function executeNotification(sfWebRequest $request) { $c = new Criteria(); $c->addAscendingOrderByColumn(RolePeer::TITLE); $this->role_list = RolePeer::doSelect($c); ///////////////////////////////////////// $c = new Criteria(); $c->addAscendingOrderByColumn(RoleNotificationPeer::MID); $this->notification_list = RoleNotificationPeer::doSelectJoinAll($c); ////////////////////////////////////////// }
function executeAddrole(sfWebRequest $request) { /*$c = new Criteria(); $c->add(RoleNotificationPeer::ID, $request->getParameter('rnid')); RoleNotificationPeer::doDelete($c); */ if (!$this->getUser()->hasCredential(array('Administrator'), false)) { $this->getUser()->setFlash("warning", 'You don\'t have permission to access this url ' . $request->getReferer()); $this->redirect('dashboard/index'); } $isEmail = $request->getParameter('isemail'); $isInstrument = $request->getParameter('isinstrument'); $roleId = $request->getParameter('roleid'); $misType = $request->getParameter('mistype'); $divname = $request->getParameter('divname'); $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(RoleNotificationPeer::ROLE_ID, $roleId); $c->add(RoleNotificationPeer::MID, $misType); $role = RoleNotificationPeer::doSelect($c); $last_id = ""; if (count($role) == 0) { $rolenotification = new RoleNotification(); $rolenotification->setMid($misType); $rolenotification->setRoleId($roleId); $rolenotification->setNotification($this->getNotification($isEmail, $isInstrument)); $rolenotification->save(); $last_id = $rolenotification->getId(); } if (strlen($last_id) > 0) { $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(RoleNotificationPeer::ID, $last_id); $notification = RoleNotificationPeer::doSelectJoinAll($c); foreach ($notification as $nod) { ///////////////////////// if ($nod->getNotification() == "3") { $email = "checked"; $instnel = "checked"; } else { if ($nod->getNotification() == "2") { $email = ""; $instnel = "checked"; } else { if ($nod->getNotification() == "1") { $email = "checked"; $instnel = ""; } else { $email = ""; $instnel = ""; } } } ///////////////////////// $str = '<div id="rolid' . $last_id . '">' . '<table><tr><td width="' . '200' . '">' . $nod->getRole()->getTitle() . ' <span onclick="delRole(' . $nod->getId() . ')" style="cursor:pointer;color:red;"><b>X</b></span> <span>' . '</td><td>' . '<input name="isEmail" id="isEmail" value="1" type="checkbox" ' . $email . ' /> Email<input name="isInstrumental" id="isInstrumental" value="1" type="checkbox" ' . $instnel . ' /> Instrument Panel' . '<a href="#" class="link-edit" onclick="editrole(' . $nod->getId() . ',' . '"$divname"' . '); return false;" />Edit</a>' . '</td><tr></table>' . '</div>' . '<div id="' . $divname . '">' . '</div>'; } return $this->renderText($str); } else { return $this->renderText("1"); } //1 for unsuccess }