コード例 #1
  * function __construct
  * <pre>
  * Initialize the object.
  * </pre>
  * @param $pathModuleRoot [STRING] The path to the module's root dir.
  * @param $viewer [OBJECT] The viewer object.
  * @param $sortBy [STRING] Field data to sort listManager by.
  * @param $managerInit [INTEGER] Initialization value for the listManager.
  * @return [void]
 function __construct($pathModuleRoot, $viewer, $sortBy, $staffscheduletype_id)
     $this->pathModuleRoot = $pathModuleRoot;
     $this->viewer = $viewer;
     $this->formtype_id = $staffscheduletype_id;
     $this->sortBy = $sortBy;
     if ($this->sortBy == '') {
         $this->sortBy = 'staffschedule_approved,person_lname,person_fname';
     } else {
         if ($this->sortBy == 'person_id') {
             $this->sortBy = 'person_lname,person_fname';
     // Now load the access Priviledge manager of this viewer
     $this->adminManager = new RowManager_AdminManager();
     // Get the person ID
     $accessManager = new RowManager_AccessManager();
     $personID = $accessManager->getPersonID();
     // Get the permissions the person has.
     // Super-admin
     if ($this->adminManager->hasSitePriv()) {
         $dataAccessObject = new MultiTableManager();
         $schedules = new RowManager_StaffScheduleManager();
         $persons = new RowManager_PersonManager();
         $dataAccessObject->addRowManager($persons, new JoinPair($schedules->getJoinOnPersonID(), $persons->getJoinOnPersonID()));
         //        $this->listManager = new StaffScheduleList( $sortBy );
         $this->listManager = $dataAccessObject->getListIterator();
     } else {
         if ($this->adminManager->isStaff($viewer->getID())) {
             $director_id = $this->getStaffIDfromViewerID();
             $staffManager = new RowManager_StaffDirectorManager();
             /* Retrieve all directors under the current director */
             $hierarchy_result = $staffManager->getDirectorHierarchy($director_id);
             $hierarchy_array = array();
             $directed_staff = '';
             while ($hierarchy_result->moveNext()) {
                 $staff_ids = $hierarchy_result->getCurrentRow();
                 // 	           echo 'array = <pre>'.print_r($hierarchy_array,true).'</pre>';
                 for ($lvl = 1; $lvl <= MAX_DIRECTOR_LEVELS; $lvl++) {
                     $staff_id = $staff_ids['staff_lvl' . $lvl];
                     if ($staff_id != null) {
                         $directed_staff .= $staff_id . ',';
             if ($directed_staff != '') {
                 $directed_staff = substr($directed_staff, 0, -1);
             } else {
                 $directed_staff = page_FormApprovalListing::NO_SUPERVISEES;
             // 	        // Filter approval records by those staff persons found in the list of staff under the direction of the current viewer
             $schedules = new RowManager_StaffScheduleManager();
             $person_info = new RowManager_PersonManager();
             $staff = new RowManager_StaffManager();
             $dataAccessObject = new MultiTableManager();
             $dataAccessObject->addRowManager($person_info, new JoinPair($staff->getJoinOnPersonID(), $person_info->getJoinOnPersonID()));
             $dataAccessObject->addRowManager($schedules, new JoinPair($person_info->getJoinOnPersonID(), $schedules->getJoinOnPersonID()));
             $dataAccessObject->addSearchCondition('staff_id in (' . $directed_staff . ')');
             $this->listManager = $dataAccessObject->getListIterator();
         } else {
             $dataAccessObject = new MultiTableManager();
             $schedules = new RowManager_StaffScheduleManager();
             //        $this->listManager = new StaffScheduleList( $sortBy );
             $this->listManager = $dataAccessObject->getListIterator();
     // now initialize the labels for this page
     // start by loading the default field labels for this Module
     $languageID = $viewer->getLanguageID();
     $seriesKey = modulecim_hrdb::MULTILINGUAL_SERIES_KEY;
     $pageKey = modulecim_hrdb::MULTILINGUAL_PAGE_FIELDS;
     $this->labels = new MultilingualManager($languageID, $seriesKey, $pageKey);
     // then load the page specific labels for this page
     $pageKey = page_FormApprovalListing::MULTILINGUAL_PAGE_KEY;
コード例 #2
  * function __construct
  * <pre>
  * Initialize the object.
  * </pre>
  * @param $pathModuleRoot [STRING] The path to the module's root dir.
  * @param $viewer [OBJECT] The viewer object.
  * @param $sortBy [STRING] Field data to sort listManager by.
  * @param $managerInit [INTEGER] Initialization value for the listManager.
  * @return [void]
 function __construct($pathModuleRoot, $viewer, $customreport_id, $disable_heading = false)
     $this->is_blank_page = false;
     $this->disable_heading = $disable_heading;
     // store field display types
     $DISPLAY_FIELDS = $this->getDisplayFields($customreport_id);
     //         parent::__construct( page_ViewCustomReport::DISPLAY_FIELDS );
     $this->pathModuleRoot = $pathModuleRoot;
     $this->viewer = $viewer;
     $this->disableHeading = $disable_heading;
     $this->customreport_id = $customreport_id;
     $this->fields_id_array = array();
     $this->listLabels = array();
     // Get fields for the custom report; required for retrieving data in column format
     //         $columns = 'customfields_id,report_id,cim_hrdb_customfields.fields_id,count(person_id)';
     $groupBy = 'cim_hrdb_customfields.fields_id';
     $dbFunction = 'COUNT';
     $funcParam = 'person_id';
     $reportFields = new MultiTableManager();
     $customfields = new RowManager_CustomFieldsManager();
     // TODO?  error checking on ID
     $fieldvalues = new RowManager_FormFieldValueManager();
     $reportFields->addRowManager($fieldvalues, new JoinPair($customfields->getJoinOnFieldID(), $fieldvalues->getJoinOnFieldID()));
     // use GROUP BY and $dbFunction = 'COUNT' to quickly get summary data per campus
     if ($groupBy != '') {
     if ($dbFunction != '') {
         $reportFields->setFunctionCall($dbFunction, $funcParam);
     $reportFields->setSortOrder('COUNT(person_id) DESC');
     // 	     $reportFields->setFieldList($columns);
     $customFieldsList = $reportFields->getListIterator();
     $customFieldsArray = $customFieldsList->getDataList();
     //         echo '<pre>'.print_r($customFieldsArray,true).'</pre>';
     $i = 0;
     foreach (array_keys($customFieldsArray) as $key) {
         $record = current($customFieldsArray);
         $this->fields_id_array[$i] = $record['fields_id'];
     // Ensure that the custom report has been given at least one field
     if (count($this->fields_id_array) > 0) {
         // Default sorting: by person name, since this is the only standard field
         $this->sortBy = 'person_lname,person_fname';
         // TODO: need to add person table to allow person_name sorting
         // Now load the access Privilege manager of this viewer
         $this->adminManager = new RowManager_AdminManager();
         // Get the person ID
         $accessManager = new RowManager_AccessManager();
         $personID = $accessManager->getPersonID();
         // Get the permissions the person has.
         $directed_staff = '';
         $directed_people = '';
         // Super-admin
         if ($this->adminManager->hasSitePriv()) {
             $this->access_level = page_ViewCustomReport::SUPERADMIN;
         } else {
             if ($this->adminManager->isStaff($viewer->getID())) {
                 $director_id = $this->getStaffIDfromViewerID();
                 $staffManager = new RowManager_StaffDirectorManager();
                 /* Retrieve all directors under the current director */
                 $hierarchy_result = $staffManager->getDirectorHierarchy($director_id);
                 $hierarchy_array = array();
                 $directed_staff = '';
                 while ($hierarchy_result->moveNext()) {
                     $staff_ids = $hierarchy_result->getCurrentRow();
                     // 	           echo 'array = <pre>'.print_r($hierarchy_array,true).'</pre>';
                     for ($lvl = 1; $lvl <= MAX_DIRECTOR_LEVELS; $lvl++) {
                         $staff_id = $staff_ids['staff_lvl' . $lvl];
                         if ($staff_id != null) {
                             $directed_staff .= $staff_id . ',';
                 if ($directed_staff != '') {
                     $directed_staff = substr($directed_staff, 0, -1);
                     $this->access_level = page_ViewCustomReport::DIRECTOR;
                 } else {
                     $directed_staff = page_ViewCustomReport::NON_DIRECTOR;
                     $this->access_level = page_ViewCustomReport::NON_DIRECTOR;
                 $personGetter = new MultiTableManager();
                 $person_info = new RowManager_PersonManager();
                 $staff = new RowManager_StaffManager();
                 $personGetter->addRowManager($staff, new JoinPair($staff->getJoinOnPersonID(), $person_info->getJoinOnPersonID()));
                 $personGetter->addSearchCondition('staff_id in (' . $directed_staff . ')');
                 $staffPersonList = $personGetter->getListIterator();
                 $staffPersonArray = $staffPersonList->getDataList();
                 foreach (array_keys($staffPersonArray) as $key) {
                     $record = current($staffPersonArray);
                     $directed_people .= $record['person_id'] . ',';
                 $directed_people = substr($directed_people, 0, -1);
                 //remove last comma
             } else {
                 $this->access_level = page_ViewCustomReport::UNAUTHORIZED_DIRECTOR;
         // Retrieve custom report fields and store them in data columns for easy display
         $dataAccessObject = new MultiTableManager();
         $person_manager = new RowManager_PersonManager();
         $fieldList = '';
         $temp_tables = array();
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->fields_id_array); $i++) {
             $tempTableCreationSQLmaker = new MultiTableManager();
             $fieldvalue_manager = new RowManager_FormFieldValueManager();
             // 			  if ($this->access_level == page_ViewCustomReport::UNAUTHORIZED_DIRECTOR)
             // 			  {
             //  			  		$fieldvalue_manager->setPersonID($personID);		// only show staff's own data
             // 		  	  }
             // 		  	  else if ($this->access_level == page_ViewCustomReport::DIRECTOR)
             // 		  	  {
             // 					$fieldvalue_manager->addSearchCondition('person_id in ('.$directed_people.')');
             // 		  	  }
             // 		  	  else if ($this->access_level == page_ViewCustomReport::NON_DIRECTOR)		// director with no underlings
             // 		  	  {
             // 			  	  $fieldvalue_manager->setPersonID($personID);		// only show staff's own data
             // 		  	  }
             // 		  	  else if ($this->access_level == page_ViewCustomReport::SUPERADMIN)
             // 		  	  {
             // 			  	  // no restrictions
             // 		  	  }
             // Create a temporary table from a SQL join retrieving the data for a particular form field
             $fields_manager = new RowManager_FormFieldManager();
             $tempTableCreationSQLmaker->addRowManager($fields_manager, new JoinPair($fieldvalue_manager->getJoinOnFieldID(), $fields_manager->getJoinOnFieldID()));
             $customfields_manager = new RowManager_CustomFieldsManager();
             $tempTableCreationSQLmaker->addRowManager($customfields_manager, new JoinPair($fieldvalue_manager->getJoinOnFieldID(), $customfields_manager->getJoinOnFieldID()));
             $tempFieldList = 'person_id,fieldvalues_value';
             $tempTableCreationSQL = $tempTableCreationSQLmaker->createSQL();
             $temp_tables[$i] = new TempTableManager('temptable' . $i, $tempTableCreationSQL, $tempFieldList, 'temptable' . $i);
             // Join the temporary tables together to get a table of n+1 columns where n = count($this->field_ids_array) and the extra column stores person_id
             if ($i > 0) {
                 $fieldList .= ',temptable' . $i . '.fieldvalues_value as value' . $i;
                 $i_minus = $i - 1;
                 $dataAccessObject->addRowManager($temp_tables[$i], new JoinPair($temp_tables[$i_minus]->getJoinOnFieldX(page_ViewCustomReport::JOIN_FIELD), $temp_tables[$i]->getJoinOnFieldX(page_ViewCustomReport::JOIN_FIELD), JOIN_TYPE_LEFT));
             } else {
                 $fieldList .= 'cim_hrdb_person.person_id,temptable' . $i . '.fieldvalues_value as value' . $i;
                 $dataAccessObject->addRowManager($temp_tables[0], new JoinPair($person_manager->getJoinOnFieldX(page_ViewCustomReport::JOIN_FIELD), $temp_tables[0]->getJoinOnFieldX(page_ViewCustomReport::JOIN_FIELD)));
         // Filter results by directed people IDs (if viewer is NOT super-admin)
         if ($this->access_level != page_ViewCustomReport::SUPERADMIN) {
             // 			  	  for ($i=0; $i < count($this->fields_id_array); $i++)
             // 				  {
             // 					  if ($this->access_level == page_ViewCustomReport::UNAUTHORIZED_DIRECTOR)
             // 					  {
             // 						  	$dataAccessObject->addSearchCondition('temptable'.$i.'.person_id in ('.$personID.')');			// only show staff's own data
             // 				  	  }
             // 				  	  else if ($this->access_level == page_ViewCustomReport::DIRECTOR)
             // 				  	  {
             // 							$dataAccessObject->addSearchCondition('temptable'.$i.'.person_id in ('.$directed_people.')');
             // 				  	  }
             // 				  	  else if ($this->access_level == page_ViewCustomReport::NON_DIRECTOR)		// director with no underlings
             // 				  	  {
             // 						  	$dataAccessObject->addSearchCondition('temptable'.$i.'.person_id in ('.$personID.')');			// only show staff's own data
             // 				  	  }
             // 			  	  }
             $dataAccessObject->addSearchCondition('cim_hrdb_person.person_id in (' . $directed_people . ')');
         // 	  	  echo '<pre>'.print_r($temp_tables[0]->getListIterator()->getDataList(),true).'</pre>';
         // $temp_tables[0]->db->runSQL('select * from temptable0');
         $this->listManager = $dataAccessObject->getListIterator();
         // 			echo '<pre>'.print_r($this->listManager->getDataList(),true).'</pre>';
     } else {
         $dataAccessObject = new MultiTableManager();
         $person_manager = new RowManager_PersonManager();
         $this->listManager = $dataAccessObject->getListIterator();
         $this->is_blank_page = true;
     // now initialize the labels for this page
     // start by loading the default field labels for this Module
     $languageID = $viewer->getLanguageID();
     $seriesKey = modulecim_hrdb::MULTILINGUAL_SERIES_KEY;
     $pageKey = modulecim_hrdb::MULTILINGUAL_PAGE_FIELDS;
     $this->labels = new MultilingualManager($languageID, $seriesKey, $pageKey);
     // then load the page specific labels for this page
     $pageKey = page_ViewCustomReport::MULTILINGUAL_PAGE_KEY;
     $this->listLabels = $this->getListLabels($this->customreport_id);
     // NOTE: parameter *required*
     //        foreach (array_keys($this->listLabels,true) as $key)
     //        {
     // 	       $label = current($this->listLabels);
     //        	 $this->labels->setLabelTag('[title_value0]', '<title in tool_setup>', 'Monthly Support Goal');   // NOTE: cannot be used because nothing set in tool_setup
     //        echo 'labels = <pre>'.print_r($this->listLabels,true).'</pre>';
コード例 #3
  * function __construct
  * <pre>
  * Initialize the object.
  * </pre>
  * @param $pathModuleRoot [STRING] The path to the module's root dir.
  * @param $viewer [OBJECT] The viewer object.
  * @param $sortBy [STRING] Field data to sort listManager by.
  * @param $managerInit [INTEGER] Initialization value for the listManager.
  * @return [void]
 function __construct($pathModuleRoot, $viewer, $sortBy, $month_id = '')
     $this->pathModuleRoot = $pathModuleRoot;
     $this->viewer = $viewer;
     if ($month_id == '') {
         $month_id = date('n');
     $this->month_id = $month_id;
     $this->year_id = date('Y');
     $this->first_weekday = page_ViewScheduleCalendar::SUNDAY;
     $this->monthValues = $this->getMonthValues();
     // Now load the access Privilege manager of this viewer
     $this->adminManager = new RowManager_AdminManager();
     // Get the person ID
     $accessManager = new RowManager_AccessManager();
     $personID = $accessManager->getPersonID();
     // Get the permissions the person has.
     // Super-admin
     if ($this->adminManager->hasSitePriv()) {
         $dataAccessObject = new MultiTableManager();
         $activities = new RowManager_StaffActivityManager();
         $activityTypes = new RowManager_ActivityTypeManager();
         $person_info = new RowManager_PersonManager();
         $dataAccessObject->addRowManager($activityTypes, new JoinPair($activityTypes->getJoinOnActivityTypeID(), $activities->getJoinOnActivityTypeID()));
         $dataAccessObject->addRowManager($person_info, new JoinPair($person_info->getJoinOnPersonID(), $activities->getJoinOnPersonID()));
         $this->listManager = $dataAccessObject->getListIterator();
     } else {
         if ($this->adminManager->isStaff($viewer->getID())) {
             $director_id = $this->getStaffIDfromViewerID();
             // 	        $staffPersonManager = new MultiTableManager();
             $staffManager = new RowManager_StaffDirectorManager();
             // 	        $staffInfoManager = new RowManager_StaffManager();
             // 	        $staffPersonManager->addRowManager($staffInfoManager);
             // 	        $staffPersonManager->addRowManager($staffManager, new JoinPair($staffManager->getJoinOnStaffID(),$staffInfoManager->getJoinOnStaffID()));
             // 	        $staffList = $staffPersonManager->getListIterator();
             // 	        $staffArray = $staffList->getDataList();
             /* Retrieve all directors under the current director */
             $hierarchy_result = $staffManager->getDirectorHierarchy($director_id);
             $hierarchy_array = array();
             $directed_staff = '';
             while ($hierarchy_result->moveNext()) {
                 $staff_ids = $hierarchy_result->getCurrentRow();
                 // 	           echo 'array = <pre>'.print_r($hierarchy_array,true).'</pre>';
                 for ($lvl = 1; $lvl <= MAX_DIRECTOR_LEVELS; $lvl++) {
                     $staff_id = $staff_ids['staff_lvl' . $lvl];
                     if ($staff_id != null) {
                         $directed_staff .= $staff_id . ',';
             if ($directed_staff != '') {
                 $directed_staff .= $director_id;
                 //= substr( $directed_staff, 0, -1 );
             } else {
                 $directed_staff = $director_id;
             // 	        echo '<pre>'.print_r($staffArray,true).'</pre>';
             // 	        // Retrieve the list of staff supervised by current viewer
             // 	        $directed_staff = '';
             // 	        foreach (array_keys($staffArray) as $key)
             // 	        {
             // 		        $record = current($staffArray);
             // 		        $directed_staff .= $record['person_id'].',';
             // 		        next($staffArray);
             // 	        }
             // 	        $directed_staff = substr($directed_staff,0,-1);
             // 	        if ($directed_staff == '')
             // 	        {
             // 		        $directed_staff = page_FormApprovalListing::NO_SUPERVISEES;	// don't match any person IDs
             // 	        }
             // Filter activities by those staff persons found in the list of staff under the direction of the current viewer
             $dataAccessObject = new MultiTableManager();
             $schedules = new RowManager_StaffScheduleManager();
             // 	        $schedules->addSearchCondition('person_id in ('.$directed_staff.')');
             $schedule_activities = new RowManager_ActivityScheduleManager();
             $activities = new RowManager_StaffActivityManager();
             $activityTypes = new RowManager_ActivityTypeManager();
             $person_info = new RowManager_PersonManager();
             $staff = new RowManager_StaffManager();
             $dataAccessObject->addRowManager($schedule_activities, new JoinPair($activities->getJoinOnActivityID(), $schedule_activities->getJoinOnActivityID()));
             $dataAccessObject->addRowManager($schedules, new JoinPair($schedules->getJoinOnScheduleID(), $schedule_activities->getJoinOnScheduleID()));
             $dataAccessObject->addRowManager($activityTypes, new JoinPair($activityTypes->getJoinOnActivityTypeID(), $activities->getJoinOnActivityTypeID()));
             $dataAccessObject->addRowManager($person_info, new JoinPair($person_info->getJoinOnPersonID(), $activities->getJoinOnPersonID()));
             $dataAccessObject->addRowManager($staff, new JoinPair($staff->getJoinOnPersonID(), $person_info->getJoinOnPersonID()));
             $dataAccessObject->addSearchCondition('staff_id in (' . $directed_staff . ')');
             $this->listManager = $dataAccessObject->getListIterator();
         } else {
             $dataAccessObject = new RowManager_StaffActivityManager(page_ViewScheduleCalendar::UNAUTHORIZED_DIRECTOR);
             $this->listManager = $dataAccessObject->getListIterator();
     $this->monthEvents = array();
     // 		  $eventsOfType = array();	// stores events/activities of a specific type
     // 		  $eventDetails = array();	// stores details for a specific person's event
     $eventsArray = $this->listManager->getDataList();
     if (count($eventsArray) > 0) {
         // Search through found activities
         foreach (array_keys($eventsArray) as $key) {
             $record = current($eventsArray);
             $activity_id = $record['staffactivity_id'];
             $activity_desc = $record['activitytype_desc'];
             $person_name = $record['person_fname'] . ' ' . $record['person_lname'];
             $contact_phone = $record['staffactivity_contactPhone'];
             $activity_type = $record['activitytype_abbr'];
             // 		        $eventDetails[$activity_id][0] = $person_name;
             // 		        $eventDetails[$activity_id][1] = $contact_phone;
             // 		        $eventsOfType[$activity_type] = $eventDetails;
             $startdate_parts = explode('-', $record['staffactivity_startdate']);
             $enddate_parts = explode('-', $record['staffactivity_enddate']);
             // Store event information by weekday
             for ($month_id = $startdate_parts[1]; $month_id <= $enddate_parts[1]; $month_id++) {
                 if ($this->month_id == $month_id) {
                     $start_day = $startdate_parts[2];
                     if (substr($start_day, 0, 1) == 0) {
                         $start_day = substr($start_day, 1);
                     $end_day = $enddate_parts[2];
                     if (substr($end_day, 0, 1) == 0) {
                         $end_day = substr($end_day, 1);
                     // Store the event data (name and contact #) for each valid day of the month
                     $init_day = page_ViewScheduleCalendar::FIRST_MONTH_DATE;
                     $last_day = page_ViewScheduleCalendar::MAX_MONTH_DATE;
                     if ($startdate_parts[1] == $enddate_parts[1]) {
                         $init_day = $start_day;
                         $last_day = $end_day;
                     } else {
                         if ($month_id == $startdate_parts[1]) {
                             $init_day = $start_day;
                             $last_day = page_ViewScheduleCalendar::MAX_MONTH_DATE;
                         } else {
                             if ($month_id == $enddate_parts[1]) {
                                 $init_day = page_ViewScheduleCalendar::FIRST_MONTH_DATE;
                                 $last_day = $end_day;
                             } else {
                                 $init_day = page_ViewScheduleCalendar::FIRST_MONTH_DATE;
                                 $last_day = page_ViewScheduleCalendar::MAX_MONTH_DATE;
                     // Use the init and last day values as set based on above conditions
                     for ($day_id = $init_day; $day_id <= $last_day; $day_id++) {
                         $this->monthEvents[$day_id][$activity_type][$activity_id][0] = $activity_desc;
                         $this->monthEvents[$day_id][$activity_type][$activity_id][1] = $person_name;
                         $this->monthEvents[$day_id][$activity_type][$activity_id][2] = $contact_phone;
                         //$this->monthEvents[$day_id] = $eventsOfType;
     /** TEST **/
     //         $values = $this->listManager->getDataList();
     //         echo 'values found = <pre>'.print_r($values,true).'</pre>';
     /** END TEST **/
     // now initialize the labels for this page
     // start by loading the default field labels for this Module
     $languageID = $viewer->getLanguageID();
     $seriesKey = modulecim_hrdb::MULTILINGUAL_SERIES_KEY;
     $pageKey = modulecim_hrdb::MULTILINGUAL_PAGE_FIELDS;
     $this->labels = new MultilingualManager($languageID, $seriesKey, $pageKey);
     // then load the page specific labels for this page
     $pageKey = page_ViewScheduleCalendar::MULTILINGUAL_PAGE_KEY;
コード例 #4
  * function __construct
  * <pre>
  * Initialize the object.
  * </pre>
  * @param $pathModuleRoot [STRING] The path to the module's root dir.
  * @param $viewer [OBJECT] The viewer object.
  * @param $sortBy [STRING] Field data to sort listManager by.
  * @param $managerInit [INTEGER] Initialization value for the listManager.
  * @return [void]
 function __construct($pathModuleRoot, $viewer, $sortBy, $staffactivity_id = '', $activitytype_id = '', $disable_heading = false, $start_date = '', $end_date = '')
     // remove activity types from page listing if there is only one common activity type
     if ($activitytype_id != '') {
         $DISPLAY_FIELDS = 'person_id,staffactivity_startdate,staffactivity_enddate,staffactivity_contactPhone';
     } else {
     //         $this->testdate = $start_date;
     //         echo 'dates = '.$start_date.' and '.$end_date;
     $this->pathModuleRoot = $pathModuleRoot;
     $this->viewer = $viewer;
     $this->staffactivityID = $staffactivity_id;
     $this->activityTypeID = $activitytype_id;
     $this->disableHeading = $disable_heading;
     // Default sorting: person_id, start_date, end_date   // TODO: use person name not person_id
     if ($sortBy == '') {
         $sortBy = 'person_id,staffactivity_startdate,staffactivity_enddate';
     // Now load the access Priviledge manager of this viewer
     $this->adminManager = new RowManager_AdminManager();
     // Get the person ID
     $accessManager = new RowManager_AccessManager();
     $personID = $accessManager->getPersonID();
     // Get the permissions the person has.
     // Super-admin
     if ($this->adminManager->hasSitePriv()) {
         /*** Setup basic details for Staff Activity data-access object **/
         if ($this->staffactivityID != '') {
             $dataAccessObject = new RowManager_StaffActivityManager($this->staffactivityID);
         } else {
             $dataAccessObject = new RowManager_StaffActivityManager();
         if ($this->activityTypeID != '') {
         if ($start_date != '' && $end_date != '') {
             // Create sub-query 1: activity date-range falls exactly within (or equal to) the date-range parameters
             $activities1 = new RowManager_StaffActivityManager();
             $activities_manager1 = new MultiTableManager();
             $dateWithinRange = "staffactivity_startdate >= '" . $start_date . "' and staffactivity_enddate <= '" . $end_date . "'";
             $internalRange_subQuery = $activities_manager1->createSQL();
             // Create sub-query 2: activity date-range encloses (or is equal to) the date-range parameters
             $activities2 = new RowManager_StaffActivityManager();
             $activities_manager2 = new MultiTableManager();
             $dateWithinRange = "staffactivity_startdate <= '" . $start_date . "' and staffactivity_enddate >= '" . $end_date . "'";
             $containsRange_subQuery = $activities_manager2->createSQL();
             // Create final query condition which includes Case 3: date-range parameters are intersected by activity date-range
             $validDateConditions = "staffactivity_startdate between '" . $start_date . "' and '" . $end_date . "' or ";
             $validDateConditions .= "staffactivity_enddate between '" . $start_date . "' and '" . $end_date . "' or ";
             $validDateConditions .= "staffactivity_id in (" . $internalRange_subQuery . ") or ";
             $validDateConditions .= "staffactivity_id in (" . $containsRange_subQuery . ")";
         $this->listManager = $dataAccessObject->getListIterator();
     } else {
         if ($this->adminManager->isStaff($viewer->getID())) {
             $director_id = $this->getStaffIDfromViewerID();
             // 	        $staffPersonManager = new MultiTableManager();
             $staffManager = new RowManager_StaffDirectorManager();
             // 	        $staffInfoManager = new RowManager_StaffManager();
             // 	        $staffPersonManager->addRowManager($staffInfoManager);
             // 	        $staffPersonManager->addRowManager($staffManager, new JoinPair($staffManager->getJoinOnStaffID(),$staffInfoManager->getJoinOnStaffID()));
             // 	        $staffList = $staffPersonManager->getListIterator();
             // 	        $staffArray = $staffList->getDataList();
             /* Retrieve all directors under the current director */
             $hierarchy_result = $staffManager->getDirectorHierarchy($director_id);
             $hierarchy_array = array();
             $directed_staff = '';
             while ($hierarchy_result->moveNext()) {
                 $staff_ids = $hierarchy_result->getCurrentRow();
                 // 	           echo 'array = <pre>'.print_r($hierarchy_array,true).'</pre>';
                 for ($lvl = 1; $lvl <= MAX_DIRECTOR_LEVELS; $lvl++) {
                     $staff_id = $staff_ids['staff_lvl' . $lvl];
                     if ($staff_id != null) {
                         $directed_staff .= $staff_id . ',';
             if ($directed_staff != '') {
                 $directed_staff .= $director_id;
                 //= substr( $directed_staff, 0, -1 );
             } else {
                 $directed_staff = $director_id;
             // Filter activities by those staff persons found in the list of staff under the direction of the current viewer
             $dataAccessObject = new MultiTableManager();
             $schedules = new RowManager_StaffScheduleManager();
             // 	        $schedules->addSearchCondition('person_id in ('.$directed_staff.')');
             $schedule_activities = new RowManager_ActivityScheduleManager();
             $activities = new RowManager_StaffActivityManager();
             if ($this->staffactivityID != '') {
                 $activities = new RowManager_StaffActivityManager($this->staffactivityID);
             if ($this->activityTypeID != '') {
             $validDateConditions = '';
             if ($start_date != '' && $end_date != '') {
                 // Create sub-query 1: activity date-range falls exactly within (or equal to) the date-range parameters
                 $activities1 = new RowManager_StaffActivityManager();
                 $activities_manager1 = new MultiTableManager();
                 $dateWithinRange = "staffactivity_startdate >= '" . $start_date . "' and staffactivity_enddate <= '" . $end_date . "'";
                 $internalRange_subQuery = $activities_manager1->createSQL();
                 // Create sub-query 2: activity date-range falls exactly within (or equal to) the date-range parameters
                 $activities2 = new RowManager_StaffActivityManager();
                 $activities_manager2 = new MultiTableManager();
                 $dateWithinRange = "staffactivity_startdate <= '" . $start_date . "' and staffactivity_enddate >= '" . $end_date . "'";
                 $containsRange_subQuery = $activities_manager2->createSQL();
                 // Create final query condition which includes Case 3: date-range parameters are intersected by activity date-range
                 $validDateConditions = "staffactivity_startdate between '" . $start_date . "' and '" . $end_date . "' or ";
                 $validDateConditions .= "staffactivity_enddate between '" . $start_date . "' and '" . $end_date . "' or ";
                 $validDateConditions .= "cim_hrdb_staffactivity.staffactivity_id in (" . $internalRange_subQuery . ") or ";
                 $validDateConditions .= "cim_hrdb_staffactivity.staffactivity_id in (" . $containsRange_subQuery . ")";
                 // 	        	  $activities->addSearchCondition($validDateConditions);
             // 	        $activityTypes = new RowManager_ActivityTypeManager();
             $person_info = new RowManager_PersonManager();
             $staff = new RowManager_StaffManager();
             $dataAccessObject->addRowManager($schedule_activities, new JoinPair($activities->getJoinOnActivityID(), $schedule_activities->getJoinOnActivityID()));
             $dataAccessObject->addRowManager($schedules, new JoinPair($schedules->getJoinOnScheduleID(), $schedule_activities->getJoinOnScheduleID()));
             // 	        $dataAccessObject->addRowManager($activityTypes, new JoinPair($activityTypes->getJoinOnActivityTypeID(), $activities->getJoinOnActivityTypeID()));
             $dataAccessObject->addRowManager($person_info, new JoinPair($person_info->getJoinOnPersonID(), $activities->getJoinOnPersonID()));
             $dataAccessObject->addRowManager($staff, new JoinPair($staff->getJoinOnPersonID(), $person_info->getJoinOnPersonID()));
             $dataAccessObject->addSearchCondition('staff_id in (' . $directed_staff . ')');
             // 	        $dataAccessObject->setFieldList('cim_hrdb_staffactivity.person_id,staffactivity_startdate,staffactivity_enddate,staffactivity_contactPhone');	//page_ViewStaffActivities::DISPLAY_FIELDS);
             if ($validDateConditions != '') {
             // 	    	 if (!isset($sortBy)||($sortBy == ''))
             // 			  {
             // 				  $sortBy = 'person_lname';		// TODO: remove this once we figure how to sort person even if name is cover for person_id
             // 			  }
             // 			  $dataAccessObject->setSortOrder( $sortBy );
             $list_iterator = $dataAccessObject->getListIterator();
             $data_array = $list_iterator->getDataList();
             // Go through the inefficient process of grabbing staff activity IDs  (could do min. as subquery)
             $staff_activities = '';
             foreach (array_keys($data_array) as $key) {
                 $row = current($data_array);
                 $staff_activities .= $row['staffactivity_id'] . ',';
             if ($staff_activities != '') {
                 $staff_activities = substr($staff_activities, 0, -1);
             } else {
                 $staff_activities = page_ViewStaffActivities::NO_ACTIVITIES;
             // 	        echo "<pre>".print_r($data_array,true)."</pre>";
             // 	        echo '<br>activities = '.$staff_activities.'<br>';
             /** Apparently we need to use single row manager for staff activity table:
                 therefore use found activity IDs... **/
             $activities2 = new RowManager_StaffActivityManager($this->staffactivityID);
             $activities2->addSearchCondition('staffactivity_id in (' . $staff_activities . ')');
             if (!isset($sortBy) || $sortBy == '' || $sortBy == 'person_id') {
                 $sortBy = 'person_lname';
                 // TODO: remove this once we figure how to sort person even if name is cover for person_id
             $this->listManager = $activities2->getListIterator();
             // dataAccessObject
             // 	        echo "<pre>".print_r($this->listManager->getDataList(),true)."</pre>";
         } else {
             $dataAccessObject = new RowManager_StaffActivityManager(page_ViewStaffActivities::UNAUTHORIZED_DIRECTOR);
             $this->listManager = $dataAccessObject->getListIterator();
     // now initialize the labels for this page
     // start by loading the default field labels for this Module
     $languageID = $viewer->getLanguageID();
     $seriesKey = modulecim_hrdb::MULTILINGUAL_SERIES_KEY;
     $pageKey = modulecim_hrdb::MULTILINGUAL_PAGE_FIELDS;
     $this->labels = new MultilingualManager($languageID, $seriesKey, $pageKey);
     // then load the page specific labels for this page
     $pageKey = page_ViewStaffActivities::MULTILINGUAL_PAGE_KEY;