コード例 #1
ファイル: core.php プロジェクト: grlf/eyedock
  * Generates image previews with alternate text, title and lightbox pop-up activation on mouse click.
  * @param string $body Data associated with the gallery.
  * @param string $paramstring A whitespace-separated list of name="value" parameter values.
 private function getImageGalleryHtml($body, $params = array())
     // set gallery parameters
     $this->curparams = clone $this->defparams;
     // parameters set in back-end
     if (is_array($params)) {
     } else {
         $paramstring = htmlspecialchars_decode((string) $params);
         // parameters set inline
     if (!isset($body)) {
         // path is set via parameter with compact activation syntax
         $body = $this->curparams->path;
     $engineservices = SIGPlusEngineServices::instance();
     // generate link to an existing gallery
     if ($this->curparams->link !== false) {
         $lightbox = $engineservices->getLightboxEngine($this->curparams->lightbox);
         // get selected lightbox engine if any or use default
         if ($lightbox && ($linkscript = $lightbox->getLinkScript($this->curparams->link, $this->curparams->index)) !== false) {
             return '<a href="javascript:void(' . htmlspecialchars($linkscript) . ')">' . $body . '</a>';
         } else {
             // engine does not support programmatic activation
             return $body;
     // set gallery folders
     $imageref = $body;
     // a relative path to an image folder or an image, or an absolute URL to an image to display
     if ($isremote = is_remote_path($imageref)) {
         $imageurl = $imageref;
         $iswebalbum = (bool) preg_match('"^https?://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/(?:api|base)/user/([^/?#]+)/albumid/([^/?#]+)"', $imageurl);
         // test for Picasa galleries
         $imagehashbase = $imageurl;
     } else {
         $imageref = trim($imageref, '/');
         // remove leading and trailing backslash
         // verify validity of relative path
         $imagepath = $this->imageservices->getImagePath($imageref);
         if (!file_exists($imagepath)) {
             throw new SIGPlusImageGalleryFolderException($imageref);
         $imagehashbase = $imagepath;
         // base in computing hash for content caching
     // set gallery identifier
     if ($this->curparams->id) {
         // use user-supplied identifier
         $galleryid = $this->curparams->id;
     } else {
         // automatically generate identifier for thumbnail gallery
         $galleryid = 'sigplus_' . md5($imagehashbase);
     $galleryid = $this->getUniqueGalleryId($galleryid);
     // force meaningful settings for single-image view (disable slider and activate flow layout)
     if ($this->curparams->layout != 'hidden' && ($isremote && !$iswebalbum || isset($imagepath) && is_file($imagepath))) {
         $this->curparams->layout = 'flow';
         $this->curparams->rows = false;
         $this->curparams->cols = false;
         $this->curparams->slider = false;
     // substitute proper left or right alignment depending on whether language is LTR or RTL
     $language = JFactory::getLanguage();
     $this->curparams->alignment = str_replace(array('after', 'before'), $language->isRTL() ? array('left', 'right') : array('right', 'left'), $this->curparams->alignment);
     // get selected slider engine if any, or use default
     $slider = $engineservices->getSliderEngine($this->curparams->slider);
     if (!$slider) {
         $this->curparams->progressive = false;
         // progressive loading is not supported unless a slider is enabled
     // *** cannot update $this->curparams, which is used in content caching, beyond this point *** //
     // initialize logging
         $logging = SIGPlusLogging::instance();
         if ($isremote) {
             $logging->append('Generating gallery "' . $galleryid . '" from URL: <kbd>' . $imageurl . '</kbd>');
         } else {
             $logging->append('Generating gallery "' . $galleryid . '" from file/directory: <kbd>' . $imagepath . '</kbd>');
         $logging->appendblock('Local parameters for "' . $galleryid . '" are:', print_r($this->curparams, true));
     // verify if content is available in cache folder
     if (!SIGPLUS_CONTENT_CACHING || $engineservices->debug || $this->curparams->hasRandom()) {
         $cachekey = false;
         // galleries that involve a random element cannot be cached
     } elseif (($cachekey = $this->imageservices->getCachedContent($imagehashbase, $this->curparams)) !== false) {
         if (SIGPLUS_LOGGING) {
             $logging->append('Retrieving cached content with key <kbd>' . $cachekey . '</kbd>.');
     // generate gallery HTML code or setup script
     if ($cachekey === false) {
         // save default title and description, which might be overridden in labels file, affecting hash key used in caching
         $deftitle = $this->curparams->deftitle;
         $defdescription = $this->curparams->defdescription;
         if ($isremote) {
             // access images remote domain
             if ($iswebalbum) {
                 $htmlorscript = $this->getPicasaImageGallery($imageurl, $galleryid);
             } else {
                 $extension = strtolower(pathinfo(parse_url($imageurl, PHP_URL_PATH), PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
                 switch ($extension) {
                     case 'gif':
                     case 'jpg':
                     case 'jpeg':
                     case 'png':
                         // plug-in syntax {gallery}http://example.com/image.jpg{/gallery}
                         $labels = array(new SIGPlusImageLabel($imageurl, false, false));
                         // artificial single-entry labels file
                         $htmlorscript = $this->getUserDefinedRemoteImageGallery($labels, $galleryid);
                         // plug-in syntax {gallery}http://example.com{/gallery}
                         throw new SIGPlusNotSupportedException();
                         $labels = $this->imageservices->getLabels($imageurl, $this->curparams->labels, $this->curparams->deftitle, $this->curparams->defdescription);
                         switch ($this->curparams->sortcriterion) {
                             case SIGPLUS_SORT_RANDOMLABELS:
                                 // fall through
                             // fall through
                             case SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS_OR_FILENAME:
                             case SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS_OR_MTIME:
                                 $htmlorscript = $this->getUserDefinedRemoteImageGallery($labels, $galleryid);
         } else {
             if (is_file($imagepath)) {
                 // syntax {gallery}folder/subfolder/file.jpg{/gallery}
                 $htmlorscript = $this->getUnlabeledImageGallery(dirname($imagepath), array(basename($imagepath)), $galleryid);
             } else {
                 // syntax {gallery}folder/subfolder{/gallery}
                 // fetch image labels
                 switch ($this->curparams->labels) {
                     case 'filename':
                         $labels = $this->imageservices->getLabelsFromFilenames($imagepath);
                         $labels = $this->imageservices->getLabels($imagepath, $this->curparams->labels, $this->curparams->deftitle, $this->curparams->defdescription);
                 switch ($this->curparams->sortcriterion) {
                     case SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS_OR_FILENAME:
                         if (empty($labels)) {
                             // there is no labels file to use
                             $files = $this->imageservices->getListing($imagepath, SIGPLUS_FILENAME, $this->curparams->sortorder, $this->curparams->depth);
                             $htmlorscript = $this->getUnlabeledImageGallery($imagepath, $files, $galleryid);
                         } else {
                             $htmlorscript = $this->getUserDefinedImageGallery($imagepath, $labels, $galleryid);
                     case SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS_OR_MTIME:
                         if (empty($labels)) {
                             $files = $this->imageservices->getListing($imagepath, SIGPLUS_MTIME, $this->curparams->sortorder, $this->curparams->depth);
                             $htmlorscript = $this->getUnlabeledImageGallery($imagepath, $files, $galleryid);
                         } else {
                             $htmlorscript = $this->getUserDefinedImageGallery($imagepath, $labels, $galleryid);
                     case SIGPLUS_SORT_MTIME:
                         $files = $this->imageservices->getListing($imagepath, SIGPLUS_MTIME, $this->curparams->sortorder, $this->curparams->depth);
                         $htmlorscript = $this->getLabeledImageGallery($imagepath, $files, $labels, $galleryid);
                     case SIGPLUS_SORT_RANDOM:
                         $files = $this->imageservices->getListing($imagepath, SIGPLUS_RANDOM, $this->curparams->sortorder, $this->curparams->depth);
                         $htmlorscript = $this->getLabeledImageGallery($imagepath, $files, $labels, $galleryid);
                     case SIGPLUS_SORT_RANDOMLABELS:
                         if (empty($labels)) {
                             // there is no labels file to use
                             $files = $this->imageservices->getListing($imagepath, SIGPLUS_RANDOM, $this->curparams->sortorder, $this->curparams->depth);
                             $htmlorscript = $this->getUnlabeledImageGallery($imagepath, $files, $galleryid);
                         } else {
                             $htmlorscript = $this->getUserDefinedImageGallery($imagepath, $labels, $galleryid);
                         // case SIGPLUS_SORT_FILENAME:
                         $files = $this->imageservices->getListing($imagepath, SIGPLUS_FILENAME, $this->curparams->sortorder, $this->curparams->depth);
                         $htmlorscript = $this->getLabeledImageGallery($imagepath, $files, $labels, $galleryid);
         if (!empty($htmlorscript)) {
             switch ($this->curparams->linkage) {
                 case 'inline':
                     $cachedata = ($slider !== false ? '<ul style="visibility:hidden;">' : '<ul>') . implode($htmlorscript) . '</ul>';
                 case 'head':
                     // put generated content in HTML head (does not allow HTML body with bloating size, which would cause preg_replace in System - SEF to fail)
                     $cachedata = $this->getGalleryScript($galleryid, $htmlorscript);
                 case 'external':
                     $cachedata = '__jQuery__(function () { ' . $this->getGalleryScript($galleryid, $htmlorscript) . ' });';
         } else {
             $cachedata = false;
         // restore default title and description, which might have been overridden in labels file
         $this->curparams->deftitle = $deftitle;
         $this->curparams->defdescription = $defdescription;
         if (SIGPLUS_CONTENT_CACHING && !$this->curparams->hasRandom()) {
             // save generated content for future re-use in a temporary file in the cache folder
             $cachekey = $this->imageservices->saveCachedContent($imagehashbase, $this->curparams, $cachedata);
             if (SIGPLUS_LOGGING) {
                 if ($cachekey !== false) {
                     $logging->append('Saved cached content with key <kbd>' . $cachekey . '</kbd>.');
                 } else {
                     $logging->append('Failed to persist content in cache folder.');
     } elseif ($this->curparams->linkage != 'external') {
         // retrieve content from cache but no need to fetch content for linking external .js file
         $cachefile = $this->imageservices->getCachedContentPath($cachekey, $this->curparams->linkage == 'inline' ? '.html' : '.js');
         if (filesize($cachefile) > 0) {
             $cachedata = file_get_contents($cachefile);
         } else {
             $cachedata = false;
             // empty gallery
     } else {
         $cachedata = true;
     if ($cachedata === false) {
         // no content
         $html = JText::_('SIGPLUS_EMPTY');
     } else {
         switch ($this->curparams->linkage) {
             case 'inline':
                 $html = $cachedata;
                 // content produced as HTML only in inline linkage mode
             case 'head':
                 // add gallery population script
                 // add gallery data
                 $html = '';
                 // no content produced in HTML except for placeholder
             case 'external':
                 if ($cachekey !== false) {
                     // include reference to generated script in external .js file
                     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
                     $document->addScript($this->imageservices->getCachedContentUrl($cachekey, '.js'));
                 } else {
                     // add script to document head as a fall-back if could not save to external .js file in cache folder
                 $html = '';
     // set image gallery alignment (left, center or right) and style
     $gallerystyle = 'sigplus-gallery';
     switch ($this->curparams->alignment) {
         case 'left':
         case 'left-clear':
         case 'left-float':
             $gallerystyle .= ' sigplus-left';
         case 'center':
             $gallerystyle .= ' sigplus-center';
         case 'right':
         case 'right-clear':
         case 'right-float':
             $gallerystyle .= ' sigplus-right';
     switch ($this->curparams->alignment) {
         case 'left':
         case 'left-float':
         case 'right':
         case 'right-float':
             $gallerystyle .= ' sigplus-float';
         case 'left-clear':
         case 'right-clear':
             $gallerystyle .= ' sigplus-clear';
     switch ($this->curparams->imagecaptions) {
         case 'above':
             $gallerystyle .= ' sigplus-captionsabove';
         case 'below':
             $gallerystyle .= ' sigplus-captionsbelow';
     // output image gallery or gallery placeholder
     $div_attrs = array('id' => $galleryid, 'class' => $gallerystyle);
     if ($this->curparams->layout == 'hidden') {
         $div_attrs['style'] = 'display:none !important;';
     $html = make_html('div', $div_attrs, $html);
     // add style and script declarations
     $this->curparams = false;
     return $html;
コード例 #2
ファイル: sigplus.php プロジェクト: grlf/eyedock
  * Fired when contents are to be processed by the plug-in.
  * Recommended usage syntax:
  * a) POSIX fully portable file names
  *    Folder name characters are in [A-Za-z0-9._-])
  *    Regular expression: [/\w.-]+
  *    Example: {gallery rows=1 cols=1}  /sigplus/birds/  {/gallery}
  * b) URL-encoded absolute URLs
  *    Regular expression: (?:[0-9A-Za-z!"$&\'()*+,.:;=@_-]|%[0-9A-Za-z]{2})+
  *    Example: {gallery} http://example.com/image.jpg {/gallery}
 function onContentPrepare($context, &$article, &$params, $limitstart)
     // skip plug-in activation when the content is being indexed
     if ($context === 'com_finder.indexer') {
     if (strpos($article->text, '{' . $this->activationtag) === false) {
         /* short-circuit plugin activation */
     // reset low-level lightbox-only mode
     $this->lowlevel = false;
         $logging = SIGPlusLogging::instance();
         $logging->append('<strong>sigplus is currently running in logging mode</strong>. This should be turned off in a production environment by setting the constant SIGPLUS_LOGGING in <kbd>sigplus.php</kbd> to <kbd>false</kbd>, in which case this message will also disappear.');
     // load language file for internationalized labels and error messages
     $lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
     $lang->load('plg_content_sigplus', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR);
     try {
         // on-demand instantiation
         if (!isset($this->core)) {
             $this->core = new SIGPlusCore($this->configuration);
         // find gallery tags and emit code
         $activationtag = preg_quote($this->activationtag, '#');
         $article->text = preg_replace_callback('#[{]' . $activationtag . '([^{}]*)(?<!/)[}]\\s*((?:[^{]+|[{](?!/' . $activationtag . '))+)\\s*[{]/' . $activationtag . '[}]#', array($this, 'getGalleryRegexReplacementExpanded'), $article->text, -1);
         $article->text = preg_replace_callback('#[{]' . $activationtag . '([^{}]*)/[}]#', array($this, 'getGalleryRegexReplacementCollapsed'), $article->text, -1);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $app = JFactory::getApplication();
         $app->enqueueMessage($e->getMessage(), 'error');
         $article->text = $e->getMessage() . $article->text;
         $article->text = $logging->fetch() . $article->text;