protected function setRegistrationStatus() { $backup_event_id = -1; $status_message = 'No registration created!'; if (isset($this->reg_id) && $this->reg_id != '') { // check cim_hrdb_person to determine if a person has been affiliated with registration $regs = new RowManager_RegistrationManager(); $regs->setRegID($this->reg_id); $person = new RowManager_PersonManager(); $regCheck = new MultiTableManager(); $regCheck->addRowManager($regs); $regCheck->addRowManager($person, new JoinPair($regs->getJoinOnPersonID(), $person->getJoinOnPersonID())); $regsList = $regCheck->getListIterator(); $regsArray = $regsList->getDataList(); // variables to be used for later checks $person_id = ''; $confirm_num = ''; $person_address = ''; $person_email = ''; $person_city = ''; $person_province = '0'; $person_pcode = ''; $person_phone = ''; reset($regsArray); // should be only one registration status (for 1 reg_id) foreach (array_keys($regsArray) as $k) { $record = current($regsArray); $backup_event_id = $record['event_id']; $person_id = $record['person_id']; $confirm_num = $record['registration_confirmNum']; $person_email = $record['person_email']; $person_address = $record['person_addr']; $person_city = $record['person_city']; $person_province = $record['province_id']; $person_pcode = $record['person_pc']; $person_phone = $record['person_phone']; next($regsArray); } // determine whether any person records were found for registration if (!isset($regsArray) || count($regsArray) < 1) { $this->storeRegStatus($this->reg_id, RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE); $status_message = 'No person record associated with registration.'; // ASSUMPTION: set reg_id ==> created registration record return RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE . '|' . $status_message; } else { if (isset($regsArray) && ($person_email == '' || $person_address == '' || $person_city == '' || $person_province == '' || $person_province == '0' || $person_pcode == '' || $person_phone == '')) { $this->storeRegStatus($this->reg_id, RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE); $status_message = 'Please ensure that you have entered the following data:' . '<br> name, e-mail address, permanent address, city, province, postal code, and phone number.'; return RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE . '|' . $status_message; } } // check cim_hrdb_assignment to determine that the person has been assigned to a campus $assign = new RowManager_AssignmentsManager(); $assign->setPersonID($person_id); $status = new RowManager_CampusAssignmentStatusManager(); $campusAssign = new MultiTableManager(); $campusAssign->addRowManager($assign); $campusAssign->addRowManager($status, new JoinPair($assign->getJoinOnStatusID(), $status->getJoinOnStatusID())); $regsList = $campusAssign->getListIterator(); $regsArray = $regsList->getDataList(); // variables to be used for later checks $assignArray = array(); $this->campus_id = ''; reset($regsArray); // should be only one campus assignment status (for now, later maybe not) foreach (array_keys($regsArray) as $k) { $record = current($regsArray); if ($record['assignmentstatus_desc'] != RowManager_AssignmentsManager::UNKNOWN_STATUS) { $this->campus_id = $record['campus_id']; $assignArray[$this->campus_id] = $record['assignmentstatus_desc']; } next($regsArray); } // determine whether a campus assignment exists for the found person linked to the registration if (!isset($assignArray) || count($assignArray) < 1) { $this->storeRegStatus($this->reg_id, RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE); $status_message = "Please ensure that the registrant is assigned to a valid campus and has a valid status."; return RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE . '|' . $status_message; } // check cim_reg_fieldvalues to determine whether field values have been set for the registration $fields = new RowManager_FieldManager(); $fields->setEventID($this->event_id); $TRUE = 1; $fields->setIsRequired($TRUE); $fieldsList = $fields->getListIterator(); $fieldsArray = $fieldsList->getDataList(); // reset($fieldsArray); // should be only one campus assignment status (for now, later maybe not) // foreach (array_keys($fieldsArray) as $k) // { // $record = current($fieldsArray); // // next($fieldsArray); // } $fieldValues = new RowManager_FieldValueManager(); $fieldValues->setRegID($this->reg_id); $valuesList = $fieldValues->getListIterator(); $valuesArray = $valuesList->getDataList(); // reset($regsArray); // should be only one campus assignment status (for now, later maybe not) // foreach (array_keys($regsArray) as $k) // { // $record = current($regsArray); // // $assignArray[$record['campus_id'] = $record['assignmentstatus_desc'] // next($regsArray); // } // ensure that the REQUIRED fields for an event all have a record for the particular registration if (count($valuesArray) < count($fieldsArray)) { $this->storeRegStatus($this->reg_id, RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE); $status_message = 'Some required event-specific field values were NOT set for the registration.'; return RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE . '|' . $status_message; } if (!isset($this->event_id) || $this->event_id == '') { $this->event_id = $backup_event_id; // should have been set earlier when retrieving reg. data... } // retrieve event deposit for later use $event = new RowManager_EventManager(); $event->setEventID($this->event_id); $eventsList = $event->getListIterator(); $eventsArray = $eventsList->getDataList(); $event_deposit = -1; $event_basePrice = -1; reset($eventsArray); // should be only one event per event_id foreach (array_keys($eventsArray) as $k) { $record = current($eventsArray); $event_deposit = $record['event_deposit']; next($eventsArray); } if ($event_deposit == -1) { $this->storeRegStatus($this->reg_id, RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE); $status_message = 'Invalid event associated with registration.'; return RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE . '|' . $status_message; } // check cim_reg_cashtransaction and cim_reg_cctransaction tables to determine if event deposit has been paid $ccTransaction = new RowManager_CreditCardTransactionManager(); $ccTransaction->setRegID($this->reg_id); $ccTransList = $ccTransaction->getListIterator(); $ccTransArray = $ccTransList->getDataList(); $ccAmount = 0; reset($ccTransArray); foreach (array_keys($ccTransArray) as $k) { $record = current($ccTransArray); $ccAmount += $record['cctransaction_amount']; next($ccTransArray); } // check cash $cashTransaction = new RowManager_CashTransactionManager(); $cashTransaction->setRegID($this->reg_id); $cashTransList = $cashTransaction->getListIterator(); $cashTransArray = $cashTransList->getDataList(); $cashAmount = 0; reset($cashTransArray); foreach (array_keys($cashTransArray) as $k) { $record = current($cashTransArray); $cashAmount += $record['cashtransaction_amtPaid']; next($cashTransArray); } // check scholarship $scholarship = new RowManager_ScholarshipAssignmentManager(); $scholarship->setRegID($this->reg_id); $scholarshipList = $scholarship->getListIterator(); $scholarshipArray = $scholarshipList->getDataList(); $scholarshipAmount = 0; reset($scholarshipArray); foreach (array_keys($scholarshipArray) as $k) { $record = current($scholarshipArray); $scholarshipAmount += $record['scholarship_amount']; next($scholarshipArray); } if ($ccAmount + $cashAmount + $scholarshipAmount < $event_deposit) { $this->storeRegStatus($this->reg_id, RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE); $status_message = 'The event deposit of $' . $event_deposit . ' has not been paid.'; return RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE . '|' . $status_message; } // check that confirmation # exists and is in proper format (check that format is 'E<event_id>R<reg_id>C<campus_id>') $anyNum = '[0-9]+'; // allow any number for campus ID because person may have been assigned new campuses $pattern = '(E' . $this->event_id . 'R' . $this->reg_id . 'C' . $anyNum . ')'; if (!isset($confirm_num) || preg_match($pattern, $confirm_num) < 1) { // if campus-id missing from confirm. # then // search for campus-id, since user may have created new campus assignment during process $pattern = '(E' . $this->event_id . 'R' . $this->reg_id . 'C)'; if (preg_match($pattern, $confirm_num) >= 1) { $campusAssigned = new RowManager_AssignmentsManager(); $campusAssigned->setPersonID($person_id); $assignmentsList = $campusAssigned->getListIterator(); $assignmentsArray = $assignmentsList->getDataList(); $assignment = current($assignmentsArray); $campusID = $assignment['campus_id']; // retrieve latest campus_id assigned to registrant // update confirmation # in database for the proper registration $updateArray = array(); $updateArray['registration_id'] = $this->reg_id; $updateArray['registration_confirmNum'] = $confirm_num . $campusID; // append the new campus_ID $regsManager = new RowManager_RegistrationManager($this->reg_id); $regsManager->loadFromArray($updateArray); $regsManager->updateDBTable(); } else { $this->storeRegStatus($this->reg_id, RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE); $status_message = 'The confirmation number has not been properly set.'; return RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE . '|' . $status_message; } } // $status = new RowManager_StatusManager(); // $status->setStatusDesc(RowManager_StatusManager::REGISTERED); // // $statusList = $status->getListIterator(); // $statusArray = $statusList->getDataList(); // $status_id = -1; // reset($statusArray); // should be only 1 record for a particular status description // foreach (array_keys($statusArray) as $k) // { // $record = current($statusArray); // $status_id = $record['status_id']; // // next($statusArray); // } // // if ($status_id == -1) // { // $status_message = 'The registration status could not be properly set to REGISTERED.'; // return RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE.'|'.$status_message; // } // // $updateValues = array(); // $updateValues['registration_id'] = $this->reg_id; // $updateValues['registration_status'] = $status_id; // mark registration as being REGISTERED // // // Store values in RegistrationManager object // $regs->loadFromArray( $updateValues ); // // echo "<pre>".print_r($this->formValues ,true)."</pre>"; // // // update information // $regs->updateDBTable(); $success = $this->storeRegStatus($this->reg_id, RowManager_StatusManager::REGISTERED); if ($success == false) { $status_message = 'The registration status could not be properly set to REGISTERED.'; return RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE . '|' . $status_message; } else { $status_message = ''; return RowManager_StatusManager::REGISTERED . '|' . $status_message; } } else { return RowManager_StatusManager::UNASSIGNED . '|' . $status_message; } }
* cctransaction_moddate [DATE] The timestamp of the last modification to the transaction record. */ $CreditCardTransaction = new RowManager_CreditCardTransactionManager(); $CreditCardTransaction->dropTable(); $CreditCardTransaction->createTable(); /* * FieldValue Table * * Assigns a value to a registration form field for some registrant. * * fieldvalues_id [INTEGER] Unique identifier for the field value stored for a particular field-registrant combination. * fields_id [INTEGER] Value identifying the form field being assigned the value. * fieldvalues_value [STRING] The value being assigned to a particular form field for some registration. * registration_id [INTEGER] The value identifying the registration associated with the field value assignment. */ $FieldValue = new RowManager_FieldValueManager(); $FieldValue->dropTable(); $FieldValue->createTable(); /* * Registration Table * * Manages basic registration data for some person-event combination. * * registration_id [INTEGER] Unique identifier for this particular registration record * event_id [INTEGER] The event the person is registering for. * person_id [INTEGER] The value identifying the person registering. * registration_date [DATE] The date the registration was made. * registration_confirmNum [STRING] The confirmation number for the registration. */ $Registration = new RowManager_RegistrationManager(); $Registration->dropTable();
private function loadFieldValuesForm(&$form) { $fields = new RowManager_FieldManager(); $fieldTypes = new RowManager_FieldTypeManager(); $fieldValues = new RowManager_FieldValueManager(); $fieldValues->setRegID($this->REG_ID); $formFieldValues = new MultiTableManager(); $formFieldValues->addRowManager($fields); $formFieldValues->addRowManager($fieldTypes, new JoinPair($fields->getJoinOnFieldTypeID(), $fieldTypes->getJoinOnFieldTypeID())); $formFieldValues->addRowManager($fieldValues, new JoinPair($fields->getJoinOnFieldID(), $fieldValues->getJoinOnFieldID())); $formFieldValues->setSortOrder('fields_priority'); $formFieldValuesList = $formFieldValues->getListIterator(); $formFieldValuesArray = $formFieldValuesList->getDataList(); $formFieldLabels = array(); $formData = array(); $fieldInfo = ''; // $isFirst = true; $fieldValue = ''; reset($formFieldValuesArray); // (below) store registration-specific form values for event-specific fields foreach (array_keys($formFieldValuesArray) as $k) { $row = current($formFieldValuesArray); // $field_value = $row['fieldvalues_value']; $fieldName = 'fields_id' . $row['fields_id']; $fieldInfo .= $fieldName . '|' . $row['fieldtypes_desc'] . '|' . $row['datatypes_id'] . '|' . $row['fields_reqd'] . '|' . $row['fields_invalid'] . ''; $formFieldLabels[$fieldName] = $row['fields_desc']; $fieldValue = $row['fieldvalues_value']; $formData[$fieldName] = $fieldValue; $fieldInfo .= ','; next($formFieldValuesArray); } $fieldInfo = substr($fieldInfo, 0, -1); // remove final ',' // set data in the form to be displayed $form->setFields($fieldInfo); $form->setFormData($formData); $form->setLabels($formFieldLabels); $form->setButtonText('Update'); // setup form action based on AppController standards $parameters = array('EVENT_ID' => $this->EVENT_ID, 'FIELDTYPE_ID' => $this->FIELDTYPE_ID, 'PRICERULETYPE_ID' => $this->PRICERULETYPE_ID, 'CCTYPE_ID' => $this->CCTYPE_ID, 'PRIV_ID' => $this->PRIV_ID, 'VIEWER_ID' => $this->VIEWER_ID, 'SUPERADMIN_ID' => $this->SUPERADMIN_ID, 'EVENTADMIN_ID' => $this->EVENTADMIN_ID, 'FIELD_ID' => $this->FIELD_ID, 'DATATYPE_ID' => $this->DATATYPE_ID, 'PRICERULE_ID' => $this->PRICERULE_ID, 'CAMPUSACCESS_ID' => $this->CAMPUSACCESS_ID, 'CASHTRANS_ID' => $this->CASHTRANS_ID, 'CCTRANS_ID' => $this->CCTRANS_ID, 'REG_ID' => $this->REG_ID, 'FIELDVALUE_ID' => $this->FIELDVALUE_ID, 'SCHOLARSHIP_ID' => $this->SCHOLARSHIP_ID, 'STATUS_ID' => $this->STATUS_ID, 'CAMPUS_ID' => $this->CAMPUS_ID); //[RAD_CALLBACK_PARAMS] $formAction = $this->getCallBack(modulecim_reg::PAGE_EDITREGISTRATIONFIELDVALUESFORM, $this->sortBy, $parameters); $form->setFormAction($formAction); return; }
/** * function getBasePriceForRegistrant * <pre> * Returns registration cost for a particular registration, not including scholarship discounts * </pre> * Pre-condition: all variables must be initialized with proper values * * @param $regID [INTEGER] registration ID * @param $eventID [INTEGER] event ID * @param $campusID [INTEGER] campus ID (precondition: must be associated directly with registration ID) * @param $eventBasePrice [INTEGER] the cost of the event per registration, before any discounts * @param $priceRulesArray [ARRAY] an array of the price rules applying to event denoted by $eventID * @param &$rulesApplied [ARRAY REFERENCE] reference to an array to be filled with applied rules * @return [INTEGER] $basePriceForThisGuy the new base price for registration $regID (before scholarships) */ function getBasePriceForRegistrant($regID, $eventID, $campusID, $eventBasePrice, $priceRulesArray, &$rulesApplied = array()) { // Need to manually calculate discounts for these exceptions: $BC_SUMMIT_2007 = 19; $MB_SUMMIT_2007 = 22; $LAKESHORE_SUMMIT_2007 = 25; $EASTERN_WC_2007 = 28; $AIA_NATIONAL_TRAINING = 33; $MARITIMES_SUMMIT_2008 = 34; $basePriceForThisGuy = $eventBasePrice; // echo "<pre>".print_r($priceRulesArray,true)."</pre>"; // PUT SPECIAL EVENT EXCEPTIONS HERE AS CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS: /* if ($eventID == $MARITIMES_SUMMIT_2008) { $FROSH_DISCOUNT_FIELD = 119; // first check for Frosh Discount $fieldValue = new RowManager_FieldValueManager(); // $fieldValue->loadByFieldIDandRegID($rule['fields_id'],$regID); $fieldValue->setFieldID($FROSH_DISCOUNT_FIELD); $fieldValue->setRegID($regID); $valueListManager = $fieldValue->getListIterator(); $fieldValueList = $valueListManager->getDataList(); // echo "<pre>".print_r($fieldValueList,true)."</pre>"; reset($fieldValueList); $record = current($fieldValueList); // CHECK TO SEE IF SOME FIELD VALUE HAS BEEN SET FOR GIVEN PARAMETERS // $userValue = ''; $userValue = $record['fieldvalues_value']; // $fieldValue->getFieldValue(); if ((isset($userValue))&&($userValue != '')) { // DETERMINE WHETHER PRICE RULE VALUE IS EQUIVALENT TO CURRENT FIELD VALUE if ( $userValue == '1') { // form criteria is met, apply the discount/penalty // $basePriceForThisGuy -= 15; // subtract $15 from $65 event base cost $basePriceForThisGuy = 50; // frosh cost $rulesApplied[] = $priceRulesArray['45']; return $basePriceForThisGuy; } } // if no frosh discount, THEN apply early bird discount (if conditions met) // echo "DATE RULE<BR>"; // get the user's registration date $registration = new RowManager_RegistrationManager(); $registration->setRegID($regID); $regListManager = $registration->getListIterator(); $regArray = $regListManager->getDataList(); // echo "<pre>".print_r($registration,true)."</pre>"; // set default date-time $regTime = ''; // retrieve registration date reset($regArray); $record = current($regArray); // should be only 1 record for regID $regTime = $record['registration_date']; // $regTime = $registration->getRegistrationDate(); if ($regTime != '') { // if the registrant signed up before a deadline, apply the rule if ( strtotime($regTime) < strtotime( '2008-04-01' ) ) //$rule['pricerules_value'] { // date criteria is met, apply the discount/penalty // $basePriceForThisGuy -= 15; // apply early bird discount to $65 event base cost to get $50 $basePriceForThisGuy = 50; $rulesApplied[] = $priceRulesArray['47']; return $basePriceForThisGuy; } } return $basePriceForThisGuy; // otherwise return unaltered base event cost ($125) } */ if ($eventID == $AIA_NATIONAL_TRAINING) { $FOOD_PASS_REQ_FIELD = 102; $HOUSING_REQ_FIELD = 103; // first check for Food Pass Fee $fieldValue = new RowManager_FieldValueManager(); // $fieldValue->loadByFieldIDandRegID($rule['fields_id'],$regID); $fieldValue->setFieldID($FOOD_PASS_REQ_FIELD); $fieldValue->setRegID($regID); $valueListManager = $fieldValue->getListIterator(); $fieldValueList = $valueListManager->getDataList(); // echo "<pre>".print_r($fieldValueList,true)."</pre>"; reset($fieldValueList); $record = current($fieldValueList); // CHECK TO SEE IF SOME FIELD VALUE HAS BEEN SET FOR $FOOD_PASS_REQ_FIELD // $userValue = ''; $userValue = $record['fieldvalues_value']; // $fieldValue->getFieldValue(); if (isset($userValue) && $userValue != '') { /** Get the user's registration date **/ $registration = new RowManager_RegistrationManager(); $registration->setRegID($regID); $regListManager = $registration->getListIterator(); $regArray = $regListManager->getDataList(); // echo "<pre>".print_r($registration,true)."</pre>"; // set default date-time $regTime = ''; // retrieve registration date-time reset($regArray); $record = current($regArray); // should be only 1 record for regID $regTime = $record['registration_date']; // DETERMINE WHETHER PRICE RULE VALUE IS EQUIVALENT TO CURRENT FIELD VALUE if ($userValue == '1') { // form criteria is met, apply the discount/penalty // $basePriceForThisGuy += 100; // add 150 to base 260 event price $basePriceForThisGuy += 150; $rulesApplied[] = $priceRulesArray['39']; // Apply early-bird discount on this if applicable if ($regTime != '') { // if the registrant signed up before a deadline, apply the rule if (strtotime($regTime) < strtotime('2008-04-16')) { $basePriceForThisGuy -= 50; // subtract 50 $rulesApplied[] = $priceRulesArray['42']; } } } } // second check for Housing Fee $fieldValue = new RowManager_FieldValueManager(); // $fieldValue->loadByFieldIDandRegID($rule['fields_id'],$regID); $fieldValue->setFieldID($HOUSING_REQ_FIELD); $fieldValue->setRegID($regID); $valueListManager = $fieldValue->getListIterator(); $fieldValueList = $valueListManager->getDataList(); // echo "<pre>".print_r($fieldValueList,true)."</pre>"; reset($fieldValueList); $record = current($fieldValueList); // CHECK TO SEE IF SOME FIELD VALUE HAS BEEN SET FOR $HOUSING_REQ_FIELD // $userValue = ''; $userValue = $record['fieldvalues_value']; // $fieldValue->getFieldValue(); if (isset($userValue) && $userValue != '') { /** Get the user's registration date **/ $registration = new RowManager_RegistrationManager(); $registration->setRegID($regID); $regListManager = $registration->getListIterator(); $regArray = $regListManager->getDataList(); // echo "<pre>".print_r($registration,true)."</pre>"; // set default date-time $regTime = ''; // retrieve registration date-time reset($regArray); $record = current($regArray); // should be only 1 record for regID $regTime = $record['registration_date']; // DETERMINE WHETHER PRICE RULE VALUE IS EQUIVALENT TO CURRENT FIELD VALUE if ($userValue == '1') { // form criteria is met, apply the discount/penalty // $basePriceForThisGuy += 180; // add 230 to base 260 event price $basePriceForThisGuy += 230; $rulesApplied[] = $priceRulesArray['41']; // Apply early-bird discount on this if applicable if ($regTime != '') { // if the registrant signed up before a deadline, apply the rule if (strtotime($regTime) < strtotime('2008-04-16')) { $basePriceForThisGuy -= 50; // subtract 50 $rulesApplied[] = $priceRulesArray['42']; } } return $basePriceForThisGuy; } } return $basePriceForThisGuy; // otherwise return unaltered base event cost ($125) } if ($eventID == $EASTERN_WC_2007) { $COMMUTER_DISCOUNT_FIELD = 86; // first check for Frosh Discount $fieldValue = new RowManager_FieldValueManager(); // $fieldValue->loadByFieldIDandRegID($rule['fields_id'],$regID); $fieldValue->setFieldID($COMMUTER_DISCOUNT_FIELD); $fieldValue->setRegID($regID); $valueListManager = $fieldValue->getListIterator(); $fieldValueList = $valueListManager->getDataList(); // echo "<pre>".print_r($fieldValueList,true)."</pre>"; reset($fieldValueList); $record = current($fieldValueList); // CHECK TO SEE IF SOME FIELD VALUE HAS BEEN SET FOR GIVEN PARAMETERS // $userValue = ''; $userValue = $record['fieldvalues_value']; // $fieldValue->getFieldValue(); if (isset($userValue) && $userValue != '') { // DETERMINE WHETHER PRICE RULE VALUE IS EQUIVALENT TO CURRENT FIELD VALUE if ($userValue == '1') { // form criteria is met, apply the discount/penalty // $basePriceForThisGuy -= 80; // subtract $80 from $279 event base cost $basePriceForThisGuy = 199; // commuter cost $rulesApplied[] = $priceRulesArray['38']; return $basePriceForThisGuy; } } // if no commuter discount, THEN apply early bird discount (if conditions met) // echo "DATE RULE<BR>"; // get the user's registration date $registration = new RowManager_RegistrationManager(); $registration->setRegID($regID); $regListManager = $registration->getListIterator(); $regArray = $regListManager->getDataList(); // echo "<pre>".print_r($registration,true)."</pre>"; // set default date-time $regTime = ''; // retrieve registration date reset($regArray); $record = current($regArray); // should be only 1 record for regID $regTime = $record['registration_date']; // $regTime = $registration->getRegistrationDate(); if ($regTime != '') { // if the registrant signed up before a deadline, apply the rule if (strtotime($regTime) < strtotime('2007-12-01')) { if (strtotime($regTime) < strtotime('2007-10-09')) { // date criteria is met, apply the discount/penalty // $basePriceForThisGuy -= 50; // apply early bird discounts to $279 event base cost to get $229 $basePriceForThisGuy = 229; $rulesApplied[] = $priceRulesArray['37']; $rulesApplied[] = $priceRulesArray['36']; return $basePriceForThisGuy; } else { // date criteria is met, apply the discount/penalty // $basePriceForThisGuy -= 50; // apply regular discount to $279 event base cost to get $259 $basePriceForThisGuy = 259; $rulesApplied[] = $priceRulesArray['36']; return $basePriceForThisGuy; } } } return $basePriceForThisGuy; // otherwise return unaltered base event cost ($125) } // PUT SPECIAL EVENT EXCEPTIONS HERE AS CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS: if ($eventID == $BC_SUMMIT_2007) { $FROSH_DISCOUNT_FIELD = 54; // first check for Frosh Discount $fieldValue = new RowManager_FieldValueManager(); // $fieldValue->loadByFieldIDandRegID($rule['fields_id'],$regID); $fieldValue->setFieldID($FROSH_DISCOUNT_FIELD); $fieldValue->setRegID($regID); $valueListManager = $fieldValue->getListIterator(); $fieldValueList = $valueListManager->getDataList(); // echo "<pre>".print_r($fieldValueList,true)."</pre>"; reset($fieldValueList); $record = current($fieldValueList); // CHECK TO SEE IF SOME FIELD VALUE HAS BEEN SET FOR GIVEN PARAMETERS // $userValue = ''; $userValue = $record['fieldvalues_value']; // $fieldValue->getFieldValue(); if (isset($userValue) && $userValue != '') { // DETERMINE WHETHER PRICE RULE VALUE IS EQUIVALENT TO CURRENT FIELD VALUE if ($userValue == '1') { // form criteria is met, apply the discount/penalty // $basePriceForThisGuy -= 46; // subtract $46 from $125 event base cost $basePriceForThisGuy = 79; // frosh cost $rulesApplied[] = $priceRulesArray['14']; return $basePriceForThisGuy; } } // if no frosh discount, THEN apply early bird discount (if conditions met) // echo "DATE RULE<BR>"; // get the user's registration date $registration = new RowManager_RegistrationManager(); $registration->setRegID($regID); $regListManager = $registration->getListIterator(); $regArray = $regListManager->getDataList(); // echo "<pre>".print_r($registration,true)."</pre>"; // set default date-time $regTime = ''; // retrieve registration date reset($regArray); $record = current($regArray); // should be only 1 record for regID $regTime = $record['registration_date']; // $regTime = $registration->getRegistrationDate(); if ($regTime != '') { // if the registrant signed up before a deadline, apply the rule if (strtotime($regTime) < strtotime('2007-09-21')) { // date criteria is met, apply the discount/penalty // $basePriceForThisGuy -= 26; // apply early bird discount to $125 event base cost to get $99 $basePriceForThisGuy = 99; $rulesApplied[] = $priceRulesArray['15']; return $basePriceForThisGuy; } } return $basePriceForThisGuy; // otherwise return unaltered base event cost ($125) } if ($eventID == $MB_SUMMIT_2007) { $FROSH_DISCOUNT_FIELD = 60; $FROSH_VOLUME_THRESHOLD = 20; $MB_EARLY_FROSH_TABLE = 'temp_mb_early_frosh'; // first check for Frosh Discount $fieldValue = new RowManager_FieldValueManager(); // $fieldValue->loadByFieldIDandRegID($rule['fields_id'],$regID); $fieldValue->setFieldID($FROSH_DISCOUNT_FIELD); $fieldValue->setRegID($regID); $valueListManager = $fieldValue->getListIterator(); $fieldValueList = $valueListManager->getDataList(); // echo "<pre>".print_r($fieldValueList,true)."</pre>"; reset($fieldValueList); $record = current($fieldValueList); // CHECK TO SEE IF SOME FIELD VALUE HAS BEEN SET FOR GIVEN PARAMETERS // $userValue = ''; $userValue = $record['fieldvalues_value']; // $fieldValue->getFieldValue(); if (isset($userValue) && $userValue != '') { // DETERMINE WHETHER PRICE RULE VALUE IS EQUIVALENT TO CURRENT FIELD VALUE if ($userValue == '1') { // check if there are 20 or more frosh already stored $froshValues = new RowManager_FieldValueManager(); $froshValues->setFieldID($FROSH_DISCOUNT_FIELD); $froshValues->setFieldValue('1'); // 1 = checked checkbox $fieldsManager = new MultiTableManager(); $fieldsManager->addRowManager($froshValues); // TODO: sub-query like 'SELECT <ALL FIELD VALUES FOR SPECIFIC FROSH DISCOUNT> WHERE REG_ID IN (SELECT ALL REGISTRATIONS FOR EVENT)' $regs = new RowManager_RegistrationManager(); $regs->setEventID($eventID); $regData = new MultiTableManager(); $regData->addRowManager($regs); $regData->setFieldList('registration_id'); $registered_SQL = $regData->createSQL(); // actually creates the sub-query in order to get an accurate count of discount field values stored $negateSubQuery = false; $addSubQuery = true; $fieldsManager->constructSubQuery('registration_id', $registered_SQL, $negateSubQuery, $addSubQuery); // $froshValues->setSortOrder('registration_id'); $froshList = $fieldsManager->getListIterator(); $froshArray = array(); $froshArray = $froshList->getDataList(); // echo "COUNT = ".count($froshArray); if (count($froshArray) <= $FROSH_VOLUME_THRESHOLD) { // form criteria is met, apply the discount/penalty // $basePriceForThisGuy -= 25; // subtract $46 from $125 event base cost $basePriceForThisGuy = 40; // frosh cost $rulesApplied[] = $priceRulesArray['25']; $db = new Database_MySQL(); $db->connectToDB(SITE_DB_NAME, SITE_DB_PATH, SITE_DB_USER, SITE_DB_PWORD); // precaution that avoids duplicates $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $MB_EARLY_FROSH_TABLE . " WHERE registration_id = " . $regID; $db->runSQL($sql); $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $MB_EARLY_FROSH_TABLE . " (registration_id) VALUES (" . $regID . ")"; $db->runSQL($sql); } else { $db = new Database_MySQL(); $db->connectToDB(SITE_DB_NAME, SITE_DB_PATH, SITE_DB_USER, SITE_DB_PWORD); $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $MB_EARLY_FROSH_TABLE . " WHERE registration_id = " . $regID; $db->runSQL($sql); $temp_regID = ''; if ($row = $db->retrieveRow()) { $temp_regID = $row['registration_id']; } // apply rule despite there being >20 frosh because this registration existed before cut-off if ($regID == $temp_regID) { // $basePriceForThisGuy -= 25; // subtract $25 from $85 event base cost $basePriceForThisGuy = 40; // frosh cost $rulesApplied[] = $priceRulesArray['25']; } else { $basePriceForThisGuy = 60; // basic frosh cost $rulesApplied[] = $priceRulesArray['28']; } } return $basePriceForThisGuy; } } return $basePriceForThisGuy; // otherwise return unaltered base event cost ($85) } if ($eventID == $LAKESHORE_SUMMIT_2007) { $FROSH_DISCOUNT_FIELD = 64; // first check for Frosh Discount $fieldValue = new RowManager_FieldValueManager(); // $fieldValue->loadByFieldIDandRegID($rule['fields_id'],$regID); $fieldValue->setFieldID($FROSH_DISCOUNT_FIELD); $fieldValue->setRegID($regID); $valueListManager = $fieldValue->getListIterator(); $fieldValueList = $valueListManager->getDataList(); // echo "<pre>".print_r($fieldValueList,true)."</pre>"; reset($fieldValueList); $record = current($fieldValueList); // CHECK TO SEE IF SOME FIELD VALUE HAS BEEN SET FOR GIVEN PARAMETERS // $userValue = ''; $userValue = $record['fieldvalues_value']; // $fieldValue->getFieldValue(); if (isset($userValue) && $userValue != '') { // DETERMINE WHETHER PRICE RULE VALUE IS EQUIVALENT TO CURRENT FIELD VALUE if ($userValue == '1') { // form criteria is met, apply the discount/penalty // $basePriceForThisGuy -= <varies>; // subtract <varying amount> from $120/$115/$110/$105 to get $75 $basePriceForThisGuy = 75; // frosh cost $rulesApplied[] = $priceRulesArray['19']; return $basePriceForThisGuy; } } // if no frosh discount, THEN apply early bird discount (if conditions met) // echo "DATE RULE<BR>"; // get the user's registration date $registration = new RowManager_RegistrationManager(); $registration->setRegID($regID); $regListManager = $registration->getListIterator(); $regArray = $regListManager->getDataList(); // echo "<pre>".print_r($registration,true)."</pre>"; // set default date-time $regTime = ''; // retrieve registration date reset($regArray); $record = current($regArray); // should be only 1 record for regID $regTime = $record['registration_date']; // $regTime = $registration->getRegistrationDate(); if ($regTime != '') { // if the registrant signed up before a deadline, apply the rule if (strtotime($regTime) < strtotime('2007-09-26')) { // date criteria is met, apply the discount/penalty // $basePriceForThisGuy -= 15; // apply early bird discount to $115 event base cost to get $105 $basePriceForThisGuy = 105; $rulesApplied[] = $priceRulesArray['20']; return $basePriceForThisGuy; } } return $basePriceForThisGuy; // otherwise return unaltered base event cost ($120) } /**** END OF RULE EXCEPTIONS ****/ // apply any price rules foreach ($priceRulesArray as $key => $rule) { $ruleType = $rule['priceruletypes_id']; // form attribute rule: apply price rule based on whether some form field value exists (i.e. frosh discount) if ($ruleType == RowManager_PriceRuleTypeManager::FORM_ATTRIBUTE_RULE) { // echo "FORM RULE<BR>"; // get the user's input for this form attribute $fieldValue = new RowManager_FieldValueManager(); // $fieldValue->loadByFieldIDandRegID($rule['fields_id'],$regID); $fieldValue->setFieldID($rule['fields_id']); $fieldValue->setRegID($regID); $valueListManager = $fieldValue->getListIterator(); $fieldValueList = $valueListManager->getDataList(); // echo "<pre>".print_r($fieldValueList,true)."</pre>"; reset($fieldValueList); $record = current($fieldValueList); // CHECK TO SEE IF SOME FIELD VALUE HAS BEEN SET FOR GIVEN PARAMETERS // $userValue = ''; $userValue = $record['fieldvalues_value']; // $fieldValue->getFieldValue(); if (isset($userValue) && $userValue != '') { // DETERMINE WHETHER PRICE RULE VALUE IS EQUIVALENT TO CURRENT FIELD VALUE if ($rule['pricerules_value'] == $userValue) { // form criteria is met, apply the discount/penalty $basePriceForThisGuy += $rule['pricerules_discount']; $rulesApplied[] = $rule; } } } else { if ($ruleType == RowManager_PriceRuleTypeManager::DATE_RULE) { // echo "DATE RULE<BR>"; // get the user's registration date $registration = new RowManager_RegistrationManager(); $registration->setRegID($regID); $regListManager = $registration->getListIterator(); $regArray = $regListManager->getDataList(); // echo "<pre>".print_r($registration,true)."</pre>"; // set default date-time $regTime = ''; // retrieve registration date reset($regArray); $record = current($regArray); // should be only 1 record for regID $regTime = $record['registration_date']; // $regTime = $registration->getRegistrationDate(); if ($regTime != '') { // if the registrant signed up before a deadline, apply the rule if (strtotime($regTime) < strtotime($rule['pricerules_value'])) { // date criteria is met, apply the discount/penalty $basePriceForThisGuy += $rule['pricerules_discount']; $rulesApplied[] = $rule; } } } else { if ($ruleType == RowManager_PriceRuleTypeManager::VOLUME_RULE) { $volumeNeeded = $rule['pricerules_value']; // $correctCampus = false; // $pattern = RowManager_PriceRuleTypeManager::CAMPUS_VOLUME_REGEX; // $numMatches = preg_match($pattern, $rule['pricerules_value']); // if ($numMatches > 0) // { // // $pricingValues = explode('|',$rule['pricerules_value']); // // echo '<pre>'.print_r($pricingValues,true).'</pre>'; // // echo 'campus = '.$pricingValues[0].' cut-off = '.$pricingValues[1]; // if ((int)$pricingValues[0] == $campusID) // { // $correctCampus = true; // $volumeNeeded = $pricingValues[1]; // // /* if ($numRegistrantsMyCampus != '') // { // // if the # of registrants >= the bulk discount value... // if ( $numRegistrantsMyCampus >= $pricingValues[1] ) // { // // bulk discount criteria is met, apply the discount/penalty // $basePriceForThisGuy += $rule['pricerules_discount']; // // $rulesApplied[] = $rule; // } // } // else // try to calculate the # of registrants on our own // { // */ // // /** } // **/ // } // } // // // check volume rule if no specific campus associated or current campus is associated with rule // if (($numMatches == 0)||($correctCampus == true)) // { if (isset($campusID) && $campusID != '') { // get total registrations for specific campus and particular event $total = array(); $summary = new RegSummaryTools(); $total = $summary->getCampusRegistrations($eventID, '', false, $campusID, '', RowManager_RegistrationManager::STATUS_REGISTERED); if (isset($total[$campusID])) { $numRegistrantsMyCampus = $total[$campusID]; } else { $numRegistrantsMyCampus = 0; } if (count($total) > 0) { // if the # of registrants >= the bulk discount value... if ($numRegistrantsMyCampus >= $volumeNeeded) { // bulk discount criteria is met, apply the discount/penalty $basePriceForThisGuy += $rule['pricerules_discount']; $rulesApplied[] = $rule; } } } else { // should not occur, this function meant to be used with campusID set } } else { if ($ruleType == RowManager_PriceRuleTypeManager::CAMPUS_RULE) { // echo "CAMPUS RULE<BR>"; // check the campus ID against the one stored in the price rules table if ($campusID == $rule['pricerules_value']) { $basePriceForThisGuy += $rule['pricerules_discount']; $rulesApplied[] = $rule; } } else { die('unknown ruletype[' . $ruleType . ']'); } } } } } // foreach rule // special hack for Eastern Ontario/Montreal summit 2006 /* if ( $eventID == 4 ) { $basePriceForThisGuy = getBasePriceEasternSummit2006( $regID, $numRegistrantsMyCampus, $rulesApplied ); } else if ( $eventID == 11 ) { $basePriceForThisGuy = getBasePricePrairieSummit2006( $regID, $campusID, $numRegistrantsMyCampus, $rulesApplied ); } */ return $basePriceForThisGuy; }
private function deleteAssociatedRegRecords($reg_id) { // delete any CC transactions linked to the registration record $ccTrans = new RowManager_CreditCardTransactionManager(); $ccTrans->setRegID($reg_id); $ccTransList = $ccTrans->getListIterator(); $ccTransArray = $ccTransList->getDataList(); reset($ccTransArray); foreach (array_keys($ccTransArray) as $k) { $record = current($ccTransArray); $ccTransID = $record['cctransaction_id']; // delete any CC transaction receipts linked to the registration record $ccReceipt = new RowManager_ReceiptManager($ccTransID); $ccReceipt->deleteEntry(); // delete CC trans record now that we know CC trans. ID $deleteCCtrans = new RowManager_CreditCardTransactionManager($ccTransID); $deleteCCtrans->deleteEntry(); next($ccTransArray); } // delete any cash transactions linked to the registration record $cashTrans = new RowManager_CashTransactionManager(); $cashTrans->setRegID($reg_id); $cashTransList = $cashTrans->getListIterator(); $cashTransArray = $cashTransList->getDataList(); reset($cashTransArray); foreach (array_keys($cashTransArray) as $k) { $record = current($cashTransArray); $cashTransID = $record['cashtransaction_id']; // delete cash trans record now that we know cash trans. ID $deleteCashTrans = new RowManager_CashTransactionManager($cashTransID); $deleteCashTrans->deleteEntry(); next($cashTransArray); } // delete any scholarships linked to the registration record $scholarship = new RowManager_ScholarshipAssignmentManager(); $scholarship->setRegID($reg_id); $scholarshipList = $scholarship->getListIterator(); $scholarshipArray = $scholarshipList->getDataList(); reset($scholarshipArray); foreach (array_keys($scholarshipArray) as $k) { $record = current($scholarshipArray); $scholarshipID = $record['scholarship_id']; // delete cash trans record now that we know scholarship ID $deleteScholarship = new RowManager_ScholarshipAssignmentManager($scholarshipID); $deleteScholarship->deleteEntry(); next($scholarshipArray); } // delete any field values linked to the registration record $fieldValues = new RowManager_FieldValueManager(); $fieldValues->setRegID($reg_id); $fieldValuesList = $fieldValues->getListIterator(); $fieldValuesArray = $fieldValuesList->getDataList(); reset($fieldValuesArray); foreach (array_keys($fieldValuesArray) as $k) { $record = current($fieldValuesArray); $fieldValueID = $record['fieldvalues_id']; // delete cash trans record now that we know field value ID $deleteFieldValue = new RowManager_FieldValueManager($fieldValueID); $deleteFieldValue->deleteEntry(); next($fieldValuesArray); } }
protected function getFieldValuesArray($regID = '', $personID = '', $eventID = '') { $FALSE = 0; $fields = new RowManager_FieldManager(); $fvalues = new RowManager_FieldValueManager(); $ftypes = new RowManager_FieldTypeManager(); // echo "personID = ".$personID; // echo "eventID = ".$eventID; if ($regID != '') { //$fields->setEventID($eventID); $fvalues->setRegID($regID); } else { if ($eventID != '' && $personID != '') { $registrations = new RowManager_RegistrationManager(); // $registrations->setRegID($regID); $person = new RowManager_PersonManager(); $person->setPersonID($personID); $event = new RowManager_EventManager(); $event->setEventID($eventID); $personReg = new MultiTableManager(); $personReg->addRowManager($registrations); $personReg->addRowManager($person, new JoinPair($registrations->getJoinOnPersonID(), $person->getJoinOnPersonID())); $personReg->addRowManager($event, new JoinPair($registrations->getJoinOnEventID(), $event->getJoinOnEventID())); $valIterator = $personReg->getListIterator(); $valArray = $valIterator->getDataList(); // go through results and store field types reset($valArray); foreach (array_keys($valArray) as $k) { $regValue = current($valArray); $regID = $regValue['registration_id']; //NOTE: assumes only 1 registration per person per event next($valArray); } // $fields->setEventID($eventID); $fvalues->setRegID($regID); } } // $fvalues->setSortByFieldID(); $fieldInfo = new MultiTableManager(); $fieldInfo->addRowManager($fields); $fieldInfo->addRowManager($fvalues, new JoinPair($fvalues->getJoinOnFieldID(), $fields->getJoinOnFieldID())); $fieldInfo->addRowManager($ftypes, new JoinPair($fields->getJoinOnFieldTypeID(), $ftypes->getJoinOnFieldTypeID())); if ($this->show_hidden == false) { $fieldInfo->constructSearchCondition('fields_hidden', '=', $FALSE, true); } $fieldInfo->setSortOrder('fields_priority'); $valuesIterator = $fieldInfo->getListIterator(); $valuesArray = $valuesIterator->getDataList(); // echo "field values:<br><pre>".print_r($valuesArray,true)."</pre>"; // store field ids associated with values already in database $initializedFieldIds = array_keys($valuesArray); // since each field value is located in a DB row the result array has several arrays - one per field value // need to extract each field value and store it as a non-array record in a result array $fieldValues = array(); $idx = 0; /** Go through all event fields and map each to existing field value, otherwise create new field value record **/ $fieldsArray = array_values($this->formFieldToFieldIDmapper); // store field IDs (ASSUMES formFieldToFieldIDmapper is initialized) // echo 'fieldsArray = <pre>'.print_r($fieldsArray,true).'</pre>'; reset($fieldsArray); reset($valuesArray); foreach (array_keys($fieldsArray) as $k) { $fieldID = current($fieldsArray); $form_value = ''; // default blank field value if none found $form_value_id = -1; // to be replaced with existing or newly-created field values ID if (in_array($fieldID, $initializedFieldIds) == true) { $record = $valuesArray[$fieldID]; $form_value = $record['fieldvalues_value']; $form_value_id = $record['fieldvalues_id']; } else { $updateValues = array(); $updateValues['fields_id'] = $fieldID; $updateValues['fieldvalues_value'] = $form_value; $updateValues['registration_id'] = $regID; $fieldvalues_manager = new RowManager_FieldValueManager(); // store values in table manager object. $fieldvalues_manager->loadFromArray($updateValues); // now update the DB with the values if (!$fieldvalues_manager->isLoaded()) { $fieldvalues_manager->createNewEntry(true); $form_value_id = $fieldvalues_manager->getID(); } } $fieldValues['form_field' . $idx] = $form_value; // store mapping associating form field label with fieldvalues_id $this->formFieldToValueIDmapper['form_field' . $idx] = $form_value_id; next($fieldsArray); $idx++; } // echo 'labels-values = <pre>'.print_r($this->formFieldToValueIDmapper,true).'</pre>'; // echo 'labels-fields = <pre>'.print_r($this->formFieldToFieldIDmapper,true).'</pre>'; return $fieldValues; }