private function get_location() { $loc = SMOBTools::location(); if ($loc) { $uri = $loc[0]; $loc = SMOBStore::query("SELECT ?lat ?long WHERE { <{$uri}> geo:lat ?lat ; geo:long ?long .}"); return array($loc[0]['lat'], $loc[0]['long']); } else { return array(0, 0); } }
public function publisher_header($reply_of = null) { $contentblock = $reply_of ? "\$('.content-details').show();" : "\n\t\t\$('#content').focus(function() {\n\t\t\t\$('.content-details').show();\n\t\t});"; $form_js = <<<__END__ \t\t<script type="text/javascript"> \t\t\$(document).ready(function() { \t\t\t\$("#publish").click(function () { \t\t\t\tpublish(); \t\t\t}); \t\t\t{$contentblock} \t\t\tnumwords = 0; \t\t\t// XXX form.blur doesn't work :-/ \t\t\t\$('#content-form').blur(function() { \t\t\t\tif (\$('#content').val().length == 0) { \t\t\t\t\t\$('.content-details').hide(); \t\t\t\t} \t\t\t}); \t\t\t\$('#content').keyup(function(){ \t\t\t\tinterlink(); \t\t\t\tcharsleft(); \t\t\t}); \t\t}); \t\t</script> __END__; $form = '<h2>What's on your mind?</h2>'; if ($reply_of) { $r = explode('/', $reply_of); if ($r[2] == '') { $reply = '@' . $r[3] . ' '; } $len = 140 - strlen($reply); $form .= "<p>You are replying to post <a href='{$reply_of}'>{$reply_of}</a></p>"; $form .= "<input type='hidden' name='reply_of' id='reply_of' value='{$reply_of}' />"; } else { $len = 140; $form .= "<input type='hidden' name='reply_of' id='reply_of'/>"; } $form .= ' <span class="content-details" style="display: none;"> (You have <span id="charsleft">' . $len . '</span> characters left) </span> <form id="content-form"> <textarea name="content" id="content" rows="5" cols="82">' . $reply . '</textarea> <div class="content-details" style="display: none;"> '; if ($loc = SMOBTools::location()) { $location_uri = 'value ="' . $loc[0] . '"'; $location = 'value ="' . $loc[1] . '"'; } $form .= ' <fieldset><legend>Current location</legend> <input type="text" name="location" id="location" class="autocomplete" ' . $location . '/> <input type="hidden" name="location_uri" id="location_uri" ' . $location_uri . '/> </fieldset> '; $form .= ' <fieldset><legend>Interlinking</legend> <div id="lod-form">Links will be suggested while typing ... (space required after each #tag) <div id="tabs"><ul></ul></div> </div> </fieldset> '; $form .= '<fieldset><legend>Broadcast</legend>'; if (TWITTER_POST) { $form .= "<input type='checkbox' name='twitter' id='twitter' checked='true'/>Twitter as " . TWITTER_USER . "<br/>"; } $form .= "<input type='checkbox' name='sindice' id='sindice' checked='true'/>Ping Sindice<br/>"; $form .= '</fieldset>'; $form .= ' </div> </form> <button id="publish" class="content-details" style="display: none;">SMOB it!</button> <div id="smob-publish" style="display: none;"> <br/><em>Publishing content ...</em> </div> '; return array($form_js, $form); }