private function getLikeBtn($article, $infix = 'article') { $buttonStyle = $this->configModel->getSetting('social_' . $infix . '_like_layout_style'); $showFaces = $this->configModel->getSetting('social_' . $infix . '_like_show_faces'); $showShareButton = $this->configModel->getSetting('social_' . $infix . '_like_show_send_button'); $width = $this->configModel->getSetting('social_' . $infix . '_like_width'); $verbToDisplay = $this->configModel->getSetting('social_' . $infix . '_like_verb_to_display'); $font = $this->configModel->getSetting('social_' . $infix . '_like_font'); $colorScheme = $this->configModel->getSetting('social_a' . $infix . '_like_color_scheme'); $showFacebook = $this->configModel->getSetting('social_' . $infix . '_like_show_facebook'); $showLinkedIn = $this->configModel->getSetting('social_' . $infix . '_like_show_linkedin'); $showTwitter = $this->configModel->getSetting('social_' . $infix . '_like_show_twitter'); $showGooglePlus = $this->configModel->getSetting('social_' . $infix . '_like_show_googleplus'); $showPinterest = $this->configModel->getSetting('social_' . $infix . '_like_show_pinterest'); //only call opengraph plugin if we show pinterest to remove unnecessary overhead $pinImage = $pinText = ''; if ($showPinterest) { $pinImage = $this->getPinterestImage($article); $pinText = $this->getPinterestText($article); } $url = SCArticleContent::getCurrentURL($article, $this->isJoomla); $btnHTML = $likeHTML = $likeExtraHTML = $widthField = ''; //Only set width for standard layout, not box_count or button_count if ($buttonStyle == 'standard') { $widthField .= ' width=' . $width; } //show like or with share button if ($showFacebook) { $likeHTML .= '{JFBCLike layout=' . $buttonStyle . ' show_faces=' . $showFaces . ' share=' . $showShareButton . $widthField . ' action=' . $verbToDisplay . ' font=' . $font . ' colorscheme=' . $colorScheme . ' href=' . $url . $this->renderKeyString . '}'; } else { if ($showShareButton && !$showFacebook) { if ($buttonStyle == 'standard' || $buttonStyle == 'button') { $style = 'button'; } else { if ($buttonStyle == 'box_count') { $style = 'box_count'; } else { $style = 'button_count'; } } $likeHTML .= '{JFBCShare layout=' . $style . $widthField . ' href=' . $url . $this->renderKeyString . '}'; } } if ($showLinkedIn || $showTwitter || $showGooglePlus || $showPinterest) { $likeExtraHTML = SCSocialUtilities::getExtraShareButtons($url, $buttonStyle, false, false, $showTwitter, $showGooglePlus, $this->renderKeyString, $showLinkedIn, '50', $showPinterest, $pinImage, $pinText); } if (!empty($likeHTML) || !empty($likeExtraHTML)) { $btnHTML .= '<div style="position: relative; top:0px; left:0px; z-index: 99;" class="scsocialbuttons ' . $buttonStyle . '">'; $btnHTML .= $likeExtraHTML; $btnHTML .= $likeHTML; $btnHTML .= '</div><div style="clear:both"></div>'; } $html = ''; $intro_text = $this->configModel->getSetting('social_' . $infix . '_like_intro_text'); if (!empty($intro_text)) { $html .= '<div class="scsocialbuttons-intro-text">' . $intro_text . '</div>'; } $html .= $btnHTML; return $html; }