponse_Exception("Ajax requests to this URL require an X-Pjax header.", 400); } $response->setBody(call_user_func($callbacks['default'])); return $response; } // Execute the fragment callbacks and build the response. foreach ($fragments as $fragment) { if (isset($callbacks[$fragment])) { $res = call_user_func($callbacks[$fragment]); $responseParts[$fragment] = $res ? (string) $res : $res; } else { throw new SS_HTTPResponse_Exception("X-Pjax = '{$fragment}' not supported for this URL.", 400); } } $response->setBody(Convert::raw2json($responseParts)); $response->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/json'); return $response; }
/** * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request */ public function run($request) { // Only allow execution from the command line (for simplicity). if (!Director::is_cli()) { echo "<p>Sorry, but this can only be run from the command line.</p>"; return; } try { // Get and validate desired maintenance mode setting. $get = $request->getVars(); if (empty($get["args"])) { throw new Exception("Please provide an argument (e.g. 'on' or 'off').", 1); } $arg = strtolower(current($get["args"])); if ($arg != "on" && $arg != "off") { throw new Exception("Invalid argument: '{$arg}' (expected 'on' or 'off')", 2); } // Get and write site configuration now. $config = SiteConfig::current_site_config(); $previous = !empty($config->MaintenanceMode) ? "on" : "off"; $config->MaintenanceMode = $arg == "on"; $config->write(); // Output status and exit. if ($arg != $previous) { $this->output("Maintenance mode is now '{$arg}'."); } else { $this->output("NOTE: Maintenance mode was already '{$arg}' (nothing has changed)."); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->output("ERROR: " . $e->getMessage()); if ($e->getCode() <= 2) { $this->output("Usage: sake dev/tasks/MaintenanceMode [on|off]"); } } }
/** * Get the whole tree of a part of the tree via an AJAX request with empty / none item prepended. * * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request * @return string * for version 2.4 and later */ public function tree(SS_HTTPRequest $request) { if ($ID = (int) $request->latestparam('ID')) { return parent::tree($request); } else { return $this->preTree() . parent::tree($request) . OptionalTreeDropdownField::$postTree; } }
/** * Delete a file * * @param SS_HTTPRequest */ public function deletefile(SS_HTTPRequest $r) { if ($file = DataObject::get_by_id("File", (int) $r->requestVar('id'))) { $file->delete(); return new SS_HTTPResponse("OK", 200); } return false; }
public function show(SS_HTTPRequest $request) { $region = Region::get()->byID($request->param('ID')); if (!$region) { return $this->httpError(404, 'That region could not be found'); } return array('Region' => $region, 'Title' => $region->Title); }
public function viewClass(SS_HTTPRequest $request) { $class = $request->param('Class'); if (!class_exists($class)) { throw new Exception('CodeViewer->viewClass(): not passed a valid class to view (does the class exist?)'); } return $this->customise(array('Content' => $this->testAnalysis(getClassFile($class))))->renderWith('CodeViewer'); }
/** * Returns a JSON string of tags, for lazy loading. * * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request * * @return SS_HTTPResponse */ public function suggest(SS_HTTPRequest $request) { $members = $this->getMembers($request->getVar('term')); $response = new SS_HTTPResponse(); $response->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); $response->setBody(json_encode($members)); return $response; }