コード例 #1
 function updatePersonalFolderRoleAllocation($oPersonalFolder)
     //Assign user to the WorkSpaceOwner role
     $personalFolderID = $oPersonalFolder->getId();
     $tempWorkSpaceOwnerRoleID = $this->getRoleIdByName('WorkSpaceOwner');
     $WorkSpaceOwnerRoleID = $tempWorkSpaceOwnerRoleID[0]['id'];
     $oRoleAllocation = new RoleAllocation();
     if ($oRoleAllocation == null) {
         return _kt('Error: Cannot create WorkSpaceOwner role allocation on personal folder');
     $aRoleAllowed = array();
     //It might be a problem that i'm not doing a "start transaction" here.
     //Unable to roll back in event of db failure
     $res = $oRoleAllocation->create();
     if (!$res === true) {
         return _kt('Error: cannot create role allocation');
     //The role is first created and then the current user is allocated to the role below
     $oPD = $oRoleAllocation->getPermissionDescriptor();
     $aRoleAssignAllowed = $oPD->getAllowed();
     $aUserId[] = $this->oUser->getId();
     $aRoleAssignAllowed['user'] = $aUserId;
     $res = $oRoleAllocation->update();
     $this->renegeratePermissionsForRole($oRoleAllocation->getRoleId(), $personalFolderID);
コード例 #2
 function do_overrideParent()
     $role_id = KTUtil::arrayGet($_REQUEST, 'role_id', null);
     $oRole = Role::get($role_id);
     if (PEAR::isError($oRole)) {
         $this->errorRedirectToMain(_kt('Invalid Role.'));
     // FIXME do we need to check that this role _isn't_ allocated?
     $oRoleAllocation = new RoleAllocation();
     // create a new permission descriptor.
     // FIXME we really want to duplicate the original (if it exists)
     $aAllowed = array();
     // no-op, for now.
     $res = $oRoleAllocation->create();
     if (PEAR::isError($res) || $res == false) {
         $this->errorRedirectToMain(_kt('Failed to create the role allocation.') . print_r($res, true), sprintf('fFolderId=%d', $this->oFolder->getId()));
     $oTransaction = KTFolderTransaction::createFromArray(array('folderid' => $this->oFolder->getId(), 'comment' => _kt('Override parent allocation'), 'transactionNS' => 'ktcore.transactions.role_allocations_change', 'userid' => $_SESSION['userID'], 'ip' => Session::getClientIP()));
     $aOptions = array('defaultmessage' => _kt('Error creating allocation'), 'redirect_to' => array('main', sprintf('fFolderId=%d', $this->oFolder->getId())));
     $this->oValidator->notErrorFalse($oTransaction, $aOptions);
     // inherit parent permissions
     $oParentAllocation = RoleAllocation::getAllocationsForFolderAndRole($this->oFolder->getParentID(), $role_id);
     if (!is_null($oParentAllocation) && !PEAR::isError($oParentAllocation)) {
         $oPD = $oParentAllocation->getPermissionDescriptor();
         $aAllowed = $oPD->getAllowed();
         $userids = $aAllowed['user'];
         $groupids = $aAllowed['group'];
         // now lets update for the new allocation
         $oPD = $oRoleAllocation->getPermissionDescriptor();
         $aAllowed = $oPD->getAllowed();
         $aAllowed['user'] = $userids;
         $aAllowed['group'] = $groupids;
         $res = $oRoleAllocation->update();
         if (PEAR::isError($res) || $res == false) {
             $this->errorRedirectToMain(_kt('Failed to create the role allocation.') . print_r($res, true), sprintf('fFolderId=%d', $this->oFolder->getId()));
     // regenerate permissions
     $this->successRedirectToMain(_kt('Role allocation created.'), sprintf('fFolderId=%d', $this->oFolder->getId()));