コード例 #1
  * SharePoint Folder constructor
  * @access  public
  * @param   SPSite $site     SharePoint Site
  * @param   array  $json     JSON response from the SharePoint REST API
  * @param   array  $settings Instantiation settings
  * @return  SPFolder
 public function __construct(SPSite $site, array $json, array $settings = [])
     $settings = array_replace_recursive(['fetch' => false], $settings, ['extra' => [], 'items' => []]);
     parent::__construct(['type' => 'odata.type', 'guid' => 'UniqueId', 'name' => 'Name', 'title' => 'Name', 'created' => 'TimeCreated', 'modified' => 'TimeLastModified', 'relativeUrl' => 'ServerRelativeUrl', 'itemCount' => 'ItemCount', 'listGUID' => 'ListItemAllFields->ParentList->Id', 'listTitle' => 'Properties->vti_x005f_listtitle'], $settings['extra']);
     $this->site = $site;
     if ($settings['fetch'] && $this->itemCount > 0) {
コード例 #2
  * SharePoint List constructor
  * @access  public
  * @param   SPSite $site     SharePoint Site
  * @param   array  $json     JSON response from the SharePoint REST API
  * @param   array  $settings Instantiation settings
  * @return  SPList
 public function __construct(SPSite $site, array $json, array $settings = [])
     $settings = array_replace_recursive(['fetch' => false], $settings, ['extra' => [], 'items' => []]);
     parent::__construct(['template' => 'BaseTemplate', 'type' => 'odata.type', 'itemType' => 'ListItemEntityTypeFullName', 'guid' => 'Id', 'title' => 'Title', 'relativeUrl' => 'RootFolder->ServerRelativeUrl', 'description' => 'Description', 'itemCount' => 'ItemCount', 'created' => 'RootFolder->TimeCreated', 'modified' => 'RootFolder->TimeLastModified'], $settings['extra']);
     $this->site = $site;
     if ($settings['fetch'] && $this->itemCount > 0) {