} $license_info = SGAntiVirus::GetLicenseInfo(get_site_url(), $params['access_key']); if ($license_info === false) { exit; } $a = SGAntiVirus::QuarantineFiles($license_info['last_scan_files']['main']); if ($a === true) { SGAntiVirus_module::DebugLog('Malware moved to quarantine and deleted from the server. Files:' . print_r($license_info['last_scan_files'], true)); } else { SGAntiVirus_module::DebugLog('Operation is failed. Some files are not moved to quarantine or not deleted. Files:' . print_r($license_info['last_scan_files'], true)); } $a = SGAntiVirus::QuarantineFiles($license_info['last_scan_files']['heuristic']); if ($a === true) { SGAntiVirus_module::DebugLog('Malware moved to quarantine and deleted from the server. Files:' . print_r($license_info['last_scan_files'], true)); } else { SGAntiVirus_module::DebugLog('Operation is failed. Some files are not moved to quarantine or not deleted. Files:' . print_r($license_info['last_scan_files'], true)); } } else { die('access_key or IP is not correct'); } exit; } if (isset($_GET['task']) && $_GET['task'] == 'status') { error_reporting(0); include_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRSEP . 'sgantivirus.class.php'; $access_key = trim($_GET['access_key']); $params = plgwpavp_GetExtraParams(); if ($params['access_key'] == $access_key) { $a = array('status' => 'ok', 'answer' => md5($_GET['answer']), 'version' => SGAntiVirus_module::$antivirus_version); echo json_encode($a); }