コード例 #1
* Copy one permission row to the subtree
* @package CMS
* @param string type - permission type (OBJ/ACL)
* @param integer source_id - source ID (obejct ID or group ID)
* @param string crud - CRUPD mask to be copied eg "01000"
* @param integer user_id - User ID
* @param integer group_id - Group ID
* @param integer role_id - Role ID
* Call:
*		copy_permissions(array(
*			"type" => 'OBJ',
*			"source_id" => $site->fdat['id'],
*			"crud" => $site->fdat['crud']
*			"user_id" => $site->fdat['perm_user_id'],
*			"group_id" => $site->fdat['perm_group_id'],
*			"role_id" => $site->fdat['perm_role_id'],
*		));
function copy_permissions ($args) {
	global $site, $class_path;

	$source_id = $args['source_id'];
	$crud = $args['crud'];
	$user_id = $args['user_id'];
	$group_id = $args['group_id'];
	$role_id = $args['role_id'];

	## how many objects/groups were actually updated 
	$updated_count = 0;

	# make string "01000" to array
	$crud_arr['C'] = substr($crud,0,1);
	$crud_arr['R'] = substr($crud,1,1);
	$crud_arr['U'] = substr($crud,2,1);
	$crud_arr['P'] = substr($crud,3,1);
	$crud_arr['D'] = substr($crud,4,1);
	<td valign="top" class="scms_confirm_alert_cell" height="100%">
	#echo "ID:". $source_id.' / CRUD: '.$crud;

	if($args['type']) {

		############ 1) GET SUBTREE HERE (query 1 time)

		# get object subtree: children sections (ignore objects languages, to get folders also. there is no risk because we get always one certain branch)

			include_once($class_path."rubloetelu.class.php"); # used in subtree proc
			$rubs = new RubLoetelu(array(
				"keel" => $keel,
				"required_perm" => "U",
				"object_type_ids" => "1,22", # get sections, folders (Bug #1996)
				"ignore_lang" => 1 # ignore objects languages
			# get branch: is array of all section children with update permission:
			$branch = $rubs->get_branch_byID(array(id => $site->fdat['id']));
		# get group subtree: children subgroups

	  		$sql = "SELECT group_id AS id, parent_group_id AS parent, name FROM groups ORDER BY name";
			$sth = new SQL($sql);
			while ($data = $sth->fetch()){
				$temp_tree[] = $data;		
			############# generate tree 
			$menu = new Menu(array(
				width=> "100%",
				tree => $temp_tree,
				datatype => "group"
			$menu->get_full_subtree(array("parent_id" => $site->fdat['id']));
			# $menu->full_subtree is variable from group tree and is all ID-s of group children
			#echo printr($menu->full_subtree);
			foreach($menu->full_subtree as $subgroup_id) {
				$branch[$subgroup_id] = ""; # name is not important



		# loop over subtree
		# branch is array of all children
		foreach($branch as $child_id=>$child_name) {
			# omit source object itself
			if($child_id == $source_id) {
			########### CREATE CHILD (to get permissions and title)

			if($args['type'] == 'OBJ') {
				## create child object
				$child = new Objekt(array(
					objekt_id => $child_id
				$child->title = $child->all['pealkiri'];
			elseif($args['type'] == 'ACL') {
				## create child group
				$child = new Group(array(
					group_id => $child_id,
				$child->permission = get_user_permission(array(
					type => 'ACL',
					group_id => $child_id
				$child->title = $child->name;

			########### CHECK UPDATE PERMISSION - does user has U permission for this object? (Bug #2203)
			if(!$child->permission['U']) {
				continue; # user doesn't have U permission => don't change child

			# insert permission also to child:
			#print "<br>insert permission also to child: ". $child_id. " => ".$child_name;
			##### 1) DELETE OLD permission
			$sql = $site->db->prepare("DELETE FROM permissions WHERE type=? AND source_id=? AND ",$args['type'], $child_id);
				$sql .= $site->db->prepare(" role_id=? ", $role_id);
			} elseif($group_id){
				$sql .= $site->db->prepare(" group_id=? ", $group_id);
			} elseif($user_id){
				$sql .= $site->db->prepare(" user_id=? ", $user_id);
			$sth = new SQL($sql);
			#print "<br>".$sql;

			##### 2) INSERT permission
			$sql = $site->db->prepare("INSERT INTO permissions (type,source_id,role_id,group_id,user_id,C,R,U,P,D) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", 	
			$sth = new SQL($sql);
			#print "<br>".$sql;
			if($sth->rows) {

			# 3. WRITE LOG

			# type= OBJ
			if($args['type'] == 'OBJ') {
				new Log(array(
					'action' => 'update',
					'component' => 'ACL',
					'objekt_id' => $child_id,
					'message' => "Object '".$child->title."' (ID=".$child_id.") permissions updated inside subtree",
			# type= ACL
			elseif($args['type'] == 'ACL') {
				new Log(array(
					'action' => 'update',
					'component' => 'ACL',
					'objekt_id' => $child_id,
					'message' => "Object '".$child->title."' (ID=".$child_id.") permissions updated inside subtree",
			# / write log
		# / loop over subtree

	} # if permission type provided

	######### MESSAGE
	echo $site->sys_sona(array(sona => "Permissions copied to subtree", tyyp=>"editor"));
	echo ': '.$updated_count.'';
	<?#################### BUTTONS ###########?>
	  <td align="right" valign="top" class="scms_dialog_area_bottom"> 
	   <input type="button" value="<?=$site->sys_sona(array(sona => "Close", tyyp=>"editor")) ?>" onclick="javascript:window.close();">