function get_all_attendee_IDs() { $connect = SPDO::getInstance(); $sth = $connect->prepare('SELECT `id_person` FROM `people` order by `id_person`'); //$sth->bindParam(':login', $login); $sth->execute(); $result = array(); while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, PDO::FETCH_ORI_NEXT)) { array_push($result, $row['id_person']); } return $result; }
public function updateOrder($sIdOrder, $aData) { $sReq = "UPDATE products_orders set id_transaction=:id_transaction, chekoutstatus=:status WHERE id_order=:id_order"; $update = SPDO::getInstance()->prepare($sReq); $update->bindParam(':id_transaction', $aData['PAYMENTINFO_0_TRANSACTIONID']); $update->bindParam(':status', $aData['PAYMENTINFO_0_PAYMENTSTATUS']); $update->bindParam('id_order', $sIdOrder); try { $result = $update->execute(); } catch (PDOException $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } }
/** * Vérification du mot de passe saisit par l'utilisateur et celui stocké en base. * * @param string $req Requête qui recupére le password haché en base * @param string $sPasswordUser Password saisit par l'utilisateur * @return boolean true:password OK ; false:password KO **/ public function verify_password_database($req, $sloginEnter, $sPasswordUser) { $stmt = SPDO::getInstance()->prepare($req); $stmt->bindvalue(':sloginEnter', $sloginEnter); $stmt->execute(); $aPwd_hash = $stmt->fetchAll(); if (!empty($aPwd_hash)) { $sPwd_hash = $aPwd_hash[0][0]; } else { $sPwd_hash = null; } return $this->pwd_verify($sPasswordUser, $sPwd_hash); }
/** * Update information in data-base (insert/update query) * * @param string $sReq Update SQL request * @param array $aData The list of data to be updated * @param string $sMsg Specific message (not standard message, ex: "Operation performed successfully") * @param string $slinkOK Link to return in initial page. * @param boolean $bMsgResult true:display result DB; false : don't display message */ public function executeDbQuery($sReq, $aData, $sMsg, $slinkOk, $bMsgResult = '') { $update = SPDO::getInstance()->prepare($sReq); foreach ($aData as $key => $value) { foreach ($value as $cle => $val) { if ($cle == 'type') { $type = $val; } elseif ($cle != 'type') { $bindName = $cle; $bindValue = $val; // if it's not PDO::PARAM_STR (PDO::PARAM_LOB, for example) if ($type != 2) { $update->bindValue($cle, $val, $type); } elseif ($type == '' or $type = 2) { $update->bindValue($cle, $val); } } } } try { $resultOK = $update->execute(); } catch (PDOException $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } if (!isset($resultOK)) { $resultOK = false; } if ($bMsgResult) { $aMsg = $this->getItemTransation('BLOG', 'BACK', Admin::$lang, 'MSG_DB_RESULT'); if ($resultOK) { $this->DisplayResultRqt($resultOK, $slinkOk, $aMsg[Admin::$lang]['ok_return'], ''); } else { $this->DisplayResultRqt($resultOK, $slinkOk, '', $aMsg[Admin::$lang]['ko_return']); } } return $resultOK; }
public function selectOneCategory($id_cat) { $aResult = SPDO::getInstance()->query("select * from product_categories where id_cat={$id_cat}"); return $select = $aResult->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); }
$sReq = "SELECT * FROM blog_comments WHERE id_com={$id}"; } elseif ($type == 'rep') { $sReq = "SELECT * FROM blog_reply WHERE id_rep={$id}"; } //Recherche de la valeur du jeton $sRequete = SPDO::getInstance()->query($sReq); $aResult = $sRequete->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($aResult['jeton'] == $t) { $oAdmin->DisplayResultRqt(TRUE, 'blog.php', $aMsg[$lang]['msg_valid_email'], ''); $val_confirm = 1; if ($type == 'com') { $sReq = "UPDATE blog_comments SET email_valid = :val WHERE id_com={$id}"; } elseif ($type == 'rep') { $sReq = "UPDATE blog_reply SET email_valid = :val WHERE id_rep={$id}"; } $update = SPDO::getInstance()->prepare($sReq); $update->bindValue(':val', $val_confirm); try { $result = $update->execute(); } catch (PDOException $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } } else { $oAdmin->DisplayResultRqt(FALSE, 'blog.php', '', $aMsg[$lang]['msg_notvalid_email']); } ?> </body> </html>
?> ">Démarer une visite du client</a> </li> </div> <!-- </div>--> </nav> <div class="container-fluid well col-sm-8 text-center" style="margin-left: 50px; border-radius:0px;"> <?php if (isset($_POST['idClient'])) { $idClient = trim(stripcslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['idClient']))); $query = "Select * from Client c ,manager m, bde b WHERE idClient = {$idClient} and c.idClient = liste_clients.idClient and = liste_clients.idManager and = liste_clients.idBde"; $reponse = SPDO::getInstance()->query($query); while ($requete = $reponse->fetch()) { ?> <form> <legend class="text-center">Information du client : <?php echo $requete['nom'] . ' ' . $requete['prenom']; ?> </legend> <!-- Code ITP --> <div class="container-fluid well-sm col-sm-12"> <label class="form-control title input-sm col-sm-3">Code ITP : </label> <label class="form-control col-sm-8 col-sm-push-1 input-sm "><?php echo $requete['idClient']; ?> </label> <input type="hidden" name="codeITP" id="codeITP" value="<?php
public function __construct() { $this->instance = SPDO::getInstance(); }
public static function getClient($idClient) { $query = "Select * from Client WHERE id = {$idClient}"; return SPDO::getInstance()->query($query); }
/** * @param $mois * @param $idBDE * @return mixed * */ public static function caMensuelBDE($mois, $idBDE) { $query = "SELECT SUM(`total`) as ca FROM commande WHERE MONTH(`date`) = " . $mois . " and idbde =" . $idBDE; $reponse = SPDO::getInstance()->query($query); return $reponse->fetch(); }
public static function addTeamInGame($gameId) { $req = SPDO::getInstance()->prepare('UPDATE game SET nbTeam = nbTeam + 1 WHERE gameId = :gameId'); $req->execute(array('gameId' => $gameId)); }
/** * Read "blog_conf" in database (The blog configuration parameters) * and feed classe attributs * */ public function ReadBlogConfig() { $sReq = 'SELECT * FROM blog_config'; $sRequete = SPDO::getInstance()->query($sReq); $aRequete = $sRequete->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $this->aff_xs = $aRequete['aff_xs']; $this->aff_sm = $aRequete['aff_sm']; $this->aff_md = $aRequete['aff_md']; $this->aff_lg = $aRequete['aff_lg']; $this->art_page = $aRequete['nbr_art_page']; $this->ctrl_comm = $aRequete['control_comm']; $this->mail_exp = $aRequete['email_from']; $this->mail_obj = $aRequete['email_objet']; $this->mail_txt = $aRequete['email_text']; $this->name_exp = $aRequete['name_from']; }
public function checkConnexion($login, $password) { SPDO::getInstance()->query("select * from bde WHERE immatricule = {$login} AND password = {$password}"); }
/** * Transactions research sort by : * * @param string $search_mod module filtering parameter * @param string $search_lang langauge filtering parameter * @param string $search_office back or front filtering parameter * @param string $search_type Type filtering parameter * @return array filtred translation */ public function getSearchTranslations($search_mod, $search_lang, $search_office, $search_type) { $where = ''; if ($search_mod != 'ALL') { $where = "module='{$search_mod}'"; } if ($search_lang != 'ALL' && $where != '') { $where .= " and lang='{$search_lang}'"; } elseif ($search_lang != 'ALL' && $where == '') { $where = "lang='{$search_lang}'"; } if ($search_office != 'ALL' & $where != '') { $where .= " and office='{$search_office}'"; } elseif ($search_office != 'ALL' & $where == '') { $where = "office='{$search_office}'"; } if ($search_type != 'ALL' & $where != '') { $where .= " and type='{$search_type}'"; } elseif ($search_type != 'ALL' & $where == '') { $where = "type='{$search_type}'"; } if ($where == '') { $sReq = "SELECT * FROM adm_translation order by description"; } else { $sReq = "SELECT * FROM adm_translation WHERE {$where} order by description"; } $result = SPDO::getInstance()->query($sReq); $aTrans = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); return $aTrans; }
private function CheckPayerRecorded($id_paypal) { $sReq = "SELECT count(id_payer) nbr FROM products_payer WHERE id_paypal='{$id_paypal}' "; $aResult = SPDO::getInstance()->query($sReq); return $aResult->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); }
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: admin * Date: 13/08/2015 * Time: 09:39 */ session_start(); $bde = $_SESSION['immatricule']; include 'menu.php'; include '../../Models/SPDO.php'; $querry = "SELECT * FROM remontee_terrain WHERE idbde = '{$bde}' ORDER BY Date DESC"; $result = SPDO::getInstance()->query($querry); ?> <div class="container-fluid well col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1"> <table class="table table-bordered"> <legend class="text-center">Les enquêtes passées par le BDE : <i class="text-success"><?php echo $_SESSION['login']; ?> </i></legend> <tbody> <tr> <td class="td-info" width="15%">Date </td> <td class="td-info" width="15%">Secteur</td> <td class="td-info" width="15%">Marque</td> <td class="td-info" width="15%">Sujet</td> <td class="td-info" width="40%">Commentaire</td> </tr> <?php
<![endif]--> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12"> <!--#include virtual="includes/menu.html" --> </div> </div> <?php } //Seach paypal settings $sReq = "SELECT * FROM adm_paypal"; $select = SPDO::getInstance()->query($sReq); $aSet = $select->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); // initialize Paypal configuration. $oPaypal = new Paypal($aSet['user'], $aSet['pwd'], $aSet['signature'], $aSet['prod'], $aSet['version'], $aSet['endpoint'], $aSet['money']); //Inialize strategy for 'Ticket' products $oTicket = new ProductContext('Ticket'); $aDataTickets = $oTicket->readProducts(); if (!isset($c)) { include 'core/Product/view/front-display-all-shows.php'; } else { if ($c == 'select') { // user select a show for booking it. $aDataShow = $oTicket->readProduct($id_prod); $aDataPrices = $oTicket->readAllPrices($id_prod); include 'core/Product/view/front-display-one-show.php'; } elseif ($c == 'pay') {
* Created by PhpStorm. * User: Ach-Khalil * Date: 19/08/15 * Time: 10:10 */ session_start(); include '../Models/SPDO.php'; $idBde = $_SESSION['immatricule']; if (isset($_POST['inserer'])) { //$dt=$_POST['dt']; $sjt = $_POST['sjt']; $cmt = $_POST['cmt']; $sct = $_POST['sct']; $mrq = $_POST['mrq']; $requete = "INSERT INTO `SMT`.`remontee_terrain` (`id`, `date`, `idbde`, `sujet`, `commentaire`, `Secteur`, `Marque`) VALUES (NULL,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP , {$idBde},'{$sjt}','{$cmt}','{$sct}','{$mrq}')"; $reponse = SPDO::getInstance()->exec($requete); if ($reponse == 1) { $_SESSION['enquete'] = true; ?> <script> var obj = 'window.location.replace("http://localhost/Stage_SMT/Views/pages/Enquete.php");'; setTimeout(obj,1000); </script> <?php } else { $_SESSION['enquete'] = false; ?> <script> var obj = 'window.location.replace("http://localhost/Stage_SMT/Views/pages/Enquete.php");'; setTimeout(obj,1000);
<?php require_once "superPdo.class.php"; $db = SPDO::getInstance(); $insert = $db->prepare(' INSERT INTO test (test) VALUES(' . rand(10, 500) . ') '); $insert->execute(); echo $db->lastInsertId() . PHP_EOL; $select = $db->prepare(' SELECT * FROM test '); $select->execute(); print_r($select->fetchAll());
<?php include_once '../jcart/JCart.php'; if (isset($_POST['site'])) { $marque = $_POST['site']; $sql = "SELECT * from Produits where Marque LIKE '{$marque}'"; $reponse2 = SPDO::getInstance()->query($sql); while ($row = $reponse2->fetch()) { ?> <div class="well col-sm-4" style="background-color: white;width:220px;margin-left:17px"> <form method="post" action="" class="jcart"> <fieldset> <input type="hidden" name="jcartToken" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['jcartToken']; ?> "/> <input type="hidden" name="my-item-id" value="<?php echo $row['id']; ?> "/> <input type="hidden" name="my-item-name" value="<?php echo utf8_encode($row['nomProduit']); ?> "/> <input type="hidden" name="my-item-price" value="<?php echo $row['prix']; ?> "/>
} } ?> </select> <input id="idClient" value="<?php echo $_GET['id']; ?> " hidden> <button type="submit" name="submit" id="valos" hidden>Valider une commande</button> </form> </div> <div class="col-sm-12"> <label for="select" class="col-sm-6 control-label text-primary">Mode de paiement</label> <select class="form-control col-sm-6 input-sm" id="modePaiement" name="site"> <?php $reponseDelai = SPDO::getInstance()->query("select * from Client WHERE idClient = {$idClient}"); $row = $reponseDelai->fetch(); if ($row['delaiDePaiment'] == 30) { ?> <option value="especes">Espèces</option> <option value="cheque_30_jours">Chèque 30 Jours</option> <option value="cheque_3_jours">Chèque 3 Jours</option> <option value="cheque_7_jours">Chèque 7 Jours</option> <?php } else { if ($row['delaiDePaiment'] == 7) { ?> <option value="especes">Espèces</option> <option value="cheque_3_jours">Chèque 3 Jours</option> <option value="cheque_7_jours">Chèque 7 Jours</option> <?php
function rollbackAndDie() { SPDO::getInstance()->rollBack(); die; }
if (!$req->execute(array('id' => $id, 'server' => $server))) { die; } $data = $req->fetch()['game']; $rowExists = strlen($data) > 0; # POST if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') { $data = json_encode(array('method' => 'POST', 'id' => $id, 'server' => $server, 'post' => $_POST['data'], 'exists' => $rowExists), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); if ($rowExists) { $req = SPDO::getInstance()->prepare('UPDATE gamesaves SET game = :game WHERE id = :id AND server = :server'); $req->execute(array('id' => $id, 'server' => $server, 'game' => $_POST['data'])); if ($req->rowCount() < 1) { die; } } else { $req = SPDO::getInstance()->prepare('INSERT INTO gamesaves(id, server, game) VALUES(:id, :server, :game)'); $req->execute(array('id' => $id, 'server' => $server, 'game' => $_POST['data'])); if ($req->rowCount() < 1) { die; } } # GET } elseif ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'GET') { if (!$rowExists) { $data = "{}"; } } else { die; } # JSON if no callback if (!isset($_GET['callback'])) {
public static function nbOfTeamPlayedThisRound($gameId, $round) { $req = SPDO::getInstance()->prepare('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT sourceTeamId) AS numb FROM action WHERE gameId = :gameId AND round = :round'); $req->execute(array('gameId' => $gameId, 'round' => $round)); return intval($req->fetch()['numb']); }
public function readPrices($id_prod) { $sReq = "select * from products_prices where id_product={$id_prod}"; $aResult = SPDO::getInstance()->query($sReq); return $aResult->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); }